blob: 9f19fbf34cf2c0e7f0093f35d114ac2e5ad2f739 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: rm -rf %t && mkdir -p %t
// RUN: %gyb %s -o %t/BridgeIdAsAny.swift
// RUN: %target-build-swift -g -module-name a %t/BridgeIdAsAny.swift -o %t.out
// RUN: %target-run %t.out
// REQUIRES: executable_test
// REQUIRES: objc_interop
import StdlibUnittest
import Foundation
var BridgeAnything = TestSuite("BridgeAnything")
func wantonlyWrapInAny<T>(_ x: T) -> Any {
return x
// Professional runtime testers on a closed course. Do not attempt at home.
extension LifetimeTracked: Error {}
extension String: Error {}
struct KnownUnbridged: Equatable, Hashable, Error {
var x, y: LifetimeTracked
init() {
x = LifetimeTracked(17)
y = LifetimeTracked(38)
public static func ==(a: KnownUnbridged, b: KnownUnbridged) -> Bool {
return a.x === b.x && a.y === b.y
public var hashValue: Int {
return x.hashValue ^ y.hashValue
struct KnownUnbridgedWithDescription: CustomStringConvertible,
CustomDebugStringConvertible {
var x, y: LifetimeTracked
init() {
x = LifetimeTracked(17)
y = LifetimeTracked(38)
var description: String {
return "\(x)\(y), baby, hey"
var debugDescription: String {
return "KnownUnbridgedWithDescription(\"\(x)\(y)\" /* baby, hey */)"
func bridgedObjectPreservesIdentity(original: LifetimeTracked,
bridged: AnyObject) {
expectTrue(original === bridged)
func stringBridgesToEqualNSString(original: String,
bridged: AnyObject) {
expectTrue(bridged.isEqual(to: original))
func boxedTypeRoundTripsThroughDynamicCasting(original: KnownUnbridged,
bridged: AnyObject) {
direct: do {
guard let bridgedAndCast = bridged as? KnownUnbridged else {
break direct
expectEqual(original, bridgedAndCast)
let bridgedAny: Any = bridged
any: do {
guard let bridgedAndCastAny = bridgedAny as? KnownUnbridged else {
break any
expectEqual(original, bridgedAndCastAny)
anyInAny: do {
let bridgedAnyInAny = wantonlyWrapInAny(bridgedAny)
guard let bridgedAndCastAnyInAny = bridgedAnyInAny as? KnownUnbridged else {
break anyInAny
expectEqual(original, bridgedAndCastAnyInAny)
// Failed casts should fail, and hopefully shouldn't leak or corrupt memory
// either.
expectEqual(bridged as? Int, nil)
expectEqual(bridged as? String, nil)
func tupleCanBeDynamicallyCast(original: (Int, String),
bridged: AnyObject) {
expectTrue(original == (bridged as! (Int, String)))
func metatypeCanBeDynamicallyCast(original: Int.Type,
bridged: AnyObject) {
expectTrue(original == (bridged as! Int.Type))
expectTrue(original == (bridged as! Any.Type))
func metatypeCanBeDynamicallyCast(original: CFString.Type,
bridged: AnyObject) {
expectTrue(original == (bridged as! CFString.Type))
expectTrue(original == (bridged as! Any.Type))
func metatypeCanBeDynamicallyCastGenerically<T>(original: T.Type,
bridged: AnyObject) {
expectTrue(original == (bridged as! T.Type))
expectTrue(original == (bridged as! Any.Type))
func guineaPigFunction() -> Int {
return 1738
func functionCanBeDynamicallyCast(original: () -> Int,
bridged: AnyObject) {
expectEqual(original(), (bridged as! () -> Int)())
expectEqual(original(), try! (bridged as! () throws -> Int)())
func classMetatypePreservesIdentity<T: AnyObject>(original: T.Type,
bridged: AnyObject) {
expectTrue(original as AnyObject === bridged)
expectTrue(original as AnyObject.Type as AnyObject === bridged)
expectTrue(original as Any.Type as AnyObject === bridged)
func classMetatypePreservesIdentityGenerically<T>(original: T.Type,
bridged: AnyObject) {
expectTrue(original as AnyObject === bridged)
expectTrue(original as Any.Type as AnyObject === bridged)
func protocolObjectPreservesIdentity(original: NSCopying.Protocol,
bridged: AnyObject) {
let proto: Protocol = original
expectTrue(proto === bridged)
protocol P {}
// We want to exhaustively check all paths through the bridging and dynamic
// casting infrastructure, so expand out test cases that wrap the different
// interesting bridging cases in different kinds of existential container.
testCases = [
# testName valueExpr testFunc conformsToError conformsToHashable
("classes", "LifetimeTracked(0)", "bridgedObjectPreservesIdentity", True, True),
("strings", '"vitameatavegamin"', "stringBridgesToEqualNSString", True, True),
("unbridged type", "KnownUnbridged()", "boxedTypeRoundTripsThroughDynamicCasting", True, True),
("tuple", '(1, "2")', "tupleCanBeDynamicallyCast", False, False),
("metatype", 'Int.self', "metatypeCanBeDynamicallyCast", False, False),
("generic metatype", 'Int.self', "metatypeCanBeDynamicallyCastGenerically", False, False),
("CF metatype", 'CFString.self', "metatypeCanBeDynamicallyCast", False, False),
("generic CF metatype", 'CFString.self', "metatypeCanBeDynamicallyCastGenerically", False, False),
("class metatype", 'LifetimeTracked.self', "classMetatypePreservesIdentity", False, False),
("objc metatype", 'NSObject.self', "classMetatypePreservesIdentity", False, False),
("protocol", 'P.self', "metatypeCanBeDynamicallyCastGenerically", False, False),
("objc protocol", 'NSCopying.self', "protocolObjectPreservesIdentity", False, False),
("objc protocol composition", '(NSCopying & NSCoding).self', "metatypeCanBeDynamicallyCastGenerically", False, False),
("mixed protocol composition", '(NSCopying & P).self', "metatypeCanBeDynamicallyCastGenerically", False, False),
("generic class metatype", 'LifetimeTracked.self', "classMetatypePreservesIdentityGenerically", False, False),
("generic objc metatype", 'NSObject.self', "classMetatypePreservesIdentityGenerically", False, False),
("function", 'guineaPigFunction', "functionCanBeDynamicallyCast", False, False),
% for testName, valueExpr, testFunc, conformsToError, conformsToHashable in testCases:
BridgeAnything.test("${testName}") {
autoreleasepool {
let x = ${valueExpr}
${testFunc}(original: x, bridged: _bridgeAnythingToObjectiveC(x))
${testFunc}(original: x, bridged: _bridgeAnythingNonVerbatimToObjectiveC(x))
// Bridge an array containing x.
