blob: 1b1dbe3512cb3ea8fddda72533dbf1c5b3858fad [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -swift-version 5 -emit-sil -primary-file %s | %FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK --check-prefix=CHECK-%target-ptrsize
// REQUIRES: OS=macosx || OS=ios || OS=tvos || OS=watchos
// Tests for the OSLogOptimization pass that performs compile-time analysis
// and optimization of the new os log prototype APIs. The tests here check
// whether specific compile-time constants such as the format string,
// the size of the byte buffer etc. are literals after the mandatory pipeline.
import OSLogPrototype
if #available(OSX 10.12, iOS 10.0, watchOS 3.0, tvOS 10.0, *) {
// CHECK-LABEL: @$s25OSLogPrototypeCompileTest23testSimpleInterpolationL_1hy0aB06LoggerV_tF
func testSimpleInterpolation(h: Logger) {
h.log(level: .debug, "Minimum integer value: \(Int.min)")
// Check if there is a call to _os_log_impl with a literal format string.
// CHECK-DAG is used here as it is easier to perform the checks backwards
// from uses to the definitions.
// CHECK-DAG: [[OS_LOG_IMPL:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @_os_log_impl : $@convention(c)
// CHECK-DAG: apply [[OS_LOG_IMPL]]({{%.*}}, {{%.*}}, {{%.*}}, [[CHARPTR:%[0-9]+]], {{%.*}}, {{%.*}})
// CHECK-DAG: [[CHARPTR]] = struct $UnsafePointer<Int8> ([[LIT:%[0-9]+]] : $Builtin.RawPointer)
// CHECK-64-DAG: [[LIT]] = string_literal utf8 "Minimum integer value: %{public}lld"
// CHECK-32-DAG: [[LIT]] = string_literal utf8 "Minimum integer value: %{public}d"
// Check if the size of the argument buffer is a constant.
// CHECK-DAG: [[ALLOCATE:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @$sSp8allocate8capacitySpyxGSi_tFZ
// CHECK-DAG: apply [[ALLOCATE]]<UInt8>([[BUFFERSIZE:%[0-9]+]], {{%.*}})
// CHECK-DAG: [[BUFFERSIZE]] = struct $Int ([[BUFFERSIZELIT:%[0-9]+]]
// CHECK-64-DAG: [[BUFFERSIZELIT]] = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 12
// CHECK-32-DAG: [[BUFFERSIZELIT]] = integer_literal $Builtin.Int32, 8
// Check whether the header bytes: premable and argument count are constants.
// CHECK-DAG: [[SERIALIZE:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @$s14OSLogPrototype9serialize_2atys5UInt8V_SpyAEGztF
// CHECK-DAG: apply [[SERIALIZE]]([[PREAMBLE:%[0-9]+]], {{%.*}})
// CHECK-DAG: [[PREAMBLE]] = struct $UInt8 ([[PREAMBLELIT:%[0-9]+]] : $Builtin.Int8)
// CHECK-DAG: [[PREAMBLELIT]] = integer_literal $Builtin.Int8, 0
// CHECK-DAG: [[SERIALIZE:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @$s14OSLogPrototype9serialize_2atys5UInt8V_SpyAEGztF
// CHECK-DAG: apply [[SERIALIZE]]([[ARGCOUNT:%[0-9]+]], {{%.*}})
// CHECK-DAG: [[ARGCOUNT]] = struct $UInt8 ([[ARGCOUNTLIT:%[0-9]+]] : $Builtin.Int8)
// CHECK-DAG: [[ARGCOUNTLIT]] = integer_literal $Builtin.Int8, 1
// CHECK-LABEL: @$s25OSLogPrototypeCompileTest34testInterpolationWithFormatOptionsL_1hy0aB06LoggerV_tF
func testInterpolationWithFormatOptions(h: Logger) {
h.log(level: .info, "Maximum integer value: \(Int.max, format: .hex)")
// Check if there is a call to _os_log_impl with a literal format string.
