blob: d3fa0c6af875cfc232a65b79a0532ec6cab82083 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- FloatingPointTypes.swift.gyb -------------------------*- swift -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import SwiftShims
from SwiftIntTypes import all_integer_types
from SwiftFloatingPointTypes import all_floating_point_types
# Utility code for later in this template
# Number of bits in the Builtin.Word type
word_bits = int(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P) * 8
# Number of bits in integer literals.
builtinIntLiteralBits = 2048
// TODO: remove once integer proposal is available ----------------------------
// FIXME(integers): ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
%for bits in [32,64]:
extension UInt${bits} {
var signBitIndex: Int {
return ${bits-1} - leadingZeroBitCount
% for self_type in all_floating_point_types():
Self = self_type.stdlib_name
bits = self_type.bits
cFuncSuffix = self_type.cFuncSuffix
SignificandSize = self_type.significand_size
SignificandBitCount = self_type.significand_bits
ExponentBitCount = self_type.exponent_bits
RawSignificand = 'UInt' + str(SignificandSize)
if Self == 'Float':
SelfDocComment = '''\
/// A single-precision, floating-point value type.'''
elif Self == 'Double':
SelfDocComment = '''\
/// A double-precision, floating-point value type.'''
elif Self == 'Float80':
SelfDocComment = '''\
/// An extended-precision, floating-point value type.'''
raise ValueError('Unhandled float type.')
% if bits == 80:
#if (!os(Windows) || CYGWIN) && (arch(i386) || arch(x86_64))
% end
public struct ${Self} {
public // @testable
var _value: Builtin.FPIEEE${bits}
/// Creates a value initialized to zero.
@_transparent public
init() {
let zero: Int64 = 0
self._value = Builtin.sitofp_Int64_FPIEEE${bits}(zero._value)
public // @testable
init(_bits v: Builtin.FPIEEE${bits}) {
self._value = v
extension ${Self} : CustomStringConvertible {
/// A textual representation of the value.
public var description: String {
return _float${bits}ToString(self, debug: false)
extension ${Self} : CustomDebugStringConvertible {
/// A textual representation of the value, suitable for debugging.
public var debugDescription: String {
return _float${bits}ToString(self, debug: true)
extension ${Self}: BinaryFloatingPoint {
public typealias Magnitude = ${Self}
public typealias Exponent = Int
public typealias RawSignificand = ${RawSignificand}
public static var exponentBitCount: Int {
return ${ExponentBitCount}
%if bits == 80:
/// The available number of fractional significand bits.
/// `Float80.significandBitCount` is 63, even though 64 bits are used to
/// store the significand in the memory representation of a `Float80`
/// instance. Unlike other floating-point types, the `Float80` type
/// explicitly stores the leading integral significand bit.
public static var significandBitCount: Int {
return ${SignificandBitCount}
// Implementation details.
static var _infinityExponent: UInt {
@inline(__always) get { return 1 &<< UInt(exponentBitCount) - 1 }
static var _exponentBias: UInt {
@inline(__always) get { return _infinityExponent &>> 1 }
static var _significandMask: ${RawSignificand} {
@inline(__always) get {
return 1 &<< ${RawSignificand}(significandBitCount) - 1
static var _quietNaNMask: ${RawSignificand} {
@inline(__always) get {
return 1 &<< ${RawSignificand}(significandBitCount - 1)
%if bits != 80:
// Conversions to/from integer encoding. These are not part of the
// BinaryFloatingPoint prototype because there's no guarantee that an
// integer type of the same size actually exists (e.g. Float80).
// If we want them in a protocol at some future point, that protocol should
// be "InterchangeFloatingPoint" or "PortableFloatingPoint" or similar, and
// apply to IEEE 754 "interchange types".
/// The bit pattern of the value's encoding.
/// The bit pattern matches the binary interchange format defined by the
/// [IEEE 754 specification][spec].
/// [spec]:
public var bitPattern: UInt${bits} {
return UInt${bits}(Builtin.bitcast_FPIEEE${bits}_Int${bits}(_value))
/// Creates a new value with the given bit pattern.
/// The value passed as `bitPattern` is interpreted in the binary interchange
/// format defined by the [IEEE 754 specification][spec].
/// [spec]:
/// - Parameter bitPattern: The integer encoding of a `${Self}` instance.
public init(bitPattern: UInt${bits}) {
self.init(_bits: Builtin.bitcast_Int${bits}_FPIEEE${bits}(bitPattern._value))
public var sign: FloatingPointSign {
let shift = ${Self}.significandBitCount + ${Self}.exponentBitCount
return FloatingPointSign(rawValue: Int(bitPattern &>> ${RawSignificand}(shift)))!
