blob: 80891d0d1c25aa80f56648aefa4b1c8263b89fd9 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- SILMem2Reg.cpp - Promotes AllocStacks to registers ---------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This pass promotes AllocStack instructions into virtual register
// references. It only handles load, store and deallocation
// instructions. The algorithm is based on:
// Sreedhar and Gao. A linear time algorithm for placing phi-nodes. POPL '95.
#define DEBUG_TYPE "sil-mem2reg"
#include "swift/AST/DiagnosticsSIL.h"
#include "swift/SIL/Dominance.h"
#include "swift/SIL/Projection.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILBuilder.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILFunction.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILInstruction.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILModule.h"
#include "swift/SIL/TypeLowering.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/DominanceAnalysis.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/PassManager/Passes.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/PassManager/Transforms.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Utils/CFGOptUtils.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Utils/InstOptUtils.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <queue>
using namespace swift;
STATISTIC(NumAllocStackFound, "Number of AllocStack found");
STATISTIC(NumAllocStackCaptured, "Number of AllocStack captured");
STATISTIC(NumInstRemoved, "Number of Instructions removed");
STATISTIC(NumPhiPlaced, "Number of Phi blocks placed");
namespace {
typedef llvm::DomTreeNodeBase<SILBasicBlock> DomTreeNode;
typedef llvm::DenseMap<DomTreeNode *, unsigned> DomTreeLevelMap;
/// Promotes a single AllocStackInst into registers..
class StackAllocationPromoter {
typedef llvm::SmallSetVector<SILBasicBlock *, 16> BlockSet;
typedef llvm::DenseMap<SILBasicBlock *, SILInstruction *> BlockToInstMap;
// Use a priority queue keyed on dominator tree level so that inserted nodes
// are handled from the bottom of the dom tree upwards.
typedef std::pair<DomTreeNode *, unsigned> DomTreeNodePair;
typedef std::priority_queue<DomTreeNodePair, SmallVector<DomTreeNodePair, 32>,
llvm::less_second> NodePriorityQueue;
/// The AllocStackInst that we are handling.
AllocStackInst *ASI;
/// The deallocation Instruction. This value could be NULL if there are
/// multiple deallocations.
DeallocStackInst *DSI;
/// Dominator info.
DominanceInfo *DT;
/// Map from dominator tree node to tree level.
DomTreeLevelMap &DomTreeLevels;
/// The builder used to create new instructions during register promotion.
SILBuilder &B;
/// Records the last store instruction in each block for a specific
/// AllocStackInst.
BlockToInstMap LastStoreInBlock;
/// C'tor.
StackAllocationPromoter(AllocStackInst *Asi, DominanceInfo *Di,
DomTreeLevelMap &DomTreeLevels, SILBuilder &B)
: ASI(Asi), DSI(nullptr), DT(Di), DomTreeLevels(DomTreeLevels), B(B) {
// Scan the users in search of a deallocation instruction.
for (auto UI = ASI->use_begin(), E = ASI->use_end(); UI != E; ++UI)
if (auto *D = dyn_cast<DeallocStackInst>(UI->getUser())) {
// Don't record multiple dealloc instructions.
if (DSI) {
DSI = nullptr;
// Record the deallocation instruction.
DSI = D;
/// Promote the Allocation.
void run();
/// Promote AllocStacks into SSA.
void promoteAllocationToPhi();
/// Replace the dummy nodes with new block arguments.
void addBlockArguments(BlockSet &PhiBlocks);
/// Fix all of the branch instructions and the uses to use
/// the AllocStack definitions (which include stores and Phis).
void fixBranchesAndUses(BlockSet &Blocks);
/// update the branch instructions with the new Phi argument.
/// The blocks in \p PhiBlocks are blocks that define a value, \p Dest is
/// the branch destination, and \p Pred is the predecessors who's branch we
/// modify.
void fixPhiPredBlock(BlockSet &PhiBlocks, SILBasicBlock *Dest,
SILBasicBlock *Pred);
/// Get the value for this AllocStack variable that is
/// flowing out of StartBB.
SILValue getLiveOutValue(BlockSet &PhiBlocks, SILBasicBlock *StartBB);
/// Get the value for this AllocStack variable that is
/// flowing into BB.
