blob: 202c2830610abf19e9d99d02f5e987d970174fd7 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// Defines the Hasher struct, representing Swift's standard hash function.
import SwiftShims
internal func _loadPartialUnalignedUInt64LE(
_ p: UnsafeRawPointer,
byteCount: Int
) -> UInt64 {
var result: UInt64 = 0
switch byteCount {
case 7:
result |= UInt64(p.load(fromByteOffset: 6, as: UInt8.self)) &<< 48
case 6:
result |= UInt64(p.load(fromByteOffset: 5, as: UInt8.self)) &<< 40
case 5:
result |= UInt64(p.load(fromByteOffset: 4, as: UInt8.self)) &<< 32
case 4:
result |= UInt64(p.load(fromByteOffset: 3, as: UInt8.self)) &<< 24
case 3:
result |= UInt64(p.load(fromByteOffset: 2, as: UInt8.self)) &<< 16
case 2:
result |= UInt64(p.load(fromByteOffset: 1, as: UInt8.self)) &<< 8
case 1:
result |= UInt64(p.load(fromByteOffset: 0, as: UInt8.self))
case 0:
return result
extension Hasher {
/// This is a buffer for segmenting arbitrary data into 8-byte chunks. Buffer
/// storage is represented by a single 64-bit value in the format used by the
/// finalization step of SipHash. (The least significant 56 bits hold the
/// trailing bytes, while the most significant 8 bits hold the count of bytes
/// appended so far, modulo 256. The count of bytes currently stored in the
/// buffer is in the lower three bits of the byte count.)
// FIXME: Remove @usableFromInline and @frozen once Hasher is resilient.
// rdar://problem/38549901
@usableFromInline @frozen
internal struct _TailBuffer {
// msb lsb
// +---------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
// |byteCount| tail (<= 56 bits) |
// +---------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
internal var value: UInt64
internal init() {
self.value = 0
internal init(tail: UInt64, byteCount: UInt64) {
// byteCount can be any value, but we only keep the lower 8 bits. (The
// lower three bits specify the count of bytes stored in this buffer.)
// FIXME: This should be a single expression, but it causes exponential
// behavior in the expression type checker <rdar://problem/42672946>.
let shiftedByteCount: UInt64 = ((byteCount & 7) << 3)
let mask: UInt64 = (1 << shiftedByteCount - 1)
_internalInvariant(tail & ~mask == 0)
self.value = (byteCount &<< 56 | tail)
internal init(tail: UInt64, byteCount: Int) {
self.init(tail: tail, byteCount: UInt64(truncatingIfNeeded: byteCount))
internal var tail: UInt64 {
get { return value & ~(0xFF &<< 56) }
internal var byteCount: UInt64 {
get { return value &>> 56 }
internal mutating func append(_ bytes: UInt64) -> UInt64 {
let c = byteCount & 7
if c == 0 {
value = value &+ (8 &<< 56)
return bytes
let shift = c &<< 3
let chunk = tail | (bytes &<< shift)
value = (((value &>> 56) &+ 8) &<< 56) | (bytes &>> (64 - shift))
return chunk
mutating func append(_ bytes: UInt64, count: UInt64) -> UInt64? {
_internalInvariant(count >= 0 && count < 8)
_internalInvariant(bytes & ~((1 &<< (count &<< 3)) &- 1) == 0)
let c = byteCount & 7
let shift = c &<< 3
if c + count < 8 {
value = (value | (bytes &<< shift)) &+ (count &<< 56)
return nil
let chunk = tail | (bytes &<< shift)
value = ((value &>> 56) &+ count) &<< 56
if c + count > 8 {
value |= bytes &>> (64 - shift)
return chunk
extension Hasher {
// FIXME: Remove @usableFromInline and @frozen once Hasher is resilient.
