blob: bda18ec671b4e59d74a4ae837339d1422bf68a79 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- DestroyHoisting.cpp - Hoisting of address destroys ---------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#define DEBUG_TYPE "sil-destroy-hoisting"
#include "swift/SIL/MemoryLifetime.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/DominanceAnalysis.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/PassManager/Transforms.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Utils/CFGOptUtils.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
using namespace swift;
namespace {
// DestroyHoisting
/// Hoist destroy_addr instructions up the control flow.
/// This has two benefits:
/// * Combine a destroy_addr with a preceeding copy. For example, replace
/// /code
/// %v = load [copy] %a
/// ...
/// destroy_addr %a
/// /endcode
/// with
/// /code
/// %v = load [take] %a
/// ...
/// /endcode
/// * Shorten the lifetime of memory-values. This can avoid copy-on-write
/// operations. Specifically, optimize the enum payload in-place modification
/// pattern:
/// /code
/// // inside a mutating enum member function
/// switch self {
/// case .A(var cow_container)
/// cow_container.modify()
/// self = .A(cow_container)
/// ...
/// }
/// /endcode
/// DestroyHoisting moves the destroy-part of the self assignment up so that
/// the cow_container is only single-referenced and will not trigger a copy-
/// on-write operation when calling modify().
/// Note that this optimization does _not_ try to split a destroy_addr of a
/// struct/tuple into destroys of its sub-locations. Also, vice versa, it does
/// not try to combine multiple destroy_addr of sub-locations into a single
/// destroy_addr of the aggregate.
class DestroyHoisting {
using Bits = MemoryLocations::Bits;
using BlockState = MemoryDataflow::BlockState;
SILFunction *function;
MemoryLocations locations;
/// A cache of generated address projection instructions. The key is the
/// location index.
llvm::DenseMap<unsigned, SingleValueInstruction *> addressProjections;
DominanceAnalysis *DA;
DominanceInfo *domTree = nullptr;
bool madeChanges = false;
void expandStores(MemoryDataflow &dataFlow);
void initDataflow(MemoryDataflow &dataFlow);
void initDataflowInBlock(BlockState &state);
bool canIgnoreUnreachableBlock(SILBasicBlock *block,
MemoryDataflow &dataFlow);
int getDestroyedLoc(SILInstruction *I) {
if (auto *DAI = dyn_cast<DestroyAddrInst>(I))
return locations.getLocationIdx(DAI->getOperand());
return -1;
void getUsedLocationsOfAddr(Bits &bits, SILValue addr);
void getUsedLocationsOfOperands(Bits &bits, SILInstruction *I);
void getUsedLocationsOfInst(Bits &bits, SILInstruction *Inst);
void moveDestroys(MemoryDataflow &dataFlow);
bool locationOverlaps(const MemoryLocations::Location *loc,
const Bits &destroys);
void moveDestroysInBlock(SILBasicBlock *block, Bits &activeDestroys,
SmallVectorImpl<SILInstruction *> &toRemove);
void insertDestroys(Bits &toInsert, Bits &aliveDestroys,
SmallVectorImpl<SILInstruction *> &removeList,
SILInstruction *afterInst, SILBasicBlock *inBlock);
void insertDestroy(int locIdx, Bits &insertBits, SILInstruction *atInst);
bool combineWith(SILInstruction *inst, unsigned locIdx);
SILValue createAddress(unsigned locIdx, SILBuilder &builder);
void tailMerging(MemoryDataflow &dataFlow);
bool tailMergingInBlock(SILBasicBlock *block, MemoryDataflow &dataFlow);
DestroyHoisting(SILFunction *function, DominanceAnalysis *DA) :
function(function), DA(DA) { }
bool hoistDestroys();
static bool isExpansionEnabler(SILInstruction *I) {
return isa<SwitchEnumInst>(I);
// A pre-pass which expands
// store %s to [assign] %a
// to
// destroy_addr %a
// store %s to [init] %a
// This is not a good thing in general. If we would do it unconditionally, it
// would result in some benchmark regressions. Therefore we only expand stores
// where we expect that we can move the destroys to or across a switch_enum.
