blob: 096166876ece041796aab4fd8a5577757c026454 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- CSStep.cpp - Constraint Solver Steps -----------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file implements the \c SolverStep class and its related types,
// which is used by constraint solver to do iterative solving.
#include "CSStep.h"
#include "ConstraintSystem.h"
#include "swift/AST/Types.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
using namespace llvm;
using namespace swift;
using namespace constraints;
ComponentStep::Scope::Scope(ComponentStep &component)
: CS(component.CS), Component(component) {
TypeVars = std::move(CS.TypeVariables);
for (auto *typeVar : component.TypeVars)
auto &workList = CS.InactiveConstraints;
workList.splice(workList.end(), *component.Constraints);
SolverScope = new ConstraintSystem::SolverScope(CS);
PrevPartialScope = CS.solverState->PartialSolutionScope;
CS.solverState->PartialSolutionScope = SolverScope;
StepResult SplitterStep::take(bool prevFailed) {
// "split" is considered a failure if previous step failed,
// or there is a failure recorded by constraint system, or
// system can't be simplified.
if (prevFailed || CS.failedConstraint || CS.simplify())
return done(/*isSuccess=*/false);
SmallVector<std::unique_ptr<ComponentStep>, 4> components;
// Try to run "connected components" algorithm and split
// type variables and their constraints into independent
// sub-systems to solve.
// If there is only one component, there is no reason to
// try to merge solutions, "split" step should be considered
// done and replaced by a single component step.
if (components.size() < 2)
return replaceWith(std::move(components.front()));
SmallVector<std::unique_ptr<SolverStep>, 4> followup;
for (auto &step : components)
/// Wait until all of the component steps are done.
return suspend(followup);
StepResult SplitterStep::resume(bool prevFailed) {
// Restore the state of the constraint system to before split.
auto &workList = CS.InactiveConstraints;
for (auto &component : Components)
workList.splice(workList.end(), component);
// If we came back to this step and previous (one of the components)
// failed, it means that we can't solve this step either.
if (prevFailed)
return done(/*isSuccess=*/false);
// Otherwise let's try to merge partial soltuions together
// and form a complete solution(s) for this split.
return done(mergePartialSolutions());
void SplitterStep::computeFollowupSteps(
SmallVectorImpl<std::unique_ptr<ComponentStep>> &componentSteps) {
// Compute next steps based on that connected components
// algorithm tells us is splittable.
auto &CG = CS.getConstraintGraph();
// Contract the edges of the constraint graph.
// Compute the connected components of the constraint graph.
// FIXME: We're seeding typeVars with TypeVariables so that the
// connected-components algorithm only considers those type variables within
// our component. There are clearly better ways to do this.
SmallVector<TypeVariableType *, 16> typeVars(CS.TypeVariables);
SmallVector<unsigned, 16> components;
unsigned numComponents = CG.computeConnectedComponents(typeVars, components);
if (numComponents < 2) {
CS, 0, /*single=*/true, &CS.InactiveConstraints, Solutions));
PartialSolutions = std::unique_ptr<SmallVector<Solution, 4>[]>(
new SmallVector<Solution, 4>[numComponents]);
for (unsigned i = 0, n = numComponents; i != n; ++i) {
CS, i, /*single=*/false, &Components[i], PartialSolutions[i]));
if (isDebugMode()) {
auto &log = getDebugLogger();
// Verify that the constraint graph is valid.
log << "---Constraint graph---\n";
log << "---Connected components---\n";
// Map type variables and constraints into appropriate steps.
llvm::DenseMap<TypeVariableType *, unsigned> typeVarComponent;
llvm::DenseMap<Constraint *, unsigned> constraintComponent;
for (unsigned i = 0, n = typeVars.size(); i != n; ++i) {
auto *typeVar = typeVars[i];
// Record the component of this type variable.
typeVarComponent[typeVar] = components[i];
for (auto *constraint : CG[typeVar].getConstraints())
constraintComponent[constraint] = components[i];
// Add the orphaned components to the mapping from constraints to components.
unsigned firstOrphanedComponent =
numComponents - CG.getOrphanedConstraints().size();
unsigned component = firstOrphanedComponent;
for (auto *constraint : CG.getOrphanedConstraints()) {
// Register this orphan constraint both as associated with
// a given component as a regular constrant, as well as an
// "orphan" constraint, so it can be proccessed correctly.
constraintComponent[constraint] = component;
for (auto *typeVar : CS.TypeVariables) {
auto known = typeVarComponent.find(typeVar);
// If current type variable is associated with
// a certain component step, record it as being so.
if (known != typeVarComponent.end()) {
// Otherwise, associate it with all of the component steps,
// expect for components with orphaned constraints, they are
// not supposed to have any type variables.
for (unsigned i = 0; i != firstOrphanedComponent; ++i)
// Transfer all of the constraints from the work list to
// the appropriate component.
auto &workList = CS.InactiveConstraints;
while (!workList.empty()) {
auto *constraint = &workList.front();
// Remove all of the orphaned constraints; they'll be re-introduced
// by each component independently.
OrphanedConstraints = CG.takeOrphanedConstraints();
// Create component ordering based on the information associated
// with constraints in each step - e.g. number of disjunctions,
// since components are going to be executed in LIFO order, we'd
// want to have smaller/faster components at the back of the list.
std::sort(componentSteps.begin(), componentSteps.end(),
[](const std::unique_ptr<ComponentStep> &lhs,
const std::unique_ptr<ComponentStep> &rhs) {
return lhs->disjunctionCount() > rhs->disjunctionCount();
bool SplitterStep::mergePartialSolutions() const {
assert(Components.size() >= 2);
auto numComponents = Components.size();
// Produce all combinations of partial solutions.
SmallVector<unsigned, 2> indices(numComponents, 0);
bool done = false;
bool anySolutions = false;
do {
// Create a new solver scope in which we apply all of the partial
// solutions.
ConstraintSystem::SolverScope scope(CS);
for (unsigned i = 0; i != numComponents; ++i)
// This solution might be worse than the best solution found so far.
// If so, skip it.
if (!CS.worseThanBestSolution()) {
// Finalize this solution.
auto solution = CS.finalize();
if (isDebugMode())
getDebugLogger() << "(composed solution " << CS.CurrentScore << ")\n";
// Save this solution.
anySolutions = true;
// Find the next combination.
for (unsigned n = numComponents; n > 0; --n) {
++indices[n - 1];
// If we haven't run out of solutions yet, we're done.
if (indices[n - 1] < PartialSolutions[n - 1].size())
// If we ran out of solutions at the first position, we're done.
if (n == 1) {
done = true;
// Zero out the indices from here to the end.
for (unsigned i = n - 1; i != numComponents; ++i)
indices[i] = 0;
} while (!done);
return anySolutions;
StepResult ComponentStep::take(bool prevFailed) {
// One of the previous components created by "split"
// failed, it means that we can't solve this component.
if (prevFailed || CS.getExpressionTooComplex(Solutions))
return done(/*isSuccess=*/false);
// Setup active scope, only if previous component didn't fail.
/// Try to figure out what this step is going to be,
/// after the scope has been established.
auto *disjunction = CS.selectDisjunction();
auto bestBindings = CS.determineBestBindings();
if (bestBindings && (!disjunction || (!bestBindings->InvolvesTypeVariables &&
!bestBindings->FullyBound))) {
// Produce a type variable step.
return suspend(
llvm::make_unique<TypeVariableStep>(CS, *bestBindings, Solutions));
} else if (disjunction) {
// Produce a disjunction step.
return suspend(
llvm::make_unique<DisjunctionStep>(CS, disjunction, Solutions));
// If there are no disjunctions or type variables to bind
// we can't solve this system unless we have free type variables
// allowed in the solution.
if (!CS.solverState->allowsFreeTypeVariables() && CS.hasFreeTypeVariables())
return done(/*isSuccess=*/false);
// If this solution is worse than the best solution we've seen so far,
// skip it.
if (CS.worseThanBestSolution())
return done(/*isSuccess=*/false);
// If we only have relational or member constraints and are allowing
// free type variables, save the solution.
for (auto &constraint : CS.InactiveConstraints) {
switch (constraint.getClassification()) {
case ConstraintClassification::Relational:
case ConstraintClassification::Member:
return done(/*isSuccess=*/false);
auto solution = CS.finalize();
if (isDebugMode())
getDebugLogger() << "(found solution " << getCurrentScore() << ")\n";
return done(/*isSuccess=*/true);
StepResult ComponentStep::resume(bool prevFailed) {
// Rewind all modifications done to constraint system.
if (!IsSingle && isDebugMode()) {
auto &log = getDebugLogger();
log << (prevFailed ? "failed" : "finished") << " component #" << Index
<< ")\n";
// If we came either back to this step and previous
// (either disjunction or type var) failed, it means
// that component as a whole has failed.
if (prevFailed)
return done(/*isSuccess=*/false);
// If this was a single component, there is nothing to be done,
// because it represents the whole constraint system at some
// point of the solver path.
if (IsSingle)
return done(/*isSuccess=*/true);
assert(!Solutions.empty() && "No Solutions?");
// For each of the partial solutions, subtract off the current score.
