blob: 490d21af61d54af8f572bedd2e13c278b2de1199 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %empty-directory(%t)
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -emit-silgen -primary-file %s -o %t/constant_evaluable_subset_test_silgen.sil
// Run the (mandatory) passes on which constant evaluator depends, and test the
// constant evaluator on the SIL produced after the dependent passes are run.
// RUN: not %target-sil-opt -silgen-cleanup -raw-sil-inst-lowering -allocbox-to-stack -mandatory-inlining -constexpr-limit 3000 -test-constant-evaluable-subset %t/constant_evaluable_subset_test_silgen.sil > %t/constant_evaluable_subset_test.sil 2> %t/error-output
// RUN: %FileCheck %s < %t/error-output
// Test the constant evaluator on the output of the mandatory pipeline. This is
// to test that constant evaluability is not affected by mandatory
// optimizations. Note that it can be affected by non-mandatory optimizations,
// especially performance inlining as it inlines functions such as String.+=
// that the evaluator has special knowledge about.
// RUN: not %target-sil-opt -silgen-cleanup -diagnose-invalid-escaping-captures -diagnose-static-exclusivity -capture-promotion -access-enforcement-selection -allocbox-to-stack -noreturn-folding -mark-uninitialized-fixup -definite-init -raw-sil-inst-lowering -closure-lifetime-fixup -semantic-arc-opts -destroy-hoisting -ownership-model-eliminator -mandatory-inlining -predictable-memaccess-opts -os-log-optimization -diagnostic-constant-propagation -predictable-deadalloc-elim -guaranteed-arc-opts -diagnose-unreachable -diagnose-infinite-recursion -yield-once-check -dataflow-diagnostics -split-non-cond_br-critical-edges -constexpr-limit 3000 -test-constant-evaluable-subset %t/constant_evaluable_subset_test_silgen.sil > /dev/null 2> %t/error-output-mandatory
// RUN: %FileCheck %s < %t/error-output-mandatory
// TODO(TF-799): Re-enable test after SR-11336 is fixed.
// XFAIL: *
// Test Swift code snippets that are expected to be constant evaluable and those
// that are not. If any of the test here fails, it indicates a change in the
// output of SILGen or the mandatory passes that affects the constant
// evaluability of the corresponding Swift code.
// CHECK-LABEL: @leftShift
// CHECK-NOT: error:
internal func leftShift(x: Int, y: Int) -> Int {
return x &<< y
// The test driver must only call functions marked as constant evaluable
// with literal arguments.
internal func interpretLeftShiftTest() -> Int {
return leftShift(x: 10, y: 2)
// CHECK-LABEL: @leftShiftWithTraps
// CHECK-NOT: error:
// This is an expensive function to evaluate requiring evaluating approximately
// 1024 instructions.
internal func leftShiftWithTraps(x: Int, y: Int) -> Int {
return x << y
internal func interpretLeftShiftWithTraps() -> Int {
return leftShiftWithTraps(x: 34, y: 3)
// CHECK-LABEL: @rightShift
// CHECK-NOT: error:
internal func rightShift(x: Int, y: Int) -> Int {
return x &>> y
internal func interpretRightShift() -> Int {
return rightShift(x: 10, y: 2)
// CHECK-LABEL: @rightShiftWithTraps
// CHECK-NOT: error:
// This is an expensive function to evaluate requiring evaluating approximately
// 1024 instructions.
