blob: 981346059044cec058c49d34be9c7d04a49bc875 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- ReduceInto.swift -------------------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import TestsUtils
public let ReduceInto = [
BenchmarkInfo(name: "FilterEvenUsingReduce", runFunction: run_FilterEvenUsingReduce, tags: [.validation, .api], legacyFactor: 10),
BenchmarkInfo(name: "FilterEvenUsingReduceInto", runFunction: run_FilterEvenUsingReduceInto, tags: [.validation, .api]),
BenchmarkInfo(name: "FrequenciesUsingReduce", runFunction: run_FrequenciesUsingReduce, tags: [.validation, .api]),
BenchmarkInfo(name: "FrequenciesUsingReduceInto", runFunction: run_FrequenciesUsingReduceInto, tags: [.validation, .api]),
BenchmarkInfo(name: "SumUsingReduce", runFunction: run_SumUsingReduce, tags: [.validation, .api]),
BenchmarkInfo(name: "SumUsingReduceInto", runFunction: run_SumUsingReduceInto, tags: [.validation, .api]),
// Sum
public func run_SumUsingReduce(_ N: Int) {
let numbers = [Int](0..<1000)
var c = 0
for _ in 1...N*1000 {
c = c &+ numbers.reduce(0) { (acc: Int, num: Int) -> Int in
acc &+ num
CheckResults(c != 0)
public func run_SumUsingReduceInto(_ N: Int) {
let numbers = [Int](0..<1000)
var c = 0
for _ in 1...N*1000 {
c = c &+ numbers.reduce(into: 0) { (acc: inout Int, num: Int) in
acc = acc &+ num
CheckResults(c != 0)
// Filter
public func run_FilterEvenUsingReduce(_ N: Int) {
let numbers = [Int](0..<100)
var c = 0
for _ in 1...N*10 {
let a = numbers.reduce([]) { (acc: [Int], num: Int) -> [Int] in
var a = acc
if num % 2 == 0 {
return a
c = c &+ a.count
CheckResults(c != 0)
public func run_FilterEvenUsingReduceInto(_ N: Int) {
let numbers = [Int](0..<100)
var c = 0
for _ in 1...N*100 {
let a = numbers.reduce(into: []) { (acc: inout [Int], num: Int) in
if num % 2 == 0 {
c = c &+ a.count
CheckResults(c != 0)
// Frequencies
public func run_FrequenciesUsingReduce(_ N: Int) {
let s = "thequickbrownfoxjumpsoverthelazydogusingasmanycharacteraspossible123456789"
var c = 0
for _ in 1...N*100 {
let a = s.reduce([:]) {
(acc: [Character: Int], c: Character) -> [Character: Int] in
var d = acc
d[c, default: 0] += 1
return d
c = c &+ a.count
CheckResults(c != 0)
public func run_FrequenciesUsingReduceInto(_ N: Int) {
let s = "thequickbrownfoxjumpsoverthelazydogusingasmanycharacteraspossible123456789"
var c = 0
for _ in 1...N*100 {
let a = s.reduce(into: [:]) {
(acc: inout [Character: Int], c: Character) in
acc[c, default: 0] += 1
c = c &+ a.count
CheckResults(c != 0)