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "sign")
public var isSignMinus: Bool { Builtin.unreachable() }
public var exponentBitPattern: UInt {
return UInt(bitPattern &>> UInt${bits}(${Self}.significandBitCount)) &
public var significandBitPattern: ${RawSignificand} {
return ${RawSignificand}(bitPattern) & ${Self}._significandMask
public init(sign: FloatingPointSign,
exponentBitPattern: UInt,
significandBitPattern: ${RawSignificand}) {
let signShift = ${Self}.significandBitCount + ${Self}.exponentBitCount
let sign = UInt${bits}(sign == .minus ? 1 : 0)
let exponent = UInt${bits}(
exponentBitPattern & ${Self}._infinityExponent)
let significand = UInt${bits}(
significandBitPattern & ${Self}._significandMask)
sign &<< UInt${bits}(signShift) |
exponent &<< UInt${bits}(${Self}.significandBitCount) |
public var isCanonical: Bool {
return true
// Internal implementation details of x86 Float80
struct _Float80Representation {
var explicitSignificand: UInt64
var signAndExponent: UInt16
var _padding: (UInt16, UInt16, UInt16) = (0, 0, 0)
var sign: FloatingPointSign {
return FloatingPointSign(rawValue: Int(signAndExponent &>> 15))!
var exponentBitPattern: UInt { return UInt(signAndExponent) & 0x7fff }
init(explicitSignificand: UInt64, signAndExponent: UInt16) {
self.explicitSignificand = explicitSignificand
self.signAndExponent = signAndExponent
var _representation: _Float80Representation {
return unsafeBitCast(self, to: _Float80Representation.self)
public var sign: FloatingPointSign {
return _representation.sign
static var _explicitBitMask: UInt64 {
@inline(__always) get { return 1 &<< 63 }
public var exponentBitPattern: UInt {
let provisional = _representation.exponentBitPattern
if provisional == 0 {
if _representation.explicitSignificand >= Float80._explicitBitMask {
// Pseudo-denormals have an exponent of 0 but the leading bit of the
// significand field is set. These are noncanonical encodings of the
// same significand with an exponent of 1.
return 1
// Exponent is zero, leading bit of significand is clear, so this is
// a canonical zero or subnormal number.
return 0
if _representation.explicitSignificand < Float80._explicitBitMask {
// If the exponent is not-zero but the leading bit of the significand
// is clear, then we have an invalid operand (unnormal, pseudo-inf, or
// pseudo-NaN). All of these are noncanonical encodings of NaN.
return Float80._infinityExponent
// We have a canonical number, so the provisional exponent is correct.
return provisional
public var significandBitPattern: UInt64 {
if _representation.exponentBitPattern > 0 &&
_representation.explicitSignificand < Float80._explicitBitMask {
// If the exponent is nonzero and the leading bit of the significand
// is clear, then we have an invalid operand (unnormal, pseudo-inf, or
// pseudo-NaN). All of these are noncanonical encodings of qNaN.
return _representation.explicitSignificand | Float80._quietNaNMask
// Otherwise we always get the "right" significand by simply clearing the
// integral bit.
return _representation.explicitSignificand & Float80._significandMask
public init(sign: FloatingPointSign,
exponentBitPattern: UInt,
significandBitPattern: UInt64) {
let signBit = UInt16(sign == .minus ? 0x8000 : 0)
let exponent = UInt16(exponentBitPattern)
var significand = significandBitPattern
if exponent != 0 { significand |= Float80._explicitBitMask }
let rep = _Float80Representation(explicitSignificand: significand,
signAndExponent: signBit|exponent)
self = unsafeBitCast(rep, to: Float80.self)
public var isCanonical: Bool {
if exponentBitPattern == 0 {
// If exponent field is zero, canonical numbers have the explicit
// significand bit clear.
return _representation.explicitSignificand < Float80._explicitBitMask
// If exponent is nonzero, canonical values have the explicit significand
// bit set.
return _representation.explicitSignificand >= Float80._explicitBitMask
public static var infinity: ${Self} {
return ${Self}(sign: .plus,
exponentBitPattern: _infinityExponent,
significandBitPattern: 0)
public static var nan: ${Self} {
return ${Self}(nan: 0, signaling: false)
public static var signalingNaN: ${Self} {
return ${Self}(nan: 0, signaling: true)
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "nan")
public static var quietNaN: ${Self} { Builtin.unreachable()}
public static var greatestFiniteMagnitude: ${Self} {
return ${Self}(sign: .plus,
exponentBitPattern: _infinityExponent - 1,
significandBitPattern: _significandMask)
public static var pi: ${Self} {
%if bits == 32:
// Note: this is not the correctly rounded (to nearest) value of pi,
// because pi would round *up* in Float precision, which can result
// in angles in the wrong quadrant if users aren't careful. This is
// not a problem for Double or Float80, as pi rounds down in both of
// those formats.
return Float(0x1.921fb4p1)
%elif bits == 64:
return Double(0x1.921fb54442d18p1)
%elif bits == 80:
return Float80(0x1.921fb54442d1846ap1)
public var ulp: ${Self} {
if !isFinite { return ${Self}.nan }
if exponentBitPattern > UInt(${Self}.significandBitCount) {
// self is large enough that self.ulp is normal, so we just compute its
// exponent and construct it with a significand of zero.
let ulpExponent =
exponentBitPattern - UInt(${Self}.significandBitCount)
return ${Self}(sign: .plus,
exponentBitPattern: ulpExponent,
significandBitPattern: 0)
if exponentBitPattern >= 1 {
// self is normal but ulp is subnormal.
let ulpShift = ${RawSignificand}(exponentBitPattern - 1)
return ${Self}(sign: .plus,
exponentBitPattern: 0,
significandBitPattern: 1 &<< ulpShift)
return ${Self}(sign: .plus,
exponentBitPattern: 0,
significandBitPattern: 1)
public static var leastNormalMagnitude: ${Self} {
return ${Self}(sign: .plus,
exponentBitPattern: 1,
significandBitPattern: 0)
public static var leastNonzeroMagnitude: ${Self} {
#if arch(arm)
return leastNormalMagnitude
return ${Self}(sign: .plus,
exponentBitPattern: 0,
significandBitPattern: 1)
public var exponent: Int {
if !isFinite { return .max }
if isZero { return .min }
let provisional = Int(exponentBitPattern) - Int(${Self}._exponentBias)
if isNormal { return provisional }
let shift = ${Self}.significandBitCount - significandBitPattern.signBitIndex
return provisional + 1 - Int(shift)
public var significand: ${Self} {
if isNaN { return self }
if isNormal {
return ${Self}(sign: .plus,
exponentBitPattern: ${Self}._exponentBias,
significandBitPattern: significandBitPattern)
if isSubnormal {
let shift = ${Self}.significandBitCount - significandBitPattern.signBitIndex
return ${Self}(sign: .plus,
exponentBitPattern: ${Self}._exponentBias,
significandBitPattern: significandBitPattern &<< ${RawSignificand}(shift))
// zero or infinity.
return ${Self}(sign: .plus,
exponentBitPattern: exponentBitPattern,
significandBitPattern: 0)
public init(sign: FloatingPointSign, exponent: Int, significand: ${Self}) {
var result = significand
if sign == .minus { result = -result }
if significand.isFinite && !significand.isZero {
var clamped = exponent
let leastNormalExponent = 1 - Int(${Self}._exponentBias)
let greatestFiniteExponent = Int(${Self}._exponentBias)
if clamped < leastNormalExponent {
clamped = max(clamped, 3*leastNormalExponent)
while clamped < leastNormalExponent {
result *= ${Self}.leastNormalMagnitude
clamped -= leastNormalExponent
else if clamped > greatestFiniteExponent {
clamped = min(clamped, 3*greatestFiniteExponent)
let step = ${Self}(sign: .plus,
exponentBitPattern: ${Self}._infinityExponent - 1,
significandBitPattern: 0)
while clamped > greatestFiniteExponent {
result *= step
clamped -= greatestFiniteExponent
let scale = ${Self}(sign: .plus,
exponentBitPattern: UInt(Int(${Self}._exponentBias) + clamped),
significandBitPattern: 0)
result = result * scale
self = result
/// Creates a NaN ("not a number") value with the specified payload.
/// NaN values compare not equal to every value, including themselves. Most
/// operations with a NaN operand produce a NaN result. Don't use the
/// equal-to operator (`==`) to test whether a value is NaN. Instead, use
/// the value's `isNaN` property.
/// let x = ${Self}(nan: 0, signaling: false)
/// print(x == .nan)
/// // Prints "false"
/// print(x.isNaN)
/// // Prints "true"
/// - Parameters:
/// - payload: The payload to use for the new NaN value.
/// - signaling: Pass `true` to create a signaling NaN or `false` to create
/// a quiet NaN.
public init(nan payload: RawSignificand, signaling: Bool) {
// We use significandBitCount - 2 bits for NaN payload.
_precondition(payload < (${Self}._quietNaNMask &>> 1),
"NaN payload is not encodable.")
var significand = payload
significand |= ${Self}._quietNaNMask &>> (signaling ? 1 : 0)
self.init(sign: .plus,
exponentBitPattern: ${Self}._infinityExponent,
significandBitPattern: significand)
public var nextUp: ${Self} {
if isNaN { return self }
if sign == .minus {
#if arch(arm)
// On arm, subnormals are flushed to zero.
if (exponentBitPattern == 1 && significandBitPattern == 0) ||
(exponentBitPattern == 0 && significandBitPattern != 0) {
return ${Self}(sign: .minus,
exponentBitPattern: 0,
significandBitPattern: 0)
if significandBitPattern == