blob: 46885355528282bcf1dcc6cea5113046b582d84b [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- SourceFile.h - The contents of a source file -----------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2019 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "swift/AST/FileUnit.h"
namespace swift {
/// A file containing Swift source code.
/// This is a .swift or .sil file (or a virtual file, such as the contents of
/// the REPL). Since it contains raw source, it must be parsed and name-bound
/// before being used for anything; a full type-check is also necessary for
/// IR generation.
class SourceFile final : public FileUnit {
class Impl;
struct SourceFileSyntaxInfo;
/// The implicit module import that the SourceFile should get.
enum class ImplicitModuleImportKind {
/// Possible attributes for imports in source files.
enum class ImportFlags {
/// The imported module is exposed to anyone who imports the parent module.
Exported = 0x1,
/// This source file has access to testable declarations in the imported
/// module.
Testable = 0x2,
/// This source file has access to private declarations in the imported
/// module.
PrivateImport = 0x4,
/// The imported module is an implementation detail of this file and should
/// not be required to be present if the main module is ever imported
/// elsewhere.
/// Mutually exclusive with Exported.
ImplementationOnly = 0x8
/// \see ImportFlags
using ImportOptions = OptionSet<ImportFlags>;
struct ImportedModuleDesc {
ModuleDecl::ImportedModule module;
ImportOptions importOptions;
StringRef filename;
ImportedModuleDesc(ModuleDecl::ImportedModule module, ImportOptions options,
StringRef filename = {})
: module(module), importOptions(options), filename(filename) {
assert(!(importOptions.contains(ImportFlags::Exported) &&
std::unique_ptr<SourceLookupCache> Cache;
SourceLookupCache &getCache() const;
/// This is the list of modules that are imported by this module.
/// This is filled in by the Name Binding phase.
ArrayRef<ImportedModuleDesc> Imports;
/// A unique identifier representing this file; used to mark private decls
/// within the file to keep them from conflicting with other files in the
/// same module.
mutable Identifier PrivateDiscriminator;
/// The root TypeRefinementContext for this SourceFile.
/// This is set during type checking.
TypeRefinementContext *TRC = nullptr;
/// If non-null, used to track name lookups that happen within this file.
Optional<ReferencedNameTracker> ReferencedNames;
/// The class in this file marked \@NS/UIApplicationMain.
ClassDecl *MainClass = nullptr;
/// The source location of the main class.
SourceLoc MainClassDiagLoc;
/// A hash of all interface-contributing tokens that have been lexed for
/// this source file so far.
/// We only collect interface hash for primary input files.
llvm::Optional<llvm::MD5> InterfaceHash;
/// The ID for the memory buffer containing this file's source.
/// May be -1, to indicate no association with a buffer.
int BufferID;
/// Does this source file have any implementation-only imports?
/// If not, we can fast-path module checks.
bool HasImplementationOnlyImports = false;
/// The scope map that describes this source file.
std::unique_ptr<ASTScope> Scope;
/// The set of validated opaque return type decls in the source file.
llvm::SmallVector<OpaqueTypeDecl *, 4> OpaqueReturnTypes;
llvm::StringMap<OpaqueTypeDecl *> ValidatedOpaqueReturnTypes;
/// The set of parsed decls with opaque return types that have not yet
/// been validated.
llvm::SetVector<ValueDecl *> UnvalidatedDeclsWithOpaqueReturnTypes;
friend ASTContext;
friend Impl;
/// The list of top-level declarations in the source file.
std::vector<Decl*> Decls;
/// A cache of syntax nodes that can be reused when creating the syntax tree
/// for this file.
SyntaxParsingCache *SyntaxParsingCache = nullptr;
/// The list of local type declarations in the source file.
llvm::SetVector<TypeDecl *> LocalTypeDecls;
/// A set of special declaration attributes which require the
/// Foundation module to be imported to work. If the foundation
/// module is still not imported by the time type checking is
/// complete, we diagnose.
llvm::SetVector<const DeclAttribute *> AttrsRequiringFoundation;
/// A set of synthesized declarations that need to be type checked.
llvm::SmallVector<Decl *, 8> SynthesizedDecls;
/// We might perform type checking on the same source file more than once,
/// if its the main file or a REPL instance, so keep track of the last
/// checked synthesized declaration to avoid duplicating work.
unsigned LastCheckedSynthesizedDecl = 0;
/// A mapping from Objective-C selectors to the methods that have
/// those selectors.
llvm::DenseMap<ObjCSelector, llvm::TinyPtrVector<AbstractFunctionDecl *>>
/// List of Objective-C methods, which is used for checking unintended
/// Objective-C overrides.
std::vector<AbstractFunctionDecl *> ObjCMethodList;
/// An unsatisfied, optional @objc requirement in a protocol conformance.
using ObjCUnsatisfiedOptReq = std::pair<DeclContext *, AbstractFunctionDecl *>;
/// List of optional @objc protocol requirements that have gone
/// unsatisfied, which might conflict with other Objective-C methods.
