blob: ec0e16977d1a5cb372ec81697070d1b91bb3a486 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -enforce-exclusivity=checked -Onone -emit-sil -parse-as-library %s -Xllvm -debug-only=access-enforcement-selection 2>&1 | %FileCheck %s
// REQUIRES: asserts
// This is a source-level test because it helps bring up the entire -Onone pipeline with the access markers.
public func takesInout(_ i: inout Int) {
i = 42
// CHECK-LABEL: Access Enforcement Selection in _T028access_enforcement_selection10takesInoutyySizF
// CHECK: Static Access: %{{.*}} = begin_access [modify] [static] %{{.*}} : $*Int
// Helper taking a basic, no-escape closure.
func takeClosure(_: ()->Int) {}
// Helper taking a basic, no-escape closure.
func takeClosureAndInout(_: inout Int, _: ()->Int) {}
// Helper taking an escaping closure.
func takeEscapingClosure(_: @escaping ()->Int) {}
// Generate an alloc_stack that escapes into a closure.
public func captureStack() -> Int {
// Use a `var` so `x` isn't treated as a literal.
var x = 3
takeClosure { return x }
return x
// CHECK-LABEL: Access Enforcement Selection in _T028access_enforcement_selection12captureStackSiyF
// Dynamic access for `return x`. Since the closure is non-escaping, using
// dynamic enforcement here is more conservative than it needs to be -- static
// is sufficient here.
// CHECK: Static Access: %{{.*}} = begin_access [read] [static] %{{.*}} : $*Int
// CHECK-LABEL: Access Enforcement Selection in _T028access_enforcement_selection12captureStackSiyFSiycfU_
// CHECK: Static Access: %{{.*}} = begin_access [read] [static] %{{.*}} : $*Int
// Generate an alloc_stack that does not escape into a closure.
public func nocaptureStack() -> Int {
var x = 3
takeClosure { return 5 }
return x
// CHECK-LABEL: Access Enforcement Selection in _T028access_enforcement_selection14nocaptureStackSiyF
// Static access for `return x`.
// CHECK: Static Access: %{{.*}} = begin_access [read] [static] %{{.*}} : $*Int
// CHECK-LABEL: Access Enforcement Selection in _T028access_enforcement_selection14nocaptureStackSiyFSiycfU_
// Generate an alloc_stack that escapes into a closure while an access is
// in progress.
public func captureStackWithInoutInProgress() -> Int {
// Use a `var` so `x` isn't treated as a literal.
var x = 3
takeClosureAndInout(&x) { return x }
return x
// CHECK-LABEL: Access Enforcement Selection in _T028access_enforcement_selection31captureStackWithInoutInProgressSiyF
// Static access for `&x`.
// CHECK-DAG: Static Access: %{{.*}} = begin_access [modify] [static] %{{.*}} : $*Int
// Static access for `return x`.
// CHECK-DAG: Static Access: %{{.*}} = begin_access [read] [static] %{{.*}} : $*Int
// CHECK-LABEL: Access Enforcement Selection in _T028access_enforcement_selection31captureStackWithInoutInProgressSiyFSiycfU_
// CHECK: Static Access: %{{.*}} = begin_access [read] [static] %{{.*}} : $*Int
// Generate an alloc_box that escapes into a closure.
// FIXME: `x` is eventually promoted to an alloc_stack even though it has dynamic enforcement.
// We should ensure that alloc_stack variables are statically enforced.
public func captureBox() -> Int {
var x = 3
takeEscapingClosure { x = 4; return x }
return x
// CHECK-LABEL: Access Enforcement Selection in _T028access_enforcement_selection10captureBoxSiyF
// Dynamic access for `return x`.
// CHECK: Dynamic Access: %{{.*}} = begin_access [read] [dynamic] %{{.*}} : $*Int
// CHECK-LABEL: _T028access_enforcement_selection10captureBoxSiyFSiycfU_
// Generate a closure in which the @inout_aliasing argument
// escapes to an @inout function `bar`.
public func recaptureStack() -> Int {
var x = 3
takeClosure { takesInout(&x); return x }
return x
// CHECK-LABEL: Access Enforcement Selection in _T028access_enforcement_selection14recaptureStackSiyF
// Static access for `return x`.
// CHECK: Static Access: %{{.*}} = begin_access [read] [static] %{{.*}} : $*Int
// CHECK-LABEL: Access Enforcement Selection in _T028access_enforcement_selection14recaptureStackSiyFSiycfU_
// The first [modify] access inside the closure is static. It enforces the
// @inout argument.
// CHECK: Static Access: %{{.*}} = begin_access [modify] [static] %{{.*}} : $*Int
// The second [read] access is static. Same as `captureStack` above.
// CHECK: Static Access: %{{.*}} = begin_access [read] [static] %{{.*}} : $*Int