blob: 6c31bc3fe9c07bc70dfcc35b67c813aa10345177 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- SILGenConstructor.cpp - SILGen for constructors ------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "ArgumentSource.h"
#include "Initialization.h"
#include "LValue.h"
#include "RValue.h"
#include "SILGenFunction.h"
#include "SILGenFunctionBuilder.h"
#include "Scope.h"
#include "swift/AST/ASTMangler.h"
#include "swift/AST/GenericEnvironment.h"
#include "swift/AST/ParameterList.h"
#include "swift/AST/PropertyWrappers.h"
#include "swift/Basic/Defer.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILArgument.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILUndef.h"
#include "swift/SIL/TypeLowering.h"
using namespace swift;
using namespace Lowering;
static SILValue emitConstructorMetatypeArg(SILGenFunction &SGF,
ValueDecl *ctor) {
// In addition to the declared arguments, the constructor implicitly takes
// the metatype as its first argument, like a static function.
auto ctorFnType = ctor->getInterfaceType()->castTo<AnyFunctionType>();
assert(ctorFnType->getParams().size() == 1 &&
"more than one self parameter?");
auto param = ctorFnType->getParams()[0];
assert(!param.isVariadic() && !param.isInOut());
Type metatype = param.getPlainType();
auto *DC = ctor->getInnermostDeclContext();
auto &AC = SGF.getASTContext();
auto VD =
new (AC) ParamDecl(ParamDecl::Specifier::Default, SourceLoc(), SourceLoc(),
AC.getIdentifier("$metatype"), SourceLoc(),
AC.getIdentifier("$metatype"), DC);
SGF.AllocatorMetatype = SGF.F.begin()->createFunctionArgument(
SGF.getLoweredType(DC->mapTypeIntoContext(metatype)), VD);
return SGF.AllocatorMetatype;
// FIXME: Consolidate this with SILGenProlog
static RValue emitImplicitValueConstructorArg(SILGenFunction &SGF,
SILLocation loc,
CanType interfaceType,
DeclContext *DC) {
auto type = DC->mapTypeIntoContext(interfaceType)->getCanonicalType();
// Restructure tuple arguments.
if (auto tupleTy = dyn_cast<TupleType>(interfaceType)) {
RValue tuple(type);
for (auto fieldType : tupleTy.getElementTypes())
tuple.addElement(emitImplicitValueConstructorArg(SGF, loc, fieldType, DC));
return tuple;
auto &AC = SGF.getASTContext();
auto VD = new (AC) ParamDecl(ParamDecl::Specifier::Default, SourceLoc(), SourceLoc(),
auto argType = SGF.SGM.Types.getLoweredType(type,
auto *arg = SGF.F.begin()->createFunctionArgument(argType, VD);
ManagedValue mvArg;
if (arg->getArgumentConvention().isOwnedConvention()) {
mvArg = SGF.emitManagedRValueWithCleanup(arg);
} else {
mvArg = ManagedValue::forUnmanaged(arg);
// This can happen if the value is resilient in the calling convention
// but not resilient locally.
if (argType.isLoadable(SGF.F) && argType.isAddress()) {
if (mvArg.isPlusOne(SGF))
mvArg = SGF.B.createLoadTake(loc, mvArg);
mvArg = SGF.B.createLoadBorrow(loc, mvArg);
return RValue(SGF, loc, type, mvArg);
/// If the field has a property wrapper for which we will need to call the
/// wrapper type's init(wrappedValue:, ...), call the function that performs
/// that initialization and return the result. Otherwise, return \c arg.
static RValue maybeEmitPropertyWrapperInitFromValue(
SILGenFunction &SGF,
SILLocation loc,
VarDecl *field,
RValue &&arg) {
auto originalProperty = field->getOriginalWrappedProperty();
if (!originalProperty ||
return std::move(arg);
auto wrapperInfo = originalProperty->getPropertyWrapperBackingPropertyInfo();
if (!wrapperInfo || !wrapperInfo.initializeFromOriginal)
return std::move(arg);
return SGF.emitApplyOfPropertyWrapperBackingInitializer(loc, originalProperty,
static void emitImplicitValueConstructor(SILGenFunction &SGF,
ConstructorDecl *ctor) {
RegularLocation Loc(ctor);
// FIXME: Handle 'self' along with the other arguments.
auto *paramList = ctor->getParameters();
auto *selfDecl = ctor->getImplicitSelfDecl();
auto selfIfaceTy = selfDecl->getInterfaceType();
SILType selfTy = SGF.getLoweredType(selfDecl->getType());
// Emit the indirect return argument, if any.
