blob: 5a09d81e7cff6e16d5f08c84b9be4d4347e8c091 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- PassManager.h - Swift Pass Manager --------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/Analysis.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/PassManager/PassPipeline.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/PassManager/Passes.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
#include <vector>
namespace swift {
class SILFunction;
class SILFunctionTransform;
class SILModule;
class SILModuleTransform;
class SILOptions;
class SILTransform;
namespace irgen {
class IRGenModule;
/// \brief The SIL pass manager.
class SILPassManager {
/// The module that the pass manager will transform.
SILModule *Mod;
/// An optional IRGenModule associated with this PassManager.
irgen::IRGenModule *IRMod;
/// The list of transformations to run.
llvm::SmallVector<SILTransform *, 16> Transformations;
/// A list of registered analysis.
llvm::SmallVector<SILAnalysis *, 16> Analysis;
/// An entry in the FunctionWorkList.
struct WorklistEntry {
WorklistEntry(SILFunction *F) : F(F) { }
SILFunction *F;
/// The current position in the transform-list.
unsigned PipelineIdx = 0;
/// How many times the pipeline was restarted for the function.
unsigned NumRestarts = 0;
/// The worklist of functions to be processed by function passes.
std::vector<WorklistEntry> FunctionWorklist;
// Name of the current optimization stage for diagnostics.
std::string StageName;
/// The number of passes run so far.
unsigned NumPassesRun = 0;
/// Number of optimization iterations run.
unsigned NumOptimizationIterations = 0;
/// A mask which has one bit for each pass. A one for a pass-bit means that
/// the pass doesn't need to run, because nothing has changed since the
/// previous run of that pass.
typedef std::bitset<(size_t)PassKind::AllPasses_Last + 1> CompletedPasses;
/// A completed-passes mask for each function.
llvm::DenseMap<SILFunction *, CompletedPasses> CompletedPassesMap;
/// Stores for each function the number of levels of specializations it is
/// derived from an original function. E.g. if a function is a signature
/// optimized specialization of a generic specialization, it has level 2.
/// This is used to avoid an infinite amount of functions pushed on the
/// worklist (e.g. caused by a bug in a specializing optimization).
llvm::DenseMap<SILFunction *, int> DerivationLevels;
/// Set to true when a pass invalidates an analysis.
bool CurrentPassHasInvalidated = false;
/// True if we need to stop running passes and restart again on the
/// same function.
bool RestartPipeline = false;
/// The IRGen SIL passes. These have to be dynamically added by IRGen.
llvm::DenseMap<unsigned, SILTransform *> IRGenPasses;
/// C'tor. It creates and registers all analysis passes, which are defined
/// in Analysis.def.
SILPassManager(SILModule *M, llvm::StringRef Stage = "");
/// C'tor. It creates an IRGen pass manager. Passes can query for the
/// IRGenModule.
SILPassManager(SILModule *M, irgen::IRGenModule *IRMod,
llvm::StringRef Stage = "");
const SILOptions &getOptions() const;
/// \brief Searches for an analysis of type T in the list of registered
/// analysis. If the analysis is not found, the program terminates.
template<typename T>
T *getAnalysis() {
for (SILAnalysis *A : Analysis)
if (auto *R = llvm::dyn_cast<T>(A))
return R;
llvm_unreachable("Unable to find analysis for requested type.");
/// \returns the module that the pass manager owns.
SILModule *getModule() { return Mod; }
/// \returns the associated IGenModule or null if this is not an IRGen
/// pass manager.
irgen::IRGenModule *getIRGenModule() { return IRMod; }
/// \brief Run one iteration of the optimization pipeline.
void runOneIteration();
/// \brief Restart the function pass pipeline on the same function
/// that is currently being processed.
void restartWithCurrentFunction(SILTransform *T);
void clearRestartPipeline() { RestartPipeline = false; }
bool shouldRestartPipeline() { return RestartPipeline; }
/// \brief Iterate over all analysis and invalidate them.
void invalidateAllAnalysis() {
// Invalidate the analysis (unless they are locked)
for (auto AP : Analysis)
if (!AP->isLocked())
CurrentPassHasInvalidated = true;
// Assume that all functions have changed. Clear all masks of all functions.
/// \brief Add the function \p F to the function pass worklist.
/// If not null, the function \p DerivedFrom is the function from which \p F
/// is derived. This is used to avoid an infinite amount of functions pushed
/// on the worklist (e.g. caused by a bug in a specializing optimization).
void addFunctionToWorklist(SILFunction *F, SILFunction *DerivedFrom);
/// \brief Iterate over all analysis and notify them of the function.
/// This function does not necessarily have to be newly created function. It
/// is the job of the analysis to make sure no extra work is done if the
/// particular analysis has been done on the function.
void notifyAnalysisOfFunction(SILFunction *F) {
for (auto AP : Analysis)
/// \brief Broadcast the invalidation of the function to all analysis.
void invalidateAnalysis(SILFunction *F,
SILAnalysis::InvalidationKind K) {
// Invalidate the analysis (unless they are locked)
for (auto AP : Analysis)
if (!AP->isLocked())
AP->invalidate(F, K);
CurrentPassHasInvalidated = true;
// Any change let all passes run again.
/// \brief Iterate over all analysis and notify them of a change in witness-
/// or vtables.
void invalidateFunctionTables() {
// Invalidate the analysis (unless they are locked)
for (auto AP : Analysis)
if (!AP->isLocked())
CurrentPassHasInvalidated = true;
// Assume that all functions have changed. Clear all masks of all functions.
/// \brief Iterate over all analysis and notify them of a deleted function.
void notifyDeleteFunction(SILFunction *F) {
// Invalidate the analysis (unless they are locked)
for (auto AP : Analysis)
if (!AP->isLocked())
CurrentPassHasInvalidated = true;
// Any change let all passes run again.
/// \brief Reset the state of the pass manager and remove all transformation
/// owned by the pass manager. Analysis passes will be kept.
void resetAndRemoveTransformations();
// Sets the name of the current optimization stage used for debugging.
void setStageName(llvm::StringRef NextStage = "");
/// D'tor.
/// Verify all analyses.
void verifyAnalyses() const {
for (auto *A : Analysis) {
/// Verify all analyses, limiting the verification to just this one function
/// if possible.
/// Discussion: We leave it up to the analyses to decide how to implement
/// this. If no override is provided the SILAnalysis should just call the
/// normal verify method.
void verifyAnalyses(SILFunction *F) const {
for (auto *A : Analysis) {
void executePassPipelinePlan(const SILPassPipelinePlan &Plan) {
for (const SILPassPipeline &Pipeline : Plan.getPipelines()) {
for (PassKind Kind : Plan.getPipelinePasses(Pipeline)) {
void registerIRGenPass(PassKind Kind, SILTransform *Transform) {
assert(IRGenPasses.find(unsigned(Kind)) == IRGenPasses.end() &&
"Pass already registered");
IRMod &&
"Attempting to register an IRGen pass with a non-IRGen pass manager");
IRGenPasses[unsigned(Kind)] = Transform;
void execute() {
/// Add a pass of a specific kind.
void addPass(PassKind Kind);
/// Add a pass with a given name.
void addPassForName(StringRef Name);
/// Run the SIL module transform \p SMT over all the functions in
/// the module.
void runModulePass(SILModuleTransform *SMT);
/// Run the pass \p SFT on the function \p F.
void runPassOnFunction(SILFunctionTransform *SFT, SILFunction *F);
/// Run the passes in \p FuncTransforms. Return true
/// if the pass manager requested to stop the execution
/// of the optimization cycle (this is a debug feature).
void runFunctionPasses(ArrayRef<SILFunctionTransform *> FuncTransforms);
/// A helper function that returns (based on SIL stage and debug
/// options) whether we should continue running passes.
bool continueTransforming();
/// Return true if all analyses are unlocked.
bool analysesUnlocked();
/// Displays the call graph in an external dot-viewer.
/// This function is meant for use from the debugger.
/// When asserts are disabled, this is a NoOp.
void viewCallGraph();
} // end namespace swift