std::vector<ObjCUnsatisfiedOptReq> ObjCUnsatisfiedOptReqs;
using ObjCMethodConflict = std::tuple<ClassDecl *, ObjCSelector, bool>;
/// List of Objective-C member conflicts we have found during type checking.
std::vector<ObjCMethodConflict> ObjCMethodConflicts;
template <typename T>
using OperatorMap = llvm::DenseMap<Identifier,llvm::PointerIntPair<T,1,bool>>;
OperatorMap<InfixOperatorDecl*> InfixOperators;
OperatorMap<PostfixOperatorDecl*> PostfixOperators;
OperatorMap<PrefixOperatorDecl*> PrefixOperators;
OperatorMap<PrecedenceGroupDecl*> PrecedenceGroups;
/// Describes what kind of file this is, which can affect some type checking
/// and other behavior.
const SourceFileKind Kind;
enum ASTStage_t {
/// Parsing is underway.
/// Parsing has completed.
/// Name binding has completed.
/// Type checking has completed.
/// Defines what phases of parsing and semantic analysis are complete for a
/// source file.
/// Only files that have been fully processed (i.e. type-checked) will be
/// forwarded on to IRGen.
ASTStage_t ASTStage = Parsing;
SourceFile(ModuleDecl &M, SourceFileKind K, Optional<unsigned> bufferID,
ImplicitModuleImportKind ModImpKind, bool KeepParsedTokens = false,
bool KeepSyntaxTree = false);
void addImports(ArrayRef<ImportedModuleDesc> IM);
enum ImportQueryKind {
/// Return the results for testable or private imports.
/// Return the results only for testable imports.
/// Return the results only for private imports.
hasTestableOrPrivateImport(AccessLevel accessLevel, const ValueDecl *ofDecl,
ImportQueryKind kind = TestableAndPrivate) const;
bool hasImplementationOnlyImports() const {
return HasImplementationOnlyImports;
bool isImportedImplementationOnly(const ModuleDecl *module) const;
/// This is a hack for 'main' file parsing and the integrated REPL.
/// FIXME: Refactor main file parsing to not pump the parser incrementally.
/// FIXME: Remove the integrated REPL.
void clearLookupCache();
void cacheVisibleDecls(SmallVectorImpl<ValueDecl *> &&globals) const;
const SmallVectorImpl<ValueDecl *> &getCachedVisibleDecls() const;
void addVisibleDecl(ValueDecl *decl);
virtual void lookupValue(DeclName name, NLKind lookupKind,
SmallVectorImpl<ValueDecl*> &result) const override;
virtual void lookupVisibleDecls(ModuleDecl::AccessPathTy accessPath,
VisibleDeclConsumer &consumer,
NLKind lookupKind) const override;
virtual void lookupClassMembers(ModuleDecl::AccessPathTy accessPath,
VisibleDeclConsumer &consumer) const override;
virtual void
lookupClassMember(ModuleDecl::AccessPathTy accessPath, DeclName name,
SmallVectorImpl<ValueDecl*> &results) const override;
void lookupObjCMethods(
ObjCSelector selector,
SmallVectorImpl<AbstractFunctionDecl *> &results) const override;
virtual void getTopLevelDecls(SmallVectorImpl<Decl*> &results) const override;
virtual void
getPrecedenceGroups(SmallVectorImpl<PrecedenceGroupDecl*> &results) const override;
virtual TypeDecl *lookupLocalType(llvm::StringRef MangledName) const override;
virtual void
getLocalTypeDecls(SmallVectorImpl<TypeDecl*> &results) const override;
virtual void
getOpaqueReturnTypeDecls(SmallVectorImpl<OpaqueTypeDecl*> &results) const override;
virtual void
getImportedModules(SmallVectorImpl<ModuleDecl::ImportedModule> &imports,
ModuleDecl::ImportFilter filter) const override;
virtual void
collectLinkLibraries(ModuleDecl::LinkLibraryCallback callback) const override;
Identifier getDiscriminatorForPrivateValue(const ValueDecl *D) const override;
Identifier getPrivateDiscriminator() const { return PrivateDiscriminator; }
virtual bool walk(ASTWalker &walker) override;
/// @{
/// Look up the given operator in this file.
/// The file must be name-bound already. If the operator is not found, or if
/// there is an ambiguity, returns null.
/// \param isCascading If true, the lookup of this operator may affect
/// downstream files.
InfixOperatorDecl *lookupInfixOperator(Identifier name, bool isCascading,
SourceLoc diagLoc = {});
PrefixOperatorDecl *lookupPrefixOperator(Identifier name, bool isCascading,
SourceLoc diagLoc = {});
PostfixOperatorDecl *lookupPostfixOperator(Identifier name, bool isCascading,
SourceLoc diagLoc = {});
PrecedenceGroupDecl *lookupPrecedenceGroup(Identifier name, bool isCascading,
SourceLoc diagLoc = {});
/// @}
ReferencedNameTracker *getReferencedNameTracker() {
return ReferencedNames ? ReferencedNames.getPointer() : nullptr;
const ReferencedNameTracker *getReferencedNameTracker() const {
return ReferencedNames ? ReferencedNames.getPointer() : nullptr;
void createReferencedNameTracker();
/// The buffer ID for the file that was imported, or None if there
/// is no associated buffer.
