blob: 9729be61ae8cffda1b5ec4f877de84ca5ae1cc96 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- Integers.swift.gyb -----------------------------------*- swift -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// RUN: rm -rf %t ; mkdir -p %t
// RUN: %gyb -DWORD_BITS=%target-ptrsize %s -o %t/Integers.swift
// RUN: %line-directive %t/Integers.swift -- %target-build-swift %t/Integers.swift -swift-version 4 -Onone -o %t/a.out
// RUN: %line-directive %t/Integers.swift -- %target-run %t/a.out
// REQUIRES: executable_test
// FIXME: this test runs forever on iOS arm64
// REQUIRES: OS=macosx
word_bits = int(WORD_BITS) / 2
from SwiftIntTypes import all_integer_types
/// Prints the message if the body is uncommented; used for
/// diagnostics.
public func _log(_ message: @autoclosure () -> String) {
// print(message())
extension FixedWidthInteger {
// @_transparent
public mutating func replaceUWord(_ n: Int, with newBits: UInt) -> Bool {
let flippedBits = _word(at: n) ^ newBits
self ^= Self(_truncatingBits: flippedBits) << (${word_bits} * n)
if _word(at: n) != newBits {
_log("###### overflow replacing word \(n) with \(newBits.hex)")
return _word(at: n) == newBits
/// a hex representation of every bit in the number
func hexBits(_ bitWidth: Int) -> String {
let hexDigits: [Unicode.Scalar] = [
"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7",
"8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"]
var result = "".unicodeScalars
var x = self
var nibbles: Int = 0
repeat {
if nibbles % 4 == 0 && nibbles != 0 {
result.insert("_", at: result.startIndex)
let lowUWord = x._word(at: 0)
hexDigits[Int(lowUWord._value) & 0xF],
at: result.startIndex
x.replaceUWord(0, with: lowUWord & ~0xF)
x /= 16
nibbles += 1
while (nibbles << 2 < bitWidth || (x != 0 && x + 1 != 0))
return (self < 0 ? "[-]" : "[+]") + String(result)
var hex: String { return hexBits(0) }
typealias Word = Int${word_bits}
typealias UWord = UInt${word_bits}
typealias DWord = Int${word_bits*2}
typealias UDWord = UInt${word_bits*2}
import StdlibUnittest
func expectEqual<T : FixedWidthInteger>(
_ expected: T, _ actual: T,
_ message: @autoclosure () -> String = "",
stackTrace: SourceLocStack = SourceLocStack(),
showFrame: Bool = true,
file: String = #file, line: UInt = #line
) {
if expected != actual {
"expected: \(String(reflecting: expected))"
+ " (of type \(String(reflecting: type(of: expected))))\n"
+ " = \(expected.hex)\n"
+ "actual: \(String(reflecting: actual))"
+ " (of type \(String(reflecting: type(of: actual))))\n"
+ " = \(actual.hex)\n",
trace: message(),
stackTrace: stackTrace.pushIf(showFrame, file: file, line: line))
func expectEqual<T : FixedWidthInteger>(
_ expected: (T, ArithmeticOverflow), _ actual: (T, ArithmeticOverflow),
_ message: @autoclosure () -> String = "",
stackTrace: SourceLocStack = SourceLocStack(),
showFrame: Bool = true,
file: String = #file, line: UInt = #line
) {
% for i in 0, 1:
expected.${i}, actual.${i}, message(),
stackTrace: stackTrace.pushIf(showFrame, file: file, line: line),
showFrame: false)
% end
var tests = TestSuite("Integers")
tests.test("Literals") {
// Testing against the official Int types so as not to depend on
// unimplemented stuff.
