blob: c0390a775a8086dcae9d6086bd9fec68eb16e724 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
struct SomeRange { }
// Function declarations.
func paramName(_ func: Int, in: SomeRange) { }
func firstArgumentLabelWithParamName(in range: SomeRange) { }
func firstArgumentLabelWithParamName2(range in: SomeRange) { }
func escapedInout(`inout` value: SomeRange) { }
struct SomeType {
// Initializers
init(func: () -> ()) { }
init(init func: () -> ()) { }
// Subscripts
subscript (class index: AnyClass) -> Int {
return 0
subscript (class: AnyClass) -> Int {
return 0
subscript (struct: Any.Type) -> Int {
return 0
class SomeClass { }
// Function types.
typealias functionType = (_ in: SomeRange) -> Bool
// Calls
func testCalls(_ range: SomeRange) {
paramName(0, in: range)
firstArgumentLabelWithParamName(in: range)
firstArgumentLabelWithParamName2(range: range)
var st = SomeType(func: {})
st = SomeType(init: {})
_ = st[class: SomeClass.self]
_ = st[SomeClass.self]
_ = st[SomeType.self]
escapedInout(`inout`: range)
// Fix-Its
paramName(0, `in`: range) // expected-warning{{keyword 'in' does not need to be escaped in argument list}}{{16-17=}}{{19-20=}}
// rdar://problem/31077797
func foo(`_`: Int) {}
foo(`_`: 3)
let f = foo(`_`:)