blob: 4b44cf87981c49d63a5acc9038b406a9f96f9f42 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %swift -typecheck -verify -parse-stdlib -module-name Swift -target x86_64-apple-macosx10.10 %s
// Fake declarations of some standard library features for -parse-stdlib.
precedencegroup AssignmentPrecedence {}
enum Optional<T> {
case none
case some(T)
@available(OSX, introduced: 10.5, deprecated: 10.8, obsoleted: 10.9,
message: "you don't want to do that anyway")
func doSomething() { }
// expected-note @-1{{'doSomething()' was obsoleted in macOS 10.9}}
doSomething() // expected-error{{'doSomething()' is unavailable in macOS: you don't want to do that anyway}}
// Preservation of major.minor.micro
@available(OSX, introduced: 10.5, deprecated: 10.8, obsoleted: 10.9.1)
func doSomethingElse() { }
// expected-note @-1{{'doSomethingElse()' was obsoleted in macOS 10.9.1}}
doSomethingElse() // expected-error{{'doSomethingElse()' is unavailable in macOS}}
// Preservation of minor-only version
@available(OSX, introduced: 8.0, deprecated: 8.5, obsoleted: 10)
func doSomethingReallyOld() { }
// expected-note @-1{{'doSomethingReallyOld()' was obsoleted in macOS 10}}
doSomethingReallyOld() // expected-error{{'doSomethingReallyOld()' is unavailable in macOS}}
// Test deprecations in 10.10 and later
@available(OSX, introduced: 10.5, deprecated: 10.10,
message: "Use another function")
func deprecatedFunctionWithMessage() { }
deprecatedFunctionWithMessage() // expected-warning{{'deprecatedFunctionWithMessage()' was deprecated in macOS 10.10: Use another function}}
@available(OSX, introduced: 10.5, deprecated: 10.10)
func deprecatedFunctionWithoutMessage() { }
deprecatedFunctionWithoutMessage() // expected-warning{{'deprecatedFunctionWithoutMessage()' was deprecated in macOS 10.10}}
@available(OSX, introduced: 10.5, deprecated: 10.10,
message: "Use BetterClass instead")
class DeprecatedClass { }
func functionWithDeprecatedParameter(p: DeprecatedClass) { } // expected-warning{{'DeprecatedClass' was deprecated in macOS 10.10: Use BetterClass instead}}
@available(OSX, introduced: 10.5, deprecated: 10.11,
message: "Use BetterClass instead")
class DeprecatedClassIn10_11 { }
// Elements deprecated later than the minimum deployment target (which is 10.10, in this case) should not generate warnings
func functionWithDeprecatedLaterParameter(p: DeprecatedClassIn10_11) { }
// Unconditional platform unavailability
@available(OSX, unavailable)
func doSomethingNotOnOSX() { }
// expected-note @-1{{'doSomethingNotOnOSX()' has been explicitly marked unavailable here}}
doSomethingNotOnOSX() // expected-error{{'doSomethingNotOnOSX()' is unavailable in macOS}}
@available(iOS, unavailable)
func doSomethingNotOniOS() { }
doSomethingNotOniOS() // okay
// Unconditional platform deprecation
@available(OSX, deprecated)
func doSomethingDeprecatedOnOSX() { }
doSomethingDeprecatedOnOSX() // expected-warning{{'doSomethingDeprecatedOnOSX()' is deprecated in macOS}}
@available(iOS, deprecated)
func doSomethingDeprecatedOniOS() { }
doSomethingDeprecatedOniOS() // okay
struct TestStruct {}
@available(macOS 10.10, *)
extension TestStruct { // expected-note {{enclosing scope here}}
@available(swift 400)
func doTheThing() {} // expected-note {{'doTheThing()' was introduced in Swift 400}}
@available(macOS 10.9, *) // expected-error {{declaration cannot be more available than enclosing scope}}
@available(swift 400)
func doAnotherThing() {} // expected-note {{'doAnotherThing()' was introduced in Swift 400}}
@available(macOS 10.12, *)
@available(swift 400)
func doThirdThing() {} // expected-note {{'doThirdThing()' was introduced in Swift 400}}
@available(macOS 10.12, *)
@available(swift 1)
func doFourthThing() {}
@available(*, deprecated)
func doDeprecatedThing() {}
@available(macOS 10.11, *)
func testMemberAvailability() {