let a: UInt8 = 0b1_0_11_0_111
expectEqual(a, 0b1_0_11_0_111)
let b: Int16 = 183
expectEqual(b, 0b1_0_11_0_111)
let c: Int16 = -183
expectEqual(c, -183)
let d: Int8 = 127
expectEqual(d, 127)
let e: UInt8 = 255
expectEqual(e, 255)
tests.test("Equality") {
expectEqual(183 as UInt8, 183)
expectNotEqual(183 as UInt8, 184)
expectEqual(49 as Int8, 49)
expectNotEqual(-49 as Int8, 49)
func indexOrder<T: Comparable>(x: T, y: T)
-> ExpectedComparisonResult {
return x < y ? .lt : x > y ? .gt : .eq
tests.test("Ordering") {
checkComparable([127, 183, 184, 255] as [UInt8], oracle: indexOrder)
checkComparable([-128, -1, 83, 84, 127] as [Int8], oracle: indexOrder)
checkComparable([127, 183, 184, 255, 65535] as [UInt16], oracle: indexOrder)
checkComparable([-32768, -32767, 83, 84, 32767] as [Int16], oracle: indexOrder)
tests.test("Simple-Arithmetic") {
expectEqual(1 as Int8 + 2, 3)
expectEqual(1 as Int8 - 2, -1)
expectEqual(-5 as Int8 + 11, 6)
expectEqual(3 as Int8 * 4, 12)
expectEqual(4 as Int8 * -7, -28)
expectEqual(-4 as Int8 * -7, 28)
expectEqual(5 as Int8 / 2, 2)
expectEqual(6 as Int8 / 2, 3)
expectEqual(7 as Int8 / 2, 3)
expectEqual(5 as Int8 % 3, 2)
expectEqual(6 as Int8 % 3, 0)
expectEqual(7 as Int8 % 3, 1)
% for w in map(lambda x: x.bits, all_integer_types(word_bits)):
% for prefix in ['U', '']:
% Type = '{}Int{}'.format(prefix, w)
tests.test("${Type}/Add/Overflow") {
func f(_ x: ${Type}) -> ${Type} {
return x + 1
_ = f(${Type}.max)
tests.test("${Type}/Subtract/Underflow") {
func f(_ x: ${Type}) -> ${Type} {
return x - 1
_ = f(${Type}.min)
tests.test("${Type}/AddInPlace/Overflow") {
func f(_ x: inout ${Type}) {
x += 1
var x = ${Type}.max
tests.test("${Type}/SubtractInPlace/Underflow") {
func f(_ x: inout ${Type}) {
x -= 1
var x = ${Type}.min
% end
% end
tests.test("Simple-Bitwise") {
expectEqual(0b100_1001 as Int8 >> 1, 0b10_0100)
expectEqual(-0b100_1001 as Int8 >> 1, -0b10_0101)
expectEqual(0b1011_0111 as UInt8 >> 1, 0b0101_1011)
expectEqual(0b100_1001 as Int8 >> 1, 0b10_0100)
expectEqual(-0b100_1001 as Int8 >> 1, -0b10_0101)
expectEqual(0b1011_0111 as UInt8 >> 1, 0b0101_1011)
expectEqual((0b1011_0111 as UInt8) & 0b0110_1110, 0b0010_0110)
expectEqual((0b1011_0111 as UInt8) | 0b0110_1110, 0xFF)
expectEqual((0b1011_0111 as UInt8) ^ 0b0110_1110, 0b1101_1001)
tests.test("MinMax") {
expectEqual(255, UInt8.max)
expectEqual(0, UInt8.min)
expectEqual(127, Int8.max)
expectEqual(-128, Int8.min)
tests.test("CountLeadingZeros") {
expectEqual(0, UInt8.max.leadingZeroBitCount)
expectEqual(8, UInt8.min.leadingZeroBitCount)
expectEqual(1, Int8.max.leadingZeroBitCount)
expectEqual(0, Int8.min.leadingZeroBitCount)
tests.test("CountTrainlingZeros") {
expectEqual(0, UInt8.max.trailingZeroBitCount)
expectEqual(8, UInt8.min.trailingZeroBitCount)
expectEqual(0, Int8.max.trailingZeroBitCount)
expectEqual(7, Int8.min.trailingZeroBitCount)
tests.test("Conversion8to16") {
expectEqual(255, UInt16(UInt8.max))
expectEqual(255, Int16(UInt8.max))
expectEqual(0, UInt16(UInt8.min))
expectEqual(0, Int16(UInt8.min))
expectEqual(127, Int16(Int8.max))
let negativeValue = Int8.min
_ = UInt16(negativeValue)
tests.test("Conversion16to8") {
expectEqual(255, UInt8(255 as UInt16))
expectEqual(255, UInt8(255 as Int16))
expectEqual(0, UInt8(0 as UInt16))