SILValue getLiveInValue(BlockSet &PhiBlocks, SILBasicBlock *BB);
/// Prune AllocStacks usage in the function. Scan the function
/// and remove in-block usage of the AllocStack. Leave only the first
/// load and the last store.
void pruneAllocStackUsage();
/// Promote all of the AllocStacks in a single basic block in one
/// linear scan. This function deletes all of the loads and stores except
/// for the first load and the last store.
/// \returns the last StoreInst found or zero if none found.
StoreInst *promoteAllocationInBlock(SILBasicBlock *BB);
} // end of namespace
namespace {
/// Promote memory to registers
class MemoryToRegisters {
/// The function that we are optimizing.
SILFunction &F;
/// Dominators.
DominanceInfo *DT;
/// The builder used to create new instructions during register promotion.
SILBuilder B;
/// Check if the AllocStackInst \p ASI is only written into.
bool isWriteOnlyAllocation(AllocStackInst *ASI);
/// Promote all of the AllocStacks in a single basic block in one
/// linear scan. Note: This function deletes all of the users of the
/// AllocStackInst, including the DeallocStackInst but it does not remove the
/// AllocStackInst itself!
void removeSingleBlockAllocation(AllocStackInst *ASI);
/// Attempt to promote the specified stack allocation, returning true if so
/// or false if not. On success, all uses of the AllocStackInst have been
/// removed, but the ASI itself is still in the program.
bool promoteSingleAllocation(AllocStackInst *ASI,
DomTreeLevelMap &DomTreeLevels);
/// C'tor
MemoryToRegisters(SILFunction &Func, DominanceInfo *Dt) : F(Func), DT(Dt),
B(Func) {}
/// Promote memory to registers. Return True on change.
bool run();
/// Promote specific allocations.
void promoteAllocs(ArrayRef<AllocStackInst*> allocs);
} // end anonymous namespace
/// Returns true if \p I is an address of a LoadInst, skipping struct and
/// tuple address projections. Sets \p singleBlock to null if the load (or
/// it's address is not in \p singleBlock.
/// This function looks for these patterns:
/// 1. (load %ASI)
/// 2. (load (struct_element_addr/tuple_element_addr/unchecked_addr_cast %ASI))
static bool isAddressForLoad(SILInstruction *I, SILBasicBlock *&singleBlock,
bool &hasGuaranteedOwnership) {
if (isa<LoadInst>(I)) {
// SILMem2Reg is disabled when we find:
// (load [take] (struct_element_addr/tuple_element_addr %ASI))
// struct_element_addr and tuple_element_addr are lowered into
// struct_extract and tuple_extract and these SIL instructions have a
// guaranteed ownership. For replacing load's users, we need an owned value.
// We will need a new copy and destroy of the running val placed after the
// last use. This is not implemented currently.
if (hasGuaranteedOwnership && cast<LoadInst>(I)->getOwnershipQualifier() ==
LoadOwnershipQualifier::Take) {
return false;
return true;
if (!isa<UncheckedAddrCastInst>(I) && !isa<StructElementAddrInst>(I) &&
return false;
if (isa<StructElementAddrInst>(I) || isa<TupleElementAddrInst>(I)) {
hasGuaranteedOwnership = true;
// Recursively search for other (non-)loads in the instruction's uses.
for (auto UI : cast<SingleValueInstruction>(I)->getUses()) {
SILInstruction *II = UI->getUser();
if (II->getParent() != singleBlock)
singleBlock = nullptr;
if (!isAddressForLoad(II, singleBlock, hasGuaranteedOwnership))
return false;
return true;
/// Returns true if \p I is a dead struct_element_addr or tuple_element_addr.
static bool isDeadAddrProjection(SILInstruction *I) {
if (!isa<UncheckedAddrCastInst>(I) && !isa<StructElementAddrInst>(I) &&
return false;
// Recursively search for uses which are dead themselves.
for (auto UI : cast<SingleValueInstruction>(I)->getUses()) {
SILInstruction *II = UI->getUser();
if (!isDeadAddrProjection(II))
return false;
return true;
/// Returns true if this AllocStacks is captured.
