blob: 16dfe72379f9062029e9c7bde975bd969dadffd4 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- DiagnosticVerifier.cpp - Diagnostic Verifier (-verify) -----------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2020 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file implements the DiagnosticVerifier class.
#include "swift/Frontend/DiagnosticVerifier.h"
#include "swift/Basic/SourceManager.h"
#include "swift/Parse/Lexer.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
using namespace swift;
namespace swift {
struct ExpectedFixIt {
const char *StartLoc, *EndLoc; // The loc of the {{ and }}'s.
unsigned StartCol;
unsigned EndCol;
std::string Text;
} // end namespace swift
namespace {
static constexpr StringLiteral fixitExpectationNoneString("none");
static constexpr StringLiteral educationalNotesSpecifier("educational-notes=");
struct ExpectedDiagnosticInfo {
// This specifies the full range of the "expected-foo {{}}" specifier.
const char *ExpectedStart, *ExpectedEnd = nullptr;
DiagnosticKind Classification;
// This is true if a '*' constraint is present to say that the diagnostic
// may appear (or not) an uncounted number of times.
bool mayAppear = false;
// This is true if a '{{none}}' is present to mark that there should be no
// extra fixits.
bool noExtraFixitsMayAppear() const { return noneMarkerStartLoc != nullptr; };
// This is the raw input buffer for the message text, the part in the
// {{...}}
StringRef MessageRange;
// This is the message string with escapes expanded.
std::string MessageStr;
unsigned LineNo = ~0U;
Optional<unsigned> ColumnNo;
std::vector<ExpectedFixIt> Fixits;
// Loc of {{none}}
const char *noneMarkerStartLoc = nullptr;
/// Represents a specifier of the form '{{educational-notes=note1,note2}}'.
struct ExpectedEducationalNotes {
const char *StartLoc, *EndLoc; // The loc of the {{ and }}'s.
llvm::SmallVector<StringRef, 1> Names; // Names of expected notes.
ExpectedEducationalNotes(const char *StartLoc, const char *EndLoc,
llvm::SmallVector<StringRef, 1> Names)
: StartLoc(StartLoc), EndLoc(EndLoc), Names(Names) {}
Optional<ExpectedEducationalNotes> EducationalNotes;
ExpectedDiagnosticInfo(const char *ExpectedStart,
DiagnosticKind Classification)
: ExpectedStart(ExpectedStart), Classification(Classification) {}
static std::string getDiagKindString(DiagnosticKind Kind) {
switch (Kind) {
case DiagnosticKind::Error:
return "error";
case DiagnosticKind::Warning:
return "warning";
case DiagnosticKind::Note:
return "note";
case DiagnosticKind::Remark:
return "remark";
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled DiagKind in switch.");
/// Render the verifier syntax for a given set of educational notes.
static std::string
renderEducationalNotes(llvm::SmallVectorImpl<std::string> &EducationalNotes) {
std::string Result;
llvm::raw_string_ostream OS(Result);
OS << "{{" << educationalNotesSpecifier;
interleave(EducationalNotes, [&](const auto &Note) { OS << Note; },
[&] { OS << ','; });
OS << "}}";
return OS.str();
/// If we find the specified diagnostic in the list, return it.
/// Otherwise return CapturedDiagnostics.end().
static std::vector<CapturedDiagnosticInfo>::iterator
findDiagnostic(std::vector<CapturedDiagnosticInfo> &CapturedDiagnostics,
const ExpectedDiagnosticInfo &Expected, StringRef BufferName) {
for (auto I = CapturedDiagnostics.begin(), E = CapturedDiagnostics.end();
I != E; ++I) {
// Verify the file and line of the diagnostic.
if (I->Line != Expected.LineNo || I->FileName != BufferName)
// If a specific column was expected, verify it.
if (Expected.ColumnNo.hasValue() && I->Column != *Expected.ColumnNo)
// Verify the classification and string.
if (I->Classification != Expected.Classification ||
I->Message.find(Expected.MessageStr) == StringRef::npos)
// Okay, we found a match, hurray!
return I;
return CapturedDiagnostics.end();
/// If there are any -verify errors (e.g. differences between expectations
/// and actual diagnostics produced), apply fixits to the original source
/// file and drop it back in place.
static void autoApplyFixes(SourceManager &SM, unsigned BufferID,
ArrayRef<llvm::SMDiagnostic> diags) {
// Walk the list of diagnostics, pulling out any fixits into an array of just
// them.
