blob: da32b25b5c9f9173ab3ac8b441c974e8a784f32c [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift -swift-version 5
// See test/Compatibility/tuple_arguments_4.swift for some
// Swift 4-specific tests.
func concrete(_ x: Int) {}
func concreteLabeled(x: Int) {}
func concreteTwo(_ x: Int, _ y: Int) {} // expected-note 5 {{'concreteTwo' declared here}}
func concreteTuple(_ x: (Int, Int)) {}
do {
concreteLabeled(x: 3)
concreteLabeled(x: (3))
concreteLabeled((x: 3)) // expected-error {{missing argument label 'x:' in call}}
// expected-error@-1 {{cannot convert value of type '(x: Int)' to expected argument type 'Int'}}
concreteTwo(3, 4)
concreteTwo((3, 4)) // expected-error {{global function 'concreteTwo' expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{15-16=}} {{20-21=}}
concreteTuple(3, 4) // expected-error {{global function 'concreteTuple' expects a single parameter of type '(Int, Int)'}} {{17-17=(}} {{21-21=)}}
concreteTuple((3, 4))
do {
let a = 3
let b = 4
let c = (3)
let d = (a, b)
concreteTwo(a, b)
concreteTwo((a, b)) // expected-error {{global function 'concreteTwo' expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{15-16=}} {{20-21=}}
concreteTwo(d) // expected-error {{global function 'concreteTwo' expects 2 separate arguments}}
concreteTuple(a, b) // expected-error {{global function 'concreteTuple' expects a single parameter of type '(Int, Int)'}} {{17-17=(}} {{21-21=)}}
concreteTuple((a, b))
do {
var a = 3
var b = 4
var c = (3)
var d = (a, b)
concreteTwo(a, b)
concreteTwo((a, b)) // expected-error {{global function 'concreteTwo' expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{15-16=}} {{20-21=}}
concreteTwo(d) // expected-error {{global function 'concreteTwo' expects 2 separate arguments}}
concreteTuple(a, b) // expected-error {{global function 'concreteTuple' expects a single parameter of type '(Int, Int)'}} {{17-17=(}} {{21-21=)}}
concreteTuple((a, b))
func generic<T>(_ x: T) {}
func genericLabeled<T>(x: T) {}
func genericTwo<T, U>(_ x: T, _ y: U) {} // expected-note 5 {{'genericTwo' declared here}}
func genericTuple<T, U>(_ x: (T, U)) {}
do {
generic(3, 4) // expected-error {{extra argument in call}}
generic((3, 4))
genericLabeled(x: 3)
genericLabeled(x: 3, 4) // expected-error {{extra argument in call}}
genericLabeled(x: (3))
genericLabeled(x: (3, 4))
genericTwo(3, 4)
genericTwo((3, 4)) // expected-error {{global function 'genericTwo' expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{14-15=}} {{19-20=}}
genericTuple(3, 4) // expected-error {{global function 'genericTuple' expects a single parameter of type '(T, U)' [with T = Int, U = Int]}} {{16-16=(}} {{20-20=)}}
genericTuple((3, 4))
do {
let a = 3
let b = 4
let c = (3)
let d = (a, b)
generic(a, b) // expected-error {{extra argument in call}}
generic((a, b))
genericTwo(a, b)
genericTwo((a, b)) // expected-error {{global function 'genericTwo' expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{14-15=}} {{19-20=}}
genericTwo(d) // expected-error {{global function 'genericTwo' expects 2 separate arguments}}
genericTuple(a, b) // expected-error {{global function 'genericTuple' expects a single parameter of type '(T, U)' [with T = Int, U = Int]}} {{16-16=(}} {{20-20=)}}
genericTuple((a, b))
do {
var a = 3
var b = 4
var c = (3)
var d = (a, b)
generic(a, b) // expected-error {{extra argument in call}}
generic((a, b))
genericTwo(a, b)
genericTwo((a, b)) // expected-error {{global function 'genericTwo' expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{14-15=}} {{19-20=}}
genericTwo(d) // expected-error {{global function 'genericTwo' expects 2 separate arguments}}
genericTuple(a, b) // expected-error {{global function 'genericTuple' expects a single parameter of type '(T, U)' [with T = Int, U = Int]}} {{16-16=(}} {{20-20=)}}
genericTuple((a, b))
var function: (Int) -> ()
var functionTwo: (Int, Int) -> () // expected-note 5 {{'functionTwo' declared here}}
var functionTuple: ((Int, Int)) -> ()
do {
functionTwo(3, 4)
functionTwo((3, 4)) // expected-error {{var 'functionTwo' expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{15-16=}} {{20-21=}}
functionTuple(3, 4) // expected-error {{var 'functionTuple' expects a single parameter of type '(Int, Int)'}} {{17-17=(}} {{21-21=)}}
functionTuple((3, 4))
do {
let a = 3
let b = 4
let c = (3)
let d = (a, b)
functionTwo(a, b)
functionTwo((a, b)) // expected-error {{var 'functionTwo' expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{15-16=}} {{20-21=}}
functionTwo(d) // expected-error {{var 'functionTwo' expects 2 separate arguments}}
functionTuple(a, b) // expected-error {{var 'functionTuple' expects a single parameter of type '(Int, Int)'}} {{17-17=(}} {{21-21=)}}
functionTuple((a, b))
do {
var a = 3
var b = 4
var c = (3)
var d = (a, b)
functionTwo(a, b)
functionTwo((a, b)) // expected-error {{var 'functionTwo' expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{15-16=}} {{20-21=}}
functionTwo(d) // expected-error {{var 'functionTwo' expects 2 separate arguments}}
functionTuple(a, b) // expected-error {{var 'functionTuple' expects a single parameter of type '(Int, Int)'}} {{17-17=(}} {{21-21=)}}
functionTuple((a, b))
struct Concrete {}
extension Concrete {
func concrete(_ x: Int) {}
func concreteTwo(_ x: Int, _ y: Int) {} // expected-note 5 {{'concreteTwo' declared here}}
func concreteTuple(_ x: (Int, Int)) {}
do {
let s = Concrete()
s.concreteTwo(3, 4)
s.concreteTwo((3, 4)) // expected-error {{instance method 'concreteTwo' expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{17-18=}} {{22-23=}}
s.concreteTuple(3, 4) // expected-error {{instance method 'concreteTuple' expects a single parameter of type '(Int, Int)'}} {{19-19=(}} {{23-23=)}}
s.concreteTuple((3, 4))
do {
let s = Concrete()
let a = 3
let b = 4
let c = (3)
let d = (a, b)
s.concreteTwo(a, b)
s.concreteTwo((a, b)) // expected-error {{instance method 'concreteTwo' expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{17-18=}} {{22-23=}}
s.concreteTwo(d) // expected-error {{instance method 'concreteTwo' expects 2 separate arguments}}
s.concreteTuple(a, b) // expected-error {{instance method 'concreteTuple' expects a single parameter of type '(Int, Int)'}} {{19-19=(}} {{23-23=)}}
s.concreteTuple((a, b))
do {
var s = Concrete()
var a = 3
var b = 4
var c = (3)
var d = (a, b)
s.concreteTwo(a, b)
s.concreteTwo((a, b)) // expected-error {{instance method 'concreteTwo' expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{17-18=}} {{22-23=}}
s.concreteTwo(d) // expected-error {{instance method 'concreteTwo' expects 2 separate arguments}}
s.concreteTuple(a, b) // expected-error {{instance method 'concreteTuple' expects a single parameter of type '(Int, Int)'}} {{19-19=(}} {{23-23=)}}
s.concreteTuple((a, b))
extension Concrete {
func generic<T>(_ x: T) {}
func genericLabeled<T>(x: T) {}
func genericTwo<T, U>(_ x: T, _ y: U) {} // expected-note 5 {{'genericTwo' declared here}}
func genericTuple<T, U>(_ x: (T, U)) {}
do {
let s = Concrete()