TestStruct().doTheThing() // expected-error {{'doTheThing()' is unavailable}}
TestStruct().doAnotherThing() // expected-error {{'doAnotherThing()' is unavailable}}
TestStruct().doThirdThing() // expected-error {{'doThirdThing()' is unavailable}}
TestStruct().doFourthThing() // expected-error {{'doFourthThing()' is only available in macOS 10.12 or newer}} expected-note {{'if #available'}}
TestStruct().doDeprecatedThing() // expected-warning {{'doDeprecatedThing()' is deprecated}}
extension TestStruct {
struct Data {
mutating func mutate() {}
var unavailableGetter: Data {
@available(macOS, unavailable, message: "bad getter")
get { return Data() } // expected-note 2 {{here}}
set {}
var unavailableSetter: Data {
get { return Data() }
@available(macOS, obsoleted: 10.5, message: "bad setter")
set {} // expected-note 2 {{setter for 'unavailableSetter' was obsoleted in macOS 10.5}}
func testAccessors() {
var t = TestStruct()
_ = t.unavailableGetter // expected-error {{getter for 'unavailableGetter' is unavailable in macOS}}
t.unavailableGetter = .init()
t.unavailableGetter.mutate() // expected-error {{getter for 'unavailableGetter' is unavailable in macOS}}
_ = t.unavailableSetter
t.unavailableSetter = .init() // expected-error {{setter for 'unavailableSetter' is unavailable in macOS: bad setter}}
t.unavailableSetter.mutate() // expected-error {{setter for 'unavailableSetter' is unavailable in macOS: bad setter}}
// Check available on extensions
@available(macOS, unavailable)
extension TestStruct {
func unavailInExtension() {} // expected-note 2 {{'unavailInExtension()' has been explicitly marked unavailable here}}
@available(macOS, obsoleted: 10.0)
extension TestStruct {
func obsoletedInExtension() {} // expected-note 2 {{'obsoletedInExtension()' was obsoleted in macOS 10.0}}
@available(macOS, deprecated: 10.0)
extension TestStruct {
func deprecatedInExtension() {}
@available(swift, introduced: 50.0)
extension TestStruct {
func introducedInExtensionSwift() {} // expected-note 2 {{'introducedInExtensionSwift()' was introduced in Swift 50.0}}
@available(macOS, introduced: 10.50)
extension TestStruct {
func introducedInExtensionMacOS() {}
TestStruct().unavailInExtension() // expected-error {{'unavailInExtension()' is unavailable in macOS}}
TestStruct().obsoletedInExtension() // expected-error {{'obsoletedInExtension()' is unavailable}}
TestStruct().deprecatedInExtension() // expected-warning {{'deprecatedInExtension()' was deprecated in macOS 10.0}}
TestStruct().introducedInExtensionSwift() // expected-error {{'introducedInExtensionSwift()' is unavailable}}
TestStruct().introducedInExtensionMacOS() // expected-error {{'introducedInExtensionMacOS()' is only available in macOS 10.50 or newer}}
// expected-note@-1{{add 'if #available' version check}}
extension TestStruct {
func availableFunc() {
unavailInExtension() // expected-error {{'unavailInExtension()' is unavailable in macOS}}
obsoletedInExtension() // expected-error {{'obsoletedInExtension()' is unavailable}}
deprecatedInExtension() // expected-warning {{'deprecatedInExtension()' was deprecated in macOS 10.0}}
introducedInExtensionSwift() // expected-error {{'introducedInExtensionSwift()' is unavailable}}
extension TestStruct { // expected-note{{add @available attribute to enclosing extension}}
func availableFuncMacOS() { // expected-note{{add @available attribute to enclosing instance method}}
introducedInExtensionMacOS() // expected-error {{'introducedInExtensionMacOS()' is only available in macOS 10.50 or newer}}
// expected-note@-1{{add 'if #available' version check}}
@available(macOS, introduced: 10.50)
extension TestStruct {
func futureFuncMacOS() {
@available(macOS, unavailable)
struct UnavailableStruct { }
@available(macOS, unavailable)
extension UnavailableStruct { } // no-error
#if os(macOS)
@available(macOS, unavailable)
extension UnavailableStruct { } // no-error