blob: e7dc872d4ab26fa784b020d1887ce5494523c347 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -typecheck -verify %S/Inputs/keypath.swift -primary-file %s
struct S {
let i: Int
init() {
let _: WritableKeyPath<S, Int> = \.i // no error for Swift 3/4
S()[keyPath: \.i] = 1
// expected-error@-1 {{cannot assign through subscript: function call returns immutable value}}
func test() {
let _: WritableKeyPath<C, Int> = \.i // no error for Swift 3/4
C()[keyPath: \.i] = 1 // warning on write with literal keypath
// expected-warning@-1 {{forming a writable keypath to property}}
let _ = C()[keyPath: \.i] // no warning for a read
// SR-7339
class Some<T, V> { // expected-note {{'V' declared as parameter to type 'Some'}}
init(keyPath: KeyPath<T, ((V) -> Void)?>) {
class Demo {
var here: (() -> Void)?
let some = Some(keyPath: \
// expected-error@-1 {{cannot convert value of type 'KeyPath<Demo, (() -> Void)?>' to expected argument type 'KeyPath<Demo, ((Any) -> Void)?>'}}
// expected-note@-2 {{arguments to generic parameter 'Value' ('(() -> Void)?' and '((Any) -> Void)?') are expected to be equal}}
// expected-error@-3 {{generic parameter 'V' could not be inferred}}
// expected-note@-4 {{explicitly specify the generic arguments to fix this issue}}
// SE-0249
func testFunc() {
let _: (S) -> Int = \.i
_ = ([S]()).map(\.i)
// FIXME: A terrible error, but the same as the pre-existing key path
// error in the similar situation: 'let _ = \S.init'.
_ = ([S]()).map(\.init)
// expected-error@-1 {{type of expression is ambiguous without more context}}
let kp = \S.i
let _: KeyPath<S, Int> = kp // works, because type defaults to KeyPath nominal
let f = \S.i
let _: (S) -> Int = f // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'KeyPath<S, Int>' to specified type '(S) -> Int'}}
// SR-11234
public extension Array {
func sorted<C: Comparable, K: KeyPath<Element, C>>(by keyPath: K) -> Array<Element> {
let sortedA = self.sorted(by: { $0[keyPath: keyPath] < $1[keyPath: keyPath] })
return sortedA
// rdar://problem/54322807
struct X<T> {
init(foo: KeyPath<T, Bool>) { }
init(foo: KeyPath<T, Bool?>) { }
struct Wibble {
var boolProperty = false
struct Bar {
var optWibble: Wibble? = nil
class Foo {
var optBar: Bar? = nil
func testFoo<T: Foo>(_: T) {
let _: X<T> = .init(foo: \.optBar!.optWibble?.boolProperty)