// CHECK-DAG: [[OS_LOG_IMPL:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @_os_log_impl : $@convention(c)
// CHECK-DAG: apply [[OS_LOG_IMPL]]({{%.*}}, {{%.*}}, {{%.*}}, [[CHARPTR:%[0-9]+]], {{%.*}}, {{%.*}})
// CHECK-DAG: [[CHARPTR]] = struct $UnsafePointer<Int8> ([[LIT:%[0-9]+]] : $Builtin.RawPointer)
// CHECK-64-DAG: [[LIT]] = string_literal utf8 "Maximum integer value: %{public}llx"
// CHECK-32-DAG: [[LIT]] = string_literal utf8 "Maximum integer value: %{public}x"
// Check if the size of the argument buffer is a constant.
// CHECK-DAG: [[ALLOCATE:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @$sSp8allocate8capacitySpyxGSi_tFZ
// CHECK-DAG: apply [[ALLOCATE]]<UInt8>([[BUFFERSIZE:%[0-9]+]], {{%.*}})
// CHECK-DAG: [[BUFFERSIZE]] = struct $Int ([[BUFFERSIZELIT:%[0-9]+]]
// CHECK-64-DAG: [[BUFFERSIZELIT]] = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 12
// CHECK-32-DAG: [[BUFFERSIZELIT]] = integer_literal $Builtin.Int32, 8
// Check whether the header bytes: premable and argument count are constants.
// CHECK-DAG: [[SERIALIZE:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @$s14OSLogPrototype9serialize_2atys5UInt8V_SpyAEGztF
// CHECK-DAG: apply [[SERIALIZE]]([[PREAMBLE:%[0-9]+]], {{%.*}})
// CHECK-DAG: [[PREAMBLE]] = struct $UInt8 ([[PREAMBLELIT:%[0-9]+]] : $Builtin.Int8)
// CHECK-DAG: [[PREAMBLELIT]] = integer_literal $Builtin.Int8, 0
// CHECK-DAG: [[SERIALIZE:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @$s14OSLogPrototype9serialize_2atys5UInt8V_SpyAEGztF
// CHECK-DAG: apply [[SERIALIZE]]([[ARGCOUNT:%[0-9]+]], {{%.*}})
// CHECK-DAG: [[ARGCOUNT]] = struct $UInt8 ([[ARGCOUNTLIT:%[0-9]+]] : $Builtin.Int8)
// CHECK-DAG: [[ARGCOUNTLIT]] = integer_literal $Builtin.Int8, 1
// CHECK-LABEL: @$s25OSLogPrototypeCompileTest44testInterpolationWithFormatOptionsAndPrivacyL_1hy0aB06LoggerV_tF
func testInterpolationWithFormatOptionsAndPrivacy(h: Logger) {
let privateID = 0x79abcdef
level: .error,
"Private Identifier: \(privateID, format: .hex, privacy: .private)")
// Check if there is a call to _os_log_impl with a literal format string.
// CHECK-DAG: [[OS_LOG_IMPL:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @_os_log_impl : $@convention(c)
// CHECK-DAG: apply [[OS_LOG_IMPL]]({{%.*}}, {{%.*}}, {{%.*}}, [[CHARPTR:%[0-9]+]], {{%.*}}, {{%.*}})
// CHECK-DAG: [[CHARPTR]] = struct $UnsafePointer<Int8> ([[LIT:%[0-9]+]] : $Builtin.RawPointer)
// CHECK-64-DAG: [[LIT]] = string_literal utf8 "Private Identifier: %{private}llx"
// CHECK-32-DAG: [[LIT]] = string_literal utf8 "Private Identifier: %{private}x"
// Check if the size of the argument buffer is a constant.
// CHECK-DAG: [[ALLOCATE:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @$sSp8allocate8capacitySpyxGSi_tFZ
// CHECK-DAG: apply [[ALLOCATE]]<UInt8>([[BUFFERSIZE:%[0-9]+]], {{%.*}})
// CHECK-DAG: [[BUFFERSIZE]] = struct $Int ([[BUFFERSIZELIT:%[0-9]+]]
// CHECK-64-DAG: [[BUFFERSIZELIT]] = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 12
// CHECK-32-DAG: [[BUFFERSIZELIT]] = integer_literal $Builtin.Int32, 8
// Check whether the header bytes: premable and argument count are constants.
// CHECK-DAG: [[SERIALIZE:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @$s14OSLogPrototype9serialize_2atys5UInt8V_SpyAEGztF
// CHECK-DAG: apply [[SERIALIZE]]([[PREAMBLE:%[0-9]+]], {{%.*}})
// CHECK-DAG: [[PREAMBLE]] = struct $UInt8 ([[PREAMBLELIT:%[0-9]+]] : $Builtin.Int8)
// CHECK-DAG: [[PREAMBLELIT]] = integer_literal $Builtin.Int8, 1
// CHECK-DAG: [[SERIALIZE:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @$s14OSLogPrototype9serialize_2atys5UInt8V_SpyAEGztF
// CHECK-DAG: apply [[SERIALIZE]]([[ARGCOUNT:%[0-9]+]], {{%.*}})
// CHECK-DAG: [[ARGCOUNT]] = struct $UInt8 ([[ARGCOUNTLIT:%[0-9]+]] : $Builtin.Int8)
// CHECK-DAG: [[ARGCOUNTLIT]] = integer_literal $Builtin.Int8, 1
// CHECK-LABEL: @$s25OSLogPrototypeCompileTest38testInterpolationWithMultipleArgumentsL_1hy0aB06LoggerV_tF
func testInterpolationWithMultipleArguments(h: Logger) {
let privateID = 0x79abcdef
let filePermissions = 0o777
let pid = 122225
level: .error,
Access prevented: process \(pid) initiated by \
user: \(privateID, privacy: .private) attempted resetting \
permissions to \(filePermissions, format: .octal)
// Check if there is a call to _os_log_impl with a literal format string.
// CHECK-DAG: [[OS_LOG_IMPL:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @_os_log_impl : $@convention(c)
// CHECK-DAG: apply [[OS_LOG_IMPL]]({{%.*}}, {{%.*}}, {{%.*}}, [[CHARPTR:%[0-9]+]], {{%.*}}, {{%.*}})
// CHECK-DAG: [[CHARPTR]] = struct $UnsafePointer<Int8> ([[LIT:%[0-9]+]] : $Builtin.RawPointer)
// CHECK-64-DAG: [[LIT]] = string_literal utf8 "Access prevented: process %{public}lld initiated by user: %{private}lld attempted resetting permissions to %{public}llo"
// CHECK-32-DAG: [[LIT]] = string_literal utf8 "Access prevented: process %{public}d initiated by user: %{private}d attempted resetting permissions to %{public}o"
// Check if the size of the argument buffer is a constant.
// CHECK-DAG: [[ALLOCATE:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @$sSp8allocate8capacitySpyxGSi_tFZ
// CHECK-DAG: apply [[ALLOCATE]]<UInt8>([[BUFFERSIZE:%[0-9]+]], {{%.*}})
// CHECK-DAG: [[BUFFERSIZE]] = struct $Int ([[BUFFERSIZELIT:%[0-9]+]]
// CHECK-64-DAG: [[BUFFERSIZELIT]] = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 32
// CHECK-32-DAG: [[BUFFERSIZELIT]] = integer_literal $Builtin.Int32, 20
// Check whether the header bytes: premable and argument count are constants.
// CHECK-DAG: [[SERIALIZE:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @$s14OSLogPrototype9serialize_2atys5UInt8V_SpyAEGztF
// CHECK-DAG: apply [[SERIALIZE]]([[PREAMBLE:%[0-9]+]], {{%.*}})
// CHECK-DAG: [[PREAMBLE]] = struct $UInt8 ([[PREAMBLELIT:%[0-9]+]] : $Builtin.Int8)
// CHECK-DAG: [[PREAMBLELIT]] = integer_literal $Builtin.Int8, 1
// CHECK-DAG: [[SERIALIZE:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @$s14OSLogPrototype9serialize_2atys5UInt8V_SpyAEGztF
// CHECK-DAG: apply [[SERIALIZE]]([[ARGCOUNT:%[0-9]+]], {{%.*}})
// CHECK-DAG: [[ARGCOUNT]] = struct $UInt8 ([[ARGCOUNTLIT:%[0-9]+]] : $Builtin.Int8)
// CHECK-DAG: [[ARGCOUNTLIT]] = integer_literal $Builtin.Int8, 3
// CHECK-LABEL: @$s25OSLogPrototypeCompileTest25testLogMessageWithoutDataL_1hy0aB06LoggerV_tF
func testLogMessageWithoutData(h: Logger) {
// FIXME: here `ExpressibleByStringLiteral` conformance of OSLogMessage
// is used. In this case, the constant evaluation begins from the apply of
// the "string.makeUTF8: initializer. The constant evaluator ends up using
// the backward mode to identify the string_literal inst passed to the
// initializer. Eliminate reliance on this backward mode by starting from
// the string_literal inst, instead of initialization instruction.
h.log("A message with no data")
// Check if there is a call to _os_log_impl with a literal format string.
// CHECK-DAG: [[OS_LOG_IMPL:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @_os_log_impl : $@convention(c)
// CHECK-DAG: apply [[OS_LOG_IMPL]]({{%.*}}, {{%.*}}, {{%.*}}, [[CHARPTR:%[0-9]+]], {{%.*}}, {{%.*}})
// CHECK-DAG: [[CHARPTR]] = struct $UnsafePointer<Int8> ([[LIT:%[0-9]+]] : $Builtin.RawPointer)
// CHECK-DAG: [[LIT]] = string_literal utf8 "A message with no data"
// Check if the size of the argument buffer is a constant.
// CHECK-DAG: [[ALLOCATE:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @$sSp8allocate8capacitySpyxGSi_tFZ
// CHECK-DAG: apply [[ALLOCATE]]<UInt8>([[BUFFERSIZE:%[0-9]+]], {{%.*}})
// CHECK-DAG: [[BUFFERSIZE]] = struct $Int ([[BUFFERSIZELIT:%[0-9]+]]
// CHECK-DAG: [[BUFFERSIZELIT]] = integer_literal $Builtin.Int{{[0-9]+}}, 2
// Check whether the header bytes: premable and argument count are constants.
// CHECK-DAG: [[SERIALIZE:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @$s14OSLogPrototype9serialize_2atys5UInt8V_SpyAEGztF
// CHECK-DAG: apply [[SERIALIZE]]([[PREAMBLE:%[0-9]+]], {{%.*}})
// CHECK-DAG: [[PREAMBLE]] = struct $UInt8 ([[PREAMBLELIT:%[0-9]+]] : $Builtin.Int8)
// CHECK-DAG: [[PREAMBLELIT]] = integer_literal $Builtin.Int8, 0
// CHECK-DAG: [[SERIALIZE:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @$s14OSLogPrototype9serialize_2atys5UInt8V_SpyAEGztF
// CHECK-DAG: apply [[SERIALIZE]]([[ARGCOUNT:%[0-9]+]], {{%.*}})
// CHECK-DAG: [[ARGCOUNT]] = struct $UInt8 ([[ARGCOUNTLIT:%[0-9]+]] : $Builtin.Int8)
// CHECK-DAG: [[ARGCOUNTLIT]] = integer_literal $Builtin.Int8, 0
// CHECK-LABEL: @$s25OSLogPrototypeCompileTest22testEscapingOfPercentsL_1hy0aB06LoggerV_tF
func testEscapingOfPercents(h: Logger) {
h.log("Process failed after 99% completion")
// CHECK-DAG: [[OS_LOG_IMPL:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @_os_log_impl : $@convention(c)
// CHECK-DAG: apply [[OS_LOG_IMPL]]({{%.*}}, {{%.*}}, {{%.*}}, [[CHARPTR:%[0-9]+]], {{%.*}}, {{%.*}})
// CHECK-DAG: [[CHARPTR]] = struct $UnsafePointer<Int8> ([[LIT:%[0-9]+]] : $Builtin.RawPointer)