expectEqual(0, UInt8(0 as Int16))
expectEqual(127, Int8(127 as UInt16))
expectEqual(127, Int8(127 as Int16))
expectEqual(-128, Int8(-128 as Int16))
let tooLarge: UInt16 = 128
_ = Int8(tooLarge)
tests.test("Conversion16to8a") {
let tooLarge: Int16 = 128
_ = Int8(tooLarge)
tests.test("Conversion16to8b") {
let tooLarge: Int16 = 256
_ = UInt8(tooLarge)
tests.test("Conversion16to8c") {
let tooLarge: UInt16 = 256
_ = UInt8(tooLarge)
tests.test("ConversionWordToDWord") {
expectEqual(1 << ${word_bits} - 1, UDWord(UWord.max))
expectEqual(1 << ${word_bits} - 1, DWord(UWord.max))
expectEqual(0, UDWord(UWord.min))
expectEqual(0, DWord(UWord.min))
expectEqual(1 << ${word_bits-1} - 1, DWord(Word.max))
let negativeValue = Word.min
_ = UDWord(negativeValue)
tests.test("ConversionDWordToWord") {
expectEqual(~0, UWord(1 << ${word_bits} - 1 as UDWord))
expectEqual(~0, UWord(1 << ${word_bits} - 1 as DWord))
expectEqual(0, UWord(0 as UDWord))
expectEqual(0, UWord(0 as DWord))
expectEqual(Word.max, Word(1 << ${word_bits-1} - 1 as UDWord))
expectEqual(Word.max, Word(1 << ${word_bits-1} - 1 as DWord))
expectEqual(Word.min, Word(-1 << ${word_bits-1} as DWord))
let tooLarge: UDWord = 1 << ${word_bits-1}
_ = Word(tooLarge)
tests.test("ConversionDWordToWordA") {
let tooLarge: DWord = 1 << ${word_bits}
_ = Word(tooLarge)
tests.test("ConversionDWordToWordB") {
let tooLarge: DWord = 1 << ${word_bits}
_ = UWord(tooLarge)
tests.test("ConversionDWordToWordC") {
let tooLarge: UDWord = 1 << ${word_bits}
_ = UWord(tooLarge)
tests.test("extendingOrTruncating") {
expectEqual(-2, Int8(extendingOrTruncating: UInt8.max - 1))
expectEqual(3, Int8(extendingOrTruncating: 3 as UInt8))
expectEqual(UInt8.max - 1, UInt8(extendingOrTruncating: -2 as Int8))
expectEqual(3, UInt8(extendingOrTruncating: 3 as Int8))
expectEqual(-2, DWord(extendingOrTruncating: UDWord.max - 1))
expectEqual(3, DWord(extendingOrTruncating: 3 as UDWord))
expectEqual(UDWord.max - 1, UDWord(extendingOrTruncating: -2 as DWord))
expectEqual(3, UDWord(extendingOrTruncating: 3 as DWord))
expectEqual(-2, Int32(extendingOrTruncating: -2 as Int8))
expectEqual(3, Int32(extendingOrTruncating: 3 as Int8))
expectEqual(127, Int32(extendingOrTruncating: 127 as UInt8))
expectEqual(129, Int32(extendingOrTruncating: 129 as UInt8))
expectEqual((1 << 31 - 1) << 1, UInt32(extendingOrTruncating: -2 as Int8))
expectEqual(3, UInt32(extendingOrTruncating: 3 as Int8))
expectEqual(128, UInt32(extendingOrTruncating: 128 as UInt8))
expectEqual(129, UInt32(extendingOrTruncating: 129 as UInt8))
expectEqual(-2, DWord(extendingOrTruncating: -2 as Int8))
expectEqual(3, DWord(extendingOrTruncating: 3 as Int8))
expectEqual(127, DWord(extendingOrTruncating: 127 as UInt8))
expectEqual(129, DWord(extendingOrTruncating: 129 as UInt8))
(1 << ${word_bits*2-1} - 1) << 1,
UDWord(extendingOrTruncating: -2 as Int8))
expectEqual(3, UDWord(extendingOrTruncating: 3 as Int8))
expectEqual(128, UDWord(extendingOrTruncating: 128 as UInt8))
expectEqual(129, UDWord(extendingOrTruncating: 129 as UInt8))
expectEqual(-2, Int8(extendingOrTruncating: -2 as DWord))
expectEqual(-2, Int8(extendingOrTruncating: -1 << 67 - 2 as DWord))
expectEqual(127, Int8(extendingOrTruncating: 127 as UDWord))
expectEqual(-127, Int8(extendingOrTruncating: 129 as UDWord))