SILValue resultSlot;
if (SILModuleConventions::isReturnedIndirectlyInSIL(selfTy, SGF.SGM.M)) {
auto &AC = SGF.getASTContext();
auto VD = new (AC) ParamDecl(ParamDecl::Specifier::InOut,
SourceLoc(), SourceLoc(),
resultSlot = SGF.F.begin()->createFunctionArgument(selfTy.getAddressType(), VD);
// Emit the elementwise arguments.
SmallVector<RValue, 4> elements;
for (size_t i = 0, size = paramList->size(); i < size; ++i) {
auto &param = paramList->get(i);
SGF, Loc, param->getInterfaceType()->getCanonicalType(), ctor));
emitConstructorMetatypeArg(SGF, ctor);
auto *decl = selfTy.getStructOrBoundGenericStruct();
assert(decl && "not a struct?!");
// If we have an indirect return slot, initialize it in-place.
if (resultSlot) {
auto elti = elements.begin(), eltEnd = elements.end();
for (VarDecl *field : decl->getStoredProperties()) {
auto fieldTy = selfTy.getFieldType(field, SGF.SGM.M);
SILValue slot =
SGF.B.createStructElementAddr(Loc, resultSlot, field,
InitializationPtr init(new KnownAddressInitialization(slot));
// If it's memberwise initialized, do so now.
if (field->isMemberwiseInitialized(/*preferDeclaredProperties=*/false)) {
assert(elti != eltEnd &&
"number of args does not match number of fields");
FullExpr scope(SGF.Cleanups, field->getParentPatternBinding());
maybeEmitPropertyWrapperInitFromValue(SGF, Loc, field, std::move(*elti))
.forwardInto(SGF, Loc, init.get());
} else {
#ifndef NDEBUG
&& "Checked by sema");
// Cleanup after this initialization.
FullExpr scope(SGF.Cleanups, field->getParentPatternBinding());
SGF.emitExprInto(field->getParentInitializer(), init.get());
// Otherwise, build a struct value directly from the elements.
SmallVector<SILValue, 4> eltValues;
auto elti = elements.begin(), eltEnd = elements.end();
for (VarDecl *field : decl->getStoredProperties()) {
auto fieldTy = selfTy.getFieldType(field, SGF.SGM.M);
SILValue v;
// If it's memberwise initialized, do so now.
if (field->isMemberwiseInitialized(/*preferDeclaredProperties=*/false)) {
FullExpr scope(SGF.Cleanups, field->getParentPatternBinding());
assert(elti != eltEnd && "number of args does not match number of fields");
v = maybeEmitPropertyWrapperInitFromValue(
SGF, Loc, field, std::move(*elti))
.forwardAsSingleStorageValue(SGF, fieldTy, Loc);
} else {
// Otherwise, use its initializer.
// Cleanup after this initialization.
FullExpr scope(SGF.Cleanups, field->getParentPatternBinding());
v = SGF.emitRValue(field->getParentInitializer())
.forwardAsSingleStorageValue(SGF, fieldTy, Loc);
SILValue selfValue = SGF.B.createStruct(Loc, selfTy, eltValues);
void SILGenFunction::emitValueConstructor(ConstructorDecl *ctor) {
MagicFunctionName = SILGenModule::getMagicFunctionName(ctor);
if (ctor->isMemberwiseInitializer())
return emitImplicitValueConstructor(*this, ctor);
// True if this constructor delegates to a peer constructor with self.init().
bool isDelegating = ctor->getDelegatingOrChainedInitKind(nullptr) ==
// Get the 'self' decl and type.
VarDecl *selfDecl = ctor->getImplicitSelfDecl();
auto &lowering = getTypeLowering(selfDecl->getType());
// Decide if we need to do extra work to warn on unsafe behavior in pre-Swift-5
// modes.
