blob: 054c8c06fc8868a2bcea4264c5dc6f9ed8a63c42 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: rm -rf %t
// RUN: mkdir -p %t
// RUN: echo "public var x = Int()" | %target-swift-frontend -module-name FooBar -emit-module -o %t -
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -parse-stdlib -emit-silgen %s -I%t -disable-access-control | %FileCheck %s
import Swift
import FooBar
struct SillyString : _ExpressibleByBuiltinStringLiteral, ExpressibleByStringLiteral {
init(_builtinUnicodeScalarLiteral value: Builtin.Int32) {}
init(unicodeScalarLiteral value: SillyString) { }
_builtinExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteral start: Builtin.RawPointer,
utf8CodeUnitCount: Builtin.Word,
isASCII: Builtin.Int1
) {
init(extendedGraphemeClusterLiteral value: SillyString) { }
_builtinStringLiteral start: Builtin.RawPointer,
utf8CodeUnitCount: Builtin.Word,
isASCII: Builtin.Int1) {
init(stringLiteral value: SillyString) { }
struct SillyUTF16String : _ExpressibleByBuiltinUTF16StringLiteral, ExpressibleByStringLiteral {
init(_builtinUnicodeScalarLiteral value: Builtin.Int32) { }
init(unicodeScalarLiteral value: SillyString) { }
_builtinExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteral start: Builtin.RawPointer,
utf8CodeUnitCount: Builtin.Word,
isASCII: Builtin.Int1
) {
init(extendedGraphemeClusterLiteral value: SillyString) { }
_builtinStringLiteral start: Builtin.RawPointer,
utf8CodeUnitCount: Builtin.Word,
isASCII: Builtin.Int1
) { }
_builtinUTF16StringLiteral start: Builtin.RawPointer,
utf16CodeUnitCount: Builtin.Word
) {
init(stringLiteral value: SillyUTF16String) { }
struct SillyConstUTF16String : _ExpressibleByBuiltinConstUTF16StringLiteral, ExpressibleByStringLiteral {
init(_builtinUnicodeScalarLiteral value: Builtin.Int32) { }
init(unicodeScalarLiteral value: SillyString) { }
_builtinExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteral start: Builtin.RawPointer,
utf8CodeUnitCount: Builtin.Word,
isASCII: Builtin.Int1
) {
init(extendedGraphemeClusterLiteral value: SillyString) { }
init( _builtinConstStringLiteral start: Builtin.RawPointer) { }
init( _builtinConstUTF16StringLiteral start: Builtin.RawPointer) { }
init(stringLiteral value: SillyUTF16String) { }
func literals() {
var a = 1
var b = 1.25
var d = "foö"
var e:SillyString = "foo"
var f:SillyConstUTF16String = "foobar"
var non_ascii:SillyConstUTF16String = "foobarö"
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_T011expressions8literalsyyF
// CHECK: integer_literal $Builtin.Int2048, 1
// CHECK: float_literal $Builtin.FPIEEE{{64|80}}, {{0x3FF4000000000000|0x3FFFA000000000000000}}
// CHECK: string_literal utf16 "foö"
// CHECK: string_literal utf8 "foo"
// CHECK: [[CONST_STRING_LIT:%.*]] = const_string_literal utf8 "foobar"
// CHECK: [[METATYPE:%.*]] = metatype $@thin SillyConstUTF16String.Type
// CHECK: [[FUN:%.*]] = function_ref @_T011expressions21SillyConstUTF16StringVACBp08_builtincE7Literal_tcfC : $@convention(method) (Builtin.RawPointer, @thin SillyConstUTF16String.Type) -> SillyConstUTF16String
// CHECK: apply [[FUN]]([[CONST_STRING_LIT]], [[METATYPE]]) : $@convention(method) (Builtin.RawPointer, @thin SillyConstUTF16String.Type) -> SillyConstUTF16String
// CHECK: [[CONST_UTF16STRING_LIT:%.*]] = const_string_literal utf16 "foobarö"