/// Sets \p inSingleBlock to true if all uses of \p ASI are in a single block.
static bool isCaptured(AllocStackInst *ASI, bool &inSingleBlock) {
SILBasicBlock *singleBlock = ASI->getParent();
// For all users of the AllocStack instruction.
for (auto UI = ASI->use_begin(), E = ASI->use_end(); UI != E; ++UI) {
SILInstruction *II = UI->getUser();
if (II->getParent() != singleBlock)
singleBlock = nullptr;
// Loads are okay.
bool hasGuaranteedOwnership = false;
if (isAddressForLoad(II, singleBlock, hasGuaranteedOwnership))
// We can store into an AllocStack (but not the pointer).
if (auto *SI = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(II))
if (SI->getDest() == ASI)
// Deallocation is also okay, as are DebugValueAddr. We will turn
// the latter into DebugValue.
if (isa<DeallocStackInst>(II) || isa<DebugValueAddrInst>(II))
// Destroys of loadable types can be rewritten as releases, so
// they are fine.
if (auto *DAI = dyn_cast<DestroyAddrInst>(II))
if (DAI->getOperand()->getType().isLoadable(*DAI->getFunction()))
// Other instructions are assumed to capture the AllocStack.
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "*** AllocStack is captured by: " << *II);
return true;
// None of the users capture the AllocStack.
inSingleBlock = (singleBlock != nullptr);
return false;
/// Returns true if the AllocStack is only stored into.
bool MemoryToRegisters::isWriteOnlyAllocation(AllocStackInst *ASI) {
// For all users of the AllocStack:
for (auto UI = ASI->use_begin(), E = ASI->use_end(); UI != E; ++UI) {
SILInstruction *II = UI->getUser();
// It is okay to store into this AllocStack.
if (auto *SI = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(II))
if (!isa<AllocStackInst>(SI->getSrc()))
// Deallocation is also okay.
if (isa<DeallocStackInst>(II))
// If we haven't already promoted the AllocStack, we may see
// DebugValueAddr uses.
if (isa<DebugValueAddrInst>(II))
if (isDeadAddrProjection(II))
// Can't do anything else with it.
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "*** AllocStack has non-write use: " << *II);
return false;
return true;
/// Promote a DebugValueAddr to a DebugValue of the given value.
static void
promoteDebugValueAddr(DebugValueAddrInst *DVAI, SILValue Value, SILBuilder &B) {
assert(DVAI->getOperand()->getType().isLoadable(*DVAI->getFunction()) &&
"Unexpected promotion of address-only type!");
assert(Value && "Expected valid value");
// Avoid inserting the same debug_value twice.
for (Operand *Use : Value->getUses())
if (auto *DVI = dyn_cast<DebugValueInst>(Use->getUser()))
if (*DVI->getVarInfo() == *DVAI->getVarInfo()) {
B.createDebugValue(DVAI->getLoc(), Value, *DVAI->getVarInfo());
/// Returns true if \p I is a load which loads from \p ASI.
static bool isLoadFromStack(SILInstruction *I, AllocStackInst *ASI) {
if (!isa<LoadInst>(I))
return false;
// Skip struct and tuple address projections.
ValueBase *op = I->getOperand(0);
while (op != ASI) {
if (!isa<UncheckedAddrCastInst>(op) && !isa<StructElementAddrInst>(op) &&
return false;
op = cast<SingleValueInstruction>(op)->getOperand(0);
return true;
/// Collects all load instructions which (transitively) use \p I as address.
static void collectLoads(SILInstruction *I, SmallVectorImpl<LoadInst *> &Loads) {
if (auto *load = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(I)) {
if (!isa<UncheckedAddrCastInst>(I) && !isa<StructElementAddrInst>(I) &&
// Recursively search for other loads in the instruction's uses.