SmallVector<llvm::SMFixIt, 4> FixIts;
for (auto &diag : diags)
FixIts.append(diag.getFixIts().begin(), diag.getFixIts().end());
// If we have no fixits to apply, avoid touching the file.
if (FixIts.empty())
// Sort the fixits by their start location.
std::sort(FixIts.begin(), FixIts.end(),
[&](const llvm::SMFixIt &lhs, const llvm::SMFixIt &rhs) -> bool {
return lhs.getRange().Start.getPointer() <
// Coalesce identical fix-its. This happens most often with "expected-error 2"
// syntax.
FixIts.erase(std::unique(FixIts.begin(), FixIts.end(),
[](const llvm::SMFixIt &lhs,
const llvm::SMFixIt &rhs) -> bool {
return lhs.getRange().Start ==
rhs.getRange().Start &&
lhs.getRange().End == rhs.getRange().End &&
lhs.getText() == rhs.getText();
// Filter out overlapping fix-its. This allows the compiler to apply changes
// to the easy parts of the file, and leave in the tricky cases for the
// developer to handle manually.
FixIts.begin(), FixIts.end(),
[](const llvm::SMFixIt &lhs, const llvm::SMFixIt &rhs) {
return lhs.getRange().End.getPointer() >
// Get the contents of the original source file.
auto memBuffer = SM.getLLVMSourceMgr().getMemoryBuffer(BufferID);
auto bufferRange = memBuffer->getBuffer();
// Apply the fixes, building up a new buffer as an std::string.
const char *LastPos = bufferRange.begin();
std::string Result;
for (auto &fix : FixIts) {
// We cannot handle overlapping fixits, so assert that they don't happen.
assert(LastPos <= fix.getRange().Start.getPointer() &&
"Cannot handle overlapping fixits");
// Keep anything from the last spot we've checked to the start of the fixit.
Result.append(LastPos, fix.getRange().Start.getPointer());
// Replace the content covered by the fixit with the replacement text.
Result.append(fix.getText().begin(), fix.getText().end());
// Next character to consider is at the end of the fixit.
LastPos = fix.getRange().End.getPointer();
// Retain the end of the file.
Result.append(LastPos, bufferRange.end());
std::error_code error;
llvm::raw_fd_ostream outs(memBuffer->getBufferIdentifier(), error,
if (!error)
outs << Result;
/// diagnostics for '<unknown>:0' should be considered as unexpected.
static bool
verifyUnknown(SourceManager &SM,
std::vector<CapturedDiagnosticInfo> &CapturedDiagnostics) {
bool HadError = false;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = CapturedDiagnostics.size(); i != e; ++i) {
if (CapturedDiagnostics[i].Loc.isValid())
HadError = true;
std::string Message =
("unexpected " +
getDiagKindString(CapturedDiagnostics[i].Classification) +
" produced: " + CapturedDiagnostics[i].Message)
auto diag = SM.GetMessage({}, llvm::SourceMgr::DK_Error, Message, {}, {});
SM.getLLVMSourceMgr().PrintMessage(llvm::errs(), diag);
return HadError;
} // end anonymous namespace
static unsigned getColumnNumber(StringRef buffer, llvm::SMLoc loc) {
assert(loc.getPointer() >=;
assert((size_t)(loc.getPointer() - <= buffer.size());
StringRef UpToLoc = buffer.slice(0, loc.getPointer() -;
size_t ColumnNo = UpToLoc.size();
size_t NewlinePos = UpToLoc.find_last_of("\r\n");
if (NewlinePos != StringRef::npos)
ColumnNo -= NewlinePos;
return static_cast<unsigned>(ColumnNo);
/// Return true if the given \p ExpectedFixIt is in the fix-its emitted by
/// diagnostic \p D.