internal func rightShiftWithTraps(x: Int, y: Int) -> Int {
return x >> y
internal func interpretRightShiftWithTraps() -> Int {
return rightShiftWithTraps(x: 34, y: 3)
// CHECK-LABEL: @arithmetic
// CHECK-NOT: error:
internal func arithmetic(x: Int, y: Int) -> Int {
let z = x + y
let w = x &+ z
let a = w * y
let b = a &* z
let c = b - a
let d = c &- x
let e = x / d
return e
internal func interpretArithmetic() -> Int {
return arithmetic(x: 142, y: 212)
// CHECK-LABEL: @booleanoperations
// CHECK-NOT: error:
internal func booleanoperations(a: Bool, b: Bool) -> Bool {
return (a && b) || (a || b) && !a
internal func interpretBooleanOperations() -> Bool {
return booleanoperations(a: true, b: false)
// CHECK-LABEL: @comparisons
// CHECK-NOT: error:
internal func comparisons(a: Int, b: Int, c: Int8, d: Int8) -> Bool {
let r1 = a < b
let r2 = c > d
return r1 && r2
internal func interpretComparisions() -> Bool {
return comparisons(a: 20, b: 55, c: 56, d: 101)
// CHECK-LABEL: @heterogenousIntComparisons
// CHECK-NOT: error:
internal func heterogenousIntComparisons(a: Int, b: Int16, c: Int8) -> Bool {
return (a < b) && (c < b)
internal func interpretHeterogenousComparisons() -> Bool {
return heterogenousIntComparisons(a: 101, b: 20, c: 56)
// CHECK-LABEL: @bitwiseOperations
// CHECK-NOT: error:
internal func bitwiseOperations(a: Int16, b: Int16, c: Int16) -> Int16 {
return a & ((b | c) | ~c)
internal func interpretBitWiseOperations() -> Int16 {
return bitwiseOperations(a: 0xff, b: 0xef, c: 0x7fef)
// CHECK-LABEL: @testIntExtensions
// CHECK-NOT: error:
internal func testIntExtensions(a: Int8, b: Int16) -> Int32 {
return Int32(a) + Int32(b) + Int32(Int16(a))
internal func interpretIntExtensions() -> Int32 {
return testIntExtensions(a: 100, b: -130)
// CHECK-LABEL: @testUIntExtensions
// CHECK-NOT: error:
internal func testUIntExtensions(a: UInt8, b: UInt16) -> UInt32 {
return UInt32(a) + UInt32(b) + UInt32(UInt16(a))
internal func interpretUIntExtensions() -> UInt32 {
return testUIntExtensions(a: 100, b: 130)
// CHECK-LABEL: @testIntTruncations
// CHECK-NOT: error:
// This is an expensive function to evaluate requiring evaluating approximately
// 2048 instructions with optimized stdlib and 3000 instructions with
// unoptimized stdlib.
internal func testIntTruncations(a: Int32) -> Int8 {
let b = Int16(a)
let c = Int8(b)
return c
internal func interpretIntTruncations() -> Int8 {
return testIntTruncations(a: 100)
// CHECK-LABEL: @testInvalidIntTruncations
// CHECK: error: not constant evaluable
internal func testInvalidIntTruncations(a: Int32) -> Int8 {
return Int8(a)
// CHECK: note: {{.*}}: Not enough bits to represent the passed value
// CHECK: note: operation performed during this call traps
// CHECK: function_ref @$sSZss17FixedWidthIntegerRzrlEyxqd__cSzRd__lufC
internal func interpretInvalidIntTruncations() -> Int8 {
return testInvalidIntTruncations(a: 130)
// CHECK-LABEL: @testUIntTruncations
// CHECK-NOT: error:
// This is an expensive function to evaluate requiring evaluating approximately
// 2048 instructions.
internal func testUIntTruncations(a: UInt32) -> UInt8 {
let b = UInt32(a)
let c = UInt16(b)
let d = UInt8(c)
return d
internal func interpretUIntTruncations() -> UInt8 {
return testUIntTruncations(a: 100)
// CHECK-LABEL: @testSingedUnsignedConversions
// CHECK-NOT: error:
// This is an expensive function to evaluate requiring evaluating approximately
// 2048 instructions.