let xInArray = [x]
${testFunc}(original: x, bridged: (_bridgeAnythingToObjectiveC(xInArray) as! [AnyObject])[0])
${testFunc}(original: x, bridged: (_bridgeAnythingToObjectiveC(xInArray) as? [AnyObject])![0])
if (x as? NSObject) != nil {
${testFunc}(original: x, bridged: (_bridgeAnythingToObjectiveC(xInArray) as! [AnyObject])[0])
${testFunc}(original: x, bridged: (_bridgeAnythingToObjectiveC(xInArray) as? [AnyObject])![0])
// Bridge a dictionary containing x as a value.
let xInDictValue = ["key" : x]
${testFunc}(original: x, bridged: (_bridgeAnythingToObjectiveC(xInDictValue) as! [String: AnyObject])["key"]!)
${testFunc}(original: x, bridged: (_bridgeAnythingToObjectiveC(xInDictValue) as? [String: AnyObject])!["key"]!)
if (x as? NSObject) != nil {
${testFunc}(original: x, bridged: (_bridgeAnythingToObjectiveC(xInDictValue) as! [String: NSObject])["key"]!)
${testFunc}(original: x, bridged: (_bridgeAnythingToObjectiveC(xInDictValue) as? [String: NSObject])!["key"]!)
% if conformsToHashable:
// Bridge a dictionary containing x as a key.
let xInDictKey = [x : "value"] as [AnyHashable: String]
// FIXME: need a way to express `AnyObject & Hashable`.
// The NSObject version below can't test class LifetimeTracked.
// ${testFunc}(original: x, bridged: (_bridgeAnythingToObjectiveC(xInDictKey) as! [(AnyObject & Hashable): String]).keys.first!)
// ${testFunc}(original: x, bridged: (_bridgeAnythingToObjectiveC(xInDictKey) as? [(AnyObject & Hashable): String])!.keys.first!)
if (x as? NSObject) != nil {
${testFunc}(original: x, bridged: (_bridgeAnythingToObjectiveC(xInDictKey) as! [NSObject: String]).keys.first!)
${testFunc}(original: x, bridged: (_bridgeAnythingToObjectiveC(xInDictKey) as? [NSObject: String])!.keys.first!)
% end
let xInAny: Any = x
${testFunc}(original: x, bridged: _bridgeAnythingToObjectiveC(xInAny))
${testFunc}(original: x, bridged: _bridgeAnythingNonVerbatimToObjectiveC(xInAny))
let xInAnyInAny = wantonlyWrapInAny(xInAny)
${testFunc}(original: x, bridged: _bridgeAnythingToObjectiveC(xInAnyInAny))
${testFunc}(original: x, bridged: _bridgeAnythingNonVerbatimToObjectiveC(xInAnyInAny))
% if conformsToError:
let xInError: Error = x
${testFunc}(original: x, bridged: _bridgeAnythingToObjectiveC(xInError))
${testFunc}(original: x, bridged: _bridgeAnythingNonVerbatimToObjectiveC(xInError))
let xInErrorInAny = wantonlyWrapInAny(xInError)
${testFunc}(original: x, bridged: _bridgeAnythingToObjectiveC(xInErrorInAny))
${testFunc}(original: x, bridged: _bridgeAnythingNonVerbatimToObjectiveC(xInErrorInAny))
% end
% end
BridgeAnything.test("description of boxed values") {
for x in [KnownUnbridged(), KnownUnbridgedWithDescription()] as [Any] {
let summary = String(reflecting: x)
expectEqual(summary, _bridgeAnythingToObjectiveC(x).description)
expectEqual(summary, _bridgeAnythingToObjectiveC(x).debugDescription)
BridgeAnything.test("SwiftValue(mixed values)/Hashable") {
var boxedXs: [NSObject] = []
% for wrapped in ['OpaqueValue', 'MinimalHashableValue']:
do {
let xs = (0..<5).flatMap {
[ ${wrapped}($0, identity: 0),
${wrapped}($0, identity: 1) ]
contentsOf: {
_bridgeAnythingToObjectiveC($0) as! NSObject
% end
contentsOf: [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4].map {
_bridgeAnythingToObjectiveC($0) as! NSObject
contentsOf: ["a", "a", "b", "b", "c", "c", "d", "d", "e", "e"].map {
_bridgeAnythingToObjectiveC($0) as! NSObject
func equalityOracle(_ lhs: Int, rhs: Int) -> Bool {
if (0..<10).contains(lhs) || (0..<10).contains(rhs) {
return lhs == rhs
return lhs / 2 == rhs / 2
checkHashable(boxedXs, equalityOracle: equalityOracle)