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# swift_build_support/products/ -----------------------*- python -*-
# This source file is part of the open source project
# Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
# Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
# See for license information
# See for the list of Swift project authors
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
import abc
from .. import cmake
class Product(object):
def product_name(cls):
"""product_name() -> str
The identifier-style name to use for this product.
return cls.__name__.lower()
def product_source_name(cls):
"""product_source_name() -> str
The name of the source code directory of this product.
It provides a customization point for Product subclasses. It is set to
the value of product_name() by default for this reason.
return cls.product_name()
def is_build_script_impl_product(cls):
"""is_build_script_impl_product -> bool
Whether this product is produced by build-script-impl.
return True
def build(self, host_target):
"""build() -> void
Perform the build, for a non-build-script-impl product.
raise NotImplementedError
def test(self, host_target):
"""test() -> void
Run the tests, for a non-build-script-impl product.
raise NotImplementedError
def install(self, host_target):
"""install() -> void
Install to the toolchain, for a non-build-script-impl product.
raise NotImplementedError
def __init__(self, args, toolchain, source_dir, build_dir):
self.args = args
self.toolchain = toolchain
self.source_dir = source_dir
self.build_dir = build_dir
self.cmake_options = cmake.CMakeOptions()
class ProductBuilder(object):
Abstract base class for all ProductBuilders.
An specific ProductBuilder will implement the interface methods depending
how the product want to be build. Multiple products can use the same
product builder if parametrized right (for example all the products build
using CMake).
Ideally a ProductBuilder will be initialized with references to the
invocation arguments, the calculated toolchain, the calculated workspace,
and the target host, but the base class doesn't impose those requirements
in order to be flexible.
NOTE: Python doesn't need an explicit abstract base class, but it helps
documenting the interface.
def __init__(self, product_class, args, toolchain, workspace):
Create a product builder for the given product class.
product_class : class
A subtype of `Product` which describes the product being built by
this builder.
args : `argparse.Namespace`
The arguments passed by the user to the invocation of the script. A
builder should consider this argument read-only.
toolchain : `swift_build_support.toolchain.Toolchain`
The toolchain being used to build the product. The toolchain will
point to the tools that the builder should use to build (like the
compiler or the linker).
workspace : `swift_build_support.workspace.Workspace`
The workspace where the source code and the build directories have
to be located. A builder should use the workspace to access its own
source/build directory, as well as other products source/build
def build(self):
Perform the build phase for the product.
This phase might also imply a configuration phase, but each product
builder is free to determine how to do it.
def test(self):
Perform the test phase for the product.
This phase might build and execute the product tests.
def install(self):
Perform the install phase for the product.
This phase might copy the artifacts from the previous phases into a
destination directory.