bool DiagnosticVerifier::checkForFixIt(const ExpectedFixIt &Expected,
const CapturedDiagnosticInfo &D,
StringRef buffer) {
for (auto &ActualFixIt : D.FixIts) {
if (ActualFixIt.getText() != Expected.Text)
CharSourceRange Range = ActualFixIt.getRange();
if (getColumnNumber(buffer, getRawLoc(Range.getStart())) !=
if (getColumnNumber(buffer, getRawLoc(Range.getEnd())) != Expected.EndCol)
return true;
return false;
DiagnosticVerifier::renderFixits(ArrayRef<DiagnosticInfo::FixIt> fixits,
StringRef InputFile) {
std::string Result;
llvm::raw_string_ostream OS(Result);
[&](const DiagnosticInfo::FixIt &ActualFixIt) {
CharSourceRange Range = ActualFixIt.getRange();
OS << "{{"
<< getColumnNumber(InputFile, getRawLoc(Range.getStart()))
<< '-'
<< getColumnNumber(InputFile, getRawLoc(Range.getEnd()))
<< '=';
for (auto C : ActualFixIt.getText()) {
if (C == '\n')
OS << "\\n";
else if (C == '}' || C == '\\')
OS << '\\' << C;
OS << C;
OS << "}}";
[&] { OS << ' '; });
return OS.str();
/// After the file has been processed, check to see if we got all of
/// the expected diagnostics and check to see if there were any unexpected
/// ones.
DiagnosticVerifier::Result DiagnosticVerifier::verifyFile(unsigned BufferID) {
using llvm::SMLoc;
const SourceLoc BufferStartLoc = SM.getLocForBufferStart(BufferID);
CharSourceRange EntireRange = SM.getRangeForBuffer(BufferID);
StringRef InputFile = SM.extractText(EntireRange);
StringRef BufferName = SM.getIdentifierForBuffer(BufferID);
// Queue up all of the diagnostics, allowing us to sort them and emit them in
// file order.
std::vector<llvm::SMDiagnostic> Errors;
unsigned PrevExpectedContinuationLine = 0;
std::vector<ExpectedDiagnosticInfo> ExpectedDiagnostics;
auto addError = [&](const char *Loc, const Twine &message,
ArrayRef<llvm::SMFixIt> FixIts = {}) {
auto loc = SourceLoc(SMLoc::getFromPointer(Loc));
auto diag = SM.GetMessage(loc, llvm::SourceMgr::DK_Error, message,
{}, FixIts);
// Scan the memory buffer looking for expected-note/warning/error.
for (size_t Match = InputFile.find("expected-");
Match != StringRef::npos; Match = InputFile.find("expected-", Match+1)) {
// Process this potential match. If we fail to process it, just move on to
// the next match.
StringRef MatchStart = InputFile.substr(Match);
const char *DiagnosticLoc =;
DiagnosticKind ExpectedClassification;
if (MatchStart.startswith("expected-note")) {
ExpectedClassification = DiagnosticKind::Note;
MatchStart = MatchStart.substr(strlen("expected-note"));
} else if (MatchStart.startswith("expected-warning")) {
ExpectedClassification = DiagnosticKind::Warning;
MatchStart = MatchStart.substr(strlen("expected-warning"));
} else if (MatchStart.startswith("expected-error")) {
ExpectedClassification = DiagnosticKind::Error;
MatchStart = MatchStart.substr(strlen("expected-error"));
} else if (MatchStart.startswith("expected-remark")) {
ExpectedClassification = DiagnosticKind::Remark;
MatchStart = MatchStart.substr(strlen("expected-remark"));
} else
// Skip any whitespace before the {{.
