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//===--- Differentiable.swift ---------------------------------*- swift -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2019 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file defines the Differentiable protocol, used by the experimental
// differentiable programming project. This API is not stable and subject to
// change.
// Please see forum discussion for more information about the differentiable
// programming project:
/// A type that mathematically represents a differentiable manifold whose
/// tangent spaces are finite-dimensional.
public protocol Differentiable {
/// A type representing a differentiable value's derivatives.
/// Mathematically, this is equivalent to the tangent bundle of the
/// differentiable manifold represented by the differentiable type.
associatedtype TangentVector: Differentiable & AdditiveArithmetic
where TangentVector.TangentVector == TangentVector
/// Moves `self` along the given direction. In Riemannian geometry, this is
/// equivalent to exponential map, which moves `self` on the geodesic surface
/// along the given tangent vector.
mutating func move(along direction: TangentVector)
/// A closure that produces a zero tangent vector, capturing minimal
/// necessary information from `self`.
/// `move(along: zeroTangentVectorInitializer())` should not modify
/// `self`.
/// In some cases, the zero tangent vector of `self` is equal to
/// ``. In other cases, the zero tangent vector depends on
/// information in `self`, such as shape for an n-dimensional array type.
/// For differentiable programming, it is more memory-efficient to define a
/// custom `zeroTangentVectorInitializer` property which returns a closure
/// that captures and uses only the necessary information to create a zero
/// tangent vector. For example:
/// struct Vector {
/// var scalars: [Float]
/// var count: Int { scalars.count }
/// init(scalars: [Float]) { ... }
/// init(repeating repeatedElement: Float, count: Int) { ... }
/// }
/// extension Vector: AdditiveArithmetic { ... }
/// extension Vector: Differentiable {
/// typealias TangentVector = Vector
/// @noDerivative
/// var zeroTangentVectorInitializer: () -> TangentVector {
/// let count = self.count
/// return { TangentVector(repeating: 0, count: count) }
/// }
/// }
var zeroTangentVectorInitializer: () -> TangentVector { get }
public extension Differentiable where TangentVector == Self {
mutating func move(along direction: TangentVector) {
self += direction
public extension Differentiable {
/// A tangent vector initialized using `zeroTangentVectorInitializer`.
/// `move(along: zeroTangentVector)` should not modify `self`.
var zeroTangentVector: TangentVector { zeroTangentVectorInitializer() }