blob: 416eb766f6f7e4098066366b9c699ade5f9defc9 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- DerivedConformancePointwiseMultiplicative.cpp --------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2019 - 2020 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file implements explicit derivation of the PointwiseMultiplicative
// protocol for struct types.
#include "CodeSynthesis.h"
#include "TypeChecker.h"
#include "swift/AST/Decl.h"
#include "swift/AST/Expr.h"
#include "swift/AST/GenericSignature.h"
#include "swift/AST/Module.h"
#include "swift/AST/ParameterList.h"
#include "swift/AST/Pattern.h"
#include "swift/AST/ProtocolConformance.h"
#include "swift/AST/Stmt.h"
#include "swift/AST/Types.h"
#include "DerivedConformances.h"
using namespace swift;
DerivedConformance::canDerivePointwiseMultiplicative(NominalTypeDecl *nominal,
DeclContext *DC) {
// Nominal type must be a struct. (No stored properties is okay.)
auto *structDecl = dyn_cast<StructDecl>(nominal);
if (!structDecl)
return false;
// Must not have any `let` stored properties with an initial value.
// - This restriction may be lifted later with support for "true" memberwise
// initializers that initialize all stored properties, including initial
// value information.
if (hasLetStoredPropertyWithInitialValue(nominal))
return false;
// All stored properties must conform to `AdditiveArithmetic`.
auto &C = nominal->getASTContext();
auto *proto = C.getProtocol(KnownProtocolKind::PointwiseMultiplicative);
return llvm::all_of(structDecl->getStoredProperties(), [&](VarDecl *v) {
if (v->getInterfaceType()->hasError())
return false;
auto varType = DC->mapTypeIntoContext(v->getValueInterfaceType());
return (bool)TypeChecker::conformsToProtocol(varType, proto, DC);
// Synthesize body for math operator.
static std::pair<BraceStmt *, bool>
deriveBodyMathOperator(AbstractFunctionDecl *funcDecl, void *) {
auto *parentDC = funcDecl->getParent();
auto *nominal = parentDC->getSelfNominalTypeDecl();
auto &C = nominal->getASTContext();
// Create memberwise initializer: `Nominal.init(...)`.
auto *memberwiseInitDecl = nominal->getEffectiveMemberwiseInitializer();
assert(memberwiseInitDecl && "Memberwise initializer must exist");
auto *initDRE =
new (C) DeclRefExpr(memberwiseInitDecl, DeclNameLoc(), /*Implicit*/ true);
auto *nominalTypeExpr = TypeExpr::createImplicitForDecl(
DeclNameLoc(), nominal, funcDecl,
auto *initExpr = new (C) ConstructorRefCallExpr(initDRE, nominalTypeExpr);
// Get operator protocol requirement.
auto *proto = C.getProtocol(KnownProtocolKind::PointwiseMultiplicative);
auto operatorId = C.getIdentifier(".*");
auto *operatorReq = getProtocolRequirement(proto, operatorId);
// Create reference to operator parameters: lhs and rhs.
auto params = funcDecl->getParameters();
// Create expression combining lhs and rhs members using member operator.
auto createMemberOpExpr = [&](VarDecl *member) -> Expr * {
auto module = nominal->getModuleContext();
auto memberType =
auto confRef = module->lookupConformance(memberType, proto);
assert(confRef && "Member does not conform to math protocol");
// Get member type's math operator, e.g. `Member.+`.
// Use protocol requirement declaration for the operator by default: this
// will be dynamically dispatched.
ValueDecl *memberOpDecl = operatorReq;
// If conformance reference is concrete, then use concrete witness
// declaration for the operator.
if (confRef.isConcrete())
if (auto *concreteMemberMethodDecl =
memberOpDecl = concreteMemberMethodDecl;
assert(memberOpDecl && "Member operator declaration must exist");
auto *memberTypeExpr = TypeExpr::createImplicit(memberType, C);
auto memberOpExpr =
new (C) MemberRefExpr(memberTypeExpr, SourceLoc(), memberOpDecl,
DeclNameLoc(), /*Implicit*/ true);
// Create expression `lhs.member <op> rhs.member`.