internal func testSingedUnsignedConversions(a: Int32, b: UInt8) -> UInt32 {
return UInt32(a) + UInt32(Int8(b))
internal func interpretSingedUnsignedConversions() -> UInt32 {
return testSingedUnsignedConversions(a: 100, b: 120)
// CHECK-LABEL: @testInvalidSingedUnsignedConversions
// CHECK: error: not constant evaluable
internal func testInvalidSingedUnsignedConversions(a: Int64) -> UInt64 {
return UInt64(a)
// CHECK: note: {{.*}}: Negative value is not representable
// CHECK: note: operation performed during this call traps
// CHECK: function_ref @$sSUss17FixedWidthIntegerRzrlEyxqd__cSzRd__lufC
internal func interpretInvalidSingedUnsignedConversions() -> UInt64 {
return testInvalidSingedUnsignedConversions(a: -130)
// CHECK: error: not constant evaluable
internal func testIO() -> String? {
return readLine()
// CHECK: note: encountered call to 'Swift.readLine(strippingNewline: Swift.Bool) -> Swift.Optional<Swift.String>' whose body is not available
// CHECK: note: function whose body is not available
internal func interpretIO() -> String? {
return testIO()
// CHECK-LABEL: @testLoop
// CHECK: error: not constant evaluable
func testLoop() -> Int {
var x = 0
while x <= 42 {
x += 1
return x
// CHECK: note: control-flow loop found during evaluation
// CHECK: note: found loop here
internal func interpretLoop() -> Int {
return testLoop()
// CHECK-LABEL: @testRecursion
// CHECK-NOT: error:
func testRecursion(_ a: Int) -> Int {
return a <= 0 ? 0 : testRecursion(a-1)
internal func interpretRecursion() -> Int {
return testRecursion(10)
// CHECK-LABEL: @testLongRecursion
// CHECK: error: not constant evaluable
func testLongRecursion(_ a: Int) -> Int {
return a == 0 ? 0 : testLongRecursion(a-1)
// CHECK: note: exceeded instruction limit:
// CHECK: note: limit exceeded here
internal func interpretLongRecursion() -> Int {
return testLongRecursion(-100)
// CHECK-LABEL: @testConditional
// CHECK-NOT: error:
func testConditional(_ x: Int) -> Int {
if x < 0 {
return 0
} else {
return x
func interpretConditional() -> Int {
// CHECK-LABEL: @testIntAddOverflow
// CHECK: error: not constant evaluable
func testIntAddOverflow(_ x: Int8) -> Int8 {
return x + 1
// CHECK: note: integer overflow detected
// CHECK: note: operation overflows
func interpretIntAddOverflow() -> Int8 {
return testIntAddOverflow(127)
// CHECK-LABEL: @testDivideByZero
// CHECK: error: not constant evaluable
func testDivideByZero(_ x: Int, _ y: Int) -> Int {
return x / y
// CHECK: note: {{.*}}: Division by zero
// CHECK: note: operation traps
func interpretDivideByZero() -> Int {
return testDivideByZero(127, 0)
// CHECK-LABEL: @testDividingFullWidthByZero
// CHECK: error: not constant evaluable
func testDividingFullWidthByZero(_ x: Int, _ y: Int, _ z: UInt) -> Int {
return x.dividingFullWidth((y, z)).1
} // CHECK: note: {{.*}}: Division by zero
// CHECK: note: operation performed during this call traps
func interpretDividingFullWidthByZero() -> Int {
return testDividingFullWidthByZero(0, 1, 1)
// CHECK-LABEL: @testDivideOverflow
// CHECK: error: not constant evaluable
func testDivideOverflow(_ x: Int8, _ y: Int8) -> Int8 {
return x / y
// CHECK: note: {{.*}}: Division results in an overflow
// CHECK: note: operation traps
func interpretDivideOverflow() -> Int8 {