for (auto UI : cast<SingleValueInstruction>(I)->getUses()) {
collectLoads(UI->getUser(), Loads);
static void replaceLoad(LoadInst *LI, SILValue val, AllocStackInst *ASI) {
ProjectionPath projections(val->getType());
SILValue op = LI->getOperand();
SILBuilderWithScope builder(LI);
while (op != ASI) {
assert(isa<UncheckedAddrCastInst>(op) || isa<StructElementAddrInst>(op) ||
auto *Inst = cast<SingleValueInstruction>(op);
op = Inst->getOperand(0);
SmallVector<SILValue, 4> borrowedVals;
for (auto iter = projections.rbegin(); iter != projections.rend(); ++iter) {
const Projection &projection = *iter;
assert(projection.getKind() == ProjectionKind::BitwiseCast ||
projection.getKind() == ProjectionKind::Struct ||
projection.getKind() == ProjectionKind::Tuple);
// struct_extract and tuple_extract expect guaranteed operand ownership
// non-trivial RunningVal is owned. Insert borrow operation to convert
if (projection.getKind() == ProjectionKind::Struct ||
projection.getKind() == ProjectionKind::Tuple) {
SILValue opVal = builder.emitBeginBorrowOperation(LI->getLoc(), val);
if (opVal != val) {
val = opVal;
val = projection.createObjectProjection(builder, LI->getLoc(), val).get();
op = LI->getOperand();
// Replace users of the loaded value with `val`
// If we have a load [copy], replace the users with copy_value of `val`
if (LI->getOwnershipQualifier() == LoadOwnershipQualifier::Copy) {
LI->replaceAllUsesWith(builder.createCopyValue(LI->getLoc(), val));
} else {
assert(!ASI->getFunction()->hasOwnership() ||
val.getOwnershipKind() != OwnershipKind::Guaranteed);
for (auto borrowedVal : borrowedVals) {
builder.emitEndBorrowOperation(LI->getLoc(), borrowedVal);
// Delete the load
while (op != ASI && op->use_empty()) {
assert(isa<UncheckedAddrCastInst>(op) || isa<StructElementAddrInst>(op) ||
auto *Inst = cast<SingleValueInstruction>(op);
SILValue next = Inst->getOperand(0);
op = next;
static void replaceDestroy(DestroyAddrInst *DAI, SILValue NewValue) {
SILFunction *F = DAI->getFunction();
auto Ty = DAI->getOperand()->getType();
assert(Ty.isLoadable(*F) &&
"Unexpected promotion of address-only type!");
assert(NewValue || (<TupleType>() && Ty.getAs<TupleType>()->getNumElements() == 0));
SILBuilderWithScope Builder(DAI);
auto &TL = F->getTypeLowering(Ty);
bool expand = shouldExpand(DAI->getModule(),
using TypeExpansionKind = Lowering::TypeLowering::TypeExpansionKind;
auto expansionKind = expand ? TypeExpansionKind::MostDerivedDescendents
: TypeExpansionKind::None;
TL.emitLoweredDestroyValue(Builder, DAI->getLoc(), NewValue, expansionKind);
StoreInst *
StackAllocationPromoter::promoteAllocationInBlock(SILBasicBlock *BB) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "*** Promoting ASI in block: " << *ASI);
// RunningVal is the current value in the stack location.
// We don't know the value of the alloca until we find the first store.
SILValue RunningVal = SILValue();
// Keep track of the last StoreInst that we found.
StoreInst *LastStore = nullptr;
// For all instructions in the block.
for (auto BBI = BB->begin(), E = BB->end(); BBI != E;) {
SILInstruction *Inst = &*BBI;
if (isLoadFromStack(Inst, ASI)) {
auto Load = cast<LoadInst>(Inst);
if (RunningVal) {
// If we are loading from the AllocStackInst and we already know the
// content of the Alloca then use it.
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "*** Promoting load: " << *Load);
replaceLoad(Load, RunningVal, ASI);
} else if (Load->getOperand() == ASI &&
Load->getOwnershipQualifier() !=
LoadOwnershipQualifier::Copy) {
// If we don't know the content of the AllocStack then the loaded
// value *is* the new value;
// Don't use result of load [copy] as a RunningVal, it necessitates
// additional logic for cleanup of consuming instructions of the result.
// StackAllocationPromoter::fixBranchesAndUses will later handle it.
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "*** First load: " << *Load);
RunningVal = Load;
// Remove stores and record the value that we are saving as the running
// value.
if (auto *SI = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(Inst)) {
if (SI->getDest() != ASI)
// Special handling of entry block
// If we have a store [assign] in the first block, OSSA guarantees we can
// find the previous value stored in the stack location in RunningVal.
// Create destroy_value of the RunningVal.
// For all other blocks we may not know the previous value stored in the
// stack location. So we will create destroy_value in
// StackAllocationPromoter::fixBranchesAndUses, by getting the live-in
// value to the block.
if (BB->isEntry()) {
if (SI->getOwnershipQualifier() == StoreOwnershipQualifier::Assign) {
SILBuilderWithScope(SI).createDestroyValue(SI->getLoc(), RunningVal);
// If we met a store before this one, delete it.