// rdar://problem/38549901
@usableFromInline @frozen
internal struct _Core {
private var _buffer: _TailBuffer
private var _state: Hasher._State
internal init(state: Hasher._State) {
self._buffer = _TailBuffer()
self._state = state
internal init() {
self.init(state: _State())
internal init(seed: Int) {
self.init(state: _State(seed: seed))
internal mutating func combine(_ value: UInt) {
#if arch(i386) || arch(arm) || arch(wasm32)
combine(UInt32(truncatingIfNeeded: value))
combine(UInt64(truncatingIfNeeded: value))
internal mutating func combine(_ value: UInt64) {
internal mutating func combine(_ value: UInt32) {
let value = UInt64(truncatingIfNeeded: value)
if let chunk = _buffer.append(value, count: 4) {
internal mutating func combine(_ value: UInt16) {
let value = UInt64(truncatingIfNeeded: value)
if let chunk = _buffer.append(value, count: 2) {
internal mutating func combine(_ value: UInt8) {
let value = UInt64(truncatingIfNeeded: value)
if let chunk = _buffer.append(value, count: 1) {
internal mutating func combine(bytes: UInt64, count: Int) {
_internalInvariant(count >= 0 && count < 8)
let count = UInt64(truncatingIfNeeded: count)
if let chunk = _buffer.append(bytes, count: count) {
internal mutating func combine(bytes: UnsafeRawBufferPointer) {
var remaining = bytes.count
guard remaining > 0 else { return }
var data = bytes.baseAddress!
// Load first unaligned partial word of data
do {
let start = UInt(bitPattern: data)
let end = _roundUp(start, toAlignment: MemoryLayout<UInt64>.alignment)
let c = min(remaining, Int(end - start))
if c > 0 {
let chunk = _loadPartialUnalignedUInt64LE(data, byteCount: c)
combine(bytes: chunk, count: c)
data += c
remaining -= c
remaining == 0 ||
Int(bitPattern: data) & (MemoryLayout<UInt64>.alignment - 1) == 0)
// Load as many aligned words as there are in the input buffer
while remaining >= MemoryLayout<UInt64>.size {
combine(UInt64(littleEndian: data.load(as: UInt64.self)))
data += MemoryLayout<UInt64>.size
remaining -= MemoryLayout<UInt64>.size
// Load last partial word of data
_internalInvariant(remaining >= 0 && remaining < 8)
if remaining > 0 {
let chunk = _loadPartialUnalignedUInt64LE(data, byteCount: remaining)
combine(bytes: chunk, count: remaining)
internal mutating func finalize() -> UInt64 {
return _state.finalize(tailAndByteCount: _buffer.value)
/// The universal hash function used by `Set` and `Dictionary`.
/// `Hasher` can be used to map an arbitrary sequence of bytes to an integer
/// hash value. You can feed data to the hasher using a series of calls to
/// mutating `combine` methods. When you've finished feeding the hasher, the
/// hash value can be retrieved by calling `finalize()`:
/// var hasher = Hasher()
/// hasher.combine(23)
/// hasher.combine("Hello")
/// let hashValue = hasher.finalize()
/// Within the execution of a Swift program, `Hasher` guarantees that finalizing
/// it will always produce the same hash value as long as it is fed the exact
/// same sequence of bytes. However, the underlying hash algorithm is designed
/// to exhibit avalanche effects: slight changes to the seed or the input byte
/// sequence will typically produce drastic changes in the generated hash value.
/// - Note: Do not save or otherwise reuse hash values across executions of your
/// program. `Hasher` is usually randomly seeded, which means it will return
/// different values on every new execution of your program. The hash
/// algorithm implemented by `Hasher` may itself change between any two
/// versions of the standard library.
@frozen // FIXME: Should be resilient (rdar://problem/38549901)
public struct Hasher {
internal var _core: _Core
/// Creates a new hasher.
/// The hasher uses a per-execution seed value that is set during process
/// startup, usually from a high-quality random source.
public init() {
self._core = _Core()
/// Initialize a new hasher using the specified seed value.
/// The provided seed is mixed in with the global execution seed.
internal init(_seed: Int) {
self._core = _Core(seed: _seed)
/// Initialize a new hasher using the specified seed value.