// CHECK: [[FUN:%.*]] = function_ref @_T011expressions21SillyConstUTF16StringVACBp08_builtincdE7Literal_tcfC : $@convention(method) (Builtin.RawPointer, @thin SillyConstUTF16String.Type) -> SillyConstUTF16String
// CHECK: apply [[FUN]]([[CONST_UTF16STRING_LIT]], {{.*}}) : $@convention(method) (Builtin.RawPointer, @thin SillyConstUTF16String.Type) -> SillyConstUTF16String
func bar(_ x: Int) {}
func bar(_ x: Int, _ y: Int) {}
func call_one() {
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_T011expressions8call_oneyyF
// CHECK: [[BAR:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @_T011expressions3bar{{[_0-9a-zA-Z]*}}F : $@convention(thin) (Int) -> ()
// CHECK: [[FORTYTWO:%[0-9]+]] = integer_literal {{.*}} 42
// CHECK: [[FORTYTWO_CONVERTED:%[0-9]+]] = apply {{.*}}([[FORTYTWO]], {{.*}})
func call_two() {
bar(42, 219)
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_T011expressions8call_twoyyF
// CHECK: [[BAR:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @_T011expressions3bar{{[_0-9a-zA-Z]*}}F : $@convention(thin) (Int, Int) -> ()
// CHECK: [[FORTYTWO:%[0-9]+]] = integer_literal {{.*}} 42
// CHECK: [[FORTYTWO_CONVERTED:%[0-9]+]] = apply {{.*}}([[FORTYTWO]], {{.*}})
// CHECK: [[TWONINETEEN:%[0-9]+]] = integer_literal {{.*}} 219
// CHECK: [[TWONINETEEN_CONVERTED:%[0-9]+]] = apply {{.*}}([[TWONINETEEN]], {{.*}})
func tuples() {
bar((4, 5).1)
var T1 : (a: Int16, b: Int) = (b : 42, a : 777)
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_T011expressions6tuplesyyF
class C {
var chi:Int
init() {
chi = 219
init(x:Int) {
chi = x
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_T011expressions7classesyyF
func classes() {
// CHECK: function_ref @_T011expressions1CC{{[_0-9a-zA-Z]*}}fC : $@convention(method) (@thick C.Type) -> @owned C
var a = C()
// CHECK: function_ref @_T011expressions1CC{{[_0-9a-zA-Z]*}}fC : $@convention(method) (Int, @thick C.Type) -> @owned C
var b = C(x: 0)
struct S {
var x:Int
init() {
x = 219
init(x: Int) {
self.x = x
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_T011expressions7structsyyF
func structs() {
// CHECK: function_ref @_T011expressions1SV{{[_0-9a-zA-Z]*}}fC : $@convention(method) (@thin S.Type) -> S
var a = S()
// CHECK: function_ref @_T011expressions1SV{{[_0-9a-zA-Z]*}}fC : $@convention(method) (Int, @thin S.Type) -> S
var b = S(x: 0)
func inoutcallee(_ x: inout Int) {}
func address_of_expr() {
var x: Int = 4
func identity<T>(_ x: T) -> T {}
struct SomeStruct {
func a() {}
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_T011expressions5callsyyF
// CHECK: [[METHOD:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @_T011expressions10SomeStructV1a{{[_0-9a-zA-Z]*}}F : $@convention(method) (@inout SomeStruct) -> ()
// CHECK: apply [[METHOD]]({{.*}})
func calls() {
var a : SomeStruct
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_T011expressions11module_path{{[_0-9a-zA-Z]*}}F
func module_path() -> Int {
return FooBar.x
// CHECK: [[x_GET:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @_T06FooBar1xSifau
// CHECK-NEXT: apply [[x_GET]]()
func default_args(_ x: Int, y: Int = 219, z: Int = 20721) {}
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_T011expressions19call_default_args_1{{[_0-9a-zA-Z]*}}F
func call_default_args_1(_ x: Int) {
// CHECK: [[FUNC:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @_T011expressions12default_args{{[_0-9a-zA-Z]*}}F
// CHECK: [[YFUNC:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @_T011expressions12default_args{{[_0-9a-zA-Z]*}}A0_