// If the LastStore was a store with [assign], delete it only if we know
// the RunningValue to destroy. If not, it will be deleted in
// StackAllocationPromoter::fixBranchesAndUses.
if (LastStore) {
if (LastStore->getOwnershipQualifier() ==
StoreOwnershipQualifier::Assign) {
if (RunningVal) {
// For entry block, we would have already created the destroy_value,
// skip it.
if (!BB->isEntry()) {
LastStore->getLoc(), RunningVal);
<< "*** Removing redundant store: " << *LastStore);
} else {
<< "*** Removing redundant store: " << *LastStore);
// The stored value is the new running value.
RunningVal = SI->getSrc();
// The current store is now the LastStore
LastStore = SI;
// Replace debug_value_addr with debug_value of the promoted value
// if we have a valid value to use at this point. Otherwise we'll
// promote this when we deal with hooking up phis.
if (auto *DVAI = dyn_cast<DebugValueAddrInst>(Inst)) {
if (DVAI->getOperand() == ASI &&
promoteDebugValueAddr(DVAI, RunningVal, B);
// Replace destroys with a release of the value.
if (auto *DAI = dyn_cast<DestroyAddrInst>(Inst)) {
if (DAI->getOperand() == ASI &&
RunningVal) {
replaceDestroy(DAI, RunningVal);
if (auto *DVI = dyn_cast<DestroyValueInst>(Inst)) {
if (DVI->getOperand() == RunningVal) {
// Reset LastStore.
// So that we don't end up passing dead values as phi args in
// StackAllocationPromoter::fixBranchesAndUses
LastStore = nullptr;
// Stop on deallocation.
if (auto *DSI = dyn_cast<DeallocStackInst>(Inst)) {
if (DSI->getOperand() == ASI)
if (LastStore) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "*** Finished promotion. Last store: "
<< *LastStore);
} else {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "*** Finished promotion with no stores.\n");
return LastStore;
void MemoryToRegisters::removeSingleBlockAllocation(AllocStackInst *ASI) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "*** Promoting in-block: " << *ASI);
SILBasicBlock *BB = ASI->getParent();
// The default value of the AllocStack is NULL because we don't have
// uninitialized variables in Swift.
SILValue RunningVal = SILValue();
// For all instructions in the block.
for (auto BBI = BB->begin(), E = BB->end(); BBI != E;) {
SILInstruction *Inst = &*BBI;
// Remove instructions that we are loading from. Replace the loaded value
// with our running value.
if (isLoadFromStack(Inst, ASI)) {
if (!RunningVal) {
// Loading without a previous store is only acceptable if the type is
// Void (= empty tuple) or a tuple of Voids.
RunningVal = SILUndef::get(ASI->getElementType(), *ASI->getFunction());
replaceLoad(cast<LoadInst>(Inst), RunningVal, ASI);
// Remove stores and record the value that we are saving as the running
// value.
if (auto *SI = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(Inst)) {
if (SI->getDest() == ASI) {
if (SI->getOwnershipQualifier() == StoreOwnershipQualifier::Assign) {
SILBuilderWithScope(SI).createDestroyValue(SI->getLoc(), RunningVal);
RunningVal = SI->getSrc();
// Replace debug_value_addr with debug_value of the promoted value.
if (auto *DVAI = dyn_cast<DebugValueAddrInst>(Inst)) {
if (DVAI->getOperand() == ASI) {
if (RunningVal) {
promoteDebugValueAddr(DVAI, RunningVal, B);
} else {
// Drop debug_value_addr of uninitialized void values.
assert(ASI->getElementType().isVoid() &&
"Expected initialization of non-void type!");
// Replace destroys with a release of the value.
if (auto *DAI = dyn_cast<DestroyAddrInst>(Inst)) {
if (DAI->getOperand() == ASI) {
replaceDestroy(DAI, RunningVal);
// Remove deallocation.
if (auto *DSI = dyn_cast<DeallocStackInst>(Inst)) {
if (DSI->getOperand() == ASI) {
// No need to continue scanning after deallocation.
// Remove dead address instructions that may be uses of the allocation.
SILNode *Node = Inst;
while (isa<StructElementAddrInst>(Node) ||
isa<TupleElementAddrInst>(Node) ||
isa<UncheckedAddrCastInst>(Node)) {
auto *I = cast<SingleValueInstruction>(Node);
if (!I->use_empty()) break;
Node = I->getOperand(0);
void StackAllocationPromoter::addBlockArguments(BlockSet &PhiBlocks) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "*** Adding new block arguments.\n");
for (auto *Block : PhiBlocks)
Block->createPhiArgument(ASI->getElementType(), OwnershipKind::Owned);
StackAllocationPromoter::getLiveOutValue(BlockSet &PhiBlocks,
SILBasicBlock *StartBB) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "*** Searching for a value definition.\n");
// Walk the Dom tree in search of a defining value:
for (DomTreeNode *Node = DT->getNode(StartBB); Node; Node = Node->getIDom()) {
SILBasicBlock *BB = Node->getBlock();
// If there is a store (that must come after the phi), use its value.