MarkUninitializedInst::Kind MUIKind;
if (isDelegating) {
MUIKind = MarkUninitializedInst::DelegatingSelf;
} else if (getASTContext().isSwiftVersionAtLeast(5)) {
MUIKind = MarkUninitializedInst::RootSelf;
} else {
auto *dc = ctor->getParent();
if (isa<ExtensionDecl>(dc) &&
dc->getSelfStructDecl()->getParentModule() != dc->getParentModule()) {
MUIKind = MarkUninitializedInst::CrossModuleRootSelf;
} else {
MUIKind = MarkUninitializedInst::RootSelf;
// Allocate the local variable for 'self'.
emitLocalVariableWithCleanup(selfDecl, MUIKind)->finishInitialization(*this);
SILValue selfLV = VarLocs[selfDecl].value;
// Emit the prolog.
ctor->getResultInterfaceType(), ctor,
emitConstructorMetatypeArg(*this, ctor);
// Create a basic block to jump to for the implicit 'self' return.
// We won't emit this until after we've emitted the body.
// The epilog takes a void return because the return of 'self' is implicit.
prepareEpilog(Type(), ctor->hasThrows(), CleanupLocation(ctor));
// If the constructor can fail, set up an alternative epilog for constructor
// failure.
SILBasicBlock *failureExitBB = nullptr;
SILArgument *failureExitArg = nullptr;
auto resultType = ctor->mapTypeIntoContext(ctor->getResultInterfaceType());
auto &resultLowering = getTypeLowering(resultType);
if (ctor->isFailable()) {
SILBasicBlock *failureBB = createBasicBlock(FunctionSection::Postmatter);
// On failure, we'll clean up everything (except self, which should have
// been cleaned up before jumping here) and return nil instead.
SILGenSavedInsertionPoint savedIP(*this, failureBB,
failureExitBB = createBasicBlock();
Cleanups.emitCleanupsForReturn(ctor, IsForUnwind);
// Return nil.
if (F.getConventions().hasIndirectSILResults()) {
// Inject 'nil' into the indirect return.
assert(F.getIndirectResults().size() == 1);
B.createInjectEnumAddr(ctor, F.getIndirectResults()[0],
B.createBranch(ctor, failureExitBB);
B.createReturn(ctor, emitEmptyTuple(ctor));
} else {
// Pass 'nil' as the return value to the exit BB.
failureExitArg = failureExitBB->createPhiArgument(
resultLowering.getLoweredType(), ValueOwnershipKind::Owned);
SILValue nilResult =
B.createEnum(ctor, SILValue(), getASTContext().getOptionalNoneDecl(),
B.createBranch(ctor, failureExitBB, nilResult);
B.createReturn(ctor, failureExitArg);
FailDest = JumpDest(failureBB, Cleanups.getCleanupsDepth(), ctor);
// If this is not a delegating constructor, emit member initializers.
if (!isDelegating) {
auto *typeDC = ctor->getDeclContext();
auto *nominal = typeDC->getSelfNominalTypeDecl();
emitMemberInitializers(ctor, selfDecl, nominal);
// Emit the constructor body.
// Build a custom epilog block, since the AST representation of the
// constructor decl (which has no self in the return type) doesn't match the
// SIL representation.
SILValue selfValue;
SILGenSavedInsertionPoint savedIP(*this, ReturnDest.getBlock());
assert(B.getInsertionBB()->empty() && "Epilog already set up?");
auto cleanupLoc = CleanupLocation::get(ctor);
if (!F.getConventions().hasIndirectSILResults()) {
// Otherwise, load and return the final 'self' value.
selfValue = lowering.emitLoad(B, cleanupLoc, selfLV,
// Inject the self value into an optional if the constructor is failable.
if (ctor->isFailable()) {
selfValue = B.createEnum(cleanupLoc, selfValue,
} else {
// If 'self' is address-only, copy 'self' into the indirect return slot.
assert(F.getConventions().getNumIndirectSILResults() == 1
&& "no indirect return for address-only ctor?!");
// Get the address to which to store the result.
SILValue completeReturnAddress = F.getIndirectResults()[0];
SILValue returnAddress;
if (!ctor->isFailable()) {
// For non-failable initializers, store to the return address directly.
returnAddress = completeReturnAddress;
} else {
// If this is a failable initializer, project out the payload.
returnAddress = B.createInitEnumDataAddr(cleanupLoc,
// We have to do a non-take copy because someone else may be using the
// box (e.g. someone could have closed over it).