expectEqual(0b1111_1100, UInt8(extendingOrTruncating: -4 as DWord))
expectEqual(0b1111_1100, UInt8(extendingOrTruncating: -1 << 67 - 4 as DWord))
expectEqual(128, UInt8(extendingOrTruncating: 128 + 1024 as UDWord))
expectEqual(129, UInt8(extendingOrTruncating: 129 + 1024 as UDWord))
tests.test("HeterogeneousEquality") {
expectTrue(-1 as DWord != UDWord.max)
expectTrue(DWord.max == UDWord.max / 2)
expectTrue((0 as DWord) == 0 as UDWord)
expectTrue(-1 as Int8 == -1 as DWord)
expectTrue(UInt8.max != -1 as DWord)
expectTrue(UInt8.max == 255 as DWord)
expectTrue((0 as UInt8) == 0 as DWord)
expectTrue(UInt8.max == 255 as UDWord)
expectTrue(UInt8.max != UDWord.max)
expectTrue((0 as UInt8) == (0 as UDWord))
tests.test("HeterogeneousOrdering") {
expectTrue((-1 as DWord) < UDWord.max)
expectTrue(DWord.max <= UDWord.max / 2)
expectTrue(DWord.max >= UDWord.max / 2)
expectTrue((0 as DWord) <= (0 as UDWord))
expectTrue((0 as DWord) >= (0 as UDWord))
expectTrue((-1 as Int8) <= -1 as DWord)
expectTrue((-1 as Int8) >= -1 as DWord)
expectTrue(UInt8.max > -1 as DWord)
expectTrue(UInt8.max <= 255 as DWord)
expectTrue(UInt8.max >= 255 as DWord)
expectTrue((0 as UInt8) <= (0 as DWord))
expectTrue((0 as UInt8) >= (0 as DWord))
expectTrue(UInt8.max <= 255 as UDWord)
expectTrue(UInt8.max >= 255 as UDWord)
expectTrue(UInt8.max < UDWord.max)
expectTrue((0 as UInt8) <= (0 as UDWord))
expectTrue((0 as UInt8) >= (0 as UDWord))
tests.test("SmartBitShift/Homogeneous/Left/Int16") {
let all1s = ~0 as Int16
expectEqual(all1s, all1s << (0 as Int16))
expectEqual(-2, all1s << (1 as Int16))
expectEqual(Int16.min, all1s << (15 as Int16))
expectEqual(0, all1s << (16 as Int16))
expectEqual(-1, all1s << (-1 as Int16))
expectEqual(-1, all1s << (-15 as Int16))
expectEqual(-1, all1s << (-16 as Int16))
tests.test("SmartBitShift/Unconstrained/Left/Int16") {
let all1s = ~0 as Int16
expectEqual(all1s, all1s << 0)
expectEqual(-2, all1s << 1)
expectEqual(Int16.min, all1s << 15)
expectEqual(0, all1s << 16)
expectEqual(-1, all1s << -1)
expectEqual(-1, all1s << -15)
expectEqual(-1, all1s << -16)
tests.test("SmartBitShift/Homogeneous/Left/UInt16") {
let all1s = ~0 as UInt16
expectEqual(all1s, all1s << 0)
expectEqual(0b1111_1111_1111_1110, all1s << 1)
expectEqual(UInt16.max / 2 + 1, all1s << 15)
expectEqual(0, all1s << 16)
tests.test("SmartBitShift/Heterogeneous/Left/Int16") {
let all1s = ~0 as Int16
expectEqual(all1s, all1s << (0 as Int8))
expectEqual(-2, all1s << (1 as Int32))
expectEqual(Int16.min, all1s << (15 as UInt32))
expectEqual(0, all1s << (16 as UInt8))
expectEqual(-1, all1s << (-1 as DWord))
expectEqual(-1, all1s << (-15 as Int))
expectEqual(-1, all1s << (-16 as Int32))
tests.test("SmartBitShift/Heterogeneous/Left/UInt16") {
let all1s = ~0 as UInt16
expectEqual(all1s, all1s << (0 as Int8))
expectEqual(0b1111_1111_1111_1110, all1s << (1 as Int32))
expectEqual(UInt16.max / 2 + 1, all1s << (15 as UInt32))
expectEqual(0, all1s << (16 as UInt8))
expectEqual(UInt16.max / 2, all1s << (-1 as DWord))
expectEqual(1, all1s << (-15 as Int))
expectEqual(0, all1s << (-16 as Int32))
tests.test("SmartBitShift/Unconstrained/Left/UInt16") {
let all1s = ~0 as UInt16
expectEqual(all1s, all1s << 0)
expectEqual(0b1111_1111_1111_1110, all1s << 1)