BlockToInstMap::iterator it = LastStoreInBlock.find(BB);
if (it != LastStoreInBlock.end())
if (auto *St = dyn_cast_or_null<StoreInst>(it->second)) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "*** Found Store def " << *St->getSrc());
return St->getSrc();
// If there is a Phi definition in this block:
if (PhiBlocks.count(BB)) {
// Return the dummy instruction that represents the new value that we will
// add to the basic block.
SILValue Phi = BB->getArgument(BB->getNumArguments() - 1);
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "*** Found a dummy Phi def " << *Phi);
return Phi;
// Move to the next dominating block.
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "*** Walking up the iDOM.\n");
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "*** Could not find a Def. Using Undef.\n");
return SILUndef::get(ASI->getElementType(), *ASI->getFunction());
StackAllocationPromoter::getLiveInValue(BlockSet &PhiBlocks,
SILBasicBlock *BB) {
// First, check if there is a Phi value in the current block. We know that
// our loads happen before stores, so we need to first check for Phi nodes
// in the first block, but stores first in all other stores in the idom
// chain.
if (PhiBlocks.count(BB)) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "*** Found a local Phi definition.\n");
return BB->getArgument(BB->getNumArguments() - 1);
if (BB->pred_empty() || !DT->getNode(BB))
return SILUndef::get(ASI->getElementType(), *ASI->getFunction());
// No phi for this value in this block means that the value flowing
// out of the immediate dominator reaches here.
DomTreeNode *IDom = DT->getNode(BB)->getIDom();
assert(IDom &&
"Attempt to get live-in value for alloc_stack in entry block!");
return getLiveOutValue(PhiBlocks, IDom->getBlock());
void StackAllocationPromoter::fixPhiPredBlock(BlockSet &PhiBlocks,
SILBasicBlock *Dest,
SILBasicBlock *Pred) {
TermInst *TI = Pred->getTerminator();
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "*** Fixing the terminator " << TI << ".\n");
SILValue Def = getLiveOutValue(PhiBlocks, Pred);
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "*** Found the definition: " << *Def);
addArgumentToBranch(Def, Dest, TI);
void StackAllocationPromoter::fixBranchesAndUses(BlockSet &PhiBlocks) {
// First update uses of the value.
SmallVector<LoadInst *, 4> collectedLoads;
for (auto UI = ASI->use_begin(), E = ASI->use_end(); UI != E;) {
auto *Inst = UI->getUser();
bool removedUser = false;
collectLoads(Inst, collectedLoads);
for (LoadInst *LI : collectedLoads) {
SILValue Def;
// If this block has no predecessors then nothing dominates it and
// the instruction is unreachable. If the instruction we're
// examining is a value, replace it with undef. Either way, delete
// the instruction and move on.
SILBasicBlock *BB = LI->getParent();
Def = getLiveInValue(PhiBlocks, BB);
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "*** Replacing " << *LI
<< " with Def " << *Def);
// Replace the load with the definition that we found.
replaceLoad(LI, Def, ASI);
removedUser = true;
if (removedUser)
// If this block has no predecessors then nothing dominates it and
// the instruction is unreachable. Delete the instruction and move
// on.
SILBasicBlock *BB = Inst->getParent();
if (!BB->isEntry()) {
if (auto *SI = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(Inst)) {
if (SI->getOwnershipQualifier() == StoreOwnershipQualifier::Assign) {
SILValue Def = getLiveInValue(PhiBlocks, BB);
SILBuilderWithScope(SI).createDestroyValue(SI->getLoc(), Def);
if (auto *DVAI = dyn_cast<DebugValueAddrInst>(Inst)) {
// Replace DebugValueAddr with DebugValue.
SILValue Def = getLiveInValue(PhiBlocks, BB);
promoteDebugValueAddr(DVAI, Def, B);
// Replace destroys with a release of the value.
if (auto *DAI = dyn_cast<DestroyAddrInst>(Inst)) {
SILValue Def = getLiveInValue(PhiBlocks, BB);
replaceDestroy(DAI, Def);
// Now that all of the uses are fixed we can fix the branches that point
// to the blocks with the added arguments.
// For each Block with a new Phi argument:
for (auto Block : PhiBlocks) {
// Fix all predecessors.
for (auto PBBI = Block->getPredecessorBlocks().begin(),
E = Block->getPredecessorBlocks().end();
PBBI != E;) {
auto *PBB = *PBBI;
assert(PBB && "Invalid block!");
fixPhiPredBlock(PhiBlocks, Block, PBB);
// If the owned phi arg we added did not have any uses, create end_lifetime to
// end its lifetime. In asserts mode, make sure we have only undef incoming
// values for such phi args.
for (auto Block : PhiBlocks) {
auto *phiArg = cast<SILPhiArgument>(
Block->getArgument(Block->getNumArguments() - 1));
if (phiArg->use_empty()) {
erasePhiArgument(Block, Block->getNumArguments() - 1);
void StackAllocationPromoter::pruneAllocStackUsage() {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "*** Pruning : " << *ASI);
BlockSet Blocks;
// Insert all of the blocks that ASI is live in.
for (auto UI = ASI->use_begin(), E = ASI->use_end(); UI != E; ++UI)
// Clear AllocStack state.
for (auto Block : Blocks) {
StoreInst *SI = promoteAllocationInBlock(Block);
LastStoreInBlock[Block] = SI;
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "*** Finished pruning : " << *ASI);
/// Compute the dominator tree levels for DT.
static void computeDomTreeLevels(DominanceInfo *DT,
DomTreeLevelMap &DomTreeLevels) {
// TODO: This should happen once per function.
SmallVector<DomTreeNode *, 32> Worklist;
DomTreeNode *Root = DT->getRootNode();
DomTreeLevels[Root] = 0;
while (!Worklist.empty()) {
DomTreeNode *Node = Worklist.pop_back_val();
unsigned ChildLevel = DomTreeLevels[Node] + 1;
for (auto CI = Node->begin(), CE = Node->end(); CI != CE; ++CI) {
DomTreeLevels[*CI] = ChildLevel;
void StackAllocationPromoter::promoteAllocationToPhi() {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "*** Placing Phis for : " << *ASI);
// A list of blocks that will require new Phi values.
BlockSet PhiBlocks;
// The "piggy-bank" data-structure that we use for processing the dom-tree
// bottom-up.
NodePriorityQueue PQ;
// Collect all of the stores into the AllocStack. We know that at this point
// we have at most one store per block.
for (auto UI = ASI->use_begin(), E = ASI->use_end(); UI != E; ++UI) {
SILInstruction *II = UI->getUser();
// We need to place Phis for this block.
if (isa<StoreInst>(II)) {
// If the block is in the dom tree (dominated by the entry block).
if (DomTreeNode *Node = DT->getNode(II->getParent()))
PQ.push(std::make_pair(Node, DomTreeLevels[Node]));
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "*** Found: " << PQ.size() << " Defs\n");
// A list of nodes for which we already calculated the dominator frontier.
llvm::SmallPtrSet<DomTreeNode *, 32> Visited;
SmallVector<DomTreeNode *, 32> Worklist;
// Scan all of the definitions in the function bottom-up using the priority
// queue.
while (!PQ.empty()) {
DomTreeNodePair RootPair =;
DomTreeNode *Root = RootPair.first;
unsigned RootLevel = RootPair.second;
// Walk all dom tree children of Root, inspecting their successors. Only
// J-edges, whose target level is at most Root's level are added to the
// dominance frontier.
while (!Worklist.empty()) {
DomTreeNode *Node = Worklist.pop_back_val();
SILBasicBlock *BB = Node->getBlock();
// For all successors of the node:
for (auto &Succ : BB->getSuccessors()) {
DomTreeNode *SuccNode = DT->getNode(Succ);
// Skip D-edges (edges that are dom-tree edges).
if (SuccNode->getIDom() == Node)
// Ignore J-edges that point to nodes that are not smaller or equal
// to the root level.
unsigned SuccLevel = DomTreeLevels[SuccNode];
if (SuccLevel > RootLevel)
// Ignore visited nodes.
if (!Visited.insert(SuccNode).second)
// If the new PHInode is not dominated by the allocation then it's dead.