MatchStart = MatchStart.substr(MatchStart.find_first_not_of(" \t"));
size_t TextStartIdx = MatchStart.find("{{");
if (TextStartIdx == StringRef::npos) {
"expected {{ in expected-warning/note/error line");
ExpectedDiagnosticInfo Expected(DiagnosticLoc, ExpectedClassification);
int LineOffset = 0;
if (TextStartIdx > 0 && MatchStart[0] == '@') {
if (MatchStart[1] != '+' && MatchStart[1] != '-' &&
MatchStart[1] != ':') {
"expected '+'/'-' for line offset, or ':' for column");
StringRef Offs;
if (MatchStart[1] == '+')
Offs = MatchStart.slice(2, TextStartIdx).rtrim();
Offs = MatchStart.slice(1, TextStartIdx).rtrim();
size_t SpaceIndex = Offs.find(' ');
if (SpaceIndex != StringRef::npos && SpaceIndex < TextStartIdx) {
size_t Delta = Offs.size() - SpaceIndex;
MatchStart = MatchStart.substr(TextStartIdx - Delta);
TextStartIdx = Delta;
Offs = Offs.slice(0, SpaceIndex);
} else {
MatchStart = MatchStart.substr(TextStartIdx);
TextStartIdx = 0;
size_t ColonIndex = Offs.find(':');
// Check whether a line offset was provided
if (ColonIndex != 0) {
StringRef LineOffs = Offs.slice(0, ColonIndex);
if (LineOffs.getAsInteger(10, LineOffset)) {
addError(, "expected line offset before '{{'");
// Check whether a column was provided
if (ColonIndex != StringRef::npos) {
Offs = Offs.slice(ColonIndex + 1, Offs.size());
int Column = 0;
if (Offs.getAsInteger(10, Column)) {
addError(, "expected column before '{{'");
Expected.ColumnNo = Column;
unsigned Count = 1;
if (TextStartIdx > 0) {
StringRef CountStr = MatchStart.substr(0, TextStartIdx).trim();
if (CountStr == "*") {
Expected.mayAppear = true;
} else {
if (CountStr.getAsInteger(10, Count)) {
addError(, "expected match count before '{{'");
if (Count == 0) {
"expected positive match count before '{{'");
// Resync up to the '{{'.
MatchStart = MatchStart.substr(TextStartIdx);
size_t End = MatchStart.find("}}");
if (End == StringRef::npos) {
"didn't find '}}' to match '{{' in expected-warning/note/error line");
llvm::SmallString<256> Buf;
Expected.MessageRange = MatchStart.slice(2, End);
Expected.MessageStr =
Lexer::getEncodedStringSegment(Expected.MessageRange, Buf).str();
if (PrevExpectedContinuationLine)
Expected.LineNo = PrevExpectedContinuationLine;
Expected.LineNo = SM.getPresumedLineAndColumnForLoc(
BufferStartLoc.getAdvancedLoc( -,
Expected.LineNo += LineOffset;
// Check if the next expected diagnostic should be in the same line.
StringRef AfterEnd = MatchStart.substr(End + strlen("}}"));
AfterEnd = AfterEnd.substr(AfterEnd.find_first_not_of(" \t"));
if (AfterEnd.startswith("\\"))
PrevExpectedContinuationLine = Expected.LineNo;
PrevExpectedContinuationLine = 0;
// Scan for fix-its: {{10-14=replacement text}}
StringRef ExtraChecks = MatchStart.substr(End+2).ltrim(" \t");
while (ExtraChecks.startswith("{{")) {
// First make sure we have a closing "}}".
size_t EndIndex = ExtraChecks.find("}}");
if (EndIndex == StringRef::npos) {
"didn't find '}}' to match '{{' in diagnostic verification");
// Allow for close braces to appear in the replacement text.
while (EndIndex + 2 < ExtraChecks.size() &&
ExtraChecks[EndIndex + 2] == '}')
const char *OpenLoc =; // Beginning of opening '{{'.
const char *CloseLoc = + EndIndex + 2; // End of closing '}}'.
StringRef CheckStr = ExtraChecks.slice(2, EndIndex);
// Check for matching a later "}}" on a different line.
if (CheckStr.find_first_of("\r\n") != StringRef::npos) {
addError(, "didn't find '}}' to match '{{' in "
"diagnostic verification");
// Prepare for the next round of checks.
