blob: f3bbddf5e3c19908caa6605d60b657f1a4e18401 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- GenCall.h - IR generation for calls and prologues ------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file provides the private interface to the function call
// and prologue emission support code.
#include <stdint.h>
#include "swift/AST/Types.h"
#include "swift/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "swift/SIL/ApplySite.h"
#include "llvm/IR/CallingConv.h"
#include "GenHeap.h"
#include "IRGenModule.h"
namespace llvm {
class AttributeList;
class Constant;
class Twine;
class Type;
class Value;
namespace clang {
template <class> class CanQual;
class Type;
namespace swift {
namespace irgen {
class Address;
class Alignment;
class Callee;
class CalleeInfo;
class Explosion;
class ExplosionSchema;
class ForeignFunctionInfo;
class IRGenFunction;
class IRGenModule;
class LoadableTypeInfo;
class NativeCCEntryPointArgumentEmission;
class Size;
class TypeInfo;
enum class TranslationDirection : bool {
inline TranslationDirection reverse(TranslationDirection direction) {
return TranslationDirection(!bool(direction));
// struct SwiftContext {
// SwiftContext * __ptrauth(...) callerContext;
// SwiftPartialFunction * __ptrauth(...) returnToCaller;
// SwiftActor * __ptrauth(...) callerActor;
// SwiftPartialFunction * __ptrauth(...) yieldToCaller?;
// SwiftError *errorResult;
// IndirectResultTypes *indirectResults...;
// union {
// struct {
// SwiftPartialFunction * __ptrauth(...) resumeFromYield?;
// SwiftPartialFunction * __ptrauth(...) abortFromYield?;
// SwiftActor * __ptrauth(...) calleeActorDuringYield?;
// YieldTypes yieldValues...;
// };
// ResultTypes directResults...;
// };
// SelfType self;
// ArgTypes formalArguments...;
// };
struct AsyncContextLayout : StructLayout {
struct ArgumentInfo {
SILType type;
ParameterConvention convention;
struct TrailingWitnessInfo {};
enum class FixedIndex : unsigned {
Parent = 0,
ResumeParent = 1,
ResumeParentExecutor = 2,
Flags = 3,
YieldToParent = 4,
enum class FixedCount : unsigned {
Parent = 1,
ResumeParent = 1,
ResumeParentExecutor = 1,
Error = 1,
IRGenModule &IGM;
CanSILFunctionType originalType;
CanSILFunctionType substitutedType;
SubstitutionMap substitutionMap;
SILType errorType;
bool canHaveValidError;
bool isCoroutine;
SmallVector<SILYieldInfo, 4> yieldInfos;
SmallVector<SILResultInfo, 4> directReturnInfos;
SmallVector<SILResultInfo, 4> indirectReturnInfos;
Optional<ArgumentInfo> localContextInfo;
NecessaryBindings bindings;
Optional<TrailingWitnessInfo> trailingWitnessInfo;
SmallVector<ArgumentInfo, 4> argumentInfos;
unsigned getParentIndex() { return (unsigned)FixedIndex::Parent; }
unsigned getResumeParentIndex() {
return (unsigned)FixedIndex::ResumeParent;
unsigned getResumeParentExecutorIndex() {
return (unsigned)FixedIndex::ResumeParentExecutor;
unsigned getFlagsIndex() { return (unsigned)FixedIndex::Flags; }
unsigned getYieldToParentIndex() {
return (unsigned)FixedIndex::YieldToParent;
unsigned getErrorIndex() {
return (isCoroutine ? getYieldToParentIndex() : getFlagsIndex()) + 1;
unsigned getFirstIndirectReturnIndex() {
return getErrorIndex() + getErrorCount();
unsigned getIndexAfterIndirectReturns() {
return getFirstIndirectReturnIndex() + getIndirectReturnCount();
unsigned getFirstDirectReturnIndex() {
return getIndexAfterIndirectReturns();
unsigned getIndexAfterDirectReturns() {
return getFirstDirectReturnIndex() + getDirectReturnCount();
unsigned getResumeFromYieldIndex() {
return getIndexAfterIndirectReturns();
unsigned getAbortFromYieldIndex() {
return getResumeFromYieldIndex() + 1;
unsigned getCalleeExecutorDuringYieldIndex() {
return getAbortFromYieldIndex() + 1;
unsigned getFirstYieldIndex() {
return getCalleeExecutorDuringYieldIndex() + 1;
unsigned getIndexAfterYields() {
return getFirstYieldIndex() + getYieldCount();
unsigned getIndexAfterUnion() {
if (isCoroutine) {
return getIndexAfterYields();
} else {
return getIndexAfterDirectReturns();
unsigned getLocalContextIndex() {
return getIndexAfterUnion();
unsigned getIndexAfterLocalContext() {
return getIndexAfterUnion() + (hasLocalContext() ? 1 : 0);
unsigned getFirstArgumentIndex() { return getIndexAfterLocalContext(); }
unsigned getIndexAfterArguments() {
return getFirstArgumentIndex() + getArgumentCount();
unsigned getBindingsIndex() {
return getIndexAfterArguments();
unsigned getIndexAfterBindings() {
return getIndexAfterArguments() + (hasBindings() ? 1 : 0);
unsigned getSelfMetadataIndex() {
return getIndexAfterBindings();
unsigned getSelfWitnessTableIndex() {
return getIndexAfterBindings() + 1;
unsigned getIndexAfterTrailingWitnesses() {
return getIndexAfterBindings() + (hasTrailingWitnesses() ? 2 : 0);
ElementLayout getParentLayout() { return getElement(getParentIndex()); }
ElementLayout getResumeParentLayout() {
return getElement(getResumeParentIndex());
ElementLayout getResumeParentExecutorLayout() {
return getElement(getResumeParentExecutorIndex());
ElementLayout getFlagsLayout() { return getElement(getFlagsIndex()); }
bool canHaveError() { return canHaveValidError; }
ElementLayout getErrorLayout() { return getElement(getErrorIndex()); }
unsigned getErrorCount() { return (unsigned)FixedCount::Error; }
SILType getErrorType() { return errorType; }
ElementLayout getIndirectReturnLayout(unsigned index) {
return getElement(getFirstIndirectReturnIndex() + index);
unsigned getIndirectReturnCount() { return indirectReturnInfos.size(); }
bool hasLocalContext() { return (bool)localContextInfo; }
ElementLayout getLocalContextLayout() {
return getElement(getLocalContextIndex());
SILType getLocalContextType() {
return localContextInfo->type;
bool hasBindings() const { return !bindings.empty(); }
ElementLayout getBindingsLayout() {
return getElement(getBindingsIndex());
const NecessaryBindings &getBindings() const { return bindings; }
ElementLayout getArgumentLayout(unsigned index) {
return getElement(getFirstArgumentIndex() + index);
SILType getArgumentType(unsigned index) {
return argumentInfos[index].type;
// Returns the type of a parameter of the substituted function using the
// indexing of the function parameters, *not* the indexing of
// AsyncContextLayout.
SILType getParameterType(unsigned index) {
SILFunctionConventions origConv(substitutedType, IGM.getSILModule());
return origConv.getSILArgumentType(index,
unsigned getArgumentCount() { return argumentInfos.size(); }
bool hasTrailingWitnesses() { return (bool)trailingWitnessInfo; }
ElementLayout getSelfMetadataLayout() {
return getElement(getSelfMetadataIndex());
ElementLayout getSelfWitnessTableLayout() {
return getElement(getSelfWitnessTableIndex());
unsigned getDirectReturnCount() {
return directReturnInfos.size();
ElementLayout getDirectReturnLayout(unsigned index) {
return getElement(getFirstDirectReturnIndex() + index);
unsigned getYieldCount() {
return yieldInfos.size();
IRGenModule &IGM, LayoutStrategy strategy, ArrayRef<SILType> fieldTypes,
ArrayRef<const TypeInfo *> fieldTypeInfos,
CanSILFunctionType originalType, CanSILFunctionType substitutedType,
SubstitutionMap substitutionMap, NecessaryBindings &&bindings,
Optional<TrailingWitnessInfo> trailingWitnessInfo, SILType errorType,
bool canHaveValidError, ArrayRef<ArgumentInfo> argumentInfos,
bool isCoroutine, ArrayRef<SILYieldInfo> yieldInfos,
ArrayRef<SILResultInfo> indirectReturnInfos,
ArrayRef<SILResultInfo> directReturnInfos,
Optional<ArgumentInfo> localContextInfo);
AsyncContextLayout getAsyncContextLayout(IRGenModule &IGM,
SILFunction *function);
AsyncContextLayout getAsyncContextLayout(IRGenModule &IGM,
CanSILFunctionType originalType,
CanSILFunctionType substitutedType,
SubstitutionMap substitutionMap);
/// Given an async function, get the pointer to the function to be called and
/// the size of the context to be allocated.
/// \param values Whether any code should be emitted to retrieve the function
/// pointer and the size, respectively. If false is passed, no
/// code will be emitted to generate that value and null will
/// be returned for it.
