blob: 3b38c20910d6dfb9340f5982748ba7390fa2ddde [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- GenExistential.h - IR generation for existentials ------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file provides the private interface to the existential emission code.
#include "Address.h"
#include "swift/AST/Types.h"
#include "swift/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILInstruction.h"
namespace llvm {
class Value;
namespace swift {
class ProtocolConformanceRef;
class SILType;
namespace irgen {
class Address;
class Explosion;
class IRGenFunction;
/// Emit the metadata and witness table initialization for an allocated
/// opaque existential container.
Address emitOpaqueExistentialContainerInit(IRGenFunction &IGF,
Address dest,
SILType destType,
CanType formalSrcType,
SILType loweredSrcType,
ArrayRef<ProtocolConformanceRef> conformances);
/// Emit an existential metatype container from a metatype value
/// as an explosion.
void emitExistentialMetatypeContainer(IRGenFunction &IGF,
Explosion &out,
SILType outType,
llvm::Value *metatype,
SILType metatypeType,
ArrayRef<ProtocolConformanceRef> conformances);
/// Emit a class existential container from a class instance value
/// as an explosion.
void emitClassExistentialContainer(IRGenFunction &IGF,
Explosion &out,
SILType outType,
llvm::Value *instance,
CanType instanceFormalType,
SILType instanceLoweredType,
ArrayRef<ProtocolConformanceRef> conformances);
/// Allocate a boxed existential container with uninitialized space to hold a
/// value of a given type.
OwnedAddress emitBoxedExistentialContainerAllocation(IRGenFunction &IGF,
SILType destType,
CanType formalSrcType,
ArrayRef<ProtocolConformanceRef> conformances);
/// "Deinitialize" an existential container whose contained value is allocated
/// but uninitialized, by deallocating the buffer owned by the container if any.
void emitOpaqueExistentialContainerDeinit(IRGenFunction &IGF,
Address container,
SILType type);
/// Deallocate a boxed existential container with uninitialized space to hold
/// a value of a given type.
void emitBoxedExistentialContainerDeallocation(IRGenFunction &IGF,
Explosion &container,
SILType containerType,
CanType valueType);
/// Emit a projection from an existential container address to the address
/// of its concrete value buffer.
/// \param openedArchetype If non-null, the archetype that will capture the
/// metadata and witness tables produced by projecting the archetype.
Address emitOpaqueExistentialProjection(IRGenFunction &IGF,
Address base,
SILType baseTy,
CanArchetypeType openedArchetype);
/// Allocate the storage for an opaque existential in the existential
/// container.
/// If the value is not inline, this will allocate a box for the value and
/// store the reference to the box in the existential container's buffer.
Address emitAllocateBoxedOpaqueExistentialBuffer(IRGenFunction &IGF,
SILType destType,
SILType valueType,
Address existentialContainer,
GenericEnvironment *genEnv);
/// Deallocate the storage for an opaque existential in the existential
/// container.
/// If the value is not stored inline, this will deallocate the box for the
/// value.
void emitDeallocateBoxedOpaqueExistentialBuffer(IRGenFunction &IGF,
SILType existentialType,
Address existentialContainer);
Address emitOpaqueBoxedExistentialProjection(
IRGenFunction &IGF, OpenedExistentialAccess accessKind, Address base,
SILType existentialType, CanArchetypeType openedArchetype);
/// Extract the instance pointer from a class existential value.
/// \param openedArchetype If non-null, the archetype that will capture the
/// metadata and witness tables produced by projecting the archetype.
llvm::Value *emitClassExistentialProjection(IRGenFunction &IGF,
Explosion &base,
SILType baseTy,
CanArchetypeType openedArchetype);
/// Extract the metatype pointer from an existential metatype value.
/// \param openedTy If non-null, a metatype of the archetype that
/// will capture the metadata and witness tables
llvm::Value *emitExistentialMetatypeProjection(IRGenFunction &IGF,
Explosion &base,
SILType baseTy,
CanType openedTy);
/// Project the address of the value inside a boxed existential container.
ContainedAddress emitBoxedExistentialProjection(IRGenFunction &IGF,
Explosion &base,
SILType baseTy,
CanType projectedType);
/// Project the address of the value inside a boxed existential container,
/// and open an archetype to its contained type.
Address emitOpenExistentialBox(IRGenFunction &IGF,
Explosion &base,
SILType baseTy,
CanArchetypeType openedArchetype);
/// Emit the existential metatype of an opaque existential value.
void emitMetatypeOfOpaqueExistential(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address addr,
SILType type, Explosion &out);
/// Emit the existential metatype of a class existential value.
void emitMetatypeOfClassExistential(IRGenFunction &IGF,
Explosion &value, SILType metatypeType,
SILType existentialType, Explosion &out);
/// Emit the existential metatype of a boxed existential value.
void emitMetatypeOfBoxedExistential(IRGenFunction &IGF, Explosion &value,
SILType type, Explosion &out);
/// Emit the existential metatype of a metatype.
void emitMetatypeOfMetatype(IRGenFunction &IGF, Explosion &value,
SILType existentialType, Explosion &out);
std::pair<Address, llvm::Value*>
emitIndirectExistentialProjectionWithMetadata(IRGenFunction &IGF,
Address base,
SILType baseTy,
CanType openedArchetype);
} // end namespace irgen
} // end namespace swift