blob: c385d666028c94bcd291093a8471ea207e16571e [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- Platform.cpp - Implement platform-related helpers ----------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "swift/Basic/Platform.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Triple.h"
using namespace swift;
bool swift::tripleIsiOSSimulator(const llvm::Triple &triple) {
llvm::Triple::ArchType arch = triple.getArch();
return (triple.isiOS() &&
// FIXME: transitional, this should eventually stop testing arch, and
// switch to only checking the -environment field.
(triple.isSimulatorEnvironment() ||
arch == llvm::Triple::x86 || arch == llvm::Triple::x86_64));
bool swift::tripleIsAppleTVSimulator(const llvm::Triple &triple) {
llvm::Triple::ArchType arch = triple.getArch();
return (triple.isTvOS() &&
// FIXME: transitional, this should eventually stop testing arch, and
// switch to only checking the -environment field.
(triple.isSimulatorEnvironment() ||
arch == llvm::Triple::x86 || arch == llvm::Triple::x86_64));
bool swift::tripleIsWatchSimulator(const llvm::Triple &triple) {
llvm::Triple::ArchType arch = triple.getArch();
return (triple.isWatchOS() &&
// FIXME: transitional, this should eventually stop testing arch, and
// switch to only checking the -environment field.
(triple.isSimulatorEnvironment() ||
arch == llvm::Triple::x86 || arch == llvm::Triple::x86_64));
bool swift::tripleIsAnySimulator(const llvm::Triple &triple) {
// FIXME: transitional, this should eventually just use the -environment
// field.
return triple.isSimulatorEnvironment() ||
tripleIsiOSSimulator(triple) ||
tripleIsWatchSimulator(triple) ||
DarwinPlatformKind swift::getDarwinPlatformKind(const llvm::Triple &triple) {
if (triple.isiOS()) {
if (triple.isTvOS()) {
if (tripleIsAppleTVSimulator(triple))
return DarwinPlatformKind::TvOSSimulator;
return DarwinPlatformKind::TvOS;
if (tripleIsiOSSimulator(triple))
return DarwinPlatformKind::IPhoneOSSimulator;
return DarwinPlatformKind::IPhoneOS;
if (triple.isWatchOS()) {
if (tripleIsWatchSimulator(triple))
return DarwinPlatformKind::WatchOSSimulator;
return DarwinPlatformKind::WatchOS;
if (triple.isMacOSX())
return DarwinPlatformKind::MacOS;
llvm_unreachable("Unsupported Darwin platform");
DarwinPlatformKind swift::getNonSimulatorPlatform(DarwinPlatformKind platform) {
switch (platform) {
case DarwinPlatformKind::MacOS:
return DarwinPlatformKind::MacOS;
case DarwinPlatformKind::IPhoneOS:
case DarwinPlatformKind::IPhoneOSSimulator:
return DarwinPlatformKind::IPhoneOS;
case DarwinPlatformKind::TvOS:
case DarwinPlatformKind::TvOSSimulator:
return DarwinPlatformKind::TvOS;
case DarwinPlatformKind::WatchOS:
case DarwinPlatformKind::WatchOSSimulator:
return DarwinPlatformKind::WatchOS;
llvm_unreachable("Unsupported Darwin platform");
static StringRef getPlatformNameForDarwin(const DarwinPlatformKind platform) {
switch (platform) {
case DarwinPlatformKind::MacOS:
return "macosx";
case DarwinPlatformKind::IPhoneOS:
return "iphoneos";
case DarwinPlatformKind::IPhoneOSSimulator:
return "iphonesimulator";
case DarwinPlatformKind::TvOS:
return "appletvos";
case DarwinPlatformKind::TvOSSimulator:
return "appletvsimulator";
case DarwinPlatformKind::WatchOS:
return "watchos";
case DarwinPlatformKind::WatchOSSimulator:
return "watchsimulator";
llvm_unreachable("Unsupported Darwin platform");
StringRef swift::getPlatformNameForTriple(const llvm::Triple &triple) {
switch (triple.getOS()) {
case llvm::Triple::UnknownOS:
llvm_unreachable("unknown OS");
case llvm::Triple::Ananas:
case llvm::Triple::CloudABI:
case llvm::Triple::DragonFly:
case llvm::Triple::Fuchsia:
case llvm::Triple::KFreeBSD:
case llvm::Triple::Lv2:
case llvm::Triple::NetBSD:
case llvm::Triple::OpenBSD:
case llvm::Triple::Solaris:
case llvm::Triple::Minix:
case llvm::Triple::RTEMS:
case llvm::Triple::NaCl:
case llvm::Triple::CNK:
case llvm::Triple::AIX:
case llvm::Triple::CUDA:
case llvm::Triple::NVCL:
case llvm::Triple::AMDHSA:
case llvm::Triple::ELFIAMCU:
case llvm::Triple::Mesa3D:
case llvm::Triple::Contiki:
case llvm::Triple::AMDPAL:
case llvm::Triple::HermitCore:
case llvm::Triple::Hurd:
return "";
case llvm::Triple::Darwin:
case llvm::Triple::MacOSX:
case llvm::Triple::IOS:
case llvm::Triple::TvOS:
case llvm::Triple::WatchOS:
return getPlatformNameForDarwin(getDarwinPlatformKind(triple));
case llvm::Triple::Linux:
return triple.isAndroid() ? "android" : "linux";
case llvm::Triple::FreeBSD:
return "freebsd";
case llvm::Triple::Win32:
switch (triple.getEnvironment()) {
case llvm::Triple::Cygnus:
return "cygwin";
case llvm::Triple::GNU:
return "mingw";
case llvm::Triple::MSVC:
case llvm::Triple::Itanium:
return "windows";
llvm_unreachable("unsupported Windows environment");
case llvm::Triple::PS4:
return "ps4";
case llvm::Triple::Haiku:
return "haiku";
llvm_unreachable("unsupported OS");
StringRef swift::getMajorArchitectureName(const llvm::Triple &Triple) {
if (Triple.isOSLinux()) {
switch(Triple.getSubArch()) {
return Triple.getArchName();
case llvm::Triple::SubArchType::ARMSubArch_v7:
return "armv7";
case llvm::Triple::SubArchType::ARMSubArch_v6:
return "armv6";
} else {
return Triple.getArchName();
// The code below is responsible for normalizing target triples into the form
// used to name target-specific swiftmodule, swiftinterface, and swiftdoc files.
