blob: d025940e14c658d0aa601000df12cb1a2412fb13 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %empty-directory(%t)
// RUN: %gyb %s -o %t/main.swift
// RUN: %line-directive %t/main.swift -- %target-swift-frontend -typecheck -verify -swift-version 4.2 %t/main.swift
func testUnaryMinusInUnsigned() {
var a: UInt8 = -(1) // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'Int' to specified type 'UInt8'}} expected-note * {{}} expected-warning * {{}}
var b: UInt16 = -(1) // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'Int' to specified type 'UInt16'}} expected-note * {{}} expected-warning * {{}}
var c: UInt32 = -(1) // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'Int' to specified type 'UInt32'}} expected-note * {{}} expected-warning * {{}}
var d: UInt64 = -(1) // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'Int' to specified type 'UInt64'}} expected-note * {{}} expected-warning * {{}}
// Int and UInt are not identical to any fixed-size integer type
var i : Int = 0
var i64 : Int64 = i // expected-error {{}}
var i32 : Int32 = i // expected-error {{}}
var i16 : Int16 = i // expected-error {{}}
var i8 : Int8 = i // expected-error {{}}
var u : UInt = 0
var u64 : UInt64 = u // expected-error {{}}
var u32 : UInt32 = u // expected-error {{}}
var u16 : UInt16 = u // expected-error {{}}
var u8 : UInt8 = u // expected-error {{}}
func testMixedSignArithmetic() {
// Ensure that the generic arithmetic operators for Strideable don't
// allow mixed-sign arithmetic to compile. We create a deliberate
// ambiguity in these cases.
% for T in "UInt UInt64 UInt32 UInt16 UInt8".split():
do {
typealias Stride = ${T}.Stride
_ = ${T}(1) + 0 // OK
_ = 0 + ${T}(1) // OK
_ = ${T}(1) + Stride(0) // expected-error {{}} expected-note {{}}
_ = Stride(1) + ${T}(0) // expected-error {{}} expected-note {{}}
_ = ${T}(1) - Stride(0) // expected-error {{}} expected-note {{}}
var x: ${T} = 0
x += 1 // OK
x += Stride(1) // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'Stride' (aka 'Int') to expected argument type '${T}'}} {{10-10=${T}(}} {{19-19=)}}
x -= Stride(1) // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'Stride' (aka 'Int') to expected argument type '${T}'}} {{10-10=${T}(}} {{19-19=)}}
_ = (x - x) as Stride // expected-error {{}}
// The following errors are different because they're not being
// disabled by the ambiguity trick.
(x + x) as Stride // expected-error {{}}
Stride(1) - ${T}(0) // expected-error {{}} expected-note {{}}
var y: Stride = 0
y += ${T}(1) // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type '${T}' to expected argument type 'Int'}} {{10-10=Int(}}
y -= ${T}(1) // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type '${T}' to expected argument type 'Int'}} {{10-10=Int(}}
% end
func testOps<T : FixedWidthInteger>(_ x: T, _ y: T) -> T {
let a = x + y
let s = x - y
let m = x * y
let d = x / y
let r = x % y
return a + s + m + d + r
let s_ops: Int = testOps(5, 2)
let u_ops: UInt = testOps(5, 2)
let s8_ops: Int8 = testOps(5, 2)
let u8_ops: UInt8 = testOps(5, 2)
let s16_ops: Int16 = testOps(5, 2)
let u16_ops: UInt16 = testOps(5, 2)
let s32_ops: Int32 = testOps(5, 2)
let u32_ops: UInt32 = testOps(5, 2)
let s64_ops: Int64 = testOps(5, 2)
let u64_ops: UInt64 = testOps(5, 2)