// NOTE(TF-1054): create new `DeclRefExpr`s per loop iteration to avoid
// `ConstraintSystem::resolveOverload` error.
auto *lhsDRE =
new (C) DeclRefExpr(params->get(0), DeclNameLoc(), /*Implicit*/ true);
auto *rhsDRE =
new (C) DeclRefExpr(params->get(1), DeclNameLoc(), /*Implicit*/ true);
Expr *lhsArg = new (C) MemberRefExpr(lhsDRE, SourceLoc(), member,
DeclNameLoc(), /*Implicit*/ true);
auto *rhsArg = new (C) MemberRefExpr(rhsDRE, SourceLoc(), member,
DeclNameLoc(), /*Implicit*/ true);
auto *memberOpArgs =
TupleExpr::create(C, SourceLoc(), {lhsArg, rhsArg}, {}, {}, SourceLoc(),
/*HasTrailingClosure*/ false,
/*Implicit*/ true);
auto *memberOpCallExpr =
new (C) BinaryExpr(memberOpExpr, memberOpArgs, /*Implicit*/ true);
return memberOpCallExpr;
// Create array of member operator call expressions.
llvm::SmallVector<Expr *, 2> memberOpExprs;
llvm::SmallVector<Identifier, 2> memberNames;
for (auto member : nominal->getStoredProperties()) {
// Call memberwise initializer with member operator call expressions.
auto *callExpr =
CallExpr::createImplicit(C, initExpr, memberOpExprs, memberNames);
ASTNode returnStmt = new (C) ReturnStmt(SourceLoc(), callExpr, true);
return std::pair<BraceStmt *, bool>(
BraceStmt::create(C, SourceLoc(), returnStmt, SourceLoc(), true), false);
// Synthesize function declaration for the given math operator.
static ValueDecl *
derivePointwiseMultiplicative_multiply(DerivedConformance &derived) {
auto nominal = derived.Nominal;
auto parentDC = derived.getConformanceContext();
auto &C = derived.Context;
auto selfInterfaceType = parentDC->getDeclaredInterfaceType();
// Create parameter declaration with the given name and type.
auto createParamDecl = [&](StringRef name, Type type) -> ParamDecl * {
auto *param = new (C)
ParamDecl(SourceLoc(), SourceLoc(), Identifier(), SourceLoc(),
C.getIdentifier(name), parentDC);
return param;
ParameterList *params =
ParameterList::create(C, {createParamDecl("lhs", selfInterfaceType),
createParamDecl("rhs", selfInterfaceType)});
auto operatorId = C.getIdentifier(".*");
DeclName operatorDeclName(C, operatorId, params);
auto operatorDecl = FuncDecl::createImplicit(
C, StaticSpellingKind::KeywordStatic, operatorDeclName, SourceLoc(),
/*Async*/ false,
/*Throws*/ false,
/*GenericParams=*/nullptr, params, selfInterfaceType, parentDC);
operatorDecl->copyFormalAccessFrom(nominal, /*sourceIsParentContext*/ true);
return operatorDecl;
// Synthesize body for a computed property getter.
static std::pair<BraceStmt *, bool>
deriveComputedPropertyGetter(AbstractFunctionDecl *funcDecl,
ProtocolDecl *proto, ValueDecl *reqDecl) {
auto *parentDC = funcDecl->getParent();
auto *nominal = parentDC->getSelfNominalTypeDecl();
auto &C = nominal->getASTContext();
auto *memberwiseInitDecl = nominal->getEffectiveMemberwiseInitializer();
assert(memberwiseInitDecl && "Memberwise initializer must exist");
auto *initDRE =
new (C) DeclRefExpr(memberwiseInitDecl, DeclNameLoc(), /*Implicit*/ true);
auto *nominalTypeExpr = TypeExpr::createImplicitForDecl(
DeclNameLoc(), nominal, funcDecl,
auto *initExpr = new (C) ConstructorRefCallExpr(initDRE, nominalTypeExpr);
auto createMemberPropertyExpr = [&](VarDecl *member) -> Expr * {
auto memberType =
Expr *memberExpr = nullptr;
// If the property is static, create a type expression: `Member`.
if (reqDecl->isStatic()) {
memberExpr = TypeExpr::createImplicit(memberType, C);
// If the property is not static, create a member ref expression:
// `self.member`.
else {
auto *selfDecl = funcDecl->getImplicitSelfDecl();
auto *selfDRE =
new (C) DeclRefExpr(selfDecl, DeclNameLoc(), /*Implicit*/ true);
memberExpr =
new (C) MemberRefExpr(selfDRE, SourceLoc(), member, DeclNameLoc(),
/*Implicit*/ true);
auto module = nominal->getModuleContext();
auto confRef = module->lookupConformance(memberType, proto);
assert(confRef && "Member does not conform to `PointwiseMultiplicative`");
// If conformance reference is not concrete, then concrete witness
// declaration for property cannot be resolved. Return reference to protocol
// requirement: this will be dynamically dispatched.
