blob: 9156b11a5be06fd72a3e2f21e14d5a46b28ce90f [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- UnicodeParser.swift ----------------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
extension _Unicode {
/// The result of attempting to parse a `T` from some input.
public enum ParseResult<T> {
/// A `T` was parsed successfully
case valid(T)
/// The input was entirely consumed.
case emptyInput
/// An encoding error was detected.
/// `length` is the number of underlying code units consumed by this
/// error (the length of the longest prefix of a valid encoding
/// sequence that could be recognized).
case error(length: Int)
/// Types that separate streams of code units into encoded Unicode
/// scalar values.
public protocol UnicodeParser {
/// The encoding with which this parser is associated
associatedtype Encoding : _UnicodeEncoding
/// Constructs an instance that can be used to begin parsing `CodeUnit`s at
/// any Unicode scalar boundary.
/// Parses a single Unicode scalar value from `input`.
mutating func parseScalar<I : IteratorProtocol>(
from input: inout I
) -> _Unicode.ParseResult<Encoding.EncodedScalar>
where I.Element == Encoding.CodeUnit
extension UnicodeParser {
internal static func _parse<I: IteratorProtocol>(
_ input: inout I,
repairingIllFormedSequences makeRepairs: Bool = true,
into output: (Encoding.EncodedScalar)->Void
) -> Int
where I.Element == Encoding.CodeUnit
var errorCount = 0
var d = Self()
while true {
switch d.parseScalar(from: &input) {
case let .valid(scalarContent):
case .error:
if _slowPath(!makeRepairs) { return 1 }
errorCount += 1
case .emptyInput:
return errorCount
public static func _decode<I: IteratorProtocol>(
_ input: inout I,
repairingIllFormedSequences makeRepairs: Bool,
into output: (UnicodeScalar)->Void
) -> Int
where I.Element == Encoding.CodeUnit
return _parse(&input, repairingIllFormedSequences: makeRepairs) {
extension _Unicode {
public // @testable
struct _ParsingIterator<
CodeUnitIterator : IteratorProtocol,
Parser: UnicodeParser
> where Parser.Encoding.CodeUnit == CodeUnitIterator.Element {
public init(codeUnits: CodeUnitIterator, parser: Parser) {
self.codeUnits = codeUnits
self.parser = parser
public var codeUnits: CodeUnitIterator
public var parser: Parser
extension _Unicode._ParsingIterator : IteratorProtocol, Sequence {
public mutating func next() -> Parser.Encoding.EncodedScalar? {
switch parser.parseScalar(from: &codeUnits) {
case let .valid(scalarContent): return scalarContent
case .error: return Parser.Encoding.encodedReplacementCharacter
case .emptyInput: return nil