// It doesn't contribute.
for (auto &solution : Solutions)
solution.getFixedScore() -= OriginalScore;
// Restore the original best score.
CS.solverState->BestScore = OriginalBestScore;
// When there are multiple partial solutions for a given connected component,
// rank those solutions to pick the best ones. This limits the number of
// combinations we need to produce; in the common case, down to a single
// combination.
filterSolutions(Solutions, /*minimize=*/true);
return done(/*isSuccess=*/true);
void TypeVariableStep::setup() {
if (isDebugMode()) {
auto &log = getDebugLogger();
log << "Initial bindings: ";
interleave(InitialBindings.begin(), InitialBindings.end(),
[&](const Binding &binding) {
log << TypeVar->getString()
<< " := " << binding.BindingType->getString();
[&log] { log << ", "; });
log << '\n';
bool TypeVariableStep::attempt(const TypeVariableBinding &choice) {
if (choice.hasDefaultedProtocol())
SawFirstLiteralConstraint = true;
// Try to solve the system with typeVar := type
return choice.attempt(CS);
StepResult TypeVariableStep::resume(bool prevFailed) {
// If there was no failure in the sub-path it means
// that active binding has a solution.
AnySolved |= !prevFailed;
bool shouldStop = shouldStopAfter(ActiveChoice->second);
// Rewind back all of the changes made to constraint system.
if (isDebugMode())
getDebugLogger() << ")\n";
// Let's check if we should stop right before
// attempting any new bindings.
if (shouldStop)
return done(/*isSuccess=*/AnySolved);
// Attempt next type variable binding.
return take(prevFailed);
StepResult DisjunctionStep::resume(bool prevFailed) {
// If disjunction step is re-taken and there should be
// active choice, let's see if it has be solved or not.
// If choice (sub-path) has failed, it's okay, other
// choices have to be attempted regardless, since final
// decision could be made only after attempting all
// of the choices, so let's just ignore failed ones.
if (!prevFailed) {
auto &choice = ActiveChoice->second;
auto score = getBestScore(Solutions);
if (!choice.isGenericOperator() && choice.isSymmetricOperator()) {
if (!BestNonGenericScore || score < BestNonGenericScore)
BestNonGenericScore = score;
AnySolved = true;
// Remember the last successfully solved choice,
// it would be useful when disjunction is exhausted.
LastSolvedChoice = {choice, *score};
// Rewind back the constraint system information.
if (isDebugMode())
getDebugLogger() << ")\n";
// Attempt next disjunction choice (if any left).
return take(prevFailed);
bool DisjunctionStep::shouldSkip(const DisjunctionChoice &choice) const {
auto &ctx = CS.getASTContext();
bool attemptFixes = CS.shouldAttemptFixes();
// Enable "fixed" overload choices in "diagnostic" mode.
if (!(attemptFixes && choice.hasFix()) && choice.isDisabled()) {
if (isDebugMode()) {
auto &log = getDebugLogger();
log << "(skipping ";
choice.print(log, &ctx.SourceMgr);
log << '\n';
return true;
// Skip unavailable overloads unless solver is in the "diagnostic" mode.
if (!attemptFixes && choice.isUnavailable())
return true;
if (ctx.LangOpts.DisableConstraintSolverPerformanceHacks)
return false;
// Don't attempt to solve for generic operators if we already have
// a non-generic solution.