// CHECK: [[Y:%[0-9]+]] = apply [[YFUNC]]()
// CHECK: [[ZFUNC:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @_T011expressions12default_args{{[_0-9a-zA-Z]*}}A1_
// CHECK: [[Z:%[0-9]+]] = apply [[ZFUNC]]()
// CHECK: apply [[FUNC]]({{.*}}, [[Y]], [[Z]])
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_T011expressions19call_default_args_2{{[_0-9a-zA-Z]*}}F
func call_default_args_2(_ x: Int, z: Int) {
default_args(x, z:z)
// CHECK: [[FUNC:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @_T011expressions12default_args{{[_0-9a-zA-Z]*}}F
// CHECK: [[DEFFN:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @_T011expressions12default_args{{[_0-9a-zA-Z]*}}A0_
// CHECK-NEXT: [[C219:%[0-9]+]] = apply [[DEFFN]]()
// CHECK: apply [[FUNC]]({{.*}}, [[C219]], {{.*}})
struct Generic<T> {
var mono_member:Int
var typevar_member:T
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_T011expressions7GenericV13type_variable{{[_0-9a-zA-Z]*}}F
func type_variable() -> T.Type {
return T.self
// CHECK: [[METATYPE:%[0-9]+]] = metatype $@thick T.Type
// CHECK: return [[METATYPE]]
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_T011expressions7GenericV19copy_typevar_member{{[_0-9a-zA-Z]*}}F
func copy_typevar_member(_ x: Generic<T>) {
typevar_member = x.typevar_member
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_T011expressions7GenericV12class_method{{[_0-9a-zA-Z]*}}FZ
static func class_method() {}
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_T011expressions18generic_member_ref{{[_0-9a-zA-Z]*}}F
func generic_member_ref<T>(_ x: Generic<T>) -> Int {
// CHECK: bb0([[XADDR:%[0-9]+]] : $*Generic<T>):
return x.mono_member
// CHECK: [[MEMBER_ADDR:%[0-9]+]] = struct_element_addr {{.*}}, #Generic.mono_member
// CHECK: load [trivial] [[MEMBER_ADDR]]
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_T011expressions24bound_generic_member_ref{{[_0-9a-zA-Z]*}}F
func bound_generic_member_ref(_ x: Generic<UnicodeScalar>) -> Int {
var x = x
// CHECK: bb0([[XADDR:%[0-9]+]] : $Generic<Unicode.Scalar>):
return x.mono_member
// CHECK: [[MEMBER_ADDR:%[0-9]+]] = struct_element_addr {{.*}}, #Generic.mono_member
// CHECK: load [trivial] [[MEMBER_ADDR]]
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_T011expressions6coerce{{[_0-9a-zA-Z]*}}F
func coerce(_ x: Int32) -> Int64 {
return 0
class B {
class D : B {
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_T011expressions8downcast{{[_0-9a-zA-Z]*}}F
func downcast(_ x: B) -> D {
return x as! D
// CHECK: unconditional_checked_cast %{{[0-9]+}} : {{.*}} to $D
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_T011expressions6upcast{{[_0-9a-zA-Z]*}}F
func upcast(_ x: D) -> B {
return x
// CHECK: upcast %{{[0-9]+}} : ${{.*}} to $B
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_T011expressions14generic_upcast{{[_0-9a-zA-Z]*}}F
func generic_upcast<T : B>(_ x: T) -> B {
return x
// CHECK: upcast %{{.*}} to $B
// CHECK: return
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_T011expressions16generic_downcast{{[_0-9a-zA-Z]*}}F
func generic_downcast<T : B>(_ x: T, y: B) -> T {
return y as! T
// CHECK: unconditional_checked_cast %{{[0-9]+}} : {{.*}} to $T
// CHECK: return
// TODO: generic_downcast
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_T011expressions15metatype_upcast{{[_0-9a-zA-Z]*}}F
func metatype_upcast() -> B.Type {
return D.self
// CHECK: metatype $@thick D
// CHECK-NEXT: upcast
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_T011expressions19interpolated_string{{[_0-9a-zA-Z]*}}F
func interpolated_string(_ x: Int, y: String) -> String {
return "The \(x) Million Dollar \(y)"
protocol Runcible {
associatedtype U
var free:Int { get }
var associated:U { get }
func free_method() -> Int
mutating func associated_method() -> U.Type
static func static_method()
protocol Mincible {
var free:Int { get }
func free_method() -> Int
static func static_method()
protocol Bendable { }
protocol Wibbleable { }
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_T011expressions20archetype_member_ref{{[_0-9a-zA-Z]*}}F
func archetype_member_ref<T : Runcible>(_ x: T) {
var x = x
// CHECK: witness_method $T, #Runcible.free_method!1
// CHECK-NEXT: [[READ:%.*]] = begin_access [read] [unknown] [[X:%.*]]
// CHECK-NEXT: [[TEMP:%.*]] = alloc_stack $T
// CHECK-NEXT: copy_addr [[READ]] to [initialization] [[TEMP]]
// CHECK-NEXT: end_access [[READ]]
// CHECK-NEXT: apply
// CHECK-NEXT: destroy_addr [[TEMP]]
var u = x.associated_method()
// CHECK: witness_method $T, #Runcible.associated_method!1
// CHECK-NEXT: [[WRITE:%.*]] = begin_access [modify] [unknown]
// CHECK-NEXT: apply
// CHECK: witness_method $T, #Runcible.static_method!1
// CHECK-NEXT: metatype $@thick T.Type
// CHECK-NEXT: apply
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_T011expressions22existential_member_ref{{[_0-9a-zA-Z]*}}F
func existential_member_ref(_ x: Mincible) {
// CHECK: open_existential_addr
// CHECK-NEXT: witness_method
// CHECK-NEXT: apply
/*TODO archetype and existential properties and subscripts
func archetype_property_ref<T : Runcible>(_ x: T) -> (Int, T.U) { = x.free_method()
x.associated = x.associated_method()
return (, x.associated)
func existential_property_ref<T : Runcible>(_ x: T) -> Int { = x.free_method()
also archetype/existential subscripts
struct Spoon : Runcible, Mincible {
typealias U = Float
var free: Int { return 4 }
var associated: Float { return 12 }
func free_method() -> Int {}
func associated_method() -> Float.Type {}
static func static_method() {}
struct Hat<T> : Runcible {
typealias U = [T]
var free: Int { return 1 }
var associated: U { get {} }
func free_method() -> Int {}
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_T011expressions3HatV17associated_method{{[_0-9a-zA-Z]*}}F
func associated_method() -> U.Type {
return U.self
// CHECK: [[META:%[0-9]+]] = metatype $@thin Array<T>.Type
// CHECK: return [[META]]
static func static_method() {}
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_T011expressions7erasure{{[_0-9a-zA-Z]*}}F
func erasure(_ x: Spoon) -> Mincible {
return x
// CHECK: init_existential_addr
// CHECK: return
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_T011expressions19declref_to_metatypeAA5SpoonVmyF
func declref_to_metatype() -> Spoon.Type {
return Spoon.self
// CHECK: metatype $@thin Spoon.Type
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_T011expressions27declref_to_generic_metatype{{[_0-9a-zA-Z]*}}F
func declref_to_generic_metatype() -> Generic<UnicodeScalar>.Type {
// FIXME parsing of T<U> in expression context
typealias GenericChar = Generic<UnicodeScalar>
return GenericChar.self
// CHECK: metatype $@thin Generic<Unicode.Scalar>.Type
func int(_ x: Int) {}
func float(_ x: Float) {}
func tuple() -> (Int, Float) { return (1, 1.0) }