Optional<unsigned> getBufferID() const {
if (BufferID == -1)
return None;
return BufferID;
/// If this buffer corresponds to a file on disk, returns the path.
/// Otherwise, return an empty string.
StringRef getFilename() const;
/// Retrieve the scope that describes this source file.
ASTScope &getScope();
void dump() const;
void dump(raw_ostream &os) const;
/// Pretty-print the contents of this source file.
/// \param Printer The AST printer used for printing the contents.
/// \param PO Options controlling the printing process.
void print(ASTPrinter &Printer, const PrintOptions &PO);
void print(raw_ostream &OS, const PrintOptions &PO);
static bool classof(const FileUnit *file) {
return file->getKind() == FileUnitKind::Source;
static bool classof(const DeclContext *DC) {
return isa<FileUnit>(DC) && classof(cast<FileUnit>(DC));
/// True if this is a "script mode" source file that admits top-level code.
bool isScriptMode() const {
switch (Kind) {
case SourceFileKind::Main:
case SourceFileKind::REPL:
return true;
case SourceFileKind::Library:
case SourceFileKind::Interface:
case SourceFileKind::SIL:
return false;
llvm_unreachable("bad SourceFileKind");
ClassDecl *getMainClass() const override {
return MainClass;
SourceLoc getMainClassDiagLoc() const {
return MainClassDiagLoc;
/// Register a "main" class for the module, complaining if there is more than
/// one.
/// Should only be called during type-checking.
bool registerMainClass(ClassDecl *mainClass, SourceLoc diagLoc);
/// True if this source file has an application entry point.
/// This is true if the source file either is in script mode or contains
/// a designated main class.
bool hasEntryPoint() const override {
return isScriptMode() || hasMainClass();
/// Get the root refinement context for the file. The root context may be
/// null if the context hierarchy has not been built yet. Use
/// TypeChecker::getOrBuildTypeRefinementContext() to get a built
/// root of the hierarchy.
TypeRefinementContext *getTypeRefinementContext();
/// Set the root refinement context for the file.
void setTypeRefinementContext(TypeRefinementContext *TRC);
void enableInterfaceHash() {
bool hasInterfaceHash() const {
return InterfaceHash.hasValue();
void recordInterfaceToken(StringRef token) {
// Add null byte to separate tokens.
uint8_t a[1] = {0};
void getInterfaceHash(llvm::SmallString<32> &str) {
llvm::MD5::MD5Result result;
llvm::MD5::stringifyResult(result, str);
void dumpInterfaceHash(llvm::raw_ostream &out) {
llvm::SmallString<32> str;
out << str << '\n';
std::vector<Token> &getTokenVector();
ArrayRef<Token> getAllTokens() const;
bool shouldCollectToken() const;
bool shouldBuildSyntaxTree() const;
bool canBeParsedInFull() const;
bool isSuitableForASTScopes() const { return canBeParsedInFull(); }
syntax::SourceFileSyntax getSyntaxRoot() const;
void setSyntaxRoot(syntax::SourceFileSyntax &&Root);
bool hasSyntaxRoot() const;
OpaqueTypeDecl *lookupOpaqueResultType(StringRef MangledName) override;
void addUnvalidatedDeclWithOpaqueResultType(ValueDecl *vd) {
ArrayRef<OpaqueTypeDecl *> getOpaqueReturnTypeDecls();
/// If not None, the underlying vector should contain tokens of this source file.
Optional<std::vector<Token>> AllCorrectedTokens;
std::unique_ptr<SourceFileSyntaxInfo> SyntaxInfo;
inline SourceFile &
ModuleDecl::getMainSourceFile(SourceFileKind expectedKind) const {
assert(!Files.empty() && "No files added yet");
assert(cast<SourceFile>(Files.front())->Kind == expectedKind);
return *cast<SourceFile>(Files.front());
inline FileUnit *ModuleDecl::EntryPointInfoTy::getEntryPointFile() const {
return storage.getPointer();
inline void ModuleDecl::EntryPointInfoTy::setEntryPointFile(FileUnit *file) {
inline bool ModuleDecl::EntryPointInfoTy::hasEntryPoint() const {
return storage.getPointer();
inline bool ModuleDecl::EntryPointInfoTy::markDiagnosedMultipleMainClasses() {
bool res = storage.getInt().contains(Flags::DiagnosedMultipleMainClasses);
storage.setInt(storage.getInt() | Flags::DiagnosedMultipleMainClasses);
return !res;
inline bool ModuleDecl::EntryPointInfoTy::markDiagnosedMainClassWithScript() {
bool res = storage.getInt().contains(Flags::DiagnosedMainClassWithScript);
storage.setInt(storage.getInt() | Flags::DiagnosedMainClassWithScript);
return !res;
} // end namespace swift