blob: 0fdf38dc72350956df25268795d8615872a48469 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- CompilationRecord.h ------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "swift/Driver/Action.h"
namespace swift {
namespace driver {
namespace compilation_record {
/// Compilation record files (-master.swiftdeps files) are YAML files composed
/// of these top-level keys.
enum class TopLevelKey {
/// The key for the Swift compiler version used to produce the compilation
/// record.
/// The key for the list of arguments passed to the Swift compiler when
/// producing the compilation record.
/// The key for the time at which the build that produced the compilation
/// record started.
/// The key for the list of inputs to the compilation that produced the
/// compilation record.
/// \returns A string representation of the given key.
inline static StringRef getName(TopLevelKey Key) {
switch (Key) {
case TopLevelKey::Version: return "version";
case TopLevelKey::Options: return "options";
case TopLevelKey::BuildTime: return "build_time";
case TopLevelKey::Inputs: return "inputs";
// Work around MSVC warning: not all control paths return a value
llvm_unreachable("All switch cases are covered");
/// \returns The string identifier used to represent the given status in a
/// compilation record file (.swiftdeps file).
/// \note Not every InputInfo::Status has a unique identifier. For example,
/// both NewlyAdded and NeedsCascadingBuild are represented as "!dirty".
/// Therefore, this will not cleanly round-trip between InputInfo::Status and
/// string identifiers.
inline static StringRef
getIdentifierForInputInfoStatus(CompileJobAction::InputInfo::Status Status) {
switch (Status) {
case CompileJobAction::InputInfo::Status::UpToDate:
return "";
case CompileJobAction::InputInfo::Status::NewlyAdded:
case CompileJobAction::InputInfo::Status::NeedsCascadingBuild:
return "!dirty";
case CompileJobAction::InputInfo::Status::NeedsNonCascadingBuild:
return "!private";
// Work around MSVC warning: not all control paths return a value
llvm_unreachable("All switch cases are covered");
/// \returns The status corresponding to the string identifier used in a
/// compilation record file (.swiftdeps file).
inline static Optional<CompileJobAction::InputInfo::Status>
getInfoStatusForIdentifier(StringRef Identifier) {
using InputStatus = CompileJobAction::InputInfo::Status;
return llvm::StringSwitch<Optional<InputStatus>>(Identifier)
.Case("", InputStatus::UpToDate)
.Case("!dirty", InputStatus::NeedsCascadingBuild)
.Case("!private", InputStatus::NeedsNonCascadingBuild)
} // end namespace compilation_record
} // end namespace driver
} // end namespace swift