blob: 4bbab96c8b8791f01e59c6da03c712bb6802d128 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- DifferentiationUtilities.swift -----------------------*- swift -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2019 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// Utilities for creating differentiable functions, debugging, and customizing
// derivatives.
// Differentiable function creation
/// Create a differentiable function from a vector-Jacobian products function.
public func differentiableFunction<T : Differentiable, R : Differentiable>(
from vjp: @escaping (T)
-> (value: R, pullback: (R.TangentVector) -> T.TangentVector)
) -> @differentiable (T) -> R {
/*original*/ { vjp($0).value },
/*jvp*/ { _ in
Functions formed with `differentiableFunction(from:)` cannot yet \
be used with differential-producing differential operators.
/*vjp*/ vjp)
/// Create a differentiable function from a vector-Jacobian products function.
public func differentiableFunction<T, U, R>(
from vjp: @escaping (T, U)
-> (value: R, pullback: (R.TangentVector)
-> (T.TangentVector, U.TangentVector))
) -> @differentiable (T, U) -> R {
/*original*/ { vjp($0, $1).value },
/*jvp*/ { _, _ in
Functions formed with `differentiableFunction(from:)` cannot yet \
be used with differential-producing differential operators.
/*vjp*/ vjp)
/// Create a differentiable function from a vector-Jacobian products function.
public func differentiableFunction<T, U, V, R>(
from vjp: @escaping (T, U, V)
-> (value: R, pullback: (R.TangentVector)
-> (T.TangentVector, U.TangentVector, V.TangentVector))
) -> @differentiable (T, U, V) -> R {
/*original*/ { vjp($0, $1, $2).value },
/*jvp*/ { _, _, _ in
Functions formed with `differentiableFunction(from:)` cannot yet \
be used with differential-producing differential operators.
/*vjp*/ vjp)
// Derivative customization
/// Returns `x` like an identity function. When used in a context where `x` is
/// being differentiated with respect to, this function will not produce any
/// derivative at `x`.
public func withoutDerivative<T>(at x: T) -> T {
/// Applies the given closure `body` to `x`. When used in a context where `x` is
/// being differentiated with respect to, this function will not produce any
/// derivative at `x`.
// FIXME: Support throws-rethrows.
public func withoutDerivative<T, R>(at x: T, in body: (T) -> R) -> R {
public extension Differentiable {
/// Applies the given closure to the derivative of `self`.
/// Returns `self` like an identity function. When the return value is used in
/// a context where it is differentiated with respect to, applies the given
/// closure to the derivative of the return value.
@differentiable(wrt: self)
func withDerivative(_ body: @escaping (inout TangentVector) -> Void) -> Self {
return self
@derivative(of: withDerivative)
internal func _vjpWithDerivative(
_ body: @escaping (inout TangentVector) -> Void
) -> (value: Self, pullback: (TangentVector) -> TangentVector) {
return (self, { grad in
var grad = grad
return grad
// Diagnostics
public func _fatalErrorForwardModeDifferentiationDisabled() -> Never {
JVP does not exist. Use \
'-Xfrontend -enable-experimental-forward-mode-differentiation' to enable \
differential-first differentiation APIs.