blob: f741459d0f191c781f6e466cbf1eb0a73e38bb6a [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- CastOptimizer.h ----------------------------------*- C++ -*-------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "swift/Basic/ArrayRefView.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILBuilder.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILCloner.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILInstruction.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/ARCAnalysis.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/ClassHierarchyAnalysis.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/EpilogueARCAnalysis.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/SimplifyInstruction.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Utils/SILOptFunctionBuilder.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h"
#include <functional>
#include <utility>
namespace swift {
class SILOptFunctionBuilder;
struct SILDynamicCastInst;
/// This is a helper class used to optimize casts.
class CastOptimizer {
SILOptFunctionBuilder &functionBuilder;
/// Temporary context for clients that do not provide their own.
SILBuilderContext tempBuilderContext;
/// Reference to the provided SILBuilderContext.
SILBuilderContext &builderContext;
/// Callback that replaces the first SILValue's uses with a use of the second
/// value.
std::function<void(SILValue, SILValue)> replaceValueUsesAction;
/// Callback that replaces a SingleValueInstruction with a ValueBase after
/// updating any status in the caller.
std::function<void(SingleValueInstruction *, ValueBase *)>
/// Callback that erases an instruction and performs any state updates in the
/// caller required.
std::function<void(SILInstruction *)> eraseInstAction;
/// Callback to call after an optimization was performed based on the fact
/// that a cast will succeed.
std::function<void()> willSucceedAction;
/// Callback to call after an optimization was performed based on the fact
/// that a cast will fail.
std::function<void()> willFailAction;
CastOptimizer(SILOptFunctionBuilder &FunctionBuilder,
SILBuilderContext *BuilderContext,
std::function<void(SILValue, SILValue)> ReplaceValueUsesAction,
std::function<void(SingleValueInstruction *, ValueBase *)>
std::function<void(SILInstruction *)> EraseAction,
std::function<void()> WillSucceedAction,
std::function<void()> WillFailAction = []() {})
: functionBuilder(FunctionBuilder),
builderContext(BuilderContext ? *BuilderContext : tempBuilderContext),
eraseInstAction(EraseAction), willSucceedAction(WillSucceedAction),
willFailAction(WillFailAction) {}
// This constructor is used in
// 'SILOptimizer/Mandatory/ConstantPropagation.cpp'. MSVC2015 compiler
// couldn't use the single constructor version which has three default
// arguments. It seems the number of the default argument with lambda is
// limited.
CastOptimizer(SILOptFunctionBuilder &FunctionBuilder,
SILBuilderContext *BuilderContext,
std::function<void(SILValue, SILValue)> ReplaceValueUsesAction,
std::function<void(SingleValueInstruction *I, ValueBase *V)>
std::function<void(SILInstruction *)> EraseAction =
[](SILInstruction *) {})
: CastOptimizer(FunctionBuilder, BuilderContext, ReplaceValueUsesAction,
ReplaceInstUsesAction, EraseAction, []() {}, []() {}) {}
/// Simplify checked_cast_br. It may change the control flow.
SILInstruction *simplifyCheckedCastBranchInst(CheckedCastBranchInst *Inst);
/// Simplify checked_cast_value_br. It may change the control flow.
SILInstruction *
simplifyCheckedCastValueBranchInst(CheckedCastValueBranchInst *Inst);
/// Simplify checked_cast_addr_br. It may change the control flow.
SILInstruction *
simplifyCheckedCastAddrBranchInst(CheckedCastAddrBranchInst *Inst);
/// Optimize checked_cast_br. This cannot change the control flow.
SILInstruction *optimizeCheckedCastBranchInst(CheckedCastBranchInst *Inst);
/// Optimize checked_cast_value_br. This cannot change the control flow.
SILInstruction *
optimizeCheckedCastValueBranchInst(CheckedCastValueBranchInst *Inst);
/// Optimize checked_cast_addr_br. This cannot change the control flow.
SILInstruction *
optimizeCheckedCastAddrBranchInst(CheckedCastAddrBranchInst *Inst);
/// Optimize unconditional_checked_cast. This cannot change the control flow.
ValueBase *
optimizeUnconditionalCheckedCastInst(UnconditionalCheckedCastInst *Inst);
/// Optimize unconditional_checked_cast_addr. This cannot change the control
/// flow.
SILInstruction *optimizeUnconditionalCheckedCastAddrInst(
UnconditionalCheckedCastAddrInst *Inst);
/// Check if it is a bridged cast and optimize it.
/// May change the control flow.
SILInstruction *optimizeBridgedCasts(SILDynamicCastInst cast);
/// Optimize a cast from a bridged ObjC type into
/// a corresponding Swift type implementing _ObjectiveCBridgeable.
SILInstruction *
optimizeBridgedObjCToSwiftCast(SILDynamicCastInst dynamicCast);
/// Optimize a cast from a Swift type implementing _ObjectiveCBridgeable
/// into a bridged ObjC type.
SILInstruction *
optimizeBridgedSwiftToObjCCast(SILDynamicCastInst dynamicCast);
void deleteInstructionsAfterUnreachable(SILInstruction *UnreachableInst,
SILInstruction *TrapInst);
SILValue optimizeMetatypeConversion(ConversionInst *mci,
MetatypeRepresentation representation);
} // namespace swift