// This enables the switch-enum optimization (see above).
// TODO: investigate the benchmark regressions and enable store-expansion more
// aggressively.
void DestroyHoisting::expandStores(MemoryDataflow &dataFlow) {
Bits usedLocs(locations.getNumLocations());
// Initialize the dataflow, which tells us which destroy_addr instructions are
// reachable through a switch_enum, without a use of the location in between.
// The gen-sets are initialized at all expansion-enabler instructions
// (currently only switch_enum instructions).
// The kill-sets are initialized with the used locations, because we would not
// move a destroy across a use.
bool expansionEnablerFound = false;
for (BlockState &state : dataFlow) {
for (SILInstruction &I : *state.block) {
if (isExpansionEnabler(&I)) {
expansionEnablerFound = true;
getUsedLocationsOfInst(usedLocs, &I);
state.killSet |= usedLocs;
if (!expansionEnablerFound)
// Solve the dataflow, which tells us if a destroy_addr is reachable from
// a expansion-enabler on _any_ path (therefore "Union" and not "Intersect")
// without hitting a use of that location.
Bits activeLocs(locations.getNumLocations());
for (BlockState &st : dataFlow) {
activeLocs = st.entrySet;
for (SILInstruction &I : *st.block) {
if (isExpansionEnabler(&I)) {
// Set all bits: an expansion-enabler enables expansion for all
// locations.
if (auto *SI = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(&I)) {
if (SI->getOwnershipQualifier() == StoreOwnershipQualifier::Assign) {
int locIdx = locations.getLocationIdx(SI->getDest());
if (locIdx >= 0 && activeLocs.test(locIdx)) {
// Expand the store.
SILBuilder builder(SI);
builder.createDestroyAddr(SI->getLoc(), SI->getDest());
madeChanges = true;
// Clear the bits of used locations.
getUsedLocationsOfInst(usedLocs, &I);
// Initialize the dataflow for moving destroys up the control flow.
void DestroyHoisting::initDataflow(MemoryDataflow &dataFlow) {
for (BlockState &st : dataFlow) {
if (st.isInInfiniteLoop()) {
// Ignore blocks which are in an infinite loop and prevent any destroy
// hoisting across such block borders.
if (isa<UnreachableInst>(st.block->getTerminator())) {
if (canIgnoreUnreachableBlock(st.block, dataFlow)) {
} else {
} else if (st.block->getTerminator()->isFunctionExiting()) {
} else {
// Initialize the gen- and kill-sets.
// It's a backward dataflow problem. A bit <n> in the genSet means: we have seen
// a destroy_addr of location <n> (when walking backwards).
// As we are not trying to split or combine destroy_addr instructions, a
// destroy_addr just sets its "self" bit and not the location's subLocations
// set (this is different compared to the detaflow in MemoryLifetimeVerifier).
void DestroyHoisting::initDataflowInBlock(BlockState &state) {
Bits usedLocs(state.entrySet.size());
for (SILInstruction &I : llvm::reverse(*state.block)) {
getUsedLocationsOfInst(usedLocs, &I);
state.killSet |= usedLocs;
// For terminators clear the bits in the exit set instead in the genSet,
// because we cannot insert destroy_addrs after the terminator in the block.
if (isa<TermInst>(&I))
int destroyedLoc = getDestroyedLoc(&I);
if (destroyedLoc >= 0) {
// Handling blocks which eventually end up in an unreachable is surprisingly
// complicated, because without special treatment it would block destroy-
// hoisting in the main control flow. Example:
// bb1:
// cond_br %error_condition, bb2, bb3
// bb2:
// // some unrelated error processing, which doesn't use any locations
// unreachable
// bb3:
// // continue with main control flow
// destroy_addr %some_location
// We have to initialize the exit-set of bb2 with zeroes. Otherwise we would
// insert wrong destroys in case there are any location-uses in the unreachable-
// block (or sub-graph).