expectEqual(UInt16.max / 2 + 1, all1s << 15)
expectEqual(0, all1s << 16)
expectEqual(UInt16.max / 2, all1s << -1)
expectEqual(1, all1s << -15)
expectEqual(0, all1s << -16)
tests.test("Basics") {
typealias I8 = UInt8
let b8: I8 = 0b1_0_11_0_111
expectEqual(b8, 0b1_0_11_0_111)
expectEqual(b8, 183)
expectNotEqual(b8, I8())
expectEqual(I8(), 0)
expectEqual(8, I8.bitWidth)
expectEqual(16, Int16.bitWidth)
expectEqual(32, Int32.bitWidth)
tests.test("word") {
let x = UDWord(Int.max)
expectEqual(Int.max._lowUWord, x._word(at: 0))
expectEqual(0, x._word(at: 1))
let y = DWord(Int.min)
expectEqual(Int.min._lowUWord, y._word(at: 0))
expectEqual(~0, y._word(at: 1))
let z = UInt(~Int.min) + 1
expectEqual(Int.min._lowUWord, z._word(at: 0))
expectEqual(0, z._word(at: 1))
tests.test("words") {
expectEqualSequence([UInt.max], (-1 as Int).words)
expectEqualSequence([UInt.max], (-1 as Int8).words)
expectEqualSequence([UInt.max], (-1 as Int16).words)
expectEqualSequence([UInt.max], (-1 as Int32).words)
expectEqualSequence([UInt.max], (-1 as Int64).words)
expectEqualSequence([1], 1.words)
expectEqualSequence([0], 0.words)
tests.test("multipliedFullWidth/UInt8") {
let a: UInt8 = 42
let b: UInt8 = 42
let res = a.multipliedFullWidth(by: b)
expectEqual(0x06, res.high)
expectEqual(0xe4, res.low)
tests.test("multipliedFullWidth/Int8") {
let a: Int8 = 42
let b: Int8 = -42
let res = a.multipliedFullWidth(by: b)
expectEqual(Int8(bitPattern: 0xf9), res.high)
expectEqual(0x1c, res.low)
tests.test("multipliedFullWidth/Int8/BothNegative") {
let a: Int8 = -42
let b: Int8 = -42
let res = a.multipliedFullWidth(by: b)
expectEqual(0x06, res.high)
expectEqual(0xe4, res.low)
tests.test("MultiplyAndDivideFullWidth/Int8") {
let a: Int8 = 42
let b: Int8 = 43
let res = a.multipliedFullWidth(by: b)
let (quotient, remainder) = b.dividingFullWidth(res)
expectEqual(a, quotient)
expectEqual(0, remainder)
tests.test("Remainder/DividingBy0") {
func f(_ x: Int, _ y: Int) -> Int {
return x % y
_ = f(42, 0)
tests.test("Division/By0") {
func f(_ x: Int, _ y: Int) -> Int {
return x / y
_ = f(42, 0)
tests.test("DivideMinByMinusOne") {
func f(_ x: Int) -> Int {
return x / -1
_ = f(Int.min)
tests.test("MultiplyMinByMinusOne") {
func f(_ x: Int) -> Int {
return x * -1
_ = f(Int.min)
tests.test("signum/generic") {
func check<T : BinaryInteger>(_ expected: T, _ x: T) {
expectEqual(expected, x.signum())
% for suffix in ['8', '16', '32', '64', '']:
check(-1, Int${suffix}.min)
check(-1, (-42) as Int${suffix})
check(-1, (-1) as Int${suffix})
% for u in ['U', '']:
check(0, 0 as ${u}Int${suffix})
check(1, 1 as ${u}Int${suffix})
check(1, 42 as ${u}Int${suffix})
check(1, ${u}Int${suffix}.max)
% end
% end
tests.test("signum/concrete") {
% for suffix in ['8', '16', '32', '64', '']:
expectEqual(-1 as Int${suffix}, Int${suffix}.min.signum())
expectEqual(-1 as Int${suffix}, (-42 as Int${suffix}).signum())
expectEqual(-1 as Int${suffix}, (-1 as Int${suffix}).signum())
% for u in ['U', '']:
expectEqual(0 as ${u}Int${suffix}, (0 as ${u}Int${suffix}).signum())
expectEqual(1 as ${u}Int${suffix}, (1 as ${u}Int${suffix}).signum())
expectEqual(1 as ${u}Int${suffix}, (42 as ${u}Int${suffix}).signum())
expectEqual(1 as ${u}Int${suffix}, ${u}Int${suffix}.max.signum())
% end
% end