B.createCopyAddr(cleanupLoc, selfLV, returnAddress,
IsNotTake, IsInitialization);
// Inject the enum tag if the result is optional because of failability.
if (ctor->isFailable()) {
// Inject the 'Some' tag.
B.createInjectEnumAddr(cleanupLoc, completeReturnAddress,
// Finally, emit the epilog and post-matter.
auto returnLoc = emitEpilog(ctor, /*UsesCustomEpilog*/true);
// Finish off the epilog by returning. If this is a failable ctor, then we
// actually jump to the failure epilog to keep the invariant that there is
// only one SIL return instruction per SIL function.
if (B.hasValidInsertionPoint()) {
if (!failureExitBB) {
// If we're not returning self, then return () since we're returning Void.
if (!selfValue) {
SILLocation loc(ctor);
selfValue = emitEmptyTuple(loc);
B.createReturn(returnLoc, selfValue);
} else {
if (selfValue)
B.createBranch(returnLoc, failureExitBB, selfValue);
B.createBranch(returnLoc, failureExitBB);
void SILGenFunction::emitEnumConstructor(EnumElementDecl *element) {
Type enumIfaceTy = element->getParentEnum()->getDeclaredInterfaceType();
Type enumTy = F.mapTypeIntoContext(enumIfaceTy);
auto &enumTI = SGM.Types.getTypeLowering(enumTy,
RegularLocation Loc(element);
CleanupLocation CleanupLoc(element);
// Emit the indirect return slot.
std::unique_ptr<Initialization> dest;
if (enumTI.isAddressOnly() && silConv.useLoweredAddresses()) {
auto &AC = getASTContext();
auto VD = new (AC) ParamDecl(ParamDecl::Specifier::InOut,
SourceLoc(), SourceLoc(),
auto resultSlot =
F.begin()->createFunctionArgument(enumTI.getLoweredType(), VD);
dest = std::unique_ptr<Initialization>(
new KnownAddressInitialization(resultSlot));
Scope scope(Cleanups, CleanupLoc);
// Emit the exploded constructor argument.
ArgumentSource payload;
if (element->hasAssociatedValues()) {
auto eltArgTy = element->getArgumentInterfaceType()->getCanonicalType();
RValue arg = emitImplicitValueConstructorArg(*this, Loc, eltArgTy, element);
payload = ArgumentSource(Loc, std::move(arg));
// Emit the metatype argument.
emitConstructorMetatypeArg(*this, element);
// If possible, emit the enum directly into the indirect return.
SGFContext C = (dest ? SGFContext(dest.get()) : SGFContext());
ManagedValue mv = emitInjectEnum(Loc, std::move(payload),
element, C);
// Return the enum.
auto ReturnLoc = ImplicitReturnLocation::getImplicitReturnLoc(Loc);
if (mv.isInContext()) {
B.createReturn(ReturnLoc, emitEmptyTuple(Loc));
} else {
assert(enumTI.isLoadable() || !silConv.useLoweredAddresses());
SILValue result = mv.ensurePlusOne(*this, ReturnLoc).forward(*this);
B.createReturn(ReturnLoc, result);
bool Lowering::usesObjCAllocator(ClassDecl *theClass) {
// If the root class was implemented in Objective-C, use Objective-C's
// allocation methods because they may have been overridden.
return theClass->checkAncestry(AncestryFlags::ClangImported);
void SILGenFunction::emitClassConstructorAllocator(ConstructorDecl *ctor) {
assert(!ctor->isFactoryInit() && "factories should not be emitted here");
// Emit the prolog. Since we're just going to forward our args directly
// to the initializer, don't allocate local variables for them.
RegularLocation Loc(ctor);
// Forward the constructor arguments.
// FIXME: Handle 'self' along with the other body patterns.
SmallVector<SILValue, 8> args;
bindParametersForForwarding(ctor->getParameters(), args);
SILValue selfMetaValue = emitConstructorMetatypeArg(*this, ctor);
// Allocate the "self" value.
VarDecl *selfDecl = ctor->getImplicitSelfDecl();
SILType selfTy = getLoweredType(selfDecl->getType());
assert(selfTy.hasReferenceSemantics() &&
"can't emit a value type ctor here");
// Use alloc_ref to allocate the object.
// TODO: allow custom allocation?
// FIXME: should have a cleanup in case of exception
auto selfClassDecl = ctor->getDeclContext()->getSelfClassDecl();
SILValue selfValue;
// Allocate the 'self' value.
bool useObjCAllocation = usesObjCAllocator(selfClassDecl);
if (ctor->hasClangNode() ||
ctor->isObjCDynamic() ||
ctor->isConvenienceInit()) {
assert(ctor->hasClangNode() || ctor->isObjC());
// For an allocator thunk synthesized for an @objc convenience initializer
// or imported Objective-C init method, allocate using the metatype.
SILValue allocArg = selfMetaValue;
// When using Objective-C allocation, convert the metatype
// argument to an Objective-C metatype.
if (useObjCAllocation) {
auto metaTy = allocArg->getType().castTo<MetatypeType>();
metaTy = CanMetatypeType::get(metaTy.getInstanceType(),
allocArg = B.createThickToObjCMetatype(Loc, allocArg,
selfValue = B.createAllocRefDynamic(Loc, allocArg, selfTy,
useObjCAllocation, {}, {});
} else {
// For a designated initializer, we know that the static type being
// allocated is the type of the class that defines the designated
// initializer.
selfValue = B.createAllocRef(Loc, selfTy, useObjCAllocation, false,
ArrayRef<SILType>(), ArrayRef<SILValue>());
// Call the initializer. Always use the Swift entry point, which will be a
// bridging thunk if we're calling ObjC.
auto initConstant = SILDeclRef(ctor, SILDeclRef::Kind::Initializer);
ManagedValue initVal;
SILType initTy;
// Call the initializer.
auto subMap = F.getForwardingSubstitutionMap();
std::tie(initVal, initTy)
= emitSiblingMethodRef(Loc, selfValue, initConstant, subMap);
SILValue initedSelfValue = emitApplyWithRethrow(Loc, initVal.forward(*this),
initTy, subMap, args);
// Return the initialized 'self'.
void SILGenFunction::emitClassConstructorInitializer(ConstructorDecl *ctor) {
MagicFunctionName = SILGenModule::getMagicFunctionName(ctor);
assert(ctor->getBody() && "Class constructor without a body?");
// True if this constructor delegates to a peer constructor with self.init().
bool isDelegating = false;
if (!ctor->hasStubImplementation()) {
isDelegating = ctor->getDelegatingOrChainedInitKind(nullptr) ==
// Set up the 'self' argument. If this class has a superclass, we set up
// self as a box. This allows "self reassignment" to happen in super init
// method chains, which is important for interoperating with Objective-C
// classes. We also use a box for delegating constructors, since the
// delegated-to initializer may also replace self.
// TODO: If we could require Objective-C classes to have an attribute to get
// this behavior, we could avoid runtime overhead here.
VarDecl *selfDecl = ctor->getImplicitSelfDecl();
auto *dc = ctor->getDeclContext();
auto selfClassDecl = dc->getSelfClassDecl();
bool NeedsBoxForSelf = isDelegating ||
(selfClassDecl->hasSuperclass() && !ctor->hasStubImplementation());
bool usesObjCAllocator = Lowering::usesObjCAllocator(selfClassDecl);
// If needed, mark 'self' as uninitialized so that DI knows to
// enforce its DI properties on stored properties.
MarkUninitializedInst::Kind MUKind;
if (isDelegating) {
if (ctor->isObjC())
MUKind = MarkUninitializedInst::DelegatingSelfAllocated;
MUKind = MarkUninitializedInst::DelegatingSelf;
} else if (selfClassDecl->requiresStoredPropertyInits() &&
usesObjCAllocator) {
// Stored properties will be initialized in a separate
// .cxx_construct method called by the Objective-C runtime.
assert(selfClassDecl->hasSuperclass() &&
"Cannot use ObjC allocation without a superclass");
MUKind = MarkUninitializedInst::DerivedSelfOnly;
} else if (selfClassDecl->hasSuperclass())
MUKind = MarkUninitializedInst::DerivedSelf;
MUKind = MarkUninitializedInst::RootSelf;
if (NeedsBoxForSelf) {
// Allocate the local variable for 'self'.
emitLocalVariableWithCleanup(selfDecl, MUKind)->finishInitialization(*this);
// Emit the prolog for the non-self arguments.
// FIXME: Handle self along with the other body patterns.
uint16_t ArgNo = emitProlog(ctor->getParameters(), /*selfParam=*/nullptr,
TupleType::getEmpty(F.getASTContext()), ctor,
ctor->hasThrows(), ctor->getThrowsLoc());
SILType selfTy = getLoweredLoadableType(selfDecl->getType());
ManagedValue selfArg = B.createInputFunctionArgument(selfTy, selfDecl);
if (!NeedsBoxForSelf) {
SILLocation PrologueLoc(selfDecl);
SILDebugVariable DbgVar(selfDecl->isLet(), ++ArgNo);
B.createDebugValue(PrologueLoc, selfArg.getValue(), DbgVar);
if (!ctor->hasStubImplementation()) {
assert(selfTy.hasReferenceSemantics() &&
"can't emit a value type ctor here");
if (NeedsBoxForSelf) {
SILLocation prologueLoc = RegularLocation(ctor);
// SEMANTIC ARC TODO: When the verifier is complete, review this.
B.emitStoreValueOperation(prologueLoc, selfArg.forward(*this),
} else {
selfArg = B.createMarkUninitialized(selfDecl, selfArg, MUKind);
VarLocs[selfDecl] = VarLoc::get(selfArg.getValue());
// Prepare the end of initializer location.
SILLocation endOfInitLoc = RegularLocation(ctor);
// Create a basic block to jump to for the implicit 'self' return.
// We won't emit the block until after we've emitted the body.
prepareEpilog(Type(), ctor->hasThrows(),
auto resultType = ctor->mapTypeIntoContext(ctor->getResultInterfaceType());
// If the constructor can fail, set up an alternative epilog for constructor
// failure.
SILBasicBlock *failureExitBB = nullptr;
SILArgument *failureExitArg = nullptr;
auto &resultLowering = getTypeLowering(resultType);
if (ctor->isFailable()) {
SILBasicBlock *failureBB = createBasicBlock(FunctionSection::Postmatter);
RegularLocation loc(ctor);
// On failure, we'll clean up everything and return nil instead.
SILGenSavedInsertionPoint savedIP(*this, failureBB,
failureExitBB = createBasicBlock();
failureExitArg = failureExitBB->createPhiArgument(
resultLowering.getLoweredType(), ValueOwnershipKind::Owned);
Cleanups.emitCleanupsForReturn(ctor, IsForUnwind);
SILValue nilResult =
B.createEnum(loc, SILValue(), getASTContext().getOptionalNoneDecl(),
B.createBranch(loc, failureExitBB, nilResult);
B.createReturn(loc, failureExitArg);
FailDest = JumpDest(failureBB, Cleanups.getCleanupsDepth(), ctor);
// Handle member initializers.
if (isDelegating) {
// A delegating initializer does not initialize instance
// variables.
} else if (ctor->hasStubImplementation()) {
// Nor does a stub implementation.
} else if (selfClassDecl->requiresStoredPropertyInits() &&
usesObjCAllocator) {
// When the class requires all stored properties to have initial
// values and we're using Objective-C's allocation, stored
// properties are initialized via the .cxx_construct method, which
// will be called by the runtime.
// Note that 'self' has been fully initialized at this point.
} else {
// Emit the member initializers.
emitMemberInitializers(ctor, selfDecl, selfClassDecl);
// Emit the constructor body.
// Emit the call to super.init() right before exiting from the initializer.
if (NeedsBoxForSelf) {
if (auto *SI = ctor->getSuperInitCall()) {
B.emitBlock(B.splitBlockForFallthrough(), ctor);
ReturnDest = JumpDest(B.getInsertionBB(),
CleanupStateRestorationScope SelfCleanupSave(Cleanups);
// Build a custom epilog block, since the AST representation of the
// constructor decl (which has no self in the return type) doesn't match the
// SIL representation.
// Ensure that before we add additional cleanups, that we have emitted all
// cleanups at this point.
ReturnDest.getDepth()) &&
"emitting epilog in wrong scope");
SILGenSavedInsertionPoint savedIP(*this, ReturnDest.getBlock());
auto cleanupLoc = CleanupLocation(ctor);
// If we're using a box for self, reload the value at the end of the init
// method.
if (NeedsBoxForSelf) {
ManagedValue storedSelf =
selfArg = B.createLoadCopy(cleanupLoc, storedSelf);
} else {
// We have to do a retain because we are returning the pointer +1.
// SEMANTIC ARC TODO: When the verifier is complete, we will need to
// change this to selfArg = B.emitCopyValueOperation(...). Currently due
// to the way that SILGen performs folding of copy_value, destroy_value,
// the returned selfArg may be deleted causing us to have a
// dead-pointer. Instead just use the old self value since we have a
// class.
selfArg = B.createCopyValue(cleanupLoc, selfArg);
// Inject the self value into an optional if the constructor is failable.
if (ctor->isFailable()) {
RegularLocation loc(ctor);
selfArg = B.createEnum(loc, selfArg,
// Save our cleanup state. We want all other potential cleanups to fire, but
// not this one.
if (selfArg.hasCleanup())
// Translate our cleanup to the new top cleanup.
// This is needed to preserve the invariant in getEpilogBB that when
// cleanups are emitted, everything above ReturnDest.getDepth() has been
// emitted. This is not true if we use ManagedValue and friends in the
// epilogBB, thus the translation. We perform the same check above that
// getEpilogBB performs to ensure that we still do not have the same
// problem.
ReturnDest = std::move(ReturnDest).translate(getTopCleanup());
// Emit the epilog and post-matter.
auto returnLoc = emitEpilog(ctor, /*UsesCustomEpilog*/true);
// Unpop our selfArg cleanup, so we can forward.
// Finish off the epilog by returning. If this is a failable ctor, then we
// actually jump to the failure epilog to keep the invariant that there is
// only one SIL return instruction per SIL function.
if (B.hasValidInsertionPoint()) {
if (failureExitBB)
B.createBranch(returnLoc, failureExitBB, selfArg.forward(*this));
B.createReturn(returnLoc, selfArg.forward(*this));
static ManagedValue emitSelfForMemberInit(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation loc,
VarDecl *selfDecl) {
CanType selfFormalType = selfDecl->getType()->getCanonicalType();
if (selfFormalType->hasReferenceSemantics())
return SGF.emitRValueForDecl(loc, selfDecl, selfFormalType,
.getAsSingleValue(SGF, loc);
return SGF.emitAddressOfLocalVarDecl(loc, selfDecl, selfFormalType,
static LValue emitLValueForMemberInit(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation loc,
VarDecl *selfDecl,
VarDecl *property) {
CanType selfFormalType = selfDecl->getType()->getCanonicalType();
auto self = emitSelfForMemberInit(SGF, loc, selfDecl);
return SGF.emitPropertyLValue(loc, self, selfFormalType, property,
LValueOptions(), SGFAccessKind::Write,
/// Emit a member initialization for the members described in the
/// given pattern from the given source value.
static void emitMemberInit(SILGenFunction &SGF, VarDecl *selfDecl,
Pattern *pattern, RValue &&src) {
switch (pattern->getKind()) {
case PatternKind::Paren:
return emitMemberInit(SGF, selfDecl,
case PatternKind::Tuple: {
auto tuple = cast<TuplePattern>(pattern);
auto fields = tuple->getElements();
SmallVector<RValue, 4> elements;
for (unsigned i = 0, n = fields.size(); i != n; ++i) {
emitMemberInit(SGF, selfDecl, fields[i].getPattern(),
case PatternKind::Named: {
auto named = cast<NamedPattern>(pattern);
// Form the lvalue referencing this member.
FormalEvaluationScope scope(SGF);
LValue memberRef = emitLValueForMemberInit(SGF, pattern, selfDecl,
// Assign to it.
SGF.emitAssignToLValue(pattern, std::move(src), std::move(memberRef));
case PatternKind::Any:
case PatternKind::Typed:
return emitMemberInit(SGF, selfDecl,
case PatternKind::Var:
return emitMemberInit(SGF, selfDecl,
#define PATTERN(Name, Parent)
#define REFUTABLE_PATTERN(Name, Parent) case PatternKind::Name:
#include "swift/AST/PatternNodes.def"
llvm_unreachable("Refutable pattern in pattern binding");
static Type getInitializationTypeInContext(
DeclContext *fromDC, DeclContext *toDC,
Pattern *pattern) {
auto interfaceType = pattern->getType()->mapTypeOutOfContext();
// If this pattern is initializing the backing storage for a property
// with an attached wrapper that is initialized with `=`, the
// initialization type is the original property type.
if (auto singleVar = pattern->getSingleVar()) {
if (auto originalProperty = singleVar->getOriginalWrappedProperty()) {
if (originalProperty->isPropertyWrapperInitializedWithInitialValue())
interfaceType = originalProperty->getValueInterfaceType();
auto resultType = toDC->mapTypeIntoContext(interfaceType);
return resultType;
void SILGenFunction::emitMemberInitializers(DeclContext *dc,
VarDecl *selfDecl,
NominalTypeDecl *nominal) {
for (auto member : nominal->getMembers()) {
// Find instance pattern binding declarations that have initializers.
if (auto pbd = dyn_cast<PatternBindingDecl>(member)) {
if (pbd->isStatic()) continue;
for (auto entry : pbd->getPatternList()) {
auto init = entry.getExecutableInit();
if (!init) continue;
// Cleanup after this initialization.
FullExpr scope(Cleanups, entry.getPattern());
// We want a substitution list written in terms of the generic
// signature of the type, with replacement archetypes from the
// constructor's context (which might be in an extension of
// the type, which adds additional generic requirements).
SubstitutionMap subs;
auto *genericEnv = dc->getGenericEnvironmentOfContext();
auto typeGenericSig = nominal->getGenericSignatureOfContext();
if (genericEnv && typeGenericSig) {
// Generate a set of substitutions for the initialization function,
// whose generic signature is that of the type context, and whose
// replacement types are the archetypes of the initializer itself.
subs = SubstitutionMap::get(
[&](SubstitutableType *type) {
if (auto gp = type->getAs<GenericTypeParamType>()) {
return genericEnv->mapTypeIntoContext(gp);
return Type(type);
// Get the type of the initialization result, in terms
// of the constructor context's archetypes.
CanType resultType = getInitializationTypeInContext(
pbd->getDeclContext(), dc, entry.getPattern())->getCanonicalType();
AbstractionPattern origResultType(resultType);
// FIXME: Can emitMemberInit() share code with
// InitializationForPattern in SILGenDecl.cpp?
RValue result = emitApplyOfStoredPropertyInitializer(
init, entry, subs,
resultType, origResultType,
// If we have the backing storage for a property with an attached
// property wrapper initialized with `=`, inject the value into an
// instance of the wrapper.
if (auto singleVar = pbd->getSingleVar()) {
auto originalVar = singleVar->getOriginalWrappedProperty();
if (originalVar &&
originalVar->isPropertyWrapperInitializedWithInitialValue()) {
result = maybeEmitPropertyWrapperInitFromValue(
*this, init, singleVar, std::move(result));
emitMemberInit(*this, selfDecl, entry.getPattern(), std::move(result));
void SILGenFunction::emitIVarInitializer(SILDeclRef ivarInitializer) {
auto cd = cast<ClassDecl>(ivarInitializer.getDecl());
RegularLocation loc(cd);
// Emit 'self', then mark it uninitialized.
auto selfDecl = cd->getDestructor()->getImplicitSelfDecl();
SILType selfTy = getLoweredLoadableType(selfDecl->getType());
SILValue selfArg = F.begin()->createFunctionArgument(selfTy, selfDecl);
SILLocation PrologueLoc(selfDecl);
// Hard-code self as argument number 1.
SILDebugVariable DbgVar(selfDecl->isLet(), 1);
B.createDebugValue(PrologueLoc, selfArg, DbgVar);
selfArg = B.createMarkUninitialized(selfDecl, selfArg,
assert(selfTy.hasReferenceSemantics() && "can't emit a value type ctor here");
VarLocs[selfDecl] = VarLoc::get(selfArg);
auto cleanupLoc = CleanupLocation::get(loc);
prepareEpilog(TupleType::getEmpty(getASTContext()), false, cleanupLoc);
// Emit the initializers.
emitMemberInitializers(cd, selfDecl, cd);
// Return 'self'.
B.createReturn(loc, selfArg);