blob: c4607ac6e6ef2d0ebe25cc12340f148c7a2bc4cf [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
// rdar://15946844
func test1(inout var x : Int) {} // expected-warning {{'var' in this position is interpreted as an argument label}} {{18-21=`var`}}
// expected-error @-1 {{'inout' before a parameter name is not allowed, place it before the parameter type instead}} {{12-17=}} {{26-26=inout }}
func test2(inout let x : Int) {} // expected-warning {{'let' in this position is interpreted as an argument label}} {{18-21=`let`}}
// expected-error @-1 {{'inout' before a parameter name is not allowed, place it before the parameter type instead}} {{12-17=}} {{26-26=inout }}
func test3(f : (inout _ x : Int) -> Void) {} // expected-error {{'inout' before a parameter name is not allowed, place it before the parameter type instead}}
func test1s(__shared var x : Int) {} // expected-warning {{'var' in this position is interpreted as an argument label}} {{22-25=`var`}}
// expected-error @-1 {{'__shared' before a parameter name is not allowed, place it before the parameter type instead}} {{13-21=}} {{30-30=__shared }}
func test2s(__shared let x : Int) {} // expected-warning {{'let' in this position is interpreted as an argument label}} {{22-25=`let`}}
// expected-error @-1 {{'__shared' before a parameter name is not allowed, place it before the parameter type instead}} {{13-21=}} {{30-30=__shared }}
func test1o(__owned var x : Int) {} // expected-warning {{'var' in this position is interpreted as an argument label}} {{21-24=`var`}}
// expected-error @-1 {{'__owned' before a parameter name is not allowed, place it before the parameter type instead}} {{13-20=}}
func test2o(__owned let x : Int) {} // expected-warning {{'let' in this position is interpreted as an argument label}} {{21-24=`let`}}
// expected-error @-1 {{'__owned' before a parameter name is not allowed, place it before the parameter type instead}} {{13-20=}}
func test3() {
undeclared_func( // expected-error {{use of unresolved identifier 'undeclared_func'}}
} // expected-error {{expected expression in list of expressions}}
func runAction() {} // expected-note {{'runAction' declared here}}
// rdar://16601779
func foo() {
runAction(SKAction.sequence() // expected-error {{use of unresolved identifier 'SKAction'; did you mean 'runAction'?}} {{13-21=runAction}} expected-error {{expected ',' separator}} {{32-32=,}}
// expected-error @-1 {{use of unresolved identifier 'skview'}}
super.init() // expected-error {{'super' cannot be used outside of class members}}
switch state { // expected-error {{use of unresolved identifier 'state'}}
let duration : Int = 0 // expected-error {{all statements inside a switch must be covered by a 'case' or 'default'}}
case 1:
func testNotCoveredCase(x: Int) {
switch x {
let y = "foo" // expected-error {{all statements inside a switch must be covered by a 'case' or 'default'}}
switch y {
case "bar":
blah blah // ignored
case "baz": // expected-error {{expression pattern of type 'String' cannot match values of type 'Int'}}
case 1:
// rdar://18926814
func test4() {
let abc = 123
_ = " >> \( abc } ) << " // expected-error {{expected ',' separator}} {{18-18=,}} expected-error {{expected expression in list of expressions}}
// rdar://problem/18507467
func d(_ b: String -> <T>() -> T) {} // expected-error {{expected type for function result}}
// <rdar://problem/22143680> QoI: terrible diagnostic when trying to form a generic protocol
protocol Animal<Food> { // expected-error {{protocols do not allow generic parameters; use associated types instead}}
func feed(_ food: Food) // expected-error {{use of undeclared type 'Food'}}
// SR-573 - Crash with invalid parameter declaration
class Starfish {}
struct Salmon {}
func f573(s Starfish, // expected-error {{parameter requires an explicit type}}
_ ss: Salmon) -> [Int] {}
func g573() { f573(Starfish(), Salmon()) }
func SR698(_ a: Int, b: Int) {}
SR698(1, b: 2,) // expected-error {{unexpected ',' separator}}
// SR-979 - Two inout crash compiler
func SR979a(a : inout inout Int) {} // expected-error {{parameter must not have multiple '__owned', 'inout', or '__shared' specifiers}} {{23-29=}}
func SR979b(inout inout b: Int) {} // expected-error {{inout' before a parameter name is not allowed, place it before the parameter type instead}} {{13-18=}} {{28-28=inout }}
// expected-error@-1 {{parameter must not have multiple '__owned', 'inout', or '__shared' specifiers}} {{19-25=}}
func SR979d(let let a: Int) {} // expected-warning {{'let' in this position is interpreted as an argument label}} {{13-16=`let`}}
// expected-error @-1 {{expected ',' separator}} {{20-20=,}}
// expected-error @-2 {{parameter requires an explicit type}}
// expected-warning @-3 {{extraneous duplicate parameter name; 'let' already has an argument label}} {{13-17=}}
func SR979e(inout x: inout String) {} // expected-error {{parameter must not have multiple '__owned', 'inout', or '__shared' specifiers}} {{13-18=}}
func SR979g(inout i: inout Int) {} // expected-error {{parameter must not have multiple '__owned', 'inout', or '__shared' specifiers}} {{13-18=}}
func repeat() {}
// expected-error @-1 {{keyword 'repeat' cannot be used as an identifier here}}
// expected-note @-2 {{if this name is unavoidable, use backticks to escape it}} {{6-12=`repeat`}}
let for = 2
// expected-error @-1 {{keyword 'for' cannot be used as an identifier here}}
// expected-note @-2 {{if this name is unavoidable, use backticks to escape it}} {{5-8=`for`}}
func dog cow() {} // expected-error {{found an unexpected second identifier in function declaration; is there an accidental break?}}
// expected-note@-1 {{join the identifiers together}} {{6-13=dogcow}}
// expected-note@-2 {{join the identifiers together with camel-case}} {{6-13=dogCow}}
func cat Mouse() {} // expected-error {{found an unexpected second identifier in function declaration; is there an accidental break?}}
// expected-note@-1 {{join the identifiers together}} {{6-15=catMouse}}
func friend ship<T>(x: T) {} // expected-error {{found an unexpected second identifier in function declaration; is there an accidental break?}}
// expected-note@-1 {{join the identifiers together}} {{6-17=friendship}}
// expected-note@-2 {{join the identifiers together with camel-case}} {{6-17=friendShip}}
func were
wolf() {} // expected-error {{found an unexpected second identifier in function declaration; is there an accidental break?}}
// expected-note@-1 {{join the identifiers together}} {{6-5=werewolf}}
// expected-note@-2 {{join the identifiers together with camel-case}} {{6-5=wereWolf}}
func hammer
leavings<T>(x: T) {} // expected-error {{found an unexpected second identifier in function declaration; is there an accidental break?}}
// expected-note@-1 {{join the identifiers together}} {{6-9=hammerleavings}}
// expected-note@-2 {{join the identifiers together with camel-case}} {{6-9=hammerLeavings}}
prefix operator %
prefix func %<T>(x: T) -> T { return x } // No error expected - the < is considered an identifier but is peeled off by the parser.
struct Weak<T: class> { // expected-error {{'class' constraint can only appear on protocol declarations}}
// expected-note@-1 {{did you mean to write an 'AnyObject' constraint?}} {{16-21=AnyObject}}
weak let value: T // expected-error {{'weak' must be a mutable variable, because it may change at runtime}} expected-error {{'weak' variable should have optional type 'T?'}}
let x: () = ()
!() // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type '()' to expected argument type 'Bool'}}
!(()) // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type '()' to expected argument type 'Bool'}}
!(x) // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type '()' to expected argument type 'Bool'}}
!x // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type '()' to expected argument type 'Bool'}}
func sr8202_foo(@NSApplicationMain x: Int) {} // expected-error {{@NSApplicationMain may only be used on 'class' declarations}}
func sr8202_bar(@available(iOS, deprecated: 0) x: Int) {} // expected-error {{'@availability' attribute cannot be applied to this declaration}}
func sr8202_baz(@discardableResult x: Int) {} // expected-error {{'@discardableResult' attribute cannot be applied to this declaration}}
func sr8202_qux(@objcMembers x: String) {} // expected-error {{@objcMembers may only be used on 'class' declarations}}
func sr8202_quux(@weak x: String) {} // expected-error {{'weak' is a declaration modifier, not an attribute}} expected-error {{'weak' may only be used on 'var' declarations}}
class sr8202_cls<@NSApplicationMain T: AnyObject> {} // expected-error {{@NSApplicationMain may only be used on 'class' declarations}}
func sr8202_func<@discardableResult T>(x: T) {} // expected-error {{'@discardableResult' attribute cannot be applied to this declaration}}
enum sr8202_enum<@indirect T> {} // expected-error {{'indirect' is a declaration modifier, not an attribute}} expected-error {{'indirect' modifier cannot be applied to this declaration}}
protocol P {
@available(swift, introduced: 4.2) associatedtype Assoc // expected-error {{'@availability' attribute cannot be applied to this declaration}}
struct genericParamIncomplete1<@> {} // expected-error {{expected an attribute name}} expected-error {{expected an identifier to name generic parameter}}
struct genericParamIncomplete2<@objc> {} // expected-error {{expected an identifier to name generic parameter}}