if (!confRef.isConcrete()) {
return new (C) MemberRefExpr(memberExpr, SourceLoc(), reqDecl,
DeclNameLoc(), /*Implicit*/ true);
// Otherwise, return reference to concrete witness declaration.
auto conf = confRef.getConcrete();
auto witnessDecl = conf->getWitnessDecl(reqDecl);
return new (C) MemberRefExpr(memberExpr, SourceLoc(), witnessDecl,
DeclNameLoc(), /*Implicit*/ true);
// Create array of `member.<property>` expressions.
llvm::SmallVector<Expr *, 2> memberPropExprs;
llvm::SmallVector<Identifier, 2> memberNames;
for (auto member : nominal->getStoredProperties()) {
// Call memberwise initializer with member property expressions.
auto *callExpr =
CallExpr::createImplicit(C, initExpr, memberPropExprs, memberNames);
ASTNode returnStmt = new (C) ReturnStmt(SourceLoc(), callExpr, true);
auto *braceStmt =
BraceStmt::create(C, SourceLoc(), returnStmt, SourceLoc(), true);
return std::pair<BraceStmt *, bool>(braceStmt, false);
// Synthesize body for the `` computed property
// getter.
static std::pair<BraceStmt *, bool>
deriveBodyPointwiseMultiplicative_one(AbstractFunctionDecl *funcDecl, void *) {
auto &C = funcDecl->getASTContext();
auto *pointMulProto =
auto *oneReq = getProtocolRequirement(pointMulProto, C.Id_one);
return deriveComputedPropertyGetter(funcDecl, pointMulProto, oneReq);
// Synthesize body for the `PointwiseMultiplicative.reciprocal` computed
// property getter.
static std::pair<BraceStmt *, bool>
deriveBodyPointwiseMultiplicative_reciprocal(AbstractFunctionDecl *funcDecl,
void *) {
auto &C = funcDecl->getASTContext();
auto *pointMulProto =
auto *reciprocalReq = getProtocolRequirement(pointMulProto, C.Id_reciprocal);
return deriveComputedPropertyGetter(funcDecl, pointMulProto, reciprocalReq);
// Synthesize a `PointwiseMultiplicative` property declaration.
static ValueDecl *
deriveProperty(DerivedConformance &derived, Identifier propertyName,
bool isStatic,
AbstractFunctionDecl::BodySynthesizer bodySynthesizer) {
auto *nominal = derived.Nominal;
auto *parentDC = derived.getConformanceContext();
auto returnInterfaceTy = nominal->getDeclaredInterfaceType();
auto returnTy = parentDC->mapTypeIntoContext(returnInterfaceTy);
// Create property declaration.
VarDecl *propDecl;
PatternBindingDecl *pbDecl;
std::tie(propDecl, pbDecl) = derived.declareDerivedProperty(
propertyName, returnInterfaceTy, returnTy, /*isStatic*/ isStatic,
/*isFinal*/ true);
// Create property getter.
auto *getterDecl =
derived.addGetterToReadOnlyDerivedProperty(propDecl, returnTy);
getterDecl->setBodySynthesizer(bodySynthesizer.Fn, bodySynthesizer.Context);
derived.addMembersToConformanceContext({propDecl, pbDecl});
return propDecl;
// Synthesize the static property declaration for
// ``.
static ValueDecl *
derivePointwiseMultiplicative_one(DerivedConformance &derived) {
auto &C = derived.Context;
return deriveProperty(derived, C.Id_one, /*isStatic*/ true,
{deriveBodyPointwiseMultiplicative_one, nullptr});
// Synthesize the instance property declaration for
// `PointwiseMultiplicative.reciprocal`.
static ValueDecl *
derivePointwiseMultiplicative_reciprocal(DerivedConformance &derived) {
auto &C = derived.Context;
return deriveProperty(
derived, C.Id_reciprocal, /*isStatic*/ false,
{deriveBodyPointwiseMultiplicative_reciprocal, nullptr});
ValueDecl *
DerivedConformance::derivePointwiseMultiplicative(ValueDecl *requirement) {
// Diagnose conformances in disallowed contexts.
if (checkAndDiagnoseDisallowedContext(requirement))
return nullptr;
if (requirement->getBaseName() == Context.getIdentifier(".*"))
return derivePointwiseMultiplicative_multiply(*this);
if (requirement->getBaseName() == Context.Id_one)
return derivePointwiseMultiplicative_one(*this);
if (requirement->getBaseName() == Context.Id_reciprocal)
return derivePointwiseMultiplicative_reciprocal(*this);
return nullptr;