@usableFromInline // @testable
internal init(_rawSeed: (UInt64, UInt64)) {
self._core = _Core(state: _State(rawSeed: _rawSeed))
/// Indicates whether we're running in an environment where hashing needs to
/// be deterministic. If this is true, the hash seed is not random, and hash
/// tables do not apply per-instance perturbation that is not repeatable.
/// This is not recommended for production use, but it is useful in certain
/// test environments where randomization may lead to unwanted nondeterminism
/// of test results.
internal static var _isDeterministic: Bool {
get {
return _swift_stdlib_Hashing_parameters.deterministic
/// The 128-bit hash seed used to initialize the hasher state. Initialized
/// once during process startup.
@inlinable // @testable
internal static var _executionSeed: (UInt64, UInt64) {
get {
// The seed itself is defined in C++ code so that it is initialized during
// static construction. Almost every Swift program uses hash tables, so
// initializing the seed during the startup seems to be the right
// trade-off.
return (
/// Adds the given value to this hasher, mixing its essential parts into the
/// hasher state.
/// - Parameter value: A value to add to the hasher.
public mutating func combine<H: Hashable>(_ value: H) {
value.hash(into: &self)
internal mutating func _combine(_ value: UInt) {
internal mutating func _combine(_ value: UInt64) {
internal mutating func _combine(_ value: UInt32) {
internal mutating func _combine(_ value: UInt16) {
internal mutating func _combine(_ value: UInt8) {
internal mutating func _combine(bytes value: UInt64, count: Int) {
_core.combine(bytes: value, count: count)
/// Adds the contents of the given buffer to this hasher, mixing it into the
/// hasher state.
/// - Parameter bytes: A raw memory buffer.
public mutating func combine(bytes: UnsafeRawBufferPointer) {
_core.combine(bytes: bytes)
/// Finalize the hasher state and return the hash value.
/// Finalizing invalidates the hasher; additional bits cannot be combined
/// into it, and it cannot be finalized again.
internal mutating func _finalize() -> Int {
return Int(truncatingIfNeeded: _core.finalize())
/// Finalizes the hasher state and returns the hash value.
/// Finalizing consumes the hasher: it is illegal to finalize a hasher you
/// don't own, or to perform operations on a finalized hasher. (These may
/// become compile-time errors in the future.)
/// Hash values are not guaranteed to be equal across different executions of
/// your program. Do not save hash values to use during a future execution.
/// - Returns: The hash value calculated by the hasher.
public __consuming func finalize() -> Int {
var core = _core
return Int(truncatingIfNeeded: core.finalize())
internal static func _hash(seed: Int, _ value: UInt64) -> Int {
var state = _State(seed: seed)
let tbc = _TailBuffer(tail: 0, byteCount: 8)
return Int(truncatingIfNeeded: state.finalize(tailAndByteCount: tbc.value))
internal static func _hash(seed: Int, _ value: UInt) -> Int {
var state = _State(seed: seed)
#if arch(i386) || arch(arm) || arch(wasm32)
_internalInvariant(UInt.bitWidth < UInt64.bitWidth)
let tbc = _TailBuffer(
tail: UInt64(truncatingIfNeeded: value),
byteCount: UInt.bitWidth &>> 3)
_internalInvariant(UInt.bitWidth == UInt64.bitWidth)
state.compress(UInt64(truncatingIfNeeded: value))
let tbc = _TailBuffer(tail: 0, byteCount: 8)
return Int(truncatingIfNeeded: state.finalize(tailAndByteCount: tbc.value))
internal static func _hash(
seed: Int,
bytes value: UInt64,
count: Int) -> Int {
_internalInvariant(count >= 0 && count < 8)
var state = _State(seed: seed)
let tbc = _TailBuffer(tail: value, byteCount: count)
return Int(truncatingIfNeeded: state.finalize(tailAndByteCount: tbc.value))
internal static func _hash(
seed: Int,
bytes: UnsafeRawBufferPointer) -> Int {
var core = _Core(seed: seed)
core.combine(bytes: bytes)
return Int(truncatingIfNeeded: core.finalize())