blob: 505b2d8fcb9a56c38290780b0fac825ca8639592 [file] [log] [blame]
%# -*- mode: swift -*-
//===--- NewArray.swift.gyb -----------------------------------*- swift -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// RUN-DISABLED: %target-run-simple-swift | %FileCheck %s
// RUN: rm -rf %t && mkdir -p %t && %gyb %s -o %t/NewArray.swift
// RUN: %line-directive %t/NewArray.swift -- %target-build-swift %t/NewArray.swift -o %t/a.out -Xfrontend -disable-access-control
// RUN: %target-run %t/a.out 2>&1 | %line-directive %t/NewArray.swift -- %FileCheck %t/NewArray.swift --check-prefix=CHECK --check-prefix=CHECK-%target-runtime
// REQUIRES: executable_test
// XFAIL: *
import StdlibUnittest
import StdlibCollectionUnittest
func printSequence<T : Sequence>(_ x: T) {
print("[", terminator: "")
var prefix = ""
for a in x {
print(prefix, terminator: "")
print(a, terminator: "")
prefix = ", "
typealias _BufferID = UnsafeRawPointer?
protocol MyArrayProtocol
: RandomAccessCollection,
ArrayLiteralConvertible {
associatedtype Iterator : IteratorProtocol
var _owner: AnyObject? { get }
var capacity: Int { get }
func += <
S : Sequence
>(lhs: inout Self, rhs: S)
where S.Iterator.Element == Iterator.Element
extension MyArrayProtocol {
var _bufferID: _BufferID {
return unsafeBitCast(_owner, to: _BufferID.self)
extension Array : MyArrayProtocol {}
extension ArraySlice : MyArrayProtocol {}
extension ContiguousArray : MyArrayProtocol {}
func checkReallocation<T : MyArrayProtocol>(
_ x: T, _ lastBuffer: _BufferID, _ reallocationExpected: Bool
) -> _BufferID {
let currentBuffer = x._bufferID
if (currentBuffer != lastBuffer) != reallocationExpected {
let message = reallocationExpected ? "lack of" : ""
print("unexpected \(message) reallocation")
return currentBuffer
func checkEqual<
S1 : Sequence, S2 : Sequence
>(_ a1: S1, _ a2: S2, _ expected: Bool)
S1.Iterator.Element == S2.Iterator.Element,
S1.Iterator.Element : Equatable {
if a1.elementsEqual(a2) != expected {
let un = expected ? "un" : ""
print("unexpectedly \(un)equal sequences!")
func test<
T : MyArrayProtocol
>(_: T.Type, _ label: String)
T.Iterator.Element == LifetimeTracked,
T.Iterator.Element == T.Element,
T.Index == Int,
T.IndexDistance == Int {
print("test: \(label)...", terminator: "")
var x: T = [
checkEqual(x, LifetimeTracked(1)...LifetimeTracked(5), true)
x.reserveCapacity(x.count + 2)
checkEqual(x, LifetimeTracked(1)...LifetimeTracked(5), true)
let bufferId0 = x._bufferID
// Append a range of integers
x += LifetimeTracked(0)..<LifetimeTracked(2)
let bufferId1 = checkReallocation(x, bufferId0, false)
for i in x.count..<(x.capacity + 1) {
let bufferId1a = checkReallocation(x, bufferId1, false)
let bufferId2 = checkReallocation(x, bufferId1, true)
let y = x
x[x.index(before: x.endIndex)] = LifetimeTracked(17)
let bufferId3 = checkReallocation(x, bufferId2, true)
checkEqual(x, y, false)
func checkReallocations(
_ a: T, _ growthDescription: String, _ growBy1: (_: inout T) -> ()
) {
var a = a
var reallocations = 0
// Note: right now this test is dependent on a growth factor of 2.
// It's possible that factor will change, but (cursory) testing
// has shown that using 1.5, the other popular growth factor,
// slows things down.
for _ in a.count..<(a.capacity * 4) {
let oldId = a._bufferID
if oldId != a._bufferID {
reallocations += 1
if reallocations > 3 {
"Unexpectedly found \(reallocations) reallocations "
+ "of \(label) when growing via \(growthDescription)")
checkReallocations(x, "append") {
(x: inout T) -> () in x.append(LifetimeTracked(42))
checkReallocations(x, "+=") {
(x: inout T) -> () in x.append(LifetimeTracked(42))
// CHECK: testing...
test(ContiguousArray<LifetimeTracked>.self, "ContiguousArray")
// CHECK-NEXT: test: ContiguousArray...done
test(Array<LifetimeTracked>.self, "Array")
// CHECK-NEXT: test: Array...done
test(ArraySlice<LifetimeTracked>.self, "ArraySlice")
// CHECK-NEXT: test: ArraySlice...done
func testAsArray() {
print("== AsArray ==")
var w: ContiguousArray<LifetimeTracked>
= [LifetimeTracked(4), LifetimeTracked(2), LifetimeTracked(1)]
// CHECK: == AsArray ==
let x = ContiguousArray(w)
print(w._bufferID == x._bufferID)
// CHECK-NEXT: true
let y = Array(x)
print(x._bufferID == y._bufferID)
// CHECK-NEXT: true
// Because of their indirection, arrays of classes can share
// buffers.
