blob: 287e9ba99363ac4eea3e91603685a10b43ba26b3 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- mode: C++ -*-
from gyb_syntax_support import *
NODE_MAP = create_node_map()
# Ignore the following admonition; it applies to the resulting .cpp file only
//// Automatically Generated From SyntaxNodes.cpp.gyb.
//// Do Not Edit Directly!
//===---------------- SyntaxNodes.cpp - Syntax Node definitions -----------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "swift/Syntax/SyntaxNodes.h"
using namespace swift;
using namespace swift::syntax;
% for node in SYNTAX_NODES:
% if node.requires_validation():
void ${}::validate() const {
#ifndef NDEBUG
auto raw = Data->getRaw();
if (isMissing()) return;
assert(raw->getLayout().size() == ${len(node.children)});
% for child in node.children:
% if child.token_choices:
% choices = ", ".join("tok::" + choice.kind
% for choice in child.token_choices)
syntax_assert_child_token(raw, ${}, ${choices});
% end
% if child.main_token() and child.text_choices:
% token_kind = child.main_token().kind
% choices = ", ".join("\"%s\"" % choice
% for choice in child.text_choices)
syntax_assert_child_token_text(raw, ${},
tok::${token_kind}, ${choices});
% end
% if child.node_choices:
if (auto &__Child = raw->getChild(Cursor::${}))
% end
% end
% end
% for child in node.children:
% if child.is_optional:
llvm::Optional<${child.type_name}> ${}::get${}() {
auto ChildData = Data->getChild(Cursor::${});
if (!ChildData)
return llvm::None;
return ${child.type_name} {Root, ChildData.get()};
% else:
${child.type_name} ${}::get${}() {
return ${child.type_name} {Root, Data->getChild(Cursor::${}).get()};
% end
% child_node = NODE_MAP.get(child.syntax_kind)
% if child_node and child_node.is_syntax_collection():
% child_elt = child_node.collection_element_name
% child_elt_type = child_node.collection_element_type
${} ${}::add${child_elt}(${child_elt_type} ${child_elt}) {
RC<RawSyntax> raw = getRaw()->getChild(Cursor::${});
if (raw)
raw = raw->append(${child_elt}.getRaw());
raw = RawSyntax::make(SyntaxKind::${child_node.syntax_kind},
{${child_elt}.getRaw()}, SourcePresence::Present);
return Data->replaceChild<${}>(raw, Cursor::${});
% end
${} ${}::with${}(
llvm::Optional<${child.type_name}> New${child.type_name}) {
RC<RawSyntax> raw;
if (New${child.type_name}.hasValue()) {
raw = New${child.type_name}->getRaw();
} else {
% if child.is_optional:
raw = nullptr;
% else:
raw = ${make_missing_child(child)};
% end
return Data->replaceChild<${}>(raw, Cursor::${});
% end
% end
const char* swift::syntax::getSyntaxStructureVersioningIdentifier() {
return "${calculate_node_hash()}";