// FIXME: Less-horrible but still horrible hack to attempt to
// speed things up. Skip the generic operators if we
// already have a solution involving non-generic operators,
// but continue looking for a better non-generic operator
// solution.
if (BestNonGenericScore && choice.isGenericOperator()) {
auto &score = BestNonGenericScore->Data;
// Let's skip generic overload choices only in case if
// non-generic score indicates that there were no forced
// unwrappings of optional(s), no unavailable overload
// choices present in the solution, no fixes required,
// and there are no non-trivial function conversions.
if (score[SK_ForceUnchecked] == 0 && score[SK_Unavailable] == 0 &&
score[SK_Fix] == 0 && score[SK_FunctionConversion] == 0)
return true;
return false;
bool DisjunctionStep::shouldStopAt(const DisjunctionChoice &choice) const {
if (!LastSolvedChoice)
return false;
auto *lastChoice = LastSolvedChoice->first;
auto delta = LastSolvedChoice->second - getCurrentScore();
bool hasUnavailableOverloads = delta.Data[SK_Unavailable] > 0;
bool hasFixes = delta.Data[SK_Fix] > 0;
auto isBeginningOfPartition = choice.isBeginningOfPartition();
// Attempt to short-circuit evaluation of this disjunction only
// if the disjunction choice we are comparing to did not involve
// selecting unavailable overloads or result in fixes being
// applied to reach a solution.
return !hasUnavailableOverloads && !hasFixes &&
(isBeginningOfPartition ||
shortCircuitDisjunctionAt(choice, lastChoice));
bool swift::isSIMDOperator(ValueDecl *value) {
if (!value)
return false;
auto func = dyn_cast<FuncDecl>(value);
if (!func)
return false;
if (!func->isOperator())
return false;
auto nominal = func->getDeclContext()->getSelfNominalTypeDecl();
if (!nominal)
return false;
if (nominal->getName().empty())
return false;
return nominal->getName().str().startswith_lower("simd");
bool DisjunctionStep::shortCircuitDisjunctionAt(
Constraint *currentChoice, Constraint *lastSuccessfulChoice) const {
auto &ctx = CS.getASTContext();
// If the successfully applied constraint is favored, we'll consider that to
// be the "best".
if (lastSuccessfulChoice->isFavored() && !currentChoice->isFavored()) {
#if !defined(NDEBUG)
if (lastSuccessfulChoice->getKind() == ConstraintKind::BindOverload) {
auto overloadChoice = lastSuccessfulChoice->getOverloadChoice();
assert((!overloadChoice.isDecl() ||
!overloadChoice.getDecl()->getAttrs().isUnavailable(ctx)) &&
"Unavailable decl should not be favored!");
return true;
// Anything without a fix is better than anything with a fix.
if (currentChoice->getFix() && !lastSuccessfulChoice->getFix())
return true;
if (ctx.LangOpts.DisableConstraintSolverPerformanceHacks)
return false;
if (auto restriction = currentChoice->getRestriction()) {
// Non-optional conversions are better than optional-to-optional
// conversions.
if (*restriction == ConversionRestrictionKind::OptionalToOptional)
return true;
// Array-to-pointer conversions are better than inout-to-pointer
// conversions.
if (auto successfulRestriction = lastSuccessfulChoice->getRestriction()) {
if (*successfulRestriction == ConversionRestrictionKind::ArrayToPointer &&
*restriction == ConversionRestrictionKind::InoutToPointer)
return true;
// Implicit conversions are better than checked casts.
if (currentChoice->getKind() == ConstraintKind::CheckedCast)
return true;
// If we have a SIMD operator, and the prior choice was not a SIMD
// Operator, we're done.
if (currentChoice->getKind() == ConstraintKind::BindOverload &&
isSIMDOperator(currentChoice->getOverloadChoice().getDecl()) &&
lastSuccessfulChoice->getKind() == ConstraintKind::BindOverload &&
!isSIMDOperator(lastSuccessfulChoice->getOverloadChoice().getDecl()) &&
!ctx.LangOpts.SolverEnableOperatorDesignatedTypes) {
return true;
return false;
bool DisjunctionStep::attempt(const DisjunctionChoice &choice) {
// If the disjunction requested us to, remember which choice we
// took for it.
if (auto *disjunctionLocator = getLocator()) {
auto index = choice.getIndex();
recordDisjunctionChoice(disjunctionLocator, index);
// Implicit unwraps of optionals are worse solutions than those
// not involving implicit unwraps.
if (!disjunctionLocator->getPath().empty()) {
auto kind = disjunctionLocator->getPath().back().getKind();
if (kind == ConstraintLocator::ImplicitlyUnwrappedDisjunctionChoice ||
kind == ConstraintLocator::DynamicLookupResult) {
assert(index == 0 || index == 1);
if (index == 1)
return choice.attempt(CS);