// CHECK-DAG: [[LIT]] = string_literal utf8 "Process failed after 99%% completion"
// CHECK-LABEL: @$s25OSLogPrototypeCompileTest18testDoublePercentsL_1hy0aB06LoggerV_tF
func testDoublePercents(h: Logger) {
h.log("Double percents: %%")
// CHECK-DAG: [[OS_LOG_IMPL:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @_os_log_impl : $@convention(c)
// CHECK-DAG: apply [[OS_LOG_IMPL]]({{%.*}}, {{%.*}}, {{%.*}}, [[CHARPTR:%[0-9]+]], {{%.*}}, {{%.*}})
// CHECK-DAG: [[CHARPTR]] = struct $UnsafePointer<Int8> ([[LIT:%[0-9]+]] : $Builtin.RawPointer)
// CHECK-DAG: [[LIT]] = string_literal utf8 "Double percents: %%%%"
// CHECK-LABEL: @$s25OSLogPrototypeCompileTest22testSmallFormatStringsL_1hy0aB06LoggerV_tF
func testSmallFormatStrings(h: Logger) {
// CHECK-DAG: [[OS_LOG_IMPL:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @_os_log_impl : $@convention(c)
// CHECK-DAG: apply [[OS_LOG_IMPL]]({{%.*}}, {{%.*}}, {{%.*}}, [[CHARPTR:%[0-9]+]], {{%.*}}, {{%.*}})
// CHECK-DAG: [[CHARPTR]] = struct $UnsafePointer<Int8> ([[LIT:%[0-9]+]] : $Builtin.RawPointer)
// CHECK-DAG: [[LIT]] = string_literal utf8 "a"
/// A stress test that checks whether the optimizer handle messages with more
/// than 48 interpolated expressions. Interpolated expressions beyond this
/// limit must be ignored.
// CHECK-LABEL: @$s25OSLogPrototypeCompileTest31testMessageWithTooManyArgumentsL_1hy0aB06LoggerV_tF
func testMessageWithTooManyArguments(h: Logger) {
level: .error,
\(1) \(1) \(1) \(1) \(1) \(1) \(1) \(1) \(1) \(1) \(1) \(1) \(1) \(1) \
\(1) \(1) \(1) \(1) \(1) \(1) \(1) \(1) \(1) \(1) \(1) \(1) \(1) \(1) \
\(1) \(1) \(1) \(1) \(1) \(1) \(1) \(1) \(1) \(1) \(1) \(1) \(1) \(1) \
\(1) \(1) \(1) \(1) \(1) \(48) \(49)
// Check if there is a call to _os_log_impl with a literal format string.
// CHECK-DAG: [[OS_LOG_IMPL:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @_os_log_impl : $@convention(c)
// CHECK-DAG: apply [[OS_LOG_IMPL]]({{%.*}}, {{%.*}}, {{%.*}}, [[CHARPTR:%[0-9]+]], {{%.*}}, {{%.*}})
// CHECK-DAG: [[CHARPTR]] = struct $UnsafePointer<Int8> ([[LIT:%[0-9]+]] : $Builtin.RawPointer)
// CHECK-64-DAG: [[LIT]] = string_literal utf8 "%{public}lld %{public}lld %{public}lld %{public}lld %{public}lld %{public}lld %{public}lld %{public}lld %{public}lld %{public}lld %{public}lld %{public}lld %{public}lld %{public}lld %{public}lld %{public}lld %{public}lld %{public}lld %{public}lld %{public}lld %{public}lld %{public}lld %{public}lld %{public}lld %{public}lld %{public}lld %{public}lld %{public}lld %{public}lld %{public}lld %{public}lld %{public}lld %{public}lld %{public}lld %{public}lld %{public}lld %{public}lld %{public}lld %{public}lld %{public}lld %{public}lld %{public}lld %{public}lld %{public}lld %{public}lld %{public}lld %{public}lld %{public}lld "
// CHECK-32-DAG: [[LIT]] = string_literal utf8 "%{public}d %{public}d %{public}d %{public}d %{public}d %{public}d %{public}d %{public}d %{public}d %{public}d %{public}d %{public}d %{public}d %{public}d %{public}d %{public}d %{public}d %{public}d %{public}d %{public}d %{public}d %{public}d %{public}d %{public}d %{public}d %{public}d %{public}d %{public}d %{public}d %{public}d %{public}d %{public}d %{public}d %{public}d %{public}d %{public}d %{public}d %{public}d %{public}d %{public}d %{public}d %{public}d %{public}d %{public}d %{public}d %{public}d %{public}d %{public}d "
// Check if the size of the argument buffer is a constant.
