blob: da0734a527688f889e2199b6283ba309faffc48a [file] [log] [blame]
from gyb_syntax_support import *
# -*- mode: C++ -*-
# Ignore the following admonition; it applies to the resulting .h file only
//// Automatically Generated From ParsedSyntaxRecorder.h.gyb.
//// Do Not Edit Directly!
//===--- ParsedSyntaxRecorder.h - Parsed Syntax Recorder ------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2019 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "swift/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "swift/Parse/ParsedSyntaxNodes.h"
#include "swift/Syntax/SyntaxKind.h"
namespace swift {
class ParsedRawSyntaxRecorder;
class SyntaxParsingContext;
struct ParsedSyntaxRecorder {
% for node in SYNTAX_NODES:
% if node.children:
% child_params = []
% for child in node.children:
% param_type = "Parsed%s" % child.type_name
% if child.is_optional:
% param_type = "Optional<%s>" % param_type
% end
% child_params.append("%s %s" % (param_type,
% end
% child_params = ', '.join(child_params)
static Parsed${} record${node.syntax_kind}(${child_params},
ParsedRawSyntaxRecorder &rec);
static Parsed${} defer${node.syntax_kind}(${child_params});
static Parsed${} make${node.syntax_kind}(${child_params},
SyntaxParsingContext &SPCtx);
% elif node.is_syntax_collection():
static Parsed${} record${node.syntax_kind}(
ArrayRef<Parsed${node.collection_element_type}> elts,
ParsedRawSyntaxRecorder &rec);
static Parsed${} defer${node.syntax_kind}(
ArrayRef<Parsed${node.collection_element_type}> elts);
static Parsed${} make${node.syntax_kind}(
ArrayRef<Parsed${node.collection_element_type}> elts,
SyntaxParsingContext &SPCtx);
static Parsed${} makeBlank${node.syntax_kind}(SourceLoc loc,
SyntaxParsingContext &SPCtx);
% end
% end
#pragma mark - Convenience APIs
/// Records an unlabelled TupleTypeElementSyntax with the provided type and
/// optional trailing comma.
static ParsedTupleTypeElementSyntax
makeTupleTypeElement(ParsedTypeSyntax Type,
Optional<ParsedTokenSyntax> TrailingComma,
SyntaxParsingContext &SPCtx);
/// The provided \c elements are in the appropriate order for the syntax
/// \c kind's layout but optional elements are not be included.
/// This function will form the exact layout based on the provided elements,
/// substituting missing parts with a null ParsedRawSyntaxNode object.
/// \returns true if the layout could be formed, false otherwise.
static bool formExactLayoutFor(syntax::SyntaxKind kind,
ArrayRef<ParsedRawSyntaxNode> elements,
function_ref<void(syntax::SyntaxKind, ArrayRef<ParsedRawSyntaxNode>)> receiver);