// If two triples have incompatible ABIs or can be distinguished by Swift #if
// declarations, they should normalize to different values.
// This code is only really used on platforms with toolchains supporting fat
// binaries (a single binary containing multiple architectures). On these
// platforms, this code should strip unnecessary details from target triple
// components and map synonyms to canonical values. Even values which don't need
// any special canonicalization should be documented here as comments.
// (Fallback behavior does not belong here; it should be implemented in code
// that calls this function, most importantly in SerializedModuleLoaderBase.)
// If you're trying to refer to this code to understand how Swift behaves and
// you're unfamiliar with LLVM internals, here's a cheat sheet for reading it:
// * llvm::Triple is the type for a target name. It's a bit of a misnomer,
// because it can contain three or four values: arch-vendor-os[-environment].
// * In .Cases and .Case, the last argument is the value the arguments before it
// map to. That is, `.Cases("bar", "baz", "foo")` will return "foo" if it sees
// "bar" or "baz".
// * llvm::Optional is similar to a Swift Optional: it either contains a value
// or represents the absence of one. `None` is equivalent to `nil`; leading
// `*` is equivalent to trailing `!`; conversion to `bool` is a not-`None`
// check.
static StringRef
getArchForAppleTargetSpecificModuleTriple(const llvm::Triple &triple) {
auto tripleArchName = triple.getArchName();
return llvm::StringSwitch<StringRef>(tripleArchName)
.Cases("arm64", "aarch64", "arm64")
.Cases("x86_64", "amd64", "x86_64")
.Cases("i386", "i486", "i586", "i686", "i786", "i886", "i986",
.Cases("unknown", "", "unknown")
// These values are also supported, but are handled by the default case below:
// .Case ("armv7s", "armv7s")
// .Case ("armv7k", "armv7k")
// .Case ("armv7", "armv7")
static StringRef
getVendorForAppleTargetSpecificModuleTriple(const llvm::Triple &triple) {
// We unconditionally normalize to "apple" because it's relatively common for
// build systems to omit the vendor name or use an incorrect one like
// "unknown". Most parts of the compiler ignore the vendor, so you might not
// notice such a mistake.
// Please don't depend on this behavior--specify 'apple' if you're building
// for an Apple platform.
assert(triple.isOSDarwin() &&
"shouldn't normalize non-Darwin triple to 'apple'");
return "apple";
static StringRef
getOSForAppleTargetSpecificModuleTriple(const llvm::Triple &triple) {
auto tripleOSName = triple.getOSName();
// Truncate the OS name before the first digit. "Digit" here is ASCII '0'-'9'.
auto tripleOSNameNoVersion = tripleOSName.take_until(llvm::isDigit);
return llvm::StringSwitch<StringRef>(tripleOSNameNoVersion)
.Cases("macos", "macosx", "darwin", "macos")
.Cases("unknown", "", "unknown")
// These values are also supported, but are handled by the default case below:
// .Case ("ios", "ios")
// .Case ("tvos", "tvos")
// .Case ("watchos", "watchos")
static Optional<StringRef>
getEnvironmentForAppleTargetSpecificModuleTriple(const llvm::Triple &triple) {
auto tripleEnvironment = triple.getEnvironmentName();
// If the environment is empty, infer a "simulator" environment based on the
// OS and architecture combination. This feature is deprecated and exists for
// backwards compatibility only; build systems should pass the "simulator"
// environment explicitly if they know they're building for a simulator.
if (tripleEnvironment == "" && swift::tripleIsAnySimulator(triple))
return StringRef("simulator");
return llvm::StringSwitch<Optional<StringRef>>(tripleEnvironment)
.Cases("unknown", "", None)
// These values are also supported, but are handled by the default case below:
// .Case ("simulator", StringRef("simulator"))
llvm::Triple swift::getTargetSpecificModuleTriple(const llvm::Triple &triple) {
// isOSDarwin() returns true for all Darwin-style OSes, including macOS, iOS,
// etc.
if (triple.isOSDarwin()) {
StringRef newArch = getArchForAppleTargetSpecificModuleTriple(triple);
StringRef newVendor = getVendorForAppleTargetSpecificModuleTriple(triple);
StringRef newOS = getOSForAppleTargetSpecificModuleTriple(triple);
Optional<StringRef> newEnvironment =
if (!newEnvironment)
// Generate an arch-vendor-os triple.
return llvm::Triple(newArch, newVendor, newOS);
// Generate an arch-vendor-os-environment triple.
return llvm::Triple(newArch, newVendor, newOS, *newEnvironment);
// Other platforms get no normalization.
return triple;