blob: e6a83b67642ee030891f5efa2d17e18512eee3c2 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- ResilienceDiagnostics.cpp - Resilience Inlineability Diagnostics -===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file implements diagnostics for @inlinable.
#include "TypeChecker.h"
#include "TypeCheckAvailability.h"
#include "swift/AST/Attr.h"
#include "swift/AST/Decl.h"
#include "swift/AST/DeclContext.h"
#include "swift/AST/Initializer.h"
#include "swift/AST/ProtocolConformance.h"
#include "swift/AST/SourceFile.h"
#include "swift/AST/TypeDeclFinder.h"
using namespace swift;
using FragileFunctionKind = TypeChecker::FragileFunctionKind;
std::pair<FragileFunctionKind, bool>
TypeChecker::getFragileFunctionKind(const DeclContext *DC) {
for (DC = DC->getLocalContext(); DC && DC->isLocalContext();
DC = DC->getParent()) {
if (isa<DefaultArgumentInitializer>(DC)) {
// Default argument generators of public functions cannot reference
// @usableFromInline declarations; all other fragile function kinds
// can.
auto *VD = cast<ValueDecl>(DC->getInnermostDeclarationDeclContext());
auto access =
return std::make_pair(FragileFunctionKind::DefaultArgument,
if (isa<PatternBindingInitializer>(DC))
return std::make_pair(FragileFunctionKind::PropertyInitializer,
if (auto *AFD = dyn_cast<AbstractFunctionDecl>(DC)) {
// If the function is a nested function, we will serialize its body if
// we serialize the parent's body.
if (AFD->getDeclContext()->isLocalContext())
// Bodies of public transparent and always-inline functions are
// serialized, so use conservative access patterns.
if (AFD->isTransparent())
return std::make_pair(FragileFunctionKind::Transparent,
if (AFD->getAttrs().hasAttribute<InlinableAttr>())
return std::make_pair(FragileFunctionKind::Inlinable,
if (AFD->getAttrs().hasAttribute<AlwaysEmitIntoClientAttr>())
return std::make_pair(FragileFunctionKind::AlwaysEmitIntoClient,
// If a property or subscript is @inlinable, the accessors are
// @inlinable also.
if (auto accessor = dyn_cast<AccessorDecl>(AFD)) {
auto *storage = accessor->getStorage();
if (storage->getAttrs().getAttribute<InlinableAttr>())
return std::make_pair(FragileFunctionKind::Inlinable,
if (storage->getAttrs().hasAttribute<AlwaysEmitIntoClientAttr>())
return std::make_pair(FragileFunctionKind::AlwaysEmitIntoClient,
llvm_unreachable("Context is not nested inside a fragile function");
void TypeChecker::diagnoseInlinableLocalType(const NominalTypeDecl *NTD) {
auto *DC = NTD->getDeclContext();
auto expansion = DC->getResilienceExpansion();
if (expansion == ResilienceExpansion::Minimal) {
auto kind = getFragileFunctionKind(DC);
diagnose(NTD, diag::local_type_in_inlinable_function,
/// A uniquely-typed boolean to reduce the chances of accidentally inverting
/// a check.
enum class DowngradeToWarning: bool {
bool TypeChecker::diagnoseInlinableDeclRef(SourceLoc loc,
ConcreteDeclRef declRef,
const DeclContext *DC,
FragileFunctionKind Kind,
bool TreatUsableFromInlineAsPublic) {
const ValueDecl *D = declRef.getDecl();
// Do some important fast-path checks that apply to all cases.
// Type parameters are OK.
if (isa<AbstractTypeParamDecl>(D))
return false;
// Check whether the declaration is accessible.
if (diagnoseInlinableDeclRefAccess(loc, D, DC, Kind,
return true;
// Check whether the declaration comes from a publically-imported module.
// Skip this check for accessors because the associated property or subscript
// will also be checked, and will provide a better error message.
if (!isa<AccessorDecl>(D))
if (diagnoseDeclRefExportability(loc, declRef, DC, Kind))
return true;
return false;
bool TypeChecker::diagnoseInlinableDeclRefAccess(SourceLoc loc,
const ValueDecl *D,
const DeclContext *DC,
FragileFunctionKind Kind,
bool TreatUsableFromInlineAsPublic) {
// Local declarations are OK.
if (D->getDeclContext()->isLocalContext())
return false;
// Public declarations are OK.
if (D->getFormalAccessScope(/*useDC=*/nullptr,
return false;
auto &Context = DC->getASTContext();
// Dynamic declarations were mistakenly not checked in Swift 4.2.
// Do enforce the restriction even in pre-Swift-5 modes if the module we're
// building is resilient, though.
if (D->isObjCDynamic() && !Context.isSwiftVersionAtLeast(5) &&
!DC->getParentModule()->isResilient()) {
return false;
// Property initializers that are not exposed to clients are OK.
if (auto pattern = dyn_cast<PatternBindingInitializer>(DC)) {
auto bindingIndex = pattern->getBindingIndex();
auto &patternEntry = pattern->getBinding()->getPatternList()[bindingIndex];
auto varDecl = patternEntry.getAnchoringVarDecl();
if (!varDecl->isInitExposedToClients())
return false;
DowngradeToWarning downgradeToWarning = DowngradeToWarning::No;
// Swift 4.2 did not perform any checks for type aliases.
if (isa<TypeAliasDecl>(D)) {
if (!Context.isSwiftVersionAtLeast(4, 2))
return false;
if (!Context.isSwiftVersionAtLeast(5))
downgradeToWarning = DowngradeToWarning::Yes;
auto diagName = D->getFullName();
bool isAccessor = false;
// Swift 4.2 did not check accessor accessiblity.
if (auto accessor = dyn_cast<AccessorDecl>(D)) {
isAccessor = true;
if (!Context.isSwiftVersionAtLeast(5))
downgradeToWarning = DowngradeToWarning::Yes;
// For accessors, diagnose with the name of the storage instead of the
// implicit '_'.
diagName = accessor->getStorage()->getFullName();
// Swift 5.0 did not check the underlying types of local typealiases.
// FIXME: Conditionalize this once we have a new language mode.
if (isa<TypeAliasDecl>(DC))
downgradeToWarning = DowngradeToWarning::Yes;
auto diagID = diag::resilience_decl_unavailable;
if (downgradeToWarning == DowngradeToWarning::Yes)
diagID = diag::resilience_decl_unavailable_warn;
loc, diagID,
D->getDescriptiveKind(), diagName,
if (TreatUsableFromInlineAsPublic) {
Context.Diags.diagnose(D, diag::resilience_decl_declared_here,
D->getDescriptiveKind(), diagName, isAccessor);
} else {
Context.Diags.diagnose(D, diag::resilience_decl_declared_here_public,
D->getDescriptiveKind(), diagName, isAccessor);
return (downgradeToWarning == DowngradeToWarning::No);
static bool diagnoseDeclExportability(SourceLoc loc, const ValueDecl *D,
const SourceFile &userSF,
FragileFunctionKind fragileKind) {
auto definingModule = D->getModuleContext();
if (!userSF.isImportedImplementationOnly(definingModule))
return false;
// TODO: different diagnostics
ASTContext &ctx = definingModule->getASTContext();
ctx.Diags.diagnose(loc, diag::inlinable_decl_ref_implementation_only,
D->getDescriptiveKind(), D->getFullName(),
return true;
static bool
diagnoseGenericArgumentsExportability(SourceLoc loc,
SubstitutionMap subs,
const SourceFile &userSF) {
bool hadAnyIssues = false;
for (ProtocolConformanceRef conformance : subs.getConformances()) {
if (!conformance.isConcrete())
const ProtocolConformance *concreteConf = conformance.getConcrete();
SubstitutionMap subConformanceSubs =
diagnoseGenericArgumentsExportability(loc, subConformanceSubs, userSF);
const RootProtocolConformance *rootConf =
ModuleDecl *M = rootConf->getDeclContext()->getParentModule();
if (!userSF.isImportedImplementationOnly(M))
ASTContext &ctx = M->getASTContext();
ctx.Diags.diagnose(loc, diag::conformance_from_implementation_only_module,
rootConf->getProtocol()->getFullName(), 0, M->getName());
hadAnyIssues = true;
return hadAnyIssues;
void TypeChecker::diagnoseGenericTypeExportability(const TypeLoc &TL,
const DeclContext *DC) {
class GenericTypeFinder : public TypeDeclFinder {
using Callback = llvm::function_ref<void(SubstitutionMap)>;
const SourceFile &SF;
Callback callback;
GenericTypeFinder(const SourceFile &SF, Callback callback)
: SF(SF), callback(callback) {}
Action visitBoundGenericType(BoundGenericType *ty) override {
ModuleDecl *useModule = SF.getParentModule();
SubstitutionMap subs = ty->getContextSubstitutionMap(useModule,
return Action::Continue;
Action visitTypeAliasType(TypeAliasType *ty) override {
return Action::Continue;
assert(TL.getType() && "type not validated yet");
const SourceFile *SF = DC->getParentSourceFile();
if (!SF)
TL.getType().walk(GenericTypeFinder(*SF, [&](SubstitutionMap subs) {
// FIXME: It would be nice to highlight just the part of the type that's
// problematic, but unfortunately the TypeRepr doesn't have the
// information we need and the Type doesn't easily map back to it.
(void)diagnoseGenericArgumentsExportability(TL.getLoc(), subs, *SF);
TypeChecker::diagnoseDeclRefExportability(SourceLoc loc,
ConcreteDeclRef declRef,
const DeclContext *DC,
FragileFunctionKind fragileKind) {
// We're only interested in diagnosing uses from source files.
auto userSF = DC->getParentSourceFile();
if (!userSF)
return false;
// If the source file doesn't have any implementation-only imports,
// we can fast-path this. In the current language design, we never
// need to consider the possibility of implementation-only imports
// from other source files in the module (or indirectly in other modules).
// TODO: maybe check whether D is from a bridging header?
if (!userSF->hasImplementationOnlyImports())
return false;
const ValueDecl *D = declRef.getDecl();
if (diagnoseDeclExportability(loc, D, *userSF, fragileKind))
return true;
if (diagnoseGenericArgumentsExportability(loc, declRef.getSubstitutions(),
*userSF)) {
return true;
return false;