/// \return {function, size}
std::pair<llvm::Value *, llvm::Value *> getAsyncFunctionAndSize(
IRGenFunction &IGF, SILFunctionTypeRepresentation representation,
FunctionPointer functionPointer, llvm::Value *thickContext,
std::pair<bool, bool> values = {true, true},
Size initialContextSize = Size(0));
llvm::CallingConv::ID expandCallingConv(IRGenModule &IGM,
SILFunctionTypeRepresentation convention);
Signature emitCastOfFunctionPointer(IRGenFunction &IGF, llvm::Value *&fnPtr,
CanSILFunctionType fnType);
/// Does the given function have a self parameter that should be given
/// the special treatment for self parameters?
bool hasSelfContextParameter(CanSILFunctionType fnType);
/// Add function attributes to an attribute set for a byval argument.
void addByvalArgumentAttributes(IRGenModule &IGM,
llvm::AttributeList &attrs,
unsigned argIndex,
Alignment align);
/// Add signext or zeroext attribute set for an argument that needs
/// extending.
void addExtendAttribute(IRGenModule &IGM, llvm::AttributeList &attrs,
unsigned index, bool signExtend);
/// Can a series of values be simply pairwise coerced to (or from) an
/// explosion schema, or do they need to traffic through memory?
bool canCoerceToSchema(IRGenModule &IGM,
ArrayRef<llvm::Type*> types,
const ExplosionSchema &schema);
void emitForeignParameter(IRGenFunction &IGF, Explosion &params,
ForeignFunctionInfo foreignInfo,
unsigned foreignParamIndex, SILType paramTy,
const LoadableTypeInfo &paramTI,
Explosion &paramExplosion, bool isOutlined);
void emitClangExpandedParameter(IRGenFunction &IGF,
Explosion &in, Explosion &out,
clang::CanQual<clang::Type> clangType,
SILType swiftType,
const LoadableTypeInfo &swiftTI);
bool addNativeArgument(IRGenFunction &IGF,
Explosion &in,
CanSILFunctionType fnTy,
SILParameterInfo origParamInfo, Explosion &args,
bool isOutlined);
/// Allocate a stack buffer of the appropriate size to bitwise-coerce a value
/// between two LLVM types.
std::pair<Address, Size>
allocateForCoercion(IRGenFunction &IGF,
llvm::Type *fromTy,
llvm::Type *toTy,
const llvm::Twine &basename);
void extractScalarResults(IRGenFunction &IGF, llvm::Type *bodyType,
llvm::Value *call, Explosion &out);
Callee getBlockPointerCallee(IRGenFunction &IGF, llvm::Value *blockPtr,
CalleeInfo &&info);
Callee getCFunctionPointerCallee(IRGenFunction &IGF, llvm::Value *fnPtr,
CalleeInfo &&info);
Callee getSwiftFunctionPointerCallee(IRGenFunction &IGF,
llvm::Value *fnPtr,
llvm::Value *contextPtr,
CalleeInfo &&info,
bool castOpaqueToRefcountedContext);
Address emitAllocYieldOnceCoroutineBuffer(IRGenFunction &IGF);
void emitDeallocYieldOnceCoroutineBuffer(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address buffer);
emitYieldOnceCoroutineEntry(IRGenFunction &IGF,
CanSILFunctionType coroutineType,
NativeCCEntryPointArgumentEmission &emission);
Address emitAllocYieldManyCoroutineBuffer(IRGenFunction &IGF);
void emitDeallocYieldManyCoroutineBuffer(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address buffer);
emitYieldManyCoroutineEntry(IRGenFunction &IGF,
CanSILFunctionType coroutineType,
NativeCCEntryPointArgumentEmission &emission);
void emitTaskCancel(IRGenFunction &IGF, llvm::Value *task);
/// Emit a class to swift_task_create[_f] or swift_task_create_future[__f]
/// with the given flags, parent task, and task function.
/// When \c futureResultType is non-null, calls the future variant to create
/// a future.
llvm::Value *emitTaskCreate(
IRGenFunction &IGF, llvm::Value *flags, llvm::Value *parentTask,
llvm::Value *futureResultType,
llvm::Value *taskFunction, llvm::Value *localContextInfo,
SubstitutionMap subs);
/// Allocate task local storage for the provided dynamic size.
Address emitAllocAsyncContext(IRGenFunction &IGF, llvm::Value *sizeValue);
void emitDeallocAsyncContext(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address context);
void emitAsyncFunctionEntry(IRGenFunction &IGF, SILFunction *asyncFunc);
/// Yield the given values from the current continuation.
/// \return an i1 indicating whether the caller wants to unwind this
/// coroutine instead of resuming it normally
llvm::Value *emitYield(IRGenFunction &IGF,
CanSILFunctionType coroutineType,
Explosion &yieldedValues);
enum class AsyncFunctionArgumentIndex : unsigned {
Task = 0,
Executor = 1,
Context = 2,
void emitAsyncReturn(IRGenFunction &IGF, AsyncContextLayout &layout,
CanSILFunctionType fnType);
Address emitAutoDiffCreateLinearMapContext(
IRGenFunction &IGF, llvm::Value *topLevelSubcontextSize);
Address emitAutoDiffProjectTopLevelSubcontext(
IRGenFunction &IGF, Address context);
Address emitAutoDiffAllocateSubcontext(
IRGenFunction &IGF, Address context, llvm::Value *size);
} // end namespace irgen
} // end namespace swift