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_T011expressions13tuple_element{{[_0-9a-zA-Z]*}}F
func tuple_element(_ x: (Int, Float)) {
var x = x
// CHECK: [[XADDR:%.*]] = alloc_box ${ var (Int, Float) }
// CHECK: [[PB:%.*]] = project_box [[XADDR]]
// CHECK: [[READ:%.*]] = begin_access [read] [unknown] [[PB]]
// CHECK: tuple_element_addr [[READ]] : {{.*}}, 0
// CHECK: apply
// CHECK: [[READ:%.*]] = begin_access [read] [unknown] [[PB]]
// CHECK: tuple_element_addr [[READ]] : {{.*}}, 1
// CHECK: apply
// CHECK: [[ZERO:%.*]] = tuple_extract {{%.*}} : {{.*}}, 0
// CHECK: apply {{.*}}([[ZERO]])
// CHECK: [[ONE:%.*]] = tuple_extract {{%.*}} : {{.*}}, 1
// CHECK: apply {{.*}}([[ONE]])
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_T011expressions10containers{{[_0-9a-zA-Z]*}}F
func containers() -> ([Int], Dictionary<String, Int>) {
return ([1, 2, 3], ["Ankeny": 1, "Burnside": 2, "Couch": 3])
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_T011expressions7if_expr{{[_0-9a-zA-Z]*}}F
func if_expr(_ a: Bool, b: Bool, x: Int, y: Int, z: Int) -> Int {
var a = a
var b = b
var x = x
var y = y
var z = z
// CHECK: bb0({{.*}}):
// CHECK: [[AB:%[0-9]+]] = alloc_box ${ var Bool }
// CHECK: [[PBA:%.*]] = project_box [[AB]]
// CHECK: [[BB:%[0-9]+]] = alloc_box ${ var Bool }
// CHECK: [[PBB:%.*]] = project_box [[BB]]
// CHECK: [[XB:%[0-9]+]] = alloc_box ${ var Int }
// CHECK: [[PBX:%.*]] = project_box [[XB]]
// CHECK: [[YB:%[0-9]+]] = alloc_box ${ var Int }
// CHECK: [[PBY:%.*]] = project_box [[YB]]
// CHECK: [[ZB:%[0-9]+]] = alloc_box ${ var Int }
// CHECK: [[PBZ:%.*]] = project_box [[ZB]]
return a
? x
: b
? y
: z
// CHECK: [[READ:%.*]] = begin_access [read] [unknown] [[PBA]]
// CHECK: [[A:%[0-9]+]] = load [trivial] [[READ]]
// CHECK: [[ACOND:%[0-9]+]] = apply {{.*}}([[A]])
// CHECK: cond_br [[ACOND]], [[IF_A:bb[0-9]+]], [[ELSE_A:bb[0-9]+]]
// CHECK: [[IF_A]]:
// CHECK: [[READ:%.*]] = begin_access [read] [unknown] [[PBX]]
// CHECK: [[XVAL:%[0-9]+]] = load [trivial] [[READ]]
// CHECK: br [[CONT_A:bb[0-9]+]]([[XVAL]] : $Int)
// CHECK: [[ELSE_A]]:
// CHECK: [[READ:%.*]] = begin_access [read] [unknown] [[PBB]]
// CHECK: [[B:%[0-9]+]] = load [trivial] [[READ]]
// CHECK: [[BCOND:%[0-9]+]] = apply {{.*}}([[B]])
// CHECK: cond_br [[BCOND]], [[IF_B:bb[0-9]+]], [[ELSE_B:bb[0-9]+]]
// CHECK: [[IF_B]]:
// CHECK: [[READ:%.*]] = begin_access [read] [unknown] [[PBY]]
// CHECK: [[YVAL:%[0-9]+]] = load [trivial] [[READ]]
// CHECK: br [[CONT_B:bb[0-9]+]]([[YVAL]] : $Int)
// CHECK: [[ELSE_B]]:
// CHECK: [[READ:%.*]] = begin_access [read] [unknown] [[PBZ]]
// CHECK: [[ZVAL:%[0-9]+]] = load [trivial] [[READ]]
// CHECK: br [[CONT_B:bb[0-9]+]]([[ZVAL]] : $Int)
// CHECK: [[CONT_B]]([[B_RES:%[0-9]+]] : $Int):
// CHECK: br [[CONT_A:bb[0-9]+]]([[B_RES]] : $Int)
// CHECK: [[CONT_A]]([[A_RES:%[0-9]+]] : $Int):
// CHECK: return [[A_RES]]
// Test that magic identifiers expand properly. We test #column here because
// it isn't affected as this testcase slides up and down the file over time.
func magic_identifier_expansion(_ a: Int = #column) {
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @{{.*}}magic_identifier_expansion
// This should expand to the column number of the first _.
var tmp = #column
// CHECK: integer_literal $Builtin.Int2048, 13
// This should expand to the column number of the (, not to the column number
// of #column in the default argument list of this function.