// But having a zero-set at the bb2-entry would block hoisting of the
// destroy_addr from bb3 into bb1.
// Therefore we special case the common scenario of a single block with
// unreachable which does not touch any of our memory locations. We can just
// ignore those blocks.
bool DestroyHoisting::canIgnoreUnreachableBlock(SILBasicBlock *block,
MemoryDataflow &dataFlow) {
// Is it a single unreachable-block (i.e. it has a single predecessor from
// which there is a path to the function exit)?
SILBasicBlock *singlePred = block->getSinglePredecessorBlock();
if (!singlePred)
return false;
if (!dataFlow.getState(singlePred)->exitReachable())
return false;
// Check if none of the locations are touched in the unreachable-block.
for (SILInstruction &I : *block) {
if (isa<EndBorrowInst>(&I))
return false;
for (Operand &op : I.getAllOperands()) {
if (locations.getLocation(op.get()))
return false;
return true;
void DestroyHoisting::getUsedLocationsOfAddr(Bits &bits, SILValue addr) {
if (auto *loc = locations.getLocation(addr)) {
// destroy_addr locations are "killed" by parent _and_ sublocations. In
// other words: a destroy_addr must not be moved across an instruction which
// uses the location itself, an aggregate containing the location, or a
// sub-field of the location.
bits |= loc->selfAndParents;
bits |= loc->subLocations;
void DestroyHoisting::getUsedLocationsOfOperands(Bits &bits, SILInstruction *I) {
for (Operand &op : I->getAllOperands()) {
getUsedLocationsOfAddr(bits, op.get());
// Set all bits of locations which instruction \p I is using. It's including
// parent and sub-locations (see comment in getUsedLocationsOfAddr).
void DestroyHoisting::getUsedLocationsOfInst(Bits &bits, SILInstruction *I) {
switch (I->getKind()) {
case SILInstructionKind::EndBorrowInst:
if (auto *LBI = dyn_cast<LoadBorrowInst>(
cast<EndBorrowInst>(I)->getOperand())) {
getUsedLocationsOfAddr(bits, LBI->getOperand());
case SILInstructionKind::EndApplyInst:
// Operands passed to begin_apply are alive throughout an end_apply ...
getUsedLocationsOfOperands(bits, cast<EndApplyInst>(I)->getBeginApply());
case SILInstructionKind::AbortApplyInst:
// ... or abort_apply.
getUsedLocationsOfOperands(bits, cast<AbortApplyInst>(I)->getBeginApply());
case SILInstructionKind::LoadInst:
case SILInstructionKind::StoreInst:
case SILInstructionKind::CopyAddrInst:
case SILInstructionKind::ApplyInst:
case SILInstructionKind::TryApplyInst:
case SILInstructionKind::YieldInst:
getUsedLocationsOfOperands(bits, I);
case SILInstructionKind::DebugValueAddrInst:
case SILInstructionKind::DestroyAddrInst:
// destroy_addr and debug_value_addr are handled specially.
static void processRemoveList(SmallVectorImpl<SILInstruction *> &toRemove) {
for (SILInstruction *I : toRemove) {
// Do the actual moving of destroy_addr instructions.
void DestroyHoisting::moveDestroys(MemoryDataflow &dataFlow) {
// Don't eagerly delete destroy_addr instructions, instead put them into this
// list. When we are about to "move" a destroy_addr just over some sideeffect-
// free instructions, we'll keep it at the current location.
llvm::SmallVector<SILInstruction *, 8> toRemove;
Bits activeDestroys(locations.getNumLocations());
for (BlockState &state : dataFlow) {
SILBasicBlock *block = state.block;
// Is it an unreachable-block we can ignore?
if (isa<UnreachableInst>(block->getTerminator()) && state.exitSet.any())
// Ignore blocks which are in an infinite loop.
if (state.isInInfiniteLoop())
// Do the inner-block processing.
activeDestroys = state.exitSet;
moveDestroysInBlock(block, activeDestroys, toRemove);
assert(activeDestroys == state.entrySet);
if (block->pred_empty()) {
// The function entry block: insert all destroys which are still active.
insertDestroys(activeDestroys, activeDestroys, toRemove,
nullptr, block);
} else if (SILBasicBlock *pred = block->getSinglePredecessorBlock()) {
// Insert destroys which are active at the entry of this block, but not
// on another successor block of the predecessor.
Bits usedLocs = activeDestroys;
insertDestroys(usedLocs, activeDestroys,
toRemove, nullptr, block);
// Note that this condition relies on not having critical edges in the CFG.
[&](SILBasicBlock *P) {
return activeDestroys == dataFlow.getState(P)->exitSet;
// Delete all destroy_addr and debug_value_addr which are scheduled for
// removal.
bool DestroyHoisting::locationOverlaps(const MemoryLocations::Location *loc,
const Bits &destroys) {
// We cannot just check if 'loc->subLocations' has any common bits with
// 'destroys', because subLocations don't include the "self" bit if all sub
// locations cover the whole location.
for (int subIdx = loc->subLocations.find_first(); subIdx >= 0;
subIdx = loc->subLocations.find_next(subIdx)) {
if (destroys.anyCommon(locations.getLocation(subIdx)->selfAndParents))
return true;
return false;
void DestroyHoisting::moveDestroysInBlock(
SILBasicBlock *block, Bits &activeDestroys,
SmallVectorImpl<SILInstruction *> &toRemove) {
Bits usedLocs(locations.getNumLocations());
for (SILInstruction &I : llvm::reverse(*block)) {
getUsedLocationsOfInst(usedLocs, &I);
usedLocs &= activeDestroys;
insertDestroys(usedLocs, activeDestroys, toRemove, &I, block);
int destroyedLoc = getDestroyedLoc(&I);
if (destroyedLoc >= 0) {
} else if (auto *DVA = dyn_cast<DebugValueAddrInst>(&I)) {
// debug_value_addr does not count as real use of a location. If we are
// moving a destroy_addr above a debug_value_addr, just delete that
// debug_value_addr.
auto *dvaLoc = locations.getLocation(DVA->getOperand());
if (dvaLoc && locationOverlaps(dvaLoc, activeDestroys))
} else if (I.mayHaveSideEffects()) {
// Delete all destroy_addr and debug_value_addr which are scheduled for
// removal.
// Insert destroy_addr which are in \p toInsert. Also update \p activeDestroys.
// But exclude instruction from \p removeList (see below).
// If \p afterInst is null, insert the destroys at the begin of \p inBlock.
void DestroyHoisting::insertDestroys(Bits &toInsert, Bits &activeDestroys,
SmallVectorImpl<SILInstruction *> &removeList,
SILInstruction *afterInst, SILBasicBlock *inBlock) {
if (toInsert.none())
// The removeList contains destroy_addr (and debug_value_addr) instructions
// which we want to delete, but we didn't see any side-effect instructions
// since then. There is no value in moving a destroy_addr over side-effect-
// free instructions (it could even trigger creating redundant address
// projections).
// Therefore we remove all such destroy_addr from removeList, i.e. we will
// keep them at their original locations and will not move them.
Bits keepDestroyedLocs(toInsert.size());
auto end = std::remove_if(removeList.begin(), removeList.end(),
[&](SILInstruction *I){
int destroyedLoc = getDestroyedLoc(I);
if (destroyedLoc >= 0 && toInsert.test(destroyedLoc)) {
return true;
if (auto *DVA = dyn_cast<DebugValueAddrInst>(I)) {
// Also keep debug_value_addr instructions, located before a
// destroy_addr which we won't move.
auto *dvaLoc = locations.getLocation(DVA->getOperand());
if (dvaLoc && dvaLoc->selfAndParents.anyCommon(keepDestroyedLocs))
return true;
return false;
removeList.erase(end, removeList.end());
if (toInsert.none())
SILInstruction *insertionPoint =
(afterInst ? &*std::next(afterInst->getIterator()) : &*inBlock->begin());
SILBuilder builder(insertionPoint);
SILLocation loc = RegularLocation(insertionPoint->getLoc().getSourceLoc());
// Insert destroy_addr instructions for all bits in toInsert.
for (int locIdx = toInsert.find_first(); locIdx >= 0;
locIdx = toInsert.find_next(locIdx)) {
if (!combineWith(afterInst, locIdx)) {
SILValue addr = createAddress(locIdx, builder);
builder.createDestroyAddr(loc, addr);
madeChanges = true;
// Instead of inserting a destroy_addr, try to combine it with \p inst, in case
// \p inst is a load [copy] or a non taking copy_addr.
// We can just convert the load/copy_addr to a taking load/copy_addr.
bool DestroyHoisting::combineWith(SILInstruction *inst, unsigned locIdx) {
if (!inst)
return false;
switch (inst->getKind()) {
case SILInstructionKind::LoadInst: {
auto *LI = cast<LoadInst>(inst);
int srcIdx = locations.getLocationIdx(LI->getOperand());
if (srcIdx == (int)locIdx) {
assert(LI->getOwnershipQualifier() == LoadOwnershipQualifier::Copy);
return true;
case SILInstructionKind::CopyAddrInst: {
auto *CAI = cast<CopyAddrInst>(inst);
int srcIdx = locations.getLocationIdx(CAI->getSrc());
if (srcIdx == (int)locIdx) {
return true;
return false;
// Create an address projection for the sub-location \p locIdx, in case the
// representativeValue is a begin_access or does not dominate the insertion
// point of \p builder.
SILValue DestroyHoisting::createAddress(unsigned locIdx, SILBuilder &builder) {
auto *loc = locations.getLocation(locIdx);
if (loc->parentIdx < 0)
return loc->representativeValue;
assert(!isa<BeginAccessInst>(loc->representativeValue) &&
"only a root location can be a begin_access");
if (!domTree)
domTree = DA->get(function);
SILInstruction *ip = &*builder.getInsertionPoint();
SingleValueInstruction *&cachedProj = addressProjections[locIdx];
if (cachedProj && domTree->properlyDominates(cachedProj, ip))
return cachedProj;
auto *projInst = cast<SingleValueInstruction>(loc->representativeValue);
if (domTree->properlyDominates(projInst, ip)) {
cachedProj = projInst;
return projInst;
// Recursively create (or get) the address of the parent location.
SILValue baseAddr = createAddress(loc->parentIdx, builder);
// Insert the new projection instruction right below the parent address.
// This ensures that it dominates the builder's insertion point.
SILBuilder projBuilder(baseAddr->getParentBlock()->begin());
if (auto *addrInst = dyn_cast<SingleValueInstruction>(baseAddr))
SingleValueInstruction *newProj;
if (auto *SEA = dyn_cast<StructElementAddrInst>(projInst)) {
newProj = projBuilder.createStructElementAddr(SEA->getLoc(), baseAddr,
SEA->getField(), SEA->getType());
} else {
auto *TEA = dyn_cast<TupleElementAddrInst>(projInst);
newProj = projBuilder.createTupleElementAddr(TEA->getLoc(), baseAddr,
TEA->getFieldIndex(), TEA->getType());
assert(domTree->properlyDominates(newProj, ip) &&
"new projection does not dominate insert point");
// We need to remember the new projection instruction because in tailMerging
// we might call locations.getLocationIdx() on such a new instruction.
locations.registerProjection(newProj, locIdx);
cachedProj = newProj;
return newProj;
// Perform a simple tail merging optimization: at control flow merges, move
// identical destroy_addr instructions down to the successor block.
// The hoisting optimization can create such situations, e.g.
// \code
// bb1:
// // use of location %a
// br bb3
// bb2:
// br bb3
// bb3:
// destroy_addr %a // will be hoisted (duplicated) into bb2 and bb2
// \endcode
// This is mainly a code size reduction optimization.
void DestroyHoisting::tailMerging(MemoryDataflow &dataFlow) {
// TODO: we could do a worklist algorithm here instead of iterating through
// all the function blocks.
bool changed = false;
do {
changed = false;
for (SILBasicBlock &block : *function) {
changed |= tailMergingInBlock(&block, dataFlow);
} while (changed);
bool DestroyHoisting::tailMergingInBlock(SILBasicBlock *block,
MemoryDataflow &dataFlow) {
if (block->pred_empty() || block->getSinglePredecessorBlock())
return false;
BlockState *state = dataFlow.getState(block);
// Only if the entry set of the block has some bit sets, it's even possible
// that hoisting has moved destroy_addr up to the predecessor blocks.
if (state->entrySet.empty())
return false;
Bits canHoist = state->entrySet;
Bits destroysInPred(canHoist.size());
Bits killedLocs(canHoist.size());
// Collect all common destroy_addr of the predecessor blocks.
for (SILBasicBlock *pred : block->getPredecessorBlocks()) {
for (SILInstruction &I : llvm::reverse(*pred)) {
int destroyedLoc = getDestroyedLoc(&I);
if (destroyedLoc >= 0 && !killedLocs.test(destroyedLoc))
getUsedLocationsOfInst(killedLocs, &I);
if (!canHoist.test(killedLocs))
canHoist &= destroysInPred;
if (canHoist.none())
return false;
// Create the common destroy_addr at the block entry.
SILBuilder builder(&*block->begin());
SILLocation loc = RegularLocation(block->begin()->getLoc().getSourceLoc());
for (int locIdx = canHoist.find_first(); locIdx >= 0;
locIdx = canHoist.find_next(locIdx)) {
SILValue addr = createAddress(locIdx, builder);
builder.createDestroyAddr(loc, addr);
// Remove the common destroy_addr from the predecessor blocks.
for (SILBasicBlock *pred : block->getPredecessorBlocks()) {
destroysInPred = canHoist;
SILInstruction *I = pred->getTerminator();
while (destroysInPred.any()) {
assert(I && "not all destroys fround in predecessor block");
SILInstruction *nextI = (I == &pred->front() ?
nullptr : &*std::prev(I->getIterator()));
int destroyedLoc = getDestroyedLoc(I);
if (destroyedLoc >= 0 && destroysInPred.test(destroyedLoc)) {
I = nextI;
return true;
bool DestroyHoisting::hoistDestroys() {
if (locations.getNumLocations() > 0) {
MemoryDataflow dataFlow(function, locations.getNumLocations());
// Step 1: pre-processing: expand store instructions
// Step 2: hoist destroy_addr instructions.
// (reuse dataFlow to avoid re-allocating all the data structures)
// Step 3: post-processing: tail merge inserted destroy_addr instructions.
// Finally: handle alloc_stack locations within blocks (no need for store-
// expansion and tail-merging for such locations).
locations.handleSingleBlockLocations([this](SILBasicBlock *block) {
llvm::SmallVector<SILInstruction *, 8> toRemove;
Bits activeDestroys(locations.getNumLocations());
moveDestroysInBlock(block, activeDestroys, toRemove);
return madeChanges;
// DestroyHoistingPass
class DestroyHoistingPass : public SILFunctionTransform {
DestroyHoistingPass() {}
/// The entry point to the transformation.
void run() override {
SILFunction *F = getFunction();
if (!F->shouldOptimize())
if (!F->hasOwnership())
// If we are not supposed to perform ossa optimizations, bail.
if (!F->getModule().getOptions().EnableOSSAOptimizations)
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "*** DestroyHoisting on function: "
<< F->getName() << " ***\n");
bool EdgeChanged = splitAllCriticalEdges(*F, nullptr, nullptr);
DominanceAnalysis *DA = PM->getAnalysis<DominanceAnalysis>();
DestroyHoisting CM(F, DA);
bool InstChanged = CM.hoistDestroys();
if (EdgeChanged) {
// We split critical edges.
if (InstChanged) {
// We moved instructions.
} // end anonymous namespace
SILTransform *swift::createDestroyHoisting() {
return new DestroyHoistingPass();