// CHECK-DAG: [[ALLOCATE:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @$sSp8allocate8capacitySpyxGSi_tFZ
// CHECK-DAG: apply [[ALLOCATE]]<UInt8>([[BUFFERSIZE:%[0-9]+]], {{%.*}})
// CHECK-DAG: [[BUFFERSIZE]] = struct $Int ([[BUFFERSIZELIT:%[0-9]+]]
// CHECK-64-DAG: [[BUFFERSIZELIT]] = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 482
// CHECK-32-DAG: [[BUFFERSIZELIT]] = integer_literal $Builtin.Int32, 290
// Check whether the header bytes: premable and argument count are constants.
// CHECK-DAG: [[SERIALIZE:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @$s14OSLogPrototype9serialize_2atys5UInt8V_SpyAEGztF
// CHECK-DAG: apply [[SERIALIZE]]([[PREAMBLE:%[0-9]+]], {{%.*}})
// CHECK-DAG: [[PREAMBLE]] = struct $UInt8 ([[PREAMBLELIT:%[0-9]+]] : $Builtin.Int8)
// CHECK-DAG: [[PREAMBLELIT]] = integer_literal $Builtin.Int8, 0
// CHECK-DAG: [[SERIALIZE:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @$s14OSLogPrototype9serialize_2atys5UInt8V_SpyAEGztF
// CHECK-DAG: apply [[SERIALIZE]]([[ARGCOUNT:%[0-9]+]], {{%.*}})
// CHECK-DAG: [[ARGCOUNT]] = struct $UInt8 ([[ARGCOUNTLIT:%[0-9]+]] : $Builtin.Int8)
// CHECK-DAG: [[ARGCOUNTLIT]] = integer_literal $Builtin.Int8, 48
// CHECK-LABEL: @$s25OSLogPrototypeCompileTest22testInt32InterpolationL_1hy0aB06LoggerV_tF
func testInt32Interpolation(h: Logger) {
h.log("32-bit integer value: \(Int32.min)")
// Check if there is a call to _os_log_impl with a literal format string.
// CHECK-DAG: [[OS_LOG_IMPL:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @_os_log_impl : $@convention(c)
// CHECK-DAG: apply [[OS_LOG_IMPL]]({{%.*}}, {{%.*}}, {{%.*}}, [[CHARPTR:%[0-9]+]], {{%.*}}, {{%.*}})
// CHECK-DAG: [[CHARPTR]] = struct $UnsafePointer<Int8> ([[LIT:%[0-9]+]] : $Builtin.RawPointer)
// CHECK-DAG: [[LIT]] = string_literal utf8 "32-bit integer value: %{public}d"
// Check if the size of the argument buffer is a constant.
// CHECK-DAG: [[ALLOCATE:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @$sSp8allocate8capacitySpyxGSi_tFZ
// CHECK-DAG: apply [[ALLOCATE]]<UInt8>([[BUFFERSIZE:%[0-9]+]], {{%.*}})
// CHECK-DAG: [[BUFFERSIZE]] = struct $Int ([[BUFFERSIZELIT:%[0-9]+]]
// CHECK-64-DAG: [[BUFFERSIZELIT]] = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 8
// CHECK-32-DAG: [[BUFFERSIZELIT]] = integer_literal $Builtin.Int32, 8
// Check whether the header bytes: premable and argument count are constants.
// CHECK-DAG: [[SERIALIZE:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @$s14OSLogPrototype9serialize_2atys5UInt8V_SpyAEGztF
// CHECK-DAG: apply [[SERIALIZE]]([[PREAMBLE:%[0-9]+]], {{%.*}})
// CHECK-DAG: [[PREAMBLE]] = struct $UInt8 ([[PREAMBLELIT:%[0-9]+]] : $Builtin.Int8)
// CHECK-DAG: [[PREAMBLELIT]] = integer_literal $Builtin.Int8, 0
// CHECK-DAG: [[SERIALIZE:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @$s14OSLogPrototype9serialize_2atys5UInt8V_SpyAEGztF
// CHECK-DAG: apply [[SERIALIZE]]([[ARGCOUNT:%[0-9]+]], {{%.*}})
// CHECK-DAG: [[ARGCOUNT]] = struct $UInt8 ([[ARGCOUNTLIT:%[0-9]+]] : $Builtin.Int8)
// CHECK-DAG: [[ARGCOUNTLIT]] = integer_literal $Builtin.Int8, 1
// CHECK-LABEL: @$s25OSLogPrototypeCompileTest26testDynamicStringArgumentsL_1hy0aB06LoggerV_tF
func testDynamicStringArguments(h: Logger) {
let concatString = "hello" + " - " + "world"
let interpolatedString = "\(31) trillion digits of pi are known so far"
concat: \(concatString, privacy: .public) \
interpolated: \(interpolatedString, privacy: .private)
// Check if there is a call to _os_log_impl with a literal format string.
// CHECK-DAG is used here as it is easier to perform the checks backwards
// from uses to the definitions.
// CHECK-DAG: [[OS_LOG_IMPL:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @_os_log_impl : $@convention(c)
// CHECK-DAG: apply [[OS_LOG_IMPL]]({{%.*}}, {{%.*}}, {{%.*}}, [[CHARPTR:%[0-9]+]], {{%.*}}, {{%.*}})
// CHECK-DAG: [[CHARPTR]] = struct $UnsafePointer<Int8> ([[LIT:%[0-9]+]] : $Builtin.RawPointer)
// CHECK-DAG: [[LIT]] = string_literal utf8 "concat: %{public}s interpolated: %{private}s"
// Check if the size of the argument buffer is a constant.
// CHECK-DAG: [[ALLOCATE:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @$sSp8allocate8capacitySpyxGSi_tFZ
// CHECK-DAG: apply [[ALLOCATE]]<UInt8>([[BUFFERSIZE:%[0-9]+]], {{%.*}})
// CHECK-DAG: [[BUFFERSIZE]] = struct $Int ([[BUFFERSIZELIT:%[0-9]+]]
// CHECK-64-DAG: [[BUFFERSIZELIT]] = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 22
// CHECK-32-DAG: [[BUFFERSIZELIT]] = integer_literal $Builtin.Int32, 14
// Check whether the header bytes: premable and argument count are constants.
// CHECK-DAG: [[SERIALIZE:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @$s14OSLogPrototype9serialize_2atys5UInt8V_SpyAEGztF
// CHECK-DAG: apply [[SERIALIZE]]([[PREAMBLE:%[0-9]+]], {{%.*}})
// CHECK-DAG: [[PREAMBLE]] = struct $UInt8 ([[PREAMBLELIT:%[0-9]+]] : $Builtin.Int8)
// CHECK-DAG: [[PREAMBLELIT]] = integer_literal $Builtin.Int8, 3
// CHECK-DAG: [[SERIALIZE:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @$s14OSLogPrototype9serialize_2atys5UInt8V_SpyAEGztF
// CHECK-DAG: apply [[SERIALIZE]]([[ARGCOUNT:%[0-9]+]], {{%.*}})
// CHECK-DAG: [[ARGCOUNT]] = struct $UInt8 ([[ARGCOUNTLIT:%[0-9]+]] : $Builtin.Int8)
// CHECK-DAG: [[ARGCOUNTLIT]] = integer_literal $Builtin.Int8, 2