if (!DT->dominates(ASI->getParent(), SuccNode->getBlock()))
// If the new PHInode is properly dominated by the deallocation then it
// is obviously a dead PHInode, so we don't need to insert it.
if (DSI && DT->properlyDominates(DSI->getParent(),
// The successor node is a new PHINode. If this is a new PHI node
// then it may require additional definitions, so add it to the PQ.
if (PhiBlocks.insert(Succ))
PQ.push(std::make_pair(SuccNode, SuccLevel));
// Add the children in the dom-tree to the worklist.
for (auto CI = Node->begin(), CE = Node->end(); CI != CE; ++CI)
if (!Visited.count(*CI))
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "*** Found: " << PhiBlocks.size() <<" new PHIs\n");
NumPhiPlaced += PhiBlocks.size();
// At this point we calculated the locations of all of the new Phi values.
// Next, add the Phi values and promote all of the loads and stores into the
// new locations.
// Replace the dummy values with new block arguments.
// Hook up the Phi nodes, loads, and debug_value_addr with incoming values.
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "*** Finished placing Phis ***\n");
void StackAllocationPromoter::run() {
// Reduce the number of load/stores in the function to minimum.
// After this phase we are left with up to one load and store
// per block and the last store is recorded.
// Replace AllocStacks with Phi-nodes.
/// Attempt to promote the specified stack allocation, returning true if so
/// or false if not. On success, this returns true and usually drops all of the
/// uses of the AllocStackInst, but never deletes the ASI itself. Callers
/// should check to see if the ASI is dead after this and remove it if so.
bool MemoryToRegisters::promoteSingleAllocation(AllocStackInst *alloc,
DomTreeLevelMap &DomTreeLevels){
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "*** Memory to register looking at: " << *alloc);
// Don't handle captured AllocStacks.
bool inSingleBlock = false;
if (isCaptured(alloc, inSingleBlock)) {
return false;
// Remove write-only AllocStacks.
if (isWriteOnlyAllocation(alloc)) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "*** Deleting store-only AllocStack: "<< *alloc);
return true;
// For AllocStacks that are only used within a single basic blocks, use
// the linear sweep to remove the AllocStack.
if (inSingleBlock) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "*** Deleting single block AllocStackInst: "
<< *alloc);
if (!alloc->use_empty()) {
// Handle a corner case where the ASI still has uses:
// This can come up if the source contains a withUnsafePointer where
// the pointer escapes. It's illegal code but we should not crash.
// Re-insert a dealloc_stack so that the verifier is happy.
B.createDeallocStack(alloc->getLoc(), alloc);
return true;
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "*** Need to insert BB arguments for " << *alloc);
// Promote this allocation.
StackAllocationPromoter(alloc, DT, DomTreeLevels, B).run();
// Make sure that all of the allocations were promoted into registers.
assert(isWriteOnlyAllocation(alloc) && "Non-write uses left behind");
// ... and erase the allocation.
return true;
bool MemoryToRegisters::run() {
bool Changed = false;
// Compute dominator tree node levels for the function.
DomTreeLevelMap DomTreeLevels;
computeDomTreeLevels(DT, DomTreeLevels);
for (auto &BB : F) {
auto I = BB.begin(), E = BB.end();
while (I != E) {
SILInstruction *Inst = &*I;
auto *ASI = dyn_cast<AllocStackInst>(Inst);
if (!ASI) {
bool promoted = promoteSingleAllocation(ASI, DomTreeLevels);
if (promoted) {
if (ASI->use_empty())
Changed = true;
return Changed;
/// Promote specific allocations.
void MemoryToRegisters::promoteAllocs(ArrayRef<AllocStackInst*> allocs) {
// Compute dominator tree node levels for the function.
DomTreeLevelMap DomTreeLevels;
computeDomTreeLevels(DT, DomTreeLevels);
for (auto alloc : allocs) {
if (!promoteSingleAllocation(alloc, DomTreeLevels))
if (alloc->use_empty())
namespace {
class SILMem2Reg : public SILFunctionTransform {
void run() override {
SILFunction *F = getFunction();
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "** Mem2Reg on function: " << F->getName()
<< " **\n");
DominanceAnalysis* DA = PM->getAnalysis<DominanceAnalysis>();
bool Changed = MemoryToRegisters(*F, DA->get(F)).run();
if (Changed)
} // end anonymous namespace
SILTransform *swift::createMem2Reg() {
return new SILMem2Reg();