return testDivideOverflow(-128, -1)
// CHECK-LABEL: @testDistance
// CHECK: error: not constant evaluable
func testDistance(_ x: UInt, _ y: UInt) -> Int {
return x.distance(to: y)
// CHECK: note: {{.*}}: Distance is not representable in Int
// CHECK: note: operation performed during this call traps
func interpretDistanceTest() -> Int {
return testDistance(0, UInt.max)
// CHECK-LABEL: @testInOut
// CHECK-NOT: error:
func testInOut(_ x: inout Int) {
x += 1
func interpretInOut() -> Int {
var x = 10
return x
struct A {
var x, y: Int
// CHECK-LABEL: @init(initialValue: Int) -> A
// CHECK-NOT: error:
init(initialValue: Int) {
x = initialValue
y = initialValue
// CHECK-LABEL: @sum
// CHECK-NOT: error:
func sum() -> Int {
return x + y
// CHECK-LABEL: @increment
// CHECK-NOT: error:
mutating func increment(by step: Int) {
x += step
y += step
func interpretStructInitAndMethods() -> A {
var a = A(initialValue: 0)
let z = a.sum();
a.increment(by: z)
return a
struct OuterStruct {
var inner: A
var z: Int
// CHECK-LABEL: @sumInner
// CHECK-NOT: error:
func sumInner() -> Int {
return inner.sum()
func interpretNestedStructAndDefaultInit() -> Int {
let ostruct = OuterStruct(inner: A(initialValue: 1), z: 10)
return ostruct.sumInner()
struct EmptyStruct {
func get() -> Int {
return 0
// CHECK-LABEL: @testEmptyStruct
// CHECK-NOT: error:
func testEmptyStruct() -> Int {
let emp = EmptyStruct()
return emp.get()
func interpretEmptyStructTest() -> Int {
return testEmptyStruct()
// CHECK-LABEL: @testTuple
// CHECK-NOT: error:
func testTuple(_ a: Int, _ b: Bool) -> Bool {
func extractSecond(_ tuple: (Int, Bool)) -> Bool {
return tuple.1
return extractSecond((a, b))
func interpretTuple() -> Bool {
return testTuple(10, false)
// CHECK-LABEL: @testGenericFunction
// CHECK-NOT: error:
func testGenericFunction<T: Equatable>(_ a: T, _ b: T) -> Bool {
return a == b
func interpretGenericFunction() -> Bool {
return testGenericFunction(10, 11)
protocol P {
mutating func clear() -> Int
struct PImpl: P {
var i = 100
mutating func clear() -> Int {
let prev = i
i = 0
return prev
// CHECK-LABEL: @testCustomGenericConstraint
// CHECK-NOT: error:
func testCustomGenericConstraint<T: P>(_ a: inout T) -> Int {
return a.clear()
func interpretCustomGenericConstraint() -> Int {
var s = PImpl();
return testCustomGenericConstraint(&s)
// CHECK-LABEL: @testProtocolMethodDispatch
// CHECK: error: not constant evaluable
func testProtocolMethodDispatch(_ s: PImpl) -> Int {
func innerFunc(_ proto: P) -> Int {
var tmp = proto
return tmp.clear()
return innerFunc(s)
// CHECK: note: encountered operation not supported by the evaluator: init_existential_addr
// CHECK: note: operation not supported by the evaluator
func interpretProtocolMethodDispatch() -> Int {
return testProtocolMethodDispatch(PImpl())
struct SGeneric<X, Y> {
var x: X
var y: Y
// CHECK-LABEL: @methodWithGeneric
// CHECK-NOT: error:
func methodWithGeneric<Z>(_ z: Z) -> SGeneric<Z, Y> {
return SGeneric<Z, Y>(x: z, y: y)
func interpretStructAndMethodWithGeneric() -> SGeneric<Int, Bool> {
let s = SGeneric<Int8, Bool>(x: 10, y: true)
return s.methodWithGeneric(240)
protocol ProtoWithInit {
init(_ x: Int)
struct C : ProtoWithInit {
init(_ x: Int) {
// CHECK-LABEL: @testGenericConstruction
// CHECK-NOT: error:
func testGenericConstruction<T: ProtoWithInit>(_: T.Type) -> T {
return T(0)
func interpretGenericConstruction() -> C {
return testGenericConstruction(C.self)
// CHECK-LABEL: @testSupportedStringOperations
// CHECK-NOT: error:
func testSupportedStringOperations(_ x: String, _ y: String) -> Bool {
var z = x
z += y
return z == x
func interpretSupportedStringOperations() -> Bool {
return testSupportedStringOperations("abc", "zyx")
// CHECK-LABEL: @testOptional
// CHECK-NOT: error:
func testOptional(_ xopt: String?) -> String {
if let x = xopt {
return x
return ""
func interpretOptionalTest() -> String {
return testOptional("a")
enum Side {
case right
case left
// CHECK-LABEL: @testEnumSwitch
// CHECK-NOT: error:
func testEnumSwitch(_ side: Side) -> Int {
switch side {
case .right:
return 1
case .left:
return 0
func interpretEnumSwitch() -> Int {
return testEnumSwitch(.right)
// CHECK-LABEL: @testEnumEquality
// CHECK-NOT: error:
func testEnumEquality(_ side: Side, _ otherSide: Side) -> Bool {
return side == otherSide
func interpretEnumEquality() -> Bool {
return testEnumEquality(.right, .left)
enum Shape {
case circle(radius: Int)
case rectangle(length: Int, breadth: Int)
// CHECK-LABEL: @testEnumWithData
// CHECK-NOT: error:
func testEnumWithData(_ shape: Shape) -> Int {
switch shape {
case .circle(radius: let x):
return x
case .rectangle(length: let x, breadth: let y):
return x + y
func interpretEnumWithData() -> Int {
return testEnumWithData(.circle(radius: 11))
enum Number<T: BinaryInteger> {
case integer(T)
case rational(T, T)
// CHECK-LABEL: @testAddressOnlyEnum
// CHECK-NOT: error:
func testAddressOnlyEnum<T: BinaryInteger>(_ number: Number<T>) -> T {
switch number {
case .integer(let x):
return x
case .rational(let x, let y):
return x + y
func interpretAddressOnlyEnum() -> Int {
return testAddressOnlyEnum(.rational(22, 7))
indirect enum Nat {
case zero
case succ(Nat)
// CHECK-LABEL: @testIndirectEnum
// CHECK: error: not constant evaluable
func testIndirectEnum(_ nat: Nat) -> Bool {
switch nat {
case .zero:
return true
case .succ:
return false
// CHECK-NOTE: note: encountered operation not supported by the evaluator: alloc_box
func interpretIndirectEnum() -> Bool {
return testIndirectEnum(.succ(.zero))
// CHECK-LABEL: @testEmptyArrayInit
// CHECK-NOT: error:
func testEmptyArrayInit() -> [Int] {
return Array<Int>()
func interpretEmptyArrayInit() -> [Int] {
return testEmptyArrayInit()
// CHECK-LABEL: @testEmptyArrayLiteral
// CHECK-NOT: error:
func testEmptyArrayLiteral() -> [Int] {
return []
func interpretEmptyArrayLiteral() -> [Int] {
return testEmptyArrayLiteral()
// CHECK-LABEL: @testArrayLiteral
// CHECK-NOT: error:
func testArrayLiteral(_ x: Int, _ y: Int) -> [Int] {
return [x, y, 4]
func interpretArrayLiteral() -> [Int] {
return testArrayLiteral(2, 3)
// CHECK-LABEL: @testArrayAppend
// CHECK-NOT: error:
func testArrayAppend(_ x: Int) -> [Int] {
var a: [Int] = []
return a
func interpretArrayAppend() -> [Int] {
return testArrayAppend(25)
// CHECK-LABEL: @testArrayAppendNonEmpty
// CHECK-NOT: error:
func testArrayAppendNonEmpty(_ x: String) -> [String] {
var a: [String] = ["ls", "cat", "echo", "cd"]
return a
func interpretArrayAppendNonEmpty() -> [String] {
return testArrayAppendNonEmpty("mkdir")