let y1 = Array(y)
print(y1._bufferID == y._bufferID)
// CHECK-NEXT: true
let z = ArraySlice(y)
print(y._bufferID == z._bufferID)
// CHECK-NEXT: true
w = ContiguousArray(z)
print(w._bufferID == z._bufferID)
// CHECK-NEXT: true
let zz = y[0..<2]
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
import Foundation
func nsArrayOfStrings() -> Array<NSString> {
let src: ContiguousArray<NSString> = ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
return src.withUnsafeBufferPointer {
let ns = NSArray(
objects: unsafeBitCast($0.baseAddress!,
to: UnsafeMutablePointer<AnyObject>.self),
count: $0.count)
return ns as! [NSString]
func testCocoa() {
print("== Cocoa ==")
// CHECK-objc: == Cocoa ==
var a = nsArrayOfStrings()
// CHECK-objc-NEXT: [foo, bar, baz]
// CHECK-objc-NEXT: [foo, bar, baz, qux]
a = nsArrayOfStrings()
// CHECK-objc-NEXT: [foo, bar, baz]
let b = a
a[1] = "garply"
// CHECK-objc-NEXT: [foo, garply, baz]
// Mutating an element in a has no effect on b
// CHECK-objc-NEXT: [foo, bar, baz]
a = nsArrayOfStrings()
a.insert("bag", at: 2)
// CHECK-objc-NEXT: [foo, bar, bag, baz]
a = nsArrayOfStrings()
// CHECK-objc-NEXT: [foo, bar, baz]
print(a.capacity >= 30)
// CHECK-objc-NEXT: true
// Prove that we create contiguous storage for an opaque NSArray
a.withUnsafeBufferPointer {
(p) -> () in
// CHECK-objc-NEXT: foo
#endif // _runtime(_ObjC)
extension ArraySlice {
mutating func qsort(_ compare: @escaping (Element, Element) -> Bool) {
_introSort(&self, subRange: Range(self.indices), by: compare)
func testSlice() {
print("== ArraySlice ==")
// CHECK: == ArraySlice ==
// do some tests on the shared semantics
var b = ContiguousArray(LifetimeTracked(0)..<LifetimeTracked(10))
// ArraySlice it
var bSlice = b[3..<8]
// CHECK-NEXT: <5>
print("bSlice0: \(bSlice)") // CHECK-NEXT: bSlice0: [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
// bSlice += LifetimeTracked(11)..<LifetimeTracked(13)
// Writing into b does not change bSlice
b[4] = LifetimeTracked(41)
print("bSlice1: \(bSlice)") // CHECK-NEXT: bSlice1: [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
// Writing into bSlice does not change b
bSlice[3] = LifetimeTracked(32)
print("bSlice2: \(bSlice)") // CHECK-NEXT: bSlice2: [32, 4, 5, 6, 7]
printSequence(b) // CHECK-NEXT: [0, 1, 2, 3, 41, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
let c = b
printSequence(b) // CHECK-NEXT: [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 41]
printSequence(c) // CHECK-NEXT: [0, 1, 2, 3, 41, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
// Now a bridged slice
var a = Array<NSString>(
_ArrayBuffer(nsArray: nsArrayOfStrings()._buffer._asCocoaArray()))
printSequence(a) // CHECK-objc-NEXT: [foo, bar, baz]
var aSlice = a[1..<3] // CHECK-objc-NEXT: [bar, baz]
// Writing into aSlice works
aSlice[1] = "buzz" // CHECK-objc-NEXT: [buzz, baz]
// ...and doesn't affect a
printSequence(a) // CHECK-objc-NEXT: [foo, bar, baz]
// Appending to aSlice works...
print("<\(aSlice.count)>") // CHECK-objc-NEXT: <3>
printSequence(aSlice) // CHECK-objc-NEXT: [buzz, baz, fodder]
// And doesn't change a
printSequence(a) // CHECK-objc-NEXT: [foo, bar, baz]
//===--- sub-range replacement --------------------------------------------===//
// Size of the array on which we're going to test "replace."