ExtraChecks = ExtraChecks.substr(EndIndex + 2).ltrim();
// If this check starts with 'educational-notes=', check for one or more
// educational notes instead of a fix-it.
if (CheckStr.startswith(educationalNotesSpecifier)) {
if (Expected.EducationalNotes.hasValue()) {
"each verified diagnostic may only have one "
"{{educational-notes=<#notes#>}} declaration");
StringRef NotesStr = CheckStr.substr(
educationalNotesSpecifier.size()); // Trim 'educational-notes='.
llvm::SmallVector<StringRef, 1> names;
// Note names are comma-separated.
std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> split;
do {
split = NotesStr.split(',');
NotesStr = split.second;
} while (!NotesStr.empty());
Expected.EducationalNotes.emplace(OpenLoc, CloseLoc, names);
// This wasn't an educational notes specifier, so it must be a fix-it.
// Special case for specifying no fixits should appear.
if (CheckStr == fixitExpectationNoneString) {
if (Expected.noneMarkerStartLoc) {
addError( - 2,
Twine("A second {{") + fixitExpectationNoneString +
"}} was found. It may only appear once in an expectation.");
Expected.noneMarkerStartLoc = - 2;
if (Expected.noneMarkerStartLoc) {
addError(Expected.noneMarkerStartLoc, Twine("{{") +
fixitExpectationNoneString +
"}} must be at the end.");
// Parse the pieces of the fix-it.
size_t MinusLoc = CheckStr.find('-');
if (MinusLoc == StringRef::npos) {
addError(, "expected '-' in fix-it verification");
StringRef StartColStr = CheckStr.slice(0, MinusLoc);
StringRef AfterMinus = CheckStr.substr(MinusLoc + 1);
size_t EqualLoc = AfterMinus.find('=');
if (EqualLoc == StringRef::npos) {
"expected '=' after '-' in fix-it verification");
StringRef EndColStr = AfterMinus.slice(0, EqualLoc);
StringRef AfterEqual = AfterMinus.substr(EqualLoc+1);
ExpectedFixIt FixIt;
FixIt.StartLoc = OpenLoc;
FixIt.EndLoc = CloseLoc;
if (StartColStr.getAsInteger(10, FixIt.StartCol)) {
"invalid column number in fix-it verification");
if (EndColStr.getAsInteger(10, FixIt.EndCol)) {
"invalid column number in fix-it verification");
// Translate literal "\\n" into '\n', inefficiently.
StringRef fixItText = AfterEqual.slice(0, EndIndex);
for (const char *current = fixItText.begin(), *end = fixItText.end();
current != end; /* in loop */) {
if (*current == '\\' && current + 1 < end) {
if (current[1] == 'n') {
FixIt.Text += '\n';
current += 2;
} else { // Handle \}, \\, etc.
FixIt.Text += current[1];
current += 2;
} else {
FixIt.Text += *current++;
Expected.ExpectedEnd =;
// Don't include trailing whitespace in the expected-foo{{}} range.
while (isspace(Expected.ExpectedEnd[-1]))
// Add the diagnostic the expected number of times.
for (; Count; --Count)
// Make sure all the expected diagnostics appeared.
std::reverse(ExpectedDiagnostics.begin(), ExpectedDiagnostics.end());
for (unsigned i = ExpectedDiagnostics.size(); i != 0; ) {
auto &expected = ExpectedDiagnostics[i];
// Check to see if we had this expected diagnostic.
auto FoundDiagnosticIter =
findDiagnostic(CapturedDiagnostics, expected, BufferName);
if (FoundDiagnosticIter == CapturedDiagnostics.end()) {
// Diagnostic didn't exist. If this is a 'mayAppear' diagnostic, then
// we're ok. Otherwise, leave it in the list.
if (expected.mayAppear)
auto &FoundDiagnostic = *FoundDiagnosticIter;
const char *missedFixitLoc = nullptr;
// Verify that any expected fix-its are present in the diagnostic.
for (auto fixit : expected.Fixits) {
// If we found it, we're ok.
