blob: 684b54d9ed2eecf8687e2b98480759fdd3fc4af7 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %empty-directory(%t)
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -emit-silgen -primary-file %s -o %t/OSLogConstantEvaluableTest_silgen.sil
// Run the (mandatory) passes on which constant evaluator depends, and run the
// constant evaluator on the SIL produced after the dependent passes are run.
// RUN: %target-sil-opt -silgen-cleanup -raw-sil-inst-lowering -allocbox-to-stack -mandatory-inlining -constexpr-limit 1024 -test-constant-evaluable-subset %t/OSLogConstantEvaluableTest_silgen.sil > %t/OSLogConstantEvaluableTest.sil 2> %t/error-output
// RUN: %FileCheck %s < %t/error-output
// REQUIRES: OS=macosx || OS=ios || OS=tvos || OS=watchos
// TODO(TF-799): Re-enable test after SR-11336 is fixed.
// XFAIL: *
// Test that the functions defined in the OSLogPrototype overlay annotated as
// constant evaluable are so (with the constexpr-limit defined above).
// This test is meant to catch regressions in the OSLog overlay implementation
// affecting the constant evaluability of functions that are expected to be so.
import OSLogPrototype
// CHECK-LABEL: @init(stringLiteral: String) -> OSLogMessage
// CHECK-NOT: error:
func osLogMessageStringLiteralInitTest() -> OSLogMessage {
return "A string literal"
// CHECK-LABEL: @isPrivate(Privacy) -> Bool
// CHECK-NOT: error:
// CHECK-LABEL: @getIntegerFormatSpecifier<A where A: FixedWidthInteger>(A.Type, IntFormat, Bool) -> String
// CHECK-NOT: error:
// CHECK-LABEL: @sizeForEncoding<A where A: FixedWidthInteger>(A.Type) -> Int
// CHECK-NOT: error:
// CHECK-LABEL: @getArgumentHeader(isPrivate: Bool, type: ArgumentType) -> UInt8
// CHECK-NOT: error:
// CHECK-LABEL: @getUpdatedPreamble(isPrivate: Bool, isScalar: Bool) -> UInt8
// CHECK-NOT: error:
// CHECK-LABEL: @init(stringInterpolation: OSLogInterpolation) -> OSLogMessage
// CHECK-NOT: error:
func intValueInterpolationTest() -> OSLogMessage {
return "An integer value \(10)"
// CHECK-LABEL: @getStringFormatSpecifier(Bool) -> String
// CHECK-NOT: error:
// CHECK-LABEL: @sizeForEncoding() -> Int
// CHECK-NOT: error:
func stringValueInterpolationTest() -> OSLogMessage {
return "A string value \("xyz")"