s.generic(3, 4) // expected-error {{extra argument in call}}
s.generic((3, 4))
s.genericLabeled(x: 3)
s.genericLabeled(x: 3, 4) // expected-error {{extra argument in call}}
s.genericLabeled(x: (3))
s.genericLabeled(x: (3, 4))
s.genericTwo(3, 4)
s.genericTwo((3, 4)) // expected-error {{instance method 'genericTwo' expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{16-17=}} {{21-22=}}
s.genericTuple(3, 4) // expected-error {{instance method 'genericTuple' expects a single parameter of type '(T, U)' [with T = Int, U = Int]}} {{18-18=(}} {{22-22=)}}
s.genericTuple((3, 4))
do {
let s = Concrete()
let a = 3
let b = 4
let c = (3)
let d = (a, b)
s.generic(a, b) // expected-error {{extra argument in call}}
s.generic((a, b))
s.genericTwo(a, b)
s.genericTwo((a, b)) // expected-error {{instance method 'genericTwo' expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{16-17=}} {{21-22=}}
s.genericTwo(d) // expected-error {{instance method 'genericTwo' expects 2 separate arguments}}
s.genericTuple(a, b) // expected-error {{instance method 'genericTuple' expects a single parameter of type '(T, U)' [with T = Int, U = Int]}} {{18-18=(}} {{22-22=)}}
s.genericTuple((a, b))
do {
var s = Concrete()
var a = 3
var b = 4
var c = (3)
var d = (a, b)
s.generic(a, b) // expected-error {{extra argument in call}}
s.generic((a, b))
s.genericTwo(a, b)
s.genericTwo((a, b)) // expected-error {{instance method 'genericTwo' expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{16-17=}} {{21-22=}}
s.genericTwo(d) // expected-error {{instance method 'genericTwo' expects 2 separate arguments}}
s.genericTuple(a, b) // expected-error {{instance method 'genericTuple' expects a single parameter of type '(T, U)' [with T = Int, U = Int]}} {{18-18=(}} {{22-22=)}}
s.genericTuple((a, b))
extension Concrete {
mutating func mutatingConcrete(_ x: Int) {}
mutating func mutatingConcreteTwo(_ x: Int, _ y: Int) {} // expected-note 5 {{'mutatingConcreteTwo' declared here}}
mutating func mutatingConcreteTuple(_ x: (Int, Int)) {}
do {
var s = Concrete()
s.mutatingConcreteTwo(3, 4)
s.mutatingConcreteTwo((3, 4)) // expected-error {{instance method 'mutatingConcreteTwo' expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{25-26=}} {{30-31=}}
s.mutatingConcreteTuple(3, 4) // expected-error {{instance method 'mutatingConcreteTuple' expects a single parameter of type '(Int, Int)'}} {{27-27=(}} {{31-31=)}}
s.mutatingConcreteTuple((3, 4))
do {
var s = Concrete()
let a = 3
let b = 4
let c = (3)
let d = (a, b)
s.mutatingConcreteTwo(a, b)
s.mutatingConcreteTwo((a, b)) // expected-error {{instance method 'mutatingConcreteTwo' expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{25-26=}} {{30-31=}}
s.mutatingConcreteTwo(d) // expected-error {{instance method 'mutatingConcreteTwo' expects 2 separate arguments}}
s.mutatingConcreteTuple(a, b) // expected-error {{instance method 'mutatingConcreteTuple' expects a single parameter of type '(Int, Int)'}} {{27-27=(}} {{31-31=)}}
s.mutatingConcreteTuple((a, b))
do {
var s = Concrete()
var a = 3
var b = 4
var c = (3)
var d = (a, b)
s.mutatingConcreteTwo(a, b)
s.mutatingConcreteTwo((a, b)) // expected-error {{instance method 'mutatingConcreteTwo' expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{25-26=}} {{30-31=}}
s.mutatingConcreteTwo(d) // expected-error {{instance method 'mutatingConcreteTwo' expects 2 separate arguments}}
s.mutatingConcreteTuple(a, b) // expected-error {{instance method 'mutatingConcreteTuple' expects a single parameter of type '(Int, Int)'}} {{27-27=(}} {{31-31=)}}
s.mutatingConcreteTuple((a, b))
extension Concrete {
mutating func mutatingGeneric<T>(_ x: T) {}
mutating func mutatingGenericLabeled<T>(x: T) {}
mutating func mutatingGenericTwo<T, U>(_ x: T, _ y: U) {} // expected-note 5 {{'mutatingGenericTwo' declared here}}
mutating func mutatingGenericTuple<T, U>(_ x: (T, U)) {}
do {
var s = Concrete()
s.mutatingGeneric(3, 4) // expected-error {{extra argument in call}}
s.mutatingGeneric((3, 4))
s.mutatingGenericLabeled(x: 3)
s.mutatingGenericLabeled(x: 3, 4) // expected-error {{extra argument in call}}
s.mutatingGenericLabeled(x: (3))
s.mutatingGenericLabeled(x: (3, 4))
s.mutatingGenericTwo(3, 4)
s.mutatingGenericTwo((3, 4)) // expected-error {{instance method 'mutatingGenericTwo' expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{24-25=}} {{29-30=}}
s.mutatingGenericTuple(3, 4) // expected-error {{instance method 'mutatingGenericTuple' expects a single parameter of type '(T, U)' [with T = Int, U = Int]}} {{26-26=(}} {{30-30=)}}
s.mutatingGenericTuple((3, 4))
do {
var s = Concrete()
let a = 3
let b = 4
let c = (3)
let d = (a, b)
s.mutatingGeneric(a, b) // expected-error {{extra argument in call}}
s.mutatingGeneric((a, b))
s.mutatingGenericTwo(a, b)
s.mutatingGenericTwo((a, b)) // expected-error {{instance method 'mutatingGenericTwo' expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{24-25=}} {{29-30=}}
s.mutatingGenericTwo(d) // expected-error {{instance method 'mutatingGenericTwo' expects 2 separate arguments}}
s.mutatingGenericTuple(a, b) // expected-error {{instance method 'mutatingGenericTuple' expects a single parameter of type '(T, U)' [with T = Int, U = Int]}} {{26-26=(}} {{30-30=)}}
s.mutatingGenericTuple((a, b))
do {
var s = Concrete()
var a = 3
var b = 4
var c = (3)
var d = (a, b)
s.mutatingGeneric(a, b) // expected-error {{extra argument in call}}
s.mutatingGeneric((a, b))
s.mutatingGenericTwo(a, b)
s.mutatingGenericTwo((a, b)) // expected-error {{instance method 'mutatingGenericTwo' expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{24-25=}} {{29-30=}}
s.mutatingGenericTwo(d) // expected-error {{instance method 'mutatingGenericTwo' expects 2 separate arguments}}
s.mutatingGenericTuple(a, b) // expected-error {{instance method 'mutatingGenericTuple' expects a single parameter of type '(T, U)' [with T = Int, U = Int]}} {{26-26=(}} {{30-30=)}}
s.mutatingGenericTuple((a, b))
extension Concrete {
var function: (Int) -> () { return concrete }
var functionTwo: (Int, Int) -> () { return concreteTwo } // expected-note 5 {{'functionTwo' declared here}}
var functionTuple: ((Int, Int)) -> () { return concreteTuple }
do {
let s = Concrete()
s.functionTwo(3, 4)
s.functionTwo((3, 4)) // expected-error {{property 'functionTwo' expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{17-18=}} {{22-23=}}
s.functionTuple(3, 4) // expected-error {{property 'functionTuple' expects a single parameter of type '(Int, Int)'}} {{19-19=(}} {{23-23=)}}
s.functionTuple((3, 4))
do {
let s = Concrete()
let a = 3
let b = 4
let c = (3)
let d = (a, b)
s.functionTwo(a, b)
s.functionTwo((a, b)) // expected-error {{property 'functionTwo' expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{17-18=}} {{22-23=}}
s.functionTwo(d) // expected-error {{property 'functionTwo' expects 2 separate arguments}}
s.functionTuple(a, b) // expected-error {{property 'functionTuple' expects a single parameter of type '(Int, Int)'}} {{19-19=(}} {{23-23=)}}
s.functionTuple((a, b))
do {
var s = Concrete()
var a = 3
var b = 4
var c = (3)
var d = (a, b)
s.functionTwo(a, b)
s.functionTwo((a, b)) // expected-error {{property 'functionTwo' expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{17-18=}} {{22-23=}}
s.functionTwo(d) // expected-error {{property 'functionTwo' expects 2 separate arguments}}
s.functionTuple(a, b) // expected-error {{property 'functionTuple' expects a single parameter of type '(Int, Int)'}} {{19-19=(}} {{23-23=)}}
s.functionTuple((a, b))
struct InitTwo {
init(_ x: Int, _ y: Int) {} // expected-note 5 {{'init(_:_:)' declared here}}
struct InitTuple {
init(_ x: (Int, Int)) {}
struct InitLabeledTuple {
init(x: (Int, Int)) {}
do {
_ = InitTwo(3, 4)
_ = InitTwo((3, 4)) // expected-error {{initializer expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{15-16=}} {{20-21=}}
_ = InitTuple(3, 4) // expected-error {{initializer expects a single parameter of type '(Int, Int)'}} {{17-17=(}} {{21-21=)}}
_ = InitTuple((3, 4))
_ = InitLabeledTuple(x: 3, 4) // expected-error {{initializer expects a single parameter of type '(Int, Int)'}}
_ = InitLabeledTuple(x: (3, 4))
do {
let a = 3
let b = 4
let c = (a, b)
_ = InitTwo(a, b)
_ = InitTwo((a, b)) // expected-error {{initializer expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{15-16=}} {{20-21=}}
_ = InitTwo(c) // expected-error {{initializer expects 2 separate arguments}}
_ = InitTuple(a, b) // expected-error {{initializer expects a single parameter of type '(Int, Int)'}} {{17-17=(}} {{21-21=)}}
_ = InitTuple((a, b))
_ = InitTuple(c)
do {
var a = 3
var b = 4
var c = (a, b)
_ = InitTwo(a, b)
_ = InitTwo((a, b)) // expected-error {{initializer expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{15-16=}} {{20-21=}}
_ = InitTwo(c) // expected-error {{initializer expects 2 separate arguments}}
_ = InitTuple(a, b) // expected-error {{initializer expects a single parameter of type '(Int, Int)'}} {{17-17=(}} {{21-21=)}}
_ = InitTuple((a, b))
_ = InitTuple(c)
struct SubscriptTwo {
subscript(_ x: Int, _ y: Int) -> Int { get { return 0 } set { } } // expected-note 5 {{'subscript(_:_:)' declared here}}
struct SubscriptTuple {
subscript(_ x: (Int, Int)) -> Int { get { return 0 } set { } }
struct SubscriptLabeledTuple {
subscript(x x: (Int, Int)) -> Int { get { return 0 } set { } }
do {
let s1 = SubscriptTwo()
_ = s1[3, 4]
_ = s1[(3, 4)] // expected-error {{subscript expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{10-11=}} {{15-16=}}
let s2 = SubscriptTuple()
_ = s2[3, 4] // expected-error {{subscript expects a single parameter of type '(Int, Int)'}} {{10-10=(}} {{14-14=)}}
_ = s2[(3, 4)]
do {
let a = 3
let b = 4
let d = (a, b)
let s1 = SubscriptTwo()
_ = s1[a, b]
_ = s1[(a, b)] // expected-error {{subscript expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{10-11=}} {{15-16=}}
_ = s1[d] // expected-error {{subscript expects 2 separate arguments}}
let s2 = SubscriptTuple()
_ = s2[a, b] // expected-error {{subscript expects a single parameter of type '(Int, Int)'}} {{10-10=(}} {{14-14=)}}
_ = s2[(a, b)]
_ = s2[d]
let s3 = SubscriptLabeledTuple()
_ = s3[x: 3, 4] // expected-error {{subscript expects a single parameter of type '(Int, Int)'}}
_ = s3[x: (3, 4)]
do {
// TODO: Restore regressed diagnostics rdar://problem/31724211
var a = 3 // e/xpected-warning {{variable 'a' was never mutated; consider changing to 'let' constant}}
var b = 4 // e/xpected-warning {{variable 'b' was never mutated; consider changing to 'let' constant}}
var d = (a, b) // e/xpected-warning {{variable 'd' was never mutated; consider changing to 'let' constant}}
var s1 = SubscriptTwo()
_ = s1[a, b]
_ = s1[(a, b)] // expected-error {{subscript expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{10-11=}} {{15-16=}}
_ = s1[d] // expected-error {{subscript expects 2 separate arguments}}
var s2 = SubscriptTuple()
_ = s2[a, b] // expected-error {{subscript expects a single parameter of type '(Int, Int)'}} {{10-10=(}} {{14-14=)}}
_ = s2[(a, b)]
_ = s2[d]
enum Enum {
case two(Int, Int) // expected-note 6 {{'two' declared here}}
case tuple((Int, Int))
case labeledTuple(x: (Int, Int))
do {
_ = Enum.two(3, 4)
_ = Enum.two((3, 4)) // expected-error {{enum case 'two' expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{16-17=}} {{21-22=}}
_ = Enum.two(3 > 4 ? 3 : 4) // expected-error {{missing argument for parameter #2 in call}}
_ = Enum.tuple(3, 4) // expected-error {{enum case 'tuple' expects a single parameter of type '(Int, Int)'}} {{18-18=(}} {{22-22=)}}
_ = Enum.tuple((3, 4))
_ = Enum.labeledTuple(x: 3, 4) // expected-error {{enum case 'labeledTuple' expects a single parameter of type '(Int, Int)'}}
_ = Enum.labeledTuple(x: (3, 4))
do {
let a = 3
let b = 4
let c = (a, b)
_ = Enum.two(a, b)
_ = Enum.two((a, b)) // expected-error {{enum case 'two' expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{16-17=}} {{21-22=}}
_ = Enum.two(c) // expected-error {{enum case 'two' expects 2 separate arguments}}
_ = Enum.tuple(a, b) // expected-error {{enum case 'tuple' expects a single parameter of type '(Int, Int)'}} {{18-18=(}} {{22-22=)}}
_ = Enum.tuple((a, b))
_ = Enum.tuple(c)
do {
var a = 3
var b = 4
var c = (a, b)
_ = Enum.two(a, b)
_ = Enum.two((a, b)) // expected-error {{enum case 'two' expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{16-17=}} {{21-22=}}
_ = Enum.two(c) // expected-error {{enum case 'two' expects 2 separate arguments}}
_ = Enum.tuple(a, b) // expected-error {{enum case 'tuple' expects a single parameter of type '(Int, Int)'}} {{18-18=(}} {{22-22=)}}
_ = Enum.tuple((a, b))
_ = Enum.tuple(c)
struct Generic<T> {}
extension Generic {
func generic(_ x: T) {}
func genericLabeled(x: T) {}
func genericTwo(_ x: T, _ y: T) {} // expected-note 3 {{'genericTwo' declared here}}
func genericTuple(_ x: (T, T)) {}
do {
let s = Generic<Double>()
s.genericLabeled(x: 3.0)
s.genericLabeled(x: (3.0))
s.genericTwo(3.0, 4.0)
s.genericTwo((3.0, 4.0)) // expected-error {{instance method 'genericTwo' expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{16-17=}} {{25-26=}}
s.genericTuple(3.0, 4.0) // expected-error {{instance method 'genericTuple' expects a single parameter of type '(Double, Double)'}} {{18-18=(}} {{26-26=)}}
s.genericTuple((3.0, 4.0))
let sTwo = Generic<(Double, Double)>()
sTwo.generic(3.0, 4.0) // expected-error {{instance method 'generic' expects a single parameter of type '(Double, Double)'}} {{16-16=(}} {{24-24=)}}
sTwo.generic((3.0, 4.0))
sTwo.genericLabeled(x: 3.0, 4.0) // expected-error {{instance method 'genericLabeled' expects a single parameter of type '(Double, Double)'}}
sTwo.genericLabeled(x: (3.0, 4.0))
do {
let s = Generic<Double>()
let a = 3.0
let b = 4.0
let c = (3.0)
let d = (a, b)
s.genericTwo(a, b)
s.genericTwo((a, b)) // expected-error {{instance method 'genericTwo' expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{16-17=}} {{21-22=}}
s.genericTuple(a, b) // expected-error {{instance method 'genericTuple' expects a single parameter of type '(Double, Double)'}} {{18-18=(}} {{22-22=)}}
s.genericTuple((a, b))
let sTwo = Generic<(Double, Double)>()
sTwo.generic(a, b) // expected-error {{instance method 'generic' expects a single parameter of type '(Double, Double)'}} {{16-16=(}} {{20-20=)}}
sTwo.generic((a, b))
do {
var s = Generic<Double>()
var a = 3.0
var b = 4.0
var c = (3.0)
var d = (a, b)
s.genericTwo(a, b)
s.genericTwo((a, b)) // expected-error {{instance method 'genericTwo' expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{16-17=}} {{21-22=}}
s.genericTuple(a, b) // expected-error {{instance method 'genericTuple' expects a single parameter of type '(Double, Double)'}} {{18-18=(}} {{22-22=)}}
s.genericTuple((a, b))
var sTwo = Generic<(Double, Double)>()
sTwo.generic(a, b) // expected-error {{instance method 'generic' expects a single parameter of type '(Double, Double)'}} {{16-16=(}} {{20-20=)}}
sTwo.generic((a, b))
extension Generic {
mutating func mutatingGeneric(_ x: T) {}
mutating func mutatingGenericLabeled(x: T) {}
mutating func mutatingGenericTwo(_ x: T, _ y: T) {} // expected-note 3 {{'mutatingGenericTwo' declared here}}
mutating func mutatingGenericTuple(_ x: (T, T)) {}
do {
var s = Generic<Double>()
s.mutatingGenericLabeled(x: 3.0)
s.mutatingGenericLabeled(x: (3.0))
s.mutatingGenericTwo(3.0, 4.0)
s.mutatingGenericTwo((3.0, 4.0)) // expected-error {{instance method 'mutatingGenericTwo' expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {24-25=}} {{33-34=}}
s.mutatingGenericTuple(3.0, 4.0) // expected-error {{instance method 'mutatingGenericTuple' expects a single parameter of type '(Double, Double)'}} {{26-26=(}} {{34-34=)}}
s.mutatingGenericTuple((3.0, 4.0))
var sTwo = Generic<(Double, Double)>()
sTwo.mutatingGeneric(3.0, 4.0) // expected-error {{instance method 'mutatingGeneric' expects a single parameter of type '(Double, Double)'}} {{24-24=(}} {{32-32=)}}
sTwo.mutatingGeneric((3.0, 4.0))
sTwo.mutatingGenericLabeled(x: 3.0, 4.0) // expected-error {{instance method 'mutatingGenericLabeled' expects a single parameter of type '(Double, Double)'}}
sTwo.mutatingGenericLabeled(x: (3.0, 4.0))
do {
var s = Generic<Double>()
let a = 3.0
let b = 4.0
let c = (3.0)
let d = (a, b)
s.mutatingGenericTwo(a, b)
s.mutatingGenericTwo((a, b)) // expected-error {{instance method 'mutatingGenericTwo' expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {24-25=}} {{29-30=}}
s.mutatingGenericTuple(a, b) // expected-error {{instance method 'mutatingGenericTuple' expects a single parameter of type '(Double, Double)'}} {{26-26=(}} {{30-30=)}}
s.mutatingGenericTuple((a, b))
var sTwo = Generic<(Double, Double)>()
sTwo.mutatingGeneric(a, b) // expected-error {{instance method 'mutatingGeneric' expects a single parameter of type '(Double, Double)'}} {{24-24=(}} {{28-28=)}}
sTwo.mutatingGeneric((a, b))
do {
var s = Generic<Double>()
var a = 3.0
var b = 4.0
var c = (3.0)
var d = (a, b)
s.mutatingGenericTwo(a, b)
s.mutatingGenericTwo((a, b)) // expected-error {{instance method 'mutatingGenericTwo' expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{24-25=}} {{29-30=}}
s.mutatingGenericTuple(a, b) // expected-error {{instance method 'mutatingGenericTuple' expects a single parameter of type '(Double, Double)'}} {{26-26=(}} {{30-30=)}}
s.mutatingGenericTuple((a, b))
var sTwo = Generic<(Double, Double)>()
sTwo.mutatingGeneric(a, b) // expected-error {{instance method 'mutatingGeneric' expects a single parameter of type '(Double, Double)'}} {{24-24=(}} {{28-28=)}}
sTwo.mutatingGeneric((a, b))
extension Generic {
var genericFunction: (T) -> () { return generic }
var genericFunctionTwo: (T, T) -> () { return genericTwo } // expected-note 3 {{'genericFunctionTwo' declared here}}
var genericFunctionTuple: ((T, T)) -> () { return genericTuple }
do {
let s = Generic<Double>()
s.genericFunctionTwo(3.0, 4.0)
s.genericFunctionTwo((3.0, 4.0)) // expected-error {{property 'genericFunctionTwo' expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{24-25=}} {{33-34=}}
s.genericFunctionTuple(3.0, 4.0) // expected-error {{property 'genericFunctionTuple' expects a single parameter of type '(Double, Double)'}} {{26-26=(}} {{34-34=)}}
s.genericFunctionTuple((3.0, 4.0))
let sTwo = Generic<(Double, Double)>()
sTwo.genericFunction(3.0, 4.0) // expected-error {{property 'genericFunction' expects a single parameter of type '(Double, Double)'}} {{24-24=(}} {{32-32=)}}
sTwo.genericFunction((3.0, 4.0))
do {
let s = Generic<Double>()
let a = 3.0
let b = 4.0
let c = (3.0)
let d = (a, b)
s.genericFunctionTwo(a, b)
s.genericFunctionTwo((a, b)) // expected-error {{property 'genericFunctionTwo' expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{24-25=}} {{29-30=}}
s.genericFunctionTuple(a, b) // expected-error {{property 'genericFunctionTuple' expects a single parameter of type '(Double, Double)'}} {{26-26=(}} {{30-30=)}}
s.genericFunctionTuple((a, b))
let sTwo = Generic<(Double, Double)>()
sTwo.genericFunction(a, b) // expected-error {{property 'genericFunction' expects a single parameter of type '(Double, Double)'}} {{24-24=(}} {{28-28=)}}
sTwo.genericFunction((a, b))
do {
var s = Generic<Double>()
var a = 3.0
var b = 4.0
var c = (3.0)
var d = (a, b)
s.genericFunctionTwo(a, b)
s.genericFunctionTwo((a, b)) // expected-error {{property 'genericFunctionTwo' expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{24-25=}} {{29-30=}}
s.genericFunctionTuple(a, b) // expected-error {{property 'genericFunctionTuple' expects a single parameter of type '(Double, Double)'}} {{26-26=(}} {{30-30=)}}
s.genericFunctionTuple((a, b))
var sTwo = Generic<(Double, Double)>()
sTwo.genericFunction(a, b) // expected-error {{property 'genericFunction' expects a single parameter of type '(Double, Double)'}} {{24-24=(}} {{28-28=)}}
sTwo.genericFunction((a, b))
struct GenericInit<T> {
init(_ x: T) {}
struct GenericInitLabeled<T> {
init(x: T) {}
struct GenericInitTwo<T> {
init(_ x: T, _ y: T) {} // expected-note 10 {{'init(_:_:)' declared here}}
struct GenericInitTuple<T> {
init(_ x: (T, T)) {}
struct GenericInitLabeledTuple<T> {
init(x: (T, T)) {}
do {
_ = GenericInit(3, 4) // expected-error {{extra argument in call}}
_ = GenericInit((3, 4))
_ = GenericInitLabeled(x: 3, 4) // expected-error {{extra argument in call}}
_ = GenericInitLabeled(x: (3, 4))
_ = GenericInitTwo(3, 4)
_ = GenericInitTwo((3, 4)) // expected-error {{initializer expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{22-23=}} {{27-28=}}
_ = GenericInitTuple(3, 4) // expected-error {{initializer expects a single parameter of type '(T, T)' [with T = Int]}} {{24-24=(}} {{28-28=)}}
_ = GenericInitTuple((3, 4))
_ = GenericInitLabeledTuple(x: 3, 4) // expected-error {{initializer expects a single parameter of type '(T, T)' [with T = Int]}}
_ = GenericInitLabeledTuple(x: (3, 4))
do {
_ = GenericInit<(Int, Int)>(3, 4) // expected-error {{initializer expects a single parameter of type '(Int, Int)'}}
_ = GenericInit<(Int, Int)>((3, 4))
_ = GenericInitLabeled<(Int, Int)>(x: 3, 4) // expected-error {{initializer expects a single parameter of type '(Int, Int)'}}
_ = GenericInitLabeled<(Int, Int)>(x: (3, 4))
_ = GenericInitTwo<Int>(3, 4)
_ = GenericInitTwo<Int>((3, 4)) // expected-error {{initializer expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{27-28=}} {{32-33=}}
_ = GenericInitTuple<Int>(3, 4) // expected-error {{initializer expects a single parameter of type '(Int, Int)'}} {{29-29=(}} {{33-33=)}}
_ = GenericInitTuple<Int>((3, 4))
_ = GenericInitLabeledTuple<Int>(x: 3, 4) // expected-error {{initializer expects a single parameter of type '(Int, Int)'}}
_ = GenericInitLabeledTuple<Int>(x: (3, 4))
do {
let a = 3
let b = 4
let c = (a, b)
_ = GenericInit(a, b) // expected-error {{extra argument in call}}
_ = GenericInit((a, b))
_ = GenericInit(c)
_ = GenericInitTwo(a, b)
_ = GenericInitTwo((a, b)) // expected-error {{initializer expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{22-23=}} {{27-28=}}
_ = GenericInitTwo(c) // expected-error {{initializer expects 2 separate arguments}}
_ = GenericInitTuple(a, b) // expected-error {{initializer expects a single parameter of type '(T, T)' [with T = Int]}} {{24-24=(}} {{28-28=)}}
_ = GenericInitTuple((a, b))
_ = GenericInitTuple(c)
do {
let a = 3
let b = 4
let c = (a, b)
_ = GenericInit<(Int, Int)>(a, b) // expected-error {{initializer expects a single parameter of type '(Int, Int)'}}
_ = GenericInit<(Int, Int)>((a, b))
_ = GenericInit<(Int, Int)>(c)
_ = GenericInitTwo<Int>(a, b)
_ = GenericInitTwo<Int>((a, b)) // expected-error {{initializer expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{27-28=}} {{32-33=}}
_ = GenericInitTwo<Int>(c) // expected-error {{initializer expects 2 separate arguments}}
_ = GenericInitTuple<Int>(a, b) // expected-error {{initializer expects a single parameter of type '(Int, Int)'}} {{29-29=(}} {{33-33=)}}
_ = GenericInitTuple<Int>((a, b))
_ = GenericInitTuple<Int>(c)
do {
var a = 3
var b = 4
var c = (a, b)
_ = GenericInit(a, b) // expected-error {{extra argument in call}}
_ = GenericInit((a, b))
_ = GenericInit(c)
_ = GenericInitTwo(a, b)
_ = GenericInitTwo((a, b)) // expected-error {{initializer expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{22-23=}} {{27-28=}}
_ = GenericInitTwo(c) // expected-error {{initializer expects 2 separate arguments}}
_ = GenericInitTuple(a, b) // expected-error {{initializer expects a single parameter of type '(T, T)' [with T = Int]}} {{24-24=(}} {{28-28=)}}
_ = GenericInitTuple((a, b))
_ = GenericInitTuple(c)
do {
var a = 3
var b = 4
var c = (a, b)
_ = GenericInit<(Int, Int)>(a, b) // expected-error {{initializer expects a single parameter of type '(Int, Int)'}}
_ = GenericInit<(Int, Int)>((a, b))
_ = GenericInit<(Int, Int)>(c)
_ = GenericInitTwo<Int>(a, b)
_ = GenericInitTwo<Int>((a, b)) // expected-error {{initializer expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{27-28=}} {{32-33=}}
_ = GenericInitTwo<Int>(c) // expected-error {{initializer expects 2 separate arguments}}
_ = GenericInitTuple<Int>(a, b) // expected-error {{initializer expects a single parameter of type '(Int, Int)'}} {{29-29=(}} {{33-33=)}}
_ = GenericInitTuple<Int>((a, b))
_ = GenericInitTuple<Int>(c)
struct GenericSubscript<T> {
subscript(_ x: T) -> Int { get { return 0 } set { } }
struct GenericSubscriptLabeled<T> {
subscript(x x: T) -> Int { get { return 0 } set { } }
struct GenericSubscriptTwo<T> {
subscript(_ x: T, _ y: T) -> Int { get { return 0 } set { } } // expected-note 5 {{'subscript(_:_:)' declared here}}
struct GenericSubscriptLabeledTuple<T> {
subscript(x x: (T, T)) -> Int { get { return 0 } set { } }
struct GenericSubscriptTuple<T> {
subscript(_ x: (T, T)) -> Int { get { return 0 } set { } }
do {
let s1 = GenericSubscript<(Double, Double)>()
_ = s1[3.0, 4.0] // expected-error {{subscript expects a single parameter of type '(Double, Double)'}} {{10-10=(}} {{18-18=)}}
_ = s1[(3.0, 4.0)]
let s1a = GenericSubscriptLabeled<(Double, Double)>()
_ = s1a [x: 3.0, 4.0] // expected-error {{subscript expects a single parameter of type '(Double, Double)'}} {{12-12=(}} {{23-23=)}}
_ = s1a [x: (3.0, 4.0)]
let s2 = GenericSubscriptTwo<Double>()
_ = s2[3.0, 4.0]
_ = s2[(3.0, 4.0)] // expected-error {{subscript expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{10-11=}} {{19-20=}}
let s3 = GenericSubscriptTuple<Double>()
_ = s3[3.0, 4.0] // expected-error {{subscript expects a single parameter of type '(Double, Double)'}} {{10-10=(}} {{18-18=)}}
_ = s3[(3.0, 4.0)]
let s3a = GenericSubscriptLabeledTuple<Double>()
_ = s3a[x: 3.0, 4.0] // expected-error {{subscript expects a single parameter of type '(Double, Double)'}} {{11-11=(}} {{22-22=)}}
_ = s3a[x: (3.0, 4.0)]
do {
let a = 3.0
let b = 4.0
let d = (a, b)
let s1 = GenericSubscript<(Double, Double)>()
_ = s1[a, b] // expected-error {{subscript expects a single parameter of type '(Double, Double)'}} {{10-10=(}} {{14-14=)}}
_ = s1[(a, b)]
_ = s1[d]
let s2 = GenericSubscriptTwo<Double>()
_ = s2[a, b]
_ = s2[(a, b)] // expected-error {{subscript expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{10-11=}} {{15-16=}}
_ = s2[d] // expected-error {{subscript expects 2 separate arguments}}
let s3 = GenericSubscriptTuple<Double>()
_ = s3[a, b] // expected-error {{subscript expects a single parameter of type '(Double, Double)'}} {{10-10=(}} {{14-14=)}}
_ = s3[(a, b)]
_ = s3[d]
do {
// TODO: Restore regressed diagnostics rdar://problem/31724211
var a = 3.0 // e/xpected-warning {{variable 'a' was never mutated; consider changing to 'let' constant}}
var b = 4.0 // e/xpected-warning {{variable 'b' was never mutated; consider changing to 'let' constant}}
var d = (a, b) // e/xpected-warning {{variable 'd' was never mutated; consider changing to 'let' constant}}
var s1 = GenericSubscript<(Double, Double)>()
_ = s1[a, b] // expected-error {{subscript expects a single parameter of type '(Double, Double)'}} {{10-10=(}} {{14-14=)}}
_ = s1[(a, b)]
_ = s1[d]
var s2 = GenericSubscriptTwo<Double>()
_ = s2[a, b]
_ = s2[(a, b)] // expected-error {{subscript expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{10-11=}} {{15-16=}}
_ = s2[d] // expected-error {{subscript expects 2 separate arguments}}
var s3 = GenericSubscriptTuple<Double>()
_ = s3[a, b] // expected-error {{subscript expects a single parameter of type '(Double, Double)'}} {{10-10=(}} {{14-14=)}}
_ = s3[(a, b)]
_ = s3[d]
enum GenericEnum<T> {
case one(T)
case labeled(x: T)
case two(T, T) // expected-note 10 {{'two' declared here}}
case tuple((T, T))
do {
_ =, 4) // expected-error {{extra argument in call}}
_ =, 4))
_ = GenericEnum.labeled(x: 3, 4) // expected-error {{extra argument in call}}
_ = GenericEnum.labeled(x: (3, 4))
_ = GenericEnum.labeled(3, 4) // expected-error {{extra argument in call}}
_ = GenericEnum.labeled((3, 4)) // expected-error {{missing argument label 'x:' in call}}
_ = GenericEnum.two(3, 4)
_ = GenericEnum.two((3, 4)) // expected-error {{enum case 'two' expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{23-24=}} {{28-29=}}
_ = GenericEnum.tuple(3, 4) // expected-error {{enum case 'tuple' expects a single parameter of type '(T, T)' [with T = Int]}} {{25-25=(}} {{29-29=)}}
_ = GenericEnum.tuple((3, 4))
do {
_ = GenericEnum<(Int, Int)>.one(3, 4) // expected-error {{enum case 'one' expects a single parameter of type '(Int, Int)'}} {{35-35=(}} {{39-39=)}}
_ = GenericEnum<(Int, Int)>.one((3, 4))
_ = GenericEnum<(Int, Int)>.labeled(x: 3, 4) // expected-error {{enum case 'labeled' expects a single parameter of type '(Int, Int)'}}
_ = GenericEnum<(Int, Int)>.labeled(x: (3, 4))
_ = GenericEnum<(Int, Int)>.labeled(3, 4) // expected-error {{enum case 'labeled' expects a single parameter of type '(Int, Int)'}}
_ = GenericEnum<(Int, Int)>.labeled((3, 4)) // expected-error {{missing argument label 'x:' in call}}
_ = GenericEnum<Int>.two(3, 4)
_ = GenericEnum<Int>.two((3, 4)) // expected-error {{enum case 'two' expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{28-29=}} {{33-34=}}
_ = GenericEnum<Int>.tuple(3, 4) // expected-error {{enum case 'tuple' expects a single parameter of type '(Int, Int)'}} {{30-30=(}} {{34-34=)}}
_ = GenericEnum<Int>.tuple((3, 4))
do {
let a = 3
let b = 4
let c = (a, b)
_ =, b) // expected-error {{extra argument in call}}
_ =, b))
_ =
_ = GenericEnum.two(a, b)
_ = GenericEnum.two((a, b)) // expected-error {{enum case 'two' expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{23-24=}} {{28-29=}}
_ = GenericEnum.two(c) // expected-error {{enum case 'two' expects 2 separate arguments}}
_ = GenericEnum.tuple(a, b) // expected-error {{enum case 'tuple' expects a single parameter of type '(T, T)' [with T = Int]}} {{25-25=(}} {{29-29=)}}
_ = GenericEnum.tuple((a, b))
_ = GenericEnum.tuple(c)
do {
let a = 3
let b = 4
let c = (a, b)
_ = GenericEnum<(Int, Int)>.one(a, b) // expected-error {{enum case 'one' expects a single parameter of type '(Int, Int)'}} {{35-35=(}} {{39-39=)}}
_ = GenericEnum<(Int, Int)>.one((a, b))
_ = GenericEnum<(Int, Int)>.one(c)
_ = GenericEnum<Int>.two(a, b)
_ = GenericEnum<Int>.two((a, b)) // expected-error {{enum case 'two' expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{28-29=}} {{33-34=}}
_ = GenericEnum<Int>.two(c) // expected-error {{enum case 'two' expects 2 separate arguments}}
_ = GenericEnum<Int>.tuple(a, b) // expected-error {{enum case 'tuple' expects a single parameter of type '(Int, Int)'}} {{30-30=(}} {{34-34=)}}
_ = GenericEnum<Int>.tuple((a, b))
_ = GenericEnum<Int>.tuple(c)
do {
var a = 3
var b = 4
var c = (a, b)
_ =, b) // expected-error {{extra argument in call}}
_ =, b))
_ =
_ = GenericEnum.two(a, b)
_ = GenericEnum.two((a, b)) // expected-error {{enum case 'two' expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{23-24=}} {{28-29=}}
_ = GenericEnum.two(c) // expected-error {{enum case 'two' expects 2 separate arguments}}
_ = GenericEnum.tuple(a, b) // expected-error {{enum case 'tuple' expects a single parameter of type '(T, T)' [with T = Int]}} {{25-25=(}} {{29-29=)}}
_ = GenericEnum.tuple((a, b))
_ = GenericEnum.tuple(c)
do {
var a = 3
var b = 4
var c = (a, b)
_ = GenericEnum<(Int, Int)>.one(a, b) // expected-error {{enum case 'one' expects a single parameter of type '(Int, Int)'}} {{35-35=(}} {{39-39=)}}
_ = GenericEnum<(Int, Int)>.one((a, b))
_ = GenericEnum<(Int, Int)>.one(c)
_ = GenericEnum<Int>.two(a, b)
_ = GenericEnum<Int>.two((a, b)) // expected-error {{enum case 'two' expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{28-29=}} {{33-34=}}
_ = GenericEnum<Int>.two(c) // expected-error {{enum case 'two' expects 2 separate arguments}}
_ = GenericEnum<Int>.tuple(a, b) // expected-error {{enum case 'tuple' expects a single parameter of type '(Int, Int)'}} {{30-30=(}} {{34-34=)}}
_ = GenericEnum<Int>.tuple((a, b))
_ = GenericEnum<Int>.tuple(c)
protocol Protocol {
associatedtype Element
extension Protocol {
func requirement(_ x: Element) {}
func requirementLabeled(x: Element) {}
func requirementTwo(_ x: Element, _ y: Element) {} // expected-note 3 {{'requirementTwo' declared here}}
func requirementTuple(_ x: (Element, Element)) {}
struct GenericConforms<T> : Protocol {
typealias Element = T
do {
let s = GenericConforms<Double>()
s.requirementLabeled(x: 3.0)
s.requirementLabeled(x: (3.0))
s.requirementTwo(3.0, 4.0)
s.requirementTwo((3.0, 4.0)) // expected-error {{instance method 'requirementTwo' expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{20-21=}} {{29-30=}}
s.requirementTuple(3.0, 4.0) // expected-error {{instance method 'requirementTuple' expects a single parameter of type '(GenericConforms<Double>.Element, GenericConforms<Double>.Element)' (aka '(Double, Double)')}} {{22-22=(}} {{30-30=)}}
s.requirementTuple((3.0, 4.0))
let sTwo = GenericConforms<(Double, Double)>()
sTwo.requirement(3.0, 4.0) // expected-error {{instance method 'requirement' expects a single parameter of type '(Double, Double)'}} {{20-20=(}} {{28-28=)}}
sTwo.requirement((3.0, 4.0))
sTwo.requirementLabeled(x: 3.0, 4.0) // expected-error {{instance method 'requirementLabeled' expects a single parameter of type '(Double, Double)'}}
sTwo.requirementLabeled(x: (3.0, 4.0))
do {
let s = GenericConforms<Double>()
let a = 3.0
let b = 4.0
let c = (3.0)
let d = (a, b)
s.requirementTwo(a, b)
s.requirementTwo((a, b)) // expected-error {{instance method 'requirementTwo' expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{20-21=}} {{25-26=}}
s.requirementTuple(a, b) // expected-error {{instance method 'requirementTuple' expects a single parameter of type '(GenericConforms<Double>.Element, GenericConforms<Double>.Element)' (aka '(Double, Double)')}} {{22-22=(}} {{26-26=)}}
s.requirementTuple((a, b))
let sTwo = GenericConforms<(Double, Double)>()
sTwo.requirement(a, b) // expected-error {{instance method 'requirement' expects a single parameter of type '(Double, Double)'}} {{20-20=(}} {{24-24=)}}
sTwo.requirement((a, b))
do {
var s = GenericConforms<Double>()
var a = 3.0
var b = 4.0
var c = (3.0)
var d = (a, b)
s.requirementTwo(a, b)
s.requirementTwo((a, b)) // expected-error {{instance method 'requirementTwo' expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{20-21=}} {{25-26=}}
s.requirementTuple(a, b) // expected-error {{instance method 'requirementTuple' expects a single parameter of type '(GenericConforms<Double>.Element, GenericConforms<Double>.Element)' (aka '(Double, Double)')}} {{22-22=(}} {{26-26=)}}
s.requirementTuple((a, b))
var sTwo = GenericConforms<(Double, Double)>()
sTwo.requirement(a, b) // expected-error {{instance method 'requirement' expects a single parameter of type '(Double, Double)'}} {{20-20=(}} {{24-24=)}}
sTwo.requirement((a, b))
extension Protocol {
func takesClosure(_ fn: (Element) -> ()) {}
func takesClosureTwo(_ fn: (Element, Element) -> ()) {}
func takesClosureTuple(_ fn: ((Element, Element)) -> ()) {}
do {
let s = GenericConforms<Double>()
s.takesClosure({ _ = $0 })
s.takesClosure({ x in })
s.takesClosure({ (x: Double) in })
s.takesClosureTwo({ _ = $0 }) // expected-error {{contextual closure type '(GenericConforms<Double>.Element, GenericConforms<Double>.Element) -> ()' (aka '(Double, Double) -> ()') expects 2 arguments, but 1 was used in closure body}}
s.takesClosureTwo({ x in }) // expected-error {{contextual closure type '(GenericConforms<Double>.Element, GenericConforms<Double>.Element) -> ()' (aka '(Double, Double) -> ()') expects 2 arguments, but 1 was used in closure body}}
s.takesClosureTwo({ (x: (Double, Double)) in }) // expected-error {{contextual closure type '(GenericConforms<Double>.Element, GenericConforms<Double>.Element) -> ()' (aka '(Double, Double) -> ()') expects 2 arguments, but 1 was used in closure body}}
s.takesClosureTwo({ _ = $0; _ = $1 })
s.takesClosureTwo({ (x, y) in })
s.takesClosureTwo({ (x: Double, y:Double) in })
s.takesClosureTuple({ _ = $0 })
s.takesClosureTuple({ x in })
s.takesClosureTuple({ (x: (Double, Double)) in })
s.takesClosureTuple({ _ = $0; _ = $1 })
s.takesClosureTuple({ (x, y) in })
s.takesClosureTuple({ (x: Double, y:Double) in })
let sTwo = GenericConforms<(Double, Double)>()
sTwo.takesClosure({ _ = $0 })
sTwo.takesClosure({ x in })
sTwo.takesClosure({ (x: (Double, Double)) in })
sTwo.takesClosure({ _ = $0; _ = $1 })
sTwo.takesClosure({ (x, y) in })
sTwo.takesClosure({ (x: Double, y: Double) in })
do {
let _: ((Int, Int)) -> () = { _ = $0 }
let _: ((Int, Int)) -> () = { _ = ($0.0, $0.1) }
let _: ((Int, Int)) -> () = { t in _ = (t.0, t.1) }
let _: ((Int, Int)) -> () = { _ = ($0, $1) } // expected-error {{closure tuple parameter '(Int, Int)' does not support destructuring}}
let _: ((Int, Int)) -> () = { t, u in _ = (t, u) } // expected-error {{closure tuple parameter '(Int, Int)' does not support destructuring}} {{33-37=(arg)}} {{41-41=let (t, u) = arg; }}
let _: (Int, Int) -> () = { _ = $0 } // expected-error {{contextual closure type '(Int, Int) -> ()' expects 2 arguments, but 1 was used in closure body}}
let _: (Int, Int) -> () = { _ = ($0.0, $0.1) } // expected-error {{contextual closure type '(Int, Int) -> ()' expects 2 arguments, but 1 was used in closure body}}
let _: (Int, Int) -> () = { t in _ = (t.0, t.1) } // expected-error {{contextual closure type '(Int, Int) -> ()' expects 2 arguments, but 1 was used in closure body}}
let _: (Int, Int) -> () = { _ = ($0, $1) }
let _: (Int, Int) -> () = { t, u in _ = (t, u) }
// rdar://problem/28952837 - argument labels ignored when calling function
// with single 'Any' parameter
func takesAny(_: Any) {}
enum HasAnyCase {
case any(_: Any)
do {
let fn: (Any) -> () = { _ in }
fn(data: 123) // expected-error {{extraneous argument label 'data:' in call}}
takesAny(data: 123) // expected-error {{extraneous argument label 'data:' in call}}
_ = HasAnyCase.any(123)
_ = HasAnyCase.any(data: 123) // expected-error {{extraneous argument label 'data:' in call}}
// rdar://problem/29739905 - protocol extension methods on Array had
// ParenType sugar stripped off the element type
func processArrayOfFunctions(f1: [((Bool, Bool)) -> ()],
f2: [(Bool, Bool) -> ()],
c: Bool) {
let p = (c, c)
f1.forEach { block in
block((c, c))
block(c, c) // expected-error {{parameter 'block' expects a single parameter of type '(Bool, Bool)'}} {{11-11=(}} {{15-15=)}}
f2.forEach { block in
// expected-note@-1 2{{'block' declared here}}
block(p) // expected-error {{parameter 'block' expects 2 separate arguments}}
block((c, c)) // expected-error {{parameter 'block' expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{11-12=}} {{16-17=}}
block(c, c)
f2.forEach { (block: ((Bool, Bool)) -> ()) in
// expected-error@-1 {{cannot convert value of type '(((Bool, Bool)) -> ()) -> ()' to expected argument type '(@escaping (Bool, Bool) -> ()) throws -> Void'}}
block((c, c))
block(c, c)
f2.forEach { (block: (Bool, Bool) -> ()) in
// expected-note@-1 2{{'block' declared here}}
block(p) // expected-error {{parameter 'block' expects 2 separate arguments}}
block((c, c)) // expected-error {{parameter 'block' expects 2 separate arguments; remove extra parentheses to change tuple into separate arguments}} {{11-12=}} {{16-17=}}
block(c, c)
// expected-error@+1 {{cannot create a single-element tuple with an element label}}
func singleElementTupleArgument(completion: ((didAdjust: Bool)) -> Void) {
// TODO: Error could be improved.
// expected-error@+1 {{cannot convert value of type '(didAdjust: Bool)' to expected argument type 'Bool'}}
completion((didAdjust: true))
// SR-4378
final public class MutableProperty<Value> {
public init(_ initialValue: Value) {}
enum DataSourcePage<T> {
case notLoaded
let pages1: MutableProperty<(data: DataSourcePage<Int>, totalCount: Int)> = MutableProperty((
data: .notLoaded,
totalCount: 0
let pages2: MutableProperty<(data: DataSourcePage<Int>, totalCount: Int)> = MutableProperty((
data: DataSourcePage.notLoaded,
totalCount: 0
let pages3: MutableProperty<(data: DataSourcePage<Int>, totalCount: Int)> = MutableProperty((
data: DataSourcePage<Int>.notLoaded,
totalCount: 0
// SR-4745
let sr4745 = [1, 2]
let _ = sr4745.enumerated().map { (count, element) in "\(count): \(element)" }
// SR-4738
let sr4738 = (1, (2, 3))
// expected-error@+2{{use of undeclared type 'y'}}
// expected-error@+1{{use of undeclared type 'z'}}
[sr4738].map { (x, (y, z)) -> Int in x + y + z }
// expected-error@-1 {{closure tuple parameter does not support destructuring}} {{20-26=arg1}} {{38-38=let (y, z) = arg1; }}
// rdar://problem/31892961
let r31892961_1 = [1: 1, 2: 2]
r31892961_1.forEach { (k, v) in print(k + v) }
let r31892961_2 = [1, 2, 3]
// expected-error@+1{{use of undeclared type 'val'}}
let _: [Int] = r31892961_2.enumerated().map { ((index, val)) in
// expected-error@-1 {{closure tuple parameter does not support destructuring}} {{48-60=arg0}} {{3-3=\n let (index, val) = arg0\n }}
// expected-error@-2 {{use of undeclared type 'index'}}
val + 1
let r31892961_3 = (x: 1, y: 42)
_ = [r31892961_3].map { (x: Int, y: Int) in x + y }
_ = [r31892961_3].map { (x, y: Int) in x + y }
let r31892961_4 = (1, 2)
_ = [r31892961_4].map { x, y in x + y }
let r31892961_5 = (x: 1, (y: 2, (w: 3, z: 4)))
[r31892961_5].map { (x: Int, (y: Int, (w: Int, z: Int))) in x + y }
// expected-error@-1 {{closure tuple parameter does not support destructuring}} {{30-56=arg1}} {{61-61=let (y, (w, z)) = arg1; }}
let r31892961_6 = (x: 1, (y: 2, z: 4))
[r31892961_6].map { (x: Int, (y: Int, z: Int)) in x + y }
// expected-error@-1 {{closure tuple parameter does not support destructuring}} {{30-46=arg1}} {{51-51=let (y, z) = arg1; }}
// rdar://problem/32214649 -- these regressed in Swift 4 mode
// with SE-0110 because of a problem in associated type inference
func r32214649_1<X,Y>(_ a: [X], _ f: (X)->Y) -> [Y] {
func r32214649_2<X>(_ a: [X], _ f: (X) -> Bool) -> [X] {
return a.filter(f)
func r32214649_3<X>(_ a: [X]) -> [X] {
return a.filter { _ in return true }
// rdar://problem/32301091 - [SE-0110] causes errors when passing a closure with a single underscore to a block accepting multiple parameters
func rdar32301091_1(_ :((Int, Int) -> ())!) {}
rdar32301091_1 { _ in }
// expected-error@-1 {{cannot convert value of type '(_) -> ()' to expected argument type '((Int, Int) -> ())?'}}
func rdar32301091_2(_ :(Int, Int) -> ()) {}
rdar32301091_2 { _ in }
// expected-error@-1 {{contextual closure type '(Int, Int) -> ()' expects 2 arguments, but 1 was used in closure body}} {{19-19=,_ }}
rdar32301091_2 { x in }
// expected-error@-1 {{contextual closure type '(Int, Int) -> ()' expects 2 arguments, but 1 was used in closure body}} {{19-19=,<#arg#> }}
func rdar32875953() {
let myDictionary = ["hi":1]
myDictionary.forEach {
print("\($0) -> \($1)")
myDictionary.forEach { key, value in
print("\(key) -> \(value)")
myDictionary.forEach { (key, value) in
print("\(key) -> \(value)")
let array1 = [1]
let array2 = [2]
_ = zip(array1, array2).map(+)
struct SR_5199 {}
extension Sequence where Iterator.Element == (key: String, value: String?) {
func f() -> [SR_5199] {
return { (key, value) in
SR_5199() // Ok
func rdar33043106(_ records: [(Int)], _ other: [((Int))]) -> [Int] {
let x: [Int] = { _ in
let i = 1
return i
let y: [Int] = { _ in
let i = 1
return i
return x + y
func itsFalse(_: Int) -> Bool? {
return false
func rdar33159366(s: AnySequence<Int>) {
_ = s.compactMap(itsFalse)
let a = Array(s)
_ = a.compactMap(itsFalse)
func sr5429<T>(t: T) {
_ = AnySequence([t]).first(where: { (t: T) in true })
extension Concrete {
typealias T = (Int, Int)
typealias F = (T) -> ()
func opt1(_ fn: (((Int, Int)) -> ())?) {}
func opt2(_ fn: (((Int, Int)) -> ())??) {}
func opt3(_ fn: (((Int, Int)) -> ())???) {}
func optAliasT(_ fn: ((T) -> ())?) {}
func optAliasF(_ fn: F?) {}
extension Generic {
typealias F = (T) -> ()
func opt1(_ fn: (((Int, Int)) -> ())?) {}
func opt2(_ fn: (((Int, Int)) -> ())??) {}
func opt3(_ fn: (((Int, Int)) -> ())???) {}
func optAliasT(_ fn: ((T) -> ())?) {}
func optAliasF(_ fn: F?) {}
func rdar33239714() {
Concrete().opt1 { x, y in }
Concrete().opt1 { (x, y) in }
Concrete().opt2 { x, y in }
Concrete().opt2 { (x, y) in }
Concrete().opt3 { x, y in }
Concrete().opt3 { (x, y) in }
Concrete().optAliasT { x, y in }
Concrete().optAliasT { (x, y) in }
Concrete().optAliasF { x, y in }
Concrete().optAliasF { (x, y) in }
Generic<(Int, Int)>().opt1 { x, y in }
Generic<(Int, Int)>().opt1 { (x, y) in }
Generic<(Int, Int)>().opt2 { x, y in }
Generic<(Int, Int)>().opt2 { (x, y) in }
Generic<(Int, Int)>().opt3 { x, y in }
Generic<(Int, Int)>().opt3 { (x, y) in }
Generic<(Int, Int)>().optAliasT { x, y in }
Generic<(Int, Int)>().optAliasT { (x, y) in }
Generic<(Int, Int)>().optAliasF { x, y in }
Generic<(Int, Int)>().optAliasF { (x, y) in }
// rdar://problem/35198459 - source-compat-suite failure: Moya (toType->hasUnresolvedType() && "Should have handled this above"
do {
func foo(_: (() -> Void)?) {}
func bar() -> ((()) -> Void)? { return nil }
foo(bar()) // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type '((()) -> Void)?' to expected argument type '(() -> Void)?'}}
public extension Optional {
func apply<Result>(_ transform: ((Wrapped) -> Result)?) -> Result? {
return self.flatMap { value in { $0(value) }
func apply<Value, Result>(_ value: Value?) -> Result?
where Wrapped == (Value) -> Result {
return value.apply(self)
// FIXME: Can't overlaod local functions so these must be top-level
func takePairOverload(_ pair: (Int, Int?)) {} // expected-note {{found this candidate}}
func takePairOverload(_: () -> ()) {} // expected-note {{found this candidate}}
do {
func takeFn(fn: (_ i: Int, _ j: Int?) -> ()) {}
func takePair(_ pair: (Int, Int?)) {}
takeFn(fn: takePair) // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type '((Int, Int?)) -> ()' to expected argument type '(Int, Int?) -> ()'}}
takeFn(fn: takePairOverload) // expected-error {{ambiguous reference to member 'takePairOverload'}}
takeFn(fn: { (pair: (Int, Int?)) in } ) // Disallow for -swift-version 4 and later
// expected-error@-1 {{contextual closure type '(Int, Int?) -> ()' expects 2 arguments, but 1 was used in closure body}}
takeFn { (pair: (Int, Int?)) in } // Disallow for -swift-version 4 and later
// expected-error@-1 {{contextual closure type '(Int, Int?) -> ()' expects 2 arguments, but 1 was used in closure body}}
do {
func f(a: (() -> Void)? = nil) {}
func log<T>() -> ((T) -> Void)? { return nil }
f(a: log() as ((()) -> Void)?) // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type '((()) -> Void)?' to expected argument type '(() -> Void)?'}}
func logNoOptional<T>() -> (T) -> Void { }
f(a: logNoOptional() as ((()) -> Void)) // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type '(()) -> Void' to expected argument type '(() -> Void)?'}}
func g() {}
g(()) // expected-error {{argument passed to call that takes no arguments}}
func h(_: ()) {} // expected-note {{'h' declared here}}
h() // expected-error {{missing argument for parameter #1 in call}}
class Mappable<T> {
init(_: T) { }
func map<U>(_ body: (T) -> U) -> U { fatalError() }
let x = Mappable(())
_ = { (_: Void) in return () }
do {
func f(_: Int...) {}
let _ = [(1, 2, 3)].map(f) // expected-error {{cannot invoke 'map' with an argument list of type '(@escaping (Int...) -> ())'}}
// rdar://problem/48443263 - cannot convert value of type '() -> Void' to expected argument type '(_) -> Void'
protocol P_48443263 {
associatedtype V
func rdar48443263() {
func foo<T : P_48443263>(_: T, _: (T.V) -> Void) {}
struct S1 : P_48443263 {
typealias V = Void
struct S2: P_48443263 {
typealias V = Int
func bar(_ s1: S1, _ s2: S2, _ fn: () -> Void) {
foo(s1, fn) // Ok because s.V is Void
foo(s2, fn) // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type '() -> Void' to expected argument type '(S2.V) -> Void' (aka '(Int) -> ()')}}
func autoclosureSplat() {
func takeFn<T>(_: (T) -> ()) {}
takeFn { (fn: @autoclosure () -> Int) in }
// This type checks because we find a solution T:= @escaping () -> Int and
// wrap the closure in a function conversion.
takeFn { (fn: @autoclosure () -> Int, x: Int) in }
// expected-error@-1 {{contextual closure type '(_) -> ()' expects 1 argument, but 2 were used in closure body}}
takeFn { (fn: @autoclosure @escaping () -> Int) in }
// FIXME: It looks like matchFunctionTypes() does not check @autoclosure at all.
// Perhaps this is intentional, but we should document it eventually. In the
// interim, this test serves as "documentation"; if it fails, please investigate why
// instead of changing the test.
takeFn { (fn: @autoclosure @escaping () -> Int, x: Int) in }
// expected-error@-1 {{contextual closure type '(_) -> ()' expects 1 argument, but 2 were used in closure body}}
func noescapeSplat() {
func takesFn<T>(_ fn: (T) -> ()) -> T {}
func takesEscaping(_: @escaping () -> Int) {}
do {
let t = takesFn { (fn: () -> Int) in }
// This type checks because we find a solution T:= (@escaping () -> Int).
do {
let t = takesFn { (fn: () -> Int, x: Int) in }
// expected-error@-1 {{converting non-escaping value to 'T' may allow it to escape}}