// rdar://14315674
// CHECK: integer_literal $Builtin.Int2048, 29
func print_string() {
// CHECK-LABEL: print_string
var str = "\u{08}\u{09}\thello\r\n\0wörld\u{1e}\u{7f}"
// CHECK: string_literal utf16 "\u{08}\t\thello\r\n\0wörld\u{1E}\u{7F}"
// Test that we can silgen superclass calls that go farther than the immediate
// superclass.
class Super1 {
func funge() {}
class Super2 : Super1 {}
class Super3 : Super2 {
override func funge() {
// <rdar://problem/16880240> SILGen crash assigning to _
func testDiscardLValue() {
var a = 42
_ = a
func dynamicTypePlusZero(_ a : Super1) -> Super1.Type {
return type(of: a)
// CHECK-LABEL: dynamicTypePlusZero
// CHECK: bb0([[ARG:%.*]] : $Super1):
// CHECK-NOT: copy_value
// CHECK: [[BORROWED_ARG:%.*]] = begin_borrow [[ARG]]
// CHECK-NOT: copy_value
// CHECK: value_metatype $@thick Super1.Type, [[BORROWED_ARG]] : $Super1
// CHECK: end_borrow [[BORROWED_ARG]] from [[ARG]]
// CHECK: destroy_value [[ARG]]
struct NonTrivialStruct { var c : Super1 }
func dontEmitIgnoredLoadExpr(_ a : NonTrivialStruct) -> NonTrivialStruct.Type {
return type(of: a)
// CHECK-LABEL: dontEmitIgnoredLoadExpr
// CHECK: bb0(%0 : $NonTrivialStruct):
// CHECK-NEXT: debug_value
// CHECK-NEXT: begin_borrow
// CHECK-NEXT: end_borrow
// CHECK-NEXT: %4 = metatype $@thin NonTrivialStruct.Type
// CHECK-NEXT: destroy_value %0
// CHECK-NEXT: return %4 : $@thin NonTrivialStruct.Type
// <rdar://problem/18851497> Swiftc fails to compile nested destructuring tuple binding
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_T011expressions21implodeRecursiveTupleySi_Sit_SitSgF
// CHECK: bb0(%0 : $Optional<((Int, Int), Int)>):
func implodeRecursiveTuple(_ expr: ((Int, Int), Int)?) {
// CHECK: bb2([[WHOLE:%.*]] : $((Int, Int), Int)):
// CHECK-NEXT: [[X:%[0-9]+]] = tuple_extract [[WHOLE]] : $((Int, Int), Int), 0
// CHECK-NEXT: [[X0:%[0-9]+]] = tuple_extract [[X]] : $(Int, Int), 0
// CHECK-NEXT: [[X1:%[0-9]+]] = tuple_extract [[X]] : $(Int, Int), 1
// CHECK-NEXT: [[Y:%[0-9]+]] = tuple_extract [[WHOLE]] : $((Int, Int), Int), 1
// CHECK-NEXT: [[X:%[0-9]+]] = tuple ([[X0]] : $Int, [[X1]] : $Int)
// CHECK-NEXT: debug_value [[X]] : $(Int, Int), let, name "x"
// CHECK-NEXT: debug_value [[Y]] : $Int, let, name "y"
let (x, y) = expr!
func test20087517() {
class Color {
static func greenColor() -> Color { return Color() }
let x: (Color?, Int) = (.greenColor(), 1)
func test20596042() {
enum E {
case thing1
case thing2
func f() -> (E?, Int)? {
return (.thing1, 1)
func test21886435() {
() = ()