// testing time grows roughly as the cube of this constant
let testWidth = 11
%arrayTypes = ['ContiguousArray', 'Array', 'ArraySlice']
%for A in arrayTypes:
func testReplace(_ make: @escaping () -> ${A}<LifetimeTracked>) {
make, { LifetimeTracked(100)..<LifetimeTracked(100 + $0) })
func testReplace${A}(
makeOne: @escaping () -> ${A}<LifetimeTracked> = {
var x = ${A}<LifetimeTracked>()
// make sure some - but not all - replacements will have to grow the buffer
x.reserveCapacity(testWidth * 3 / 2)
x += LifetimeTracked(0)..<LifetimeTracked(testWidth)
return x
) {
// Create one that will not be uniquely-referenced so we can test
// the out-of-place code paths.
let r = makeOne()
testReplace({ r })
// This test should ensure r's retain isn't dropped before we start testing.
if (r.count != testWidth) {
print("something bad happened!")
print("testing subrange replacement in ${A}")
// Also test with a sub-slice of some larger buffer. The "trailing"
// case is interesting because when the buffer is uniquely referenced
// we can expect to expand the slice in-place
for (maxValue, label) in [(testWidth, "trailing"), (testWidth*2, "interior")] {
print("testing subrange replacement in \(label) Sub-ArraySlice")
testReplaceArraySlice {
var a = ContiguousArray(LifetimeTracked(-testWidth)..<LifetimeTracked(maxValue))
a.reserveCapacity(a.count * 3 / 2)
return a[testWidth..<(2 * testWidth)]
// CHECK-NEXT: testing subrange replacement in ContiguousArray
// CHECK-NEXT: testing subrange replacement in Array
// CHECK-NEXT: testing subrange replacement in ArraySlice
// CHECK-NEXT: testing subrange replacement in trailing Sub-ArraySlice
// CHECK-NEXT: testing subrange replacement in interior Sub-ArraySlice
//===--- inout violations -------------------------------------------------===//
// The user has to obey certain rules when things are passed via
// inout, but in those cases we only guarantee memory-safety, not
// coherent semantics. Let's try to force a memory-safety problem
// here. This crashes when withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer is not
// sufficiently careful.
func testInoutViolation() {
var a: [LifetimeTracked] = [10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 0, 9, 7, 5, 3, 1].map { LifetimeTracked($0) }
%for A in arrayTypes:
do {
var b = ${A}(a)
_ = b.sorted { x, y in
return x < y
// An overload of sorted for Arrays uses withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer,
// which disables bounds checks.
_ = a.sorted { x, y in
a = [] // Invalidate the whole array during sorting
return x < y
//===--- single-element modifiers -----------------------------------------===//
%for A in arrayTypes:
func testSingleElementModifiers${A}() {
print("testing ${A} single-argument modifiers")
// CHECK-NEXT: testing ${A} single-argument modifiers
var a = ${A}(LifetimeTracked(0)..<LifetimeTracked(10))
print(a.removeLast().value) // CHECK-NEXT: 9
printSequence(a) // CHECK-NEXT: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
a.insert(LifetimeTracked(42), at: 4)
printSequence(a) // CHECK-NEXT: [0, 1, 2, 3, 42, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
print(a.remove(at: 2).value) // CHECK-NEXT: 2
printSequence(a) // CHECK-NEXT: [0, 1, 3, 42, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
//===--- isEmpty, first, last ---------------------------------------------===//
%for A in arrayTypes:
func testIsEmptyFirstLast${A}() {
print("testing ${A} isEmpty, first, and last")
// CHECK-NEXT: testing ${A} isEmpty, first, and last
print(${A}<Int>().isEmpty) // CHECK-NEXT: true
print(${A}(42...42).isEmpty) // CHECK-NEXT: false
print("<\(${A}(3..<43).first!)>") // CHECK-NEXT: <3>
print("<\(${A}(3..<43).last!)>") // CHECK-NEXT: <42>
print("<\(${A}<Int>().first)>") // CHECK-NEXT: nil
print("<\(${A}<Int>().last)>") // CHECK-NEXT: nil
var a = ${A}(LifetimeTracked(0)..<LifetimeTracked(10))
print(a.removeLast().value) // CHECK-NEXT: 9
printSequence(a) // CHECK-NEXT: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
a.insert(LifetimeTracked(42), at: 4)
printSequence(a) // CHECK-NEXT: [0, 1, 2, 3, 42, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
print(a.remove(at: 2).value) // CHECK-NEXT: 2
printSequence(a) // CHECK-NEXT: [0, 1, 3, 42, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
//===--- Regression Tests -------------------------------------------------===//
func rdar16958865() {
var a: [Int] = []
a += AnySequence([ 42, 4242 ])
// CHECK-NEXT: [42, 4242]
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
#if os(OSX)
import AppKit
typealias OSColor = NSColor
import UIKit
typealias OSColor = UIColor
class Rdar16914909 : NSObject {
var basicColorSet = [OSColor]()
func doColorStuff() {
// CHECK-objc-NEXT: appended
print("leaks = \(LifetimeTracked.instances)")
// CHECK-NEXT: leaks = 0
// CHECK-NEXT: all done.
print("all done.")
// ${'Local Variables'}:
// eval: (read-only-mode 1)
// End: