blob: 326d6e07bb64e70b6ea941ac6c755e55cdc26c6b [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: rm -rf %t
// RUN: mkdir -p %t
// FIXME: BEGIN -enable-source-import hackaround
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend(mock-sdk: %clang-importer-sdk) -emit-module -o %t %clang-importer-sdk-path/swift-modules/Foundation.swift
// FIXME: END -enable-source-import hackaround
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend(mock-sdk: %clang-importer-sdk-nosource -I %t) -typecheck %s -verify
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend(mock-sdk: %clang-importer-sdk-nosource -I %t) %s -dump-ast -verify 2>&1 | %FileCheck %s
// REQUIRES: objc_interop
import Foundation
func testDowncastObjectToArray(obj: AnyObject, objImplicit: AnyObject!) {
var nsstrArr1 = (obj as! [NSString])! // expected-error{{cannot force unwrap value of non-optional type '[NSString]'}}{{39-40=}}
var strArr1 = (obj as! [String])! // expected-error{{cannot force unwrap value of non-optional type '[String]'}}{{35-36=}}
var nsstrArr2 = (objImplicit as! [NSString])! // expected-error{{cannot force unwrap value of non-optional type '[NSString]'}}{{47-48=}}
var strArr2 = (objImplicit as! [String])! // expected-error{{cannot force unwrap value of non-optional type '[String]'}}{{43-44=}}
func testArrayDowncast(arr: [AnyObject], arrImplicit: [AnyObject]!) {
var nsstrArr1 = (arr as! [NSString])! // expected-error{{cannot force unwrap value of non-optional type '[NSString]'}} {{39-40=}}
var strArr1 = (arr as! [String])! // expected-error{{cannot force unwrap value of non-optional type '[String]'}} {{35-36=}}
var nsstrArr2 = (arrImplicit as! [NSString])! // expected-error{{cannot force unwrap value of non-optional type '[NSString]'}} {{47-48=}}
var strArr2 = (arrImplicit as! [String])! // expected-error{{cannot force unwrap value of non-optional type '[String]'}} {{43-44=}}
func testDowncastNSArrayToArray(nsarray: NSArray) {
_ = nsarray as! [NSString]
_ = nsarray as! [String]
// CHECK-LABEL: testDowncastOptionalObject
func testDowncastOptionalObject(obj: AnyObject?!) -> [String]? {
// CHECK: (optional_evaluation_expr implicit type='[String]?'
// CHECK-NEXT: (inject_into_optional implicit type='[String]?'
// CHECK: (forced_checked_cast_expr type='[String]'{{.*value_cast}}
// CHECK: (bind_optional_expr implicit type='AnyObject'
// CHECK-NEXT: (force_value_expr implicit type='AnyObject?'
// CHECK-NEXT: (declref_expr type='AnyObject?!'
return obj as! [String]?
// CHECK-LABEL: testDowncastOptionalObjectConditional
func testDowncastOptionalObjectConditional(obj: AnyObject?!) -> [String]?? {
// CHECK: (optional_evaluation_expr implicit type='[String]??'
// CHECK-NEXT: (inject_into_optional implicit type='[String]??'
// CHECK-NEXT: (optional_evaluation_expr implicit type='[String]?'
// CHECK-NEXT: (inject_into_optional implicit type='[String]?'
// CHECK-NEXT: (bind_optional_expr implicit type='[String]'
// CHECK-NEXT: (conditional_checked_cast_expr type='[String]?' {{.*value_cast}} writtenType='[String]?'
// CHECK-NEXT: (bind_optional_expr implicit type='AnyObject'
// CHECK-NEXT: (bind_optional_expr implicit type='AnyObject?'
// CHECK-NEXT: (declref_expr type='AnyObject?!'
return obj as? [String]?
// Do not crash examining the casted-to (or tested) type if it is
// invalid (null or error_type).
class rdar28583595 : NSObject {
public func test(i: Int) {
if i is Array {} // expected-error {{generic parameter 'Element' could not be inferred}}
// expected-note@-1 {{explicitly specify the generic arguments to fix this issue}}