blob: 4ab264ed54cf6ab168ad01fd8335cdd172065d70 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--------- AutoDiff.cpp - Swift Differentiable Programming ------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "swift/AST/AutoDiff.h"
#include "swift/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "swift/AST/Module.h"
#include "swift/AST/Types.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILLinkage.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
using namespace swift;
bool SILAutoDiffIndices::operator==(const SILAutoDiffIndices &other) const {
return source == other.source && parameters == other.parameters;
AutoDiffDerivativeFunctionKind(StringRef string) {
Optional<innerty> result =
.Case("jvp", JVP).Case("vjp", VJP);
assert(result && "Invalid string");
rawValue = *result;
DifferentiabilityWitnessFunctionKind(StringRef string) {
Optional<innerty> result = llvm::StringSwitch<Optional<innerty>>(string)
.Case("jvp", JVP)
.Case("vjp", VJP)
.Case("transpose", Transpose);
assert(result && "Invalid string");
rawValue = *result;
DifferentiabilityWitnessFunctionKind::getAsDerivativeFunctionKind() const {
switch (rawValue) {
case JVP: return {AutoDiffDerivativeFunctionKind::JVP};
case VJP: return {AutoDiffDerivativeFunctionKind::VJP};
case Transpose: return None;
NormalDifferentiableFunctionTypeComponent(AutoDiffDerivativeFunctionKind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case AutoDiffDerivativeFunctionKind::JVP: rawValue = JVP; return;
case AutoDiffDerivativeFunctionKind::VJP: rawValue = VJP; return;
NormalDifferentiableFunctionTypeComponent(StringRef string) {
Optional<innerty> result = llvm::StringSwitch<Optional<innerty>>(string)
.Case("original", Original)
.Case("jvp", JVP)
.Case("vjp", VJP);
assert(result && "Invalid string");
rawValue = *result;
NormalDifferentiableFunctionTypeComponent::getAsDerivativeFunctionKind() const {
switch (rawValue) {
case Original: return None;
case JVP: return {AutoDiffDerivativeFunctionKind::JVP};
case VJP: return {AutoDiffDerivativeFunctionKind::VJP};
LinearDifferentiableFunctionTypeComponent(StringRef string) {
Optional<innerty> result =
.Case("original", Original)
.Case("transpose", Transpose);
assert(result && "Invalid string");
rawValue = *result;
void SILAutoDiffIndices::print(llvm::raw_ostream &s) const {
s << "(source=" << source << " parameters=(";
[&s](unsigned p) { s << p; }, [&s]{ s << ' '; });
s << "))";
void SILAutoDiffIndices::dump() const {
llvm::errs() << '\n';
void AutoDiffConfig::print(llvm::raw_ostream &s) const {
s << "(parameters=";
s << " results=";
if (derivativeGenericSignature) {
s << " where=";
s << ')';
void AutoDiffConfig::dump() const {
llvm::errs() << '\n';
// TODO(TF-874): This helper is inefficient and should be removed. Unwrapping at
// most once (for curried method types) is sufficient.
static void unwrapCurryLevels(AnyFunctionType *fnTy,
SmallVectorImpl<AnyFunctionType *> &result) {
while (fnTy != nullptr) {
fnTy = fnTy->getResult()->getAs<AnyFunctionType>();
static unsigned countNumFlattenedElementTypes(Type type) {
if (auto *tupleTy = type->getCanonicalType()->getAs<TupleType>())
return accumulate(tupleTy->getElementTypes(), 0,
[&](unsigned num, Type type) {
return num + countNumFlattenedElementTypes(type);
return 1;
// TODO(TF-874): Simplify this helper. See TF-874 for WIP.
IndexSubset *
autodiff::getLoweredParameterIndices(IndexSubset *indices,
AnyFunctionType *type) {
SmallVector<AnyFunctionType *, 2> curryLevels;
unwrapCurryLevels(type, curryLevels);
// Calculate the lowered sizes of all the parameters.
SmallVector<unsigned, 8> paramLoweredSizes;
unsigned totalLoweredSize = 0;
auto addLoweredParamInfo = [&](Type type) {
unsigned paramLoweredSize = countNumFlattenedElementTypes(type);
totalLoweredSize += paramLoweredSize;
for (auto *curryLevel : reversed(curryLevels))
for (auto &param : curryLevel->getParams())
// Construct the result by setting each range of bits that corresponds to each
// "on" parameter.
llvm::SmallVector<unsigned, 8> loweredIndices;
unsigned currentBitIndex = 0;
for (unsigned i : range(indices->getCapacity())) {
auto paramLoweredSize = paramLoweredSizes[i];
if (indices->contains(i)) {
auto indices = range(currentBitIndex, currentBitIndex + paramLoweredSize);
loweredIndices.append(indices.begin(), indices.end());
currentBitIndex += paramLoweredSize;
return IndexSubset::get(
type->getASTContext(), totalLoweredSize, loweredIndices);
// TODO(TF-874): Simplify this helper and remove the `reverseCurryLevels` flag.
// See TF-874 for WIP.
void autodiff::getSubsetParameterTypes(IndexSubset *subset,
AnyFunctionType *type,
SmallVectorImpl<Type> &result,
bool reverseCurryLevels) {
SmallVector<AnyFunctionType *, 2> curryLevels;
unwrapCurryLevels(type, curryLevels);
SmallVector<unsigned, 2> curryLevelParameterIndexOffsets(curryLevels.size());
unsigned currentOffset = 0;
for (unsigned curryLevelIndex : reversed(indices(curryLevels))) {
curryLevelParameterIndexOffsets[curryLevelIndex] = currentOffset;
currentOffset += curryLevels[curryLevelIndex]->getNumParams();
// If `reverseCurryLevels` is true, reverse the curry levels and offsets.
if (reverseCurryLevels) {
std::reverse(curryLevels.begin(), curryLevels.end());
for (unsigned curryLevelIndex : indices(curryLevels)) {
auto *curryLevel = curryLevels[curryLevelIndex];
unsigned parameterIndexOffset =
for (unsigned paramIndex : range(curryLevel->getNumParams()))
if (subset->contains(parameterIndexOffset + paramIndex))
bool autodiff::getBuiltinAutoDiffApplyConfig(
StringRef operationName, AutoDiffDerivativeFunctionKind &kind,
unsigned &arity, bool &rethrows) {
if (!operationName.startswith("autodiffApply_"))
return false;
operationName = operationName.drop_front(strlen("autodiffApply_"));
// Parse 'jvp' or 'vjp'.
if (operationName.startswith("jvp"))
kind = AutoDiffDerivativeFunctionKind::JVP;
else if (operationName.startswith("vjp"))
kind = AutoDiffDerivativeFunctionKind::VJP;
operationName = operationName.drop_front(3);
// Parse '_arity'.
if (operationName.startswith("_arity")) {
operationName = operationName.drop_front(strlen("_arity"));
auto arityStr = operationName.take_while(llvm::isDigit);
operationName = operationName.drop_front(arityStr.size());
auto converted = llvm::to_integer(arityStr, arity);
assert(converted); (void)converted;
assert(arity > 0);
} else {
arity = 1;
// Parse '_rethrows'.
if (operationName.startswith("_rethrows")) {
operationName = operationName.drop_front(strlen("_rethrows"));
rethrows = true;
} else {
rethrows = false;
return operationName.empty();
SILLinkage autodiff::getAutoDiffDerivativeFunctionLinkage(
SILLinkage originalLinkage, bool isDerivativeFnExported) {
// If the original is defined externally, then the AD pass is just generating
// derivative functions for use in the current module and therefore these
// derivative functions should not be visible outside the module.
if (isAvailableExternally(originalLinkage))
return SILLinkage::Hidden;
// If the original is public, then external modules may need to link the
// derivative function. Return the linkage of the original function, unless
// the derivative function is not exported (i.e. differentiation is not
// explicitly requested via a `[differentiable]` attribute on the original
// function).
if (originalLinkage == SILLinkage::Public ||
originalLinkage == SILLinkage::PublicNonABI ||
originalLinkage == SILLinkage::Shared)
return isDerivativeFnExported ? originalLinkage : SILLinkage::Hidden;
// Otherwise, the original function is defined and used only in the current
// module, so external modules will never try to access the associated
// function. Make the derivative function hidden.
return SILLinkage::Hidden;
Type VectorSpace::getType() const {
switch (kind) {
case Kind::Vector:
return value.vectorType;
case Kind::Tuple:
return value.tupleType;
case Kind::Function:
return value.functionType;
CanType VectorSpace::getCanonicalType() const {
return getType()->getCanonicalType();
NominalTypeDecl *VectorSpace::getNominal() const {
return getVector()->getNominalOrBoundGenericNominal();