if (!checkForFixIt(fixit, FoundDiagnostic, InputFile)) {
missedFixitLoc = fixit.StartLoc;
const bool isUnexpectedFixitsSeen =
expected.Fixits.size() < FoundDiagnostic.FixIts.size();
struct ActualFixitsPhrase {
std::string phrase;
std::string actualFixits;
auto makeActualFixitsPhrase =
[&](ArrayRef<DiagnosticInfo::FixIt> actualFixits)
-> ActualFixitsPhrase {
std::string actualFixitsStr = renderFixits(actualFixits, InputFile);
return ActualFixitsPhrase{(Twine("actual fix-it") +
(actualFixits.size() >= 2 ? "s" : "") +
" seen: " + actualFixitsStr).str(),
auto emitFixItsError = [&](const char *location, const Twine &message,
const char *replStartLoc, const char *replEndLoc,
const std::string &replStr) {
llvm::SMFixIt fix(llvm::SMRange(SMLoc::getFromPointer(replStartLoc),
addError(location, message, fix);
// If we have any expected fixits that didn't get matched, then they are
// wrong. Replace the failed fixit with what actually happened.
if (missedFixitLoc) {
// If we had an incorrect expected fixit, render it and produce a fixit
// of our own.
assert(!expected.Fixits.empty() &&
"some fix-its should be expected here");
const char *replStartLoc = expected.Fixits.front().StartLoc;
const char *replEndLoc = expected.Fixits.back().EndLoc;
std::string message = "expected fix-it not seen";
std::string actualFixits;
if (FoundDiagnostic.FixIts.empty()) {
/// If actual fix-its is empty,
/// eat a space before first marker.
/// For example,
/// @code
/// expected-error {{message}} {{1-2=aa}}
/// ~~~~~~~~~~~
/// ^ remove
/// @endcode
if (replStartLoc[-1] == ' ') {
} else {
auto phrase = makeActualFixitsPhrase(FoundDiagnostic.FixIts);
actualFixits = phrase.actualFixits;
message += "; " + phrase.phrase;
emitFixItsError(missedFixitLoc, message, replStartLoc, replEndLoc,
} else if (expected.noExtraFixitsMayAppear() && isUnexpectedFixitsSeen) {
// If unexpected fixit were produced, add a fixit to add them in.
assert(!FoundDiagnostic.FixIts.empty() &&
"some fix-its should be produced here");
assert(expected.noneMarkerStartLoc && "none marker location is null");
const char *replStartLoc = nullptr, *replEndLoc = nullptr;
std::string message;
if (expected.Fixits.empty()) {
message = "expected no fix-its";
replStartLoc = expected.noneMarkerStartLoc;
replEndLoc = expected.noneMarkerStartLoc;
} else {
message = "unexpected fix-it seen";
replStartLoc = expected.Fixits.front().StartLoc;
replEndLoc = expected.Fixits.back().EndLoc;
auto phrase = makeActualFixitsPhrase(FoundDiagnostic.FixIts);
std::string actualFixits = phrase.actualFixits;
message += "; " + phrase.phrase;
if (replStartLoc == replEndLoc) {
/// If no fix-its was expected and range of replacement is empty,
/// insert space after new last marker.
/// For example:
/// @code
/// expected-error {{message}} {{none}}
/// ^
/// insert `{{1-2=aa}} `
/// @endcode
actualFixits += " ";
emitFixItsError(expected.noneMarkerStartLoc, message, replStartLoc,
replEndLoc, actualFixits);
if (auto expectedNotes = expected.EducationalNotes) {
// Verify educational notes
for (auto &foundName : FoundDiagnostic.EducationalNotes) {
[&](StringRef item) { return item.equals(foundName); });
if (!expectedNotes->Names.empty()) {
if (FoundDiagnostic.EducationalNotes.empty()) {
"expected educational note(s) not seen");
} else {
// If we had an incorrect expected note, render it and produce a fixit
// of our own.
auto actual =
auto replStartLoc = SMLoc::getFromPointer(expectedNotes->StartLoc);
auto replEndLoc = SMLoc::getFromPointer(expectedNotes->EndLoc);
llvm::SMFixIt fix(llvm::SMRange(replStartLoc, replEndLoc), actual);
"expected educational note(s) not seen; actual educational "
"note(s): " + actual, fix);
// Actually remove the diagnostic from the list, so we don't match it
// again. We do have to do this after checking fix-its, though, because
// the diagnostic owns its fix-its.
