blob: 80514f42c147c6f3066fa2d29bd0860de9a8153b [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// NOTE: older runtimes had Swift._stdlib_AtomicInt as the ObjC name.
// The two must coexist, so it was renamed. The old name must not be
// used in the new runtime. _TtCs18__stdlib_AtomicInt is the mangled
// name for Swift.__stdlib_AtomicInt
@available(swift, deprecated: 4.2, obsoleted: 5.0)
public final class _stdlib_AtomicInt {
internal var _value: Int
internal var _valuePtr: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int> {
return _getUnsafePointerToStoredProperties(self).assumingMemoryBound(
to: Int.self)
public init(_ value: Int = 0) {
_value = value
public func store(_ desired: Int) {
return _swift_stdlib_atomicStoreInt(object: _valuePtr, desired: desired)
public func load() -> Int {
return _swift_stdlib_atomicLoadInt(object: _valuePtr)
% for operation_name, operation in [ ('Add', '+'), ('And', '&'), ('Or', '|'), ('Xor', '^') ]:
public func fetchAnd${operation_name}(_ operand: Int) -> Int {
return _swift_stdlib_atomicFetch${operation_name}Int(
object: _valuePtr,
operand: operand)
public func ${operation_name.lower()}AndFetch(_ operand: Int) -> Int {
return fetchAnd${operation_name}(operand) ${operation} operand
% end
public func compareExchange(expected: inout Int, desired: Int) -> Bool {
var expectedVar = expected
let result = _swift_stdlib_atomicCompareExchangeStrongInt(
object: _valuePtr,
expected: &expectedVar,
desired: desired)
expected = expectedVar
return result
@usableFromInline // used by SwiftPrivate._stdlib_AtomicInt
internal func _swift_stdlib_atomicCompareExchangeStrongInt(
object target: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>,
expected: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>,
desired: Int) -> Bool {
#if arch(i386) || arch(arm) || arch(wasm32)
let (oldValue, won) = Builtin.cmpxchg_seqcst_seqcst_Int32(
target._rawValue, expected.pointee._value, desired._value)
#elseif arch(x86_64) || arch(arm64) || arch(powerpc64) || arch(powerpc64le) || arch(s390x)
let (oldValue, won) = Builtin.cmpxchg_seqcst_seqcst_Int64(
target._rawValue, expected.pointee._value, desired._value)
expected.pointee._value = oldValue
return Bool(won)
// FIXME: ideally it should not be here, at the very least not public, but
// @usableFromInline internal to be used by SwiftPrivate._stdlib_AtomicInt
public // Existing uses outside stdlib
func _swift_stdlib_atomicLoadInt(
object target: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) -> Int {
#if arch(i386) || arch(arm) || arch(wasm32)
let value = Builtin.atomicload_seqcst_Int32(target._rawValue)
return Int(value)
#elseif arch(x86_64) || arch(arm64) || arch(powerpc64) || arch(powerpc64le) || arch(s390x)
let value = Builtin.atomicload_seqcst_Int64(target._rawValue)
return Int(value)
@usableFromInline // used by SwiftPrivate._stdlib_AtomicInt
internal func _swift_stdlib_atomicStoreInt(
object target: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>,
desired: Int) {
#if arch(i386) || arch(arm) || arch(wasm32)
Builtin.atomicstore_seqcst_Int32(target._rawValue, desired._value)
#elseif arch(x86_64) || arch(arm64) || arch(powerpc64) || arch(powerpc64le) || arch(s390x)
Builtin.atomicstore_seqcst_Int64(target._rawValue, desired._value)
% for operation in ['Add', 'And', 'Or', 'Xor']:
// Warning: no overflow checking.
// FIXME: ideally it should not be here, at the very least not public, but
// @usableFromInline internal to be used by SwiftPrivate._stdlib_AtomicInt
public // Existing uses outside stdlib
func _swift_stdlib_atomicFetch${operation}Int(
object target: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>,
operand: Int) -> Int {
let rawTarget = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(target)
#if arch(i386) || arch(arm) || arch(wasm32)
let value = _swift_stdlib_atomicFetch${operation}Int32(
object: rawTarget.assumingMemoryBound(to: Int32.self),
operand: Int32(operand))
#elseif arch(x86_64) || arch(arm64) || arch(powerpc64) || arch(powerpc64le) || arch(s390x)
let value = _swift_stdlib_atomicFetch${operation}Int64(
object: rawTarget.assumingMemoryBound(to: Int64.self),
operand: Int64(operand))
return Int(value)
% for bits in [ 32, 64 ]:
// Warning: no overflow checking.
@usableFromInline // used by SwiftPrivate._stdlib_AtomicInt
internal func _swift_stdlib_atomicFetch${operation}Int${bits}(
object target: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int${bits}>,
operand: Int${bits}) -> Int${bits} {
let value = Builtin.atomicrmw_${operation.lower()}_seqcst_Int${bits}(
target._rawValue, operand._value)
return Int${bits}(value)
% end
% end