blob: 71713bf1fff273b276ed711837af8c792cfca9e2 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %swift -typecheck -verify -target x86_64-apple-macosx10.51 %clang-importer-sdk -I %S/Inputs/custom-modules %s %S/Inputs/availability_implicit_macosx_other.swift
// RUN: not %swift -typecheck -target x86_64-apple-macosx10.51 %clang-importer-sdk -I %S/Inputs/custom-modules %s %S/Inputs/availability_implicit_macosx_other.swift 2>&1 | %FileCheck %s '--implicit-check-not=<unknown>:0'
// REQUIRES: OS=macosx
// This is a temporary test for checking of availability diagnostics (explicit unavailability,
// deprecation, and potential unavailability) in synthesized code. After this checking
// is fully staged in, the tests in this file will be moved.
import Foundation
func useClassThatTriggersImportOfDeprecatedEnum() {
// Check to make sure that the bodies of enum methods that are synthesized
// when importing deprecated enums do not themselves trigger deprecation
// warnings in the synthesized code.
_ = NSClassWithDeprecatedOptionsInMethodSignature.sharedInstance()
func useClassThatTriggersImportOExplicitlyUnavailableOptions() {
_ = NSClassWithPotentiallyUnavailableOptionsInMethodSignature.sharedInstance()
func useClassThatTriggersImportOfPotentiallyUnavailableOptions() {
_ = NSClassWithExplicitlyUnavailableOptionsInMethodSignature.sharedInstance()
func directUseShouldStillTriggerDeprecationWarning() {
_ = NSDeprecatedOptions.first // expected-warning {{'NSDeprecatedOptions' was deprecated in macOS 10.51: Use a different API}}
_ = NSDeprecatedEnum.first // expected-warning {{'NSDeprecatedEnum' was deprecated in macOS 10.51: Use a different API}}
func useInSignature(_ options: NSDeprecatedOptions) { // expected-warning {{'NSDeprecatedOptions' was deprecated in macOS 10.51: Use a different API}}
class SuperClassWithDeprecatedInitializer {
@available(OSX, introduced: 10.9, deprecated: 10.51)
init() { }
class SubClassWithSynthesizedDesignedInitializerOverride : SuperClassWithDeprecatedInitializer {
// The synthesized designated initializer override calls super.init(), which is
// deprecated, so the synthesized initializer is marked as deprecated as well.
// This does not generate a warning here (perhaps it should?) but any call
// to Sub's initializer will cause a deprecation warning.
func callImplicitInitializerOnSubClassWithSynthesizedDesignedInitializerOverride() {
_ = SubClassWithSynthesizedDesignedInitializerOverride() // expected-warning {{'init()' was deprecated in macOS 10.51}}
@available(OSX, introduced: 10.9, deprecated: 10.51)
class NSDeprecatedSuperClass {
var i : Int = 7 // Causes initializer to be synthesized
class NotDeprecatedSubClassOfDeprecatedSuperClass : NSDeprecatedSuperClass { // expected-warning {{'NSDeprecatedSuperClass' was deprecated in macOS 10.51}}
func callImplicitInitializerOnNotDeprecatedSubClassOfDeprecatedSuperClass() {
// We do not expect a warning here because the synthesized initializer
// in NotDeprecatedSubClassOfDeprecatedSuperClass is not itself marked
// deprecated.
_ = NotDeprecatedSubClassOfDeprecatedSuperClass()
@available(OSX, introduced: 10.9, deprecated: 10.51)
class NSDeprecatedSubClassOfDeprecatedSuperClass : NSDeprecatedSuperClass {
// Tests synthesis of materializeForSet
class ClassWithLimitedAvailabilityAccessors {
var limitedGetter: Int {
@available(OSX, introduced: 10.52)
get { return 10 }
set(newVal) {}
var limitedSetter: Int {
get { return 10 }
@available(OSX, introduced: 10.52)
set(newVal) {}
@available(*, unavailable)
func unavailableFunction() -> Int { return 10 } // expected-note 3{{'unavailableFunction()' has been explicitly marked unavailable here}}
class ClassWithReferencesLazyInitializers {
var propWithUnavailableInInitializer: Int = unavailableFunction() // expected-error {{'unavailableFunction()' is unavailable}}
lazy var lazyPropWithUnavailableInInitializer: Int = unavailableFunction() // expected-error {{'unavailableFunction()' is unavailable}}
@available(*, unavailable)
func unavailableUseInUnavailableFunction() {
// Diagnose references to unavailable functions in non-implicit code
// as errors
unavailableFunction() // expected-error {{'unavailableFunction()' is unavailable}} expected-warning {{result of call to 'unavailableFunction()' is unused}}
@available(OSX 10.52, *)
func foo() {
let _ = SubOfOtherWithInit()