// We found the diagnostic, so remove it... unless we allow an arbitrary
// number of diagnostics, in which case we want to reprocess this.
if (expected.mayAppear)
// Check to see if we have any incorrect diagnostics. If so, diagnose them as
// such.
auto expectedDiagIter = ExpectedDiagnostics.begin();
while (expectedDiagIter != ExpectedDiagnostics.end()) {
// Check to see if any found diagnostics have the right line and
// classification, but the wrong text.
auto I = CapturedDiagnostics.begin();
for (auto E = CapturedDiagnostics.end(); I != E; ++I) {
// Verify the file and line of the diagnostic.
if (I->Line != expectedDiagIter->LineNo || I->FileName != BufferName ||
I->Classification != expectedDiagIter->Classification)
// Otherwise, we found it, break out.
if (I == CapturedDiagnostics.end()) {
if (I->Message.find(expectedDiagIter->MessageStr) == StringRef::npos) {
auto StartLoc =
auto EndLoc = SMLoc::getFromPointer(expectedDiagIter->MessageRange.end());
llvm::SMFixIt fixIt(llvm::SMRange{StartLoc, EndLoc}, I->Message);
"incorrect message found", fixIt);
} else if (I->Column != *expectedDiagIter->ColumnNo) {
// The difference must be only in the column
llvm::formatv("message found at column {0} but was expected to "
"appear at column {1}",
I->Column, *expectedDiagIter->ColumnNo));
} else {
llvm_unreachable("unhandled difference from expected diagnostic");
expectedDiagIter = ExpectedDiagnostics.erase(expectedDiagIter);
// Diagnose expected diagnostics that didn't appear.
std::reverse(ExpectedDiagnostics.begin(), ExpectedDiagnostics.end());
for (auto const &expected : ExpectedDiagnostics) {
std::string message = "expected "+getDiagKindString(expected.Classification)
+ " not produced";
// Get the range of the expected-foo{{}} diagnostic specifier.
auto StartLoc = expected.ExpectedStart;
auto EndLoc = expected.ExpectedEnd;
// A very common case if for the specifier to be the last thing on the line.
// In this case, eat any trailing whitespace.
while (isspace(*EndLoc) && *EndLoc != '\n' && *EndLoc != '\r')
// If we found the end of the line, we can do great things. Otherwise,
// avoid nuking whitespace that might be zapped through other means.
if (*EndLoc != '\n' && *EndLoc != '\r') {
EndLoc = expected.ExpectedEnd;
} else {
// If we hit the end of line, then zap whitespace leading up to it.
auto FileStart =;
while (StartLoc-1 != FileStart && isspace(StartLoc[-1]) &&
StartLoc[-1] != '\n' && StartLoc[-1] != '\r')
// If we got to the end of the line, and the thing before this diagnostic
// is a "//" then we can remove it too.
if (StartLoc-2 >= FileStart && StartLoc[-1] == '/' && StartLoc[-2] == '/')
StartLoc -= 2;
// Perform another round of general whitespace nuking to cleanup
// whitespace before the //.
while (StartLoc-1 != FileStart && isspace(StartLoc[-1]) &&
StartLoc[-1] != '\n' && StartLoc[-1] != '\r')
// If we found a \n, then we can nuke the entire line.
if (StartLoc-1 != FileStart &&
(StartLoc[-1] == '\n' || StartLoc[-1] == '\r'))
// Remove the expected-foo{{}} as a fixit.
llvm::SMFixIt fixIt(llvm::SMRange{
}, "");
addError(expected.ExpectedStart, message, fixIt);
// Verify that there are no diagnostics (in MemoryBuffer) left in the list.
bool HadUnexpectedDiag = false;
auto CapturedDiagIter = CapturedDiagnostics.begin();
while (CapturedDiagIter != CapturedDiagnostics.end()) {
if (CapturedDiagIter->FileName != BufferName) {
HadUnexpectedDiag = true;
std::string Message =
("unexpected " + getDiagKindString(CapturedDiagIter->Classification) +
" produced: " + CapturedDiagIter->Message)
addError(getRawLoc(CapturedDiagIter->Loc).getPointer(), Message);
CapturedDiagIter = CapturedDiagnostics.erase(CapturedDiagIter);
// Sort the diagnostics by their address in the memory buffer as the primary
// key. This ensures that an "unexpected diagnostic" and
// "expected diagnostic" in the same place are emitted next to each other.
std::sort(Errors.begin(), Errors.end(),
[&](const llvm::SMDiagnostic &lhs,
const llvm::SMDiagnostic &rhs) -> bool {
return lhs.getLoc().getPointer() < rhs.getLoc().getPointer();
// Emit all of the queue'd up errors.
for (auto Err : Errors)
SM.getLLVMSourceMgr().PrintMessage(llvm::errs(), Err);
// If auto-apply fixits is on, rewrite the original source file.
if (AutoApplyFixes)
autoApplyFixes(SM, BufferID, Errors);
return Result{!Errors.empty(), HadUnexpectedDiag};
void DiagnosticVerifier::printRemainingDiagnostics() const {
for (const auto &diag : CapturedDiagnostics) {
// Determine what kind of diagnostic we're emitting.
llvm::SourceMgr::DiagKind SMKind;
switch (diag.Classification) {
case DiagnosticKind::Error:
SMKind = llvm::SourceMgr::DK_Error;
case DiagnosticKind::Warning:
SMKind = llvm::SourceMgr::DK_Warning;
case DiagnosticKind::Note:
SMKind = llvm::SourceMgr::DK_Note;
case DiagnosticKind::Remark:
SMKind = llvm::SourceMgr::DK_Remark;
llvm::errs(), getRawLoc(diag.Loc), SMKind,
"diagnostic produced elsewhere: " + diag.Message.str(),
/*Ranges=*/{}, {});
// Main entrypoints
/// Every time a diagnostic is generated in -verify mode, this function is
/// called with the diagnostic. We just buffer them up until the end of the
/// file.
void DiagnosticVerifier::handleDiagnostic(SourceManager &SM,
const DiagnosticInfo &Info) {
SmallVector<DiagnosticInfo::FixIt, 2> fixIts;
std::copy(Info.FixIts.begin(), Info.FixIts.end(), std::back_inserter(fixIts));
llvm::SmallVector<std::string, 1> eduNotes;
for (auto &notePath : Info.EducationalNotePaths) {
llvm::SmallString<128> message;
llvm::raw_svector_ostream Out(message);
DiagnosticEngine::formatDiagnosticText(Out, Info.FormatString,
if (Info.Loc.isValid()) {
const auto lineAndColumn = SM.getPresumedLineAndColumnForLoc(Info.Loc);
const auto fileName = SM.getDisplayNameForLoc(Info.Loc);
CapturedDiagnostics.emplace_back(message, fileName, Info.Kind, Info.Loc,
lineAndColumn.first, lineAndColumn.second,
fixIts, eduNotes);
} else {
CapturedDiagnostics.emplace_back(message, StringRef(), Info.Kind, Info.Loc,
0, 0, fixIts, eduNotes);
/// Once all diagnostics have been captured, perform verification.
bool DiagnosticVerifier::finishProcessing() {
DiagnosticVerifier::Result Result = {false, false};
for (auto &BufferID : BufferIDs) {
DiagnosticVerifier::Result FileResult = verifyFile(BufferID);
Result.HadError |= FileResult.HadError;
Result.HadUnexpectedDiag |= FileResult.HadUnexpectedDiag;
if (!IgnoreUnknown) {
bool HadError = verifyUnknown(SM, CapturedDiagnostics);
Result.HadError |= HadError;
// For <unknown>, all errors are unexpected.
Result.HadUnexpectedDiag |= HadError;
if (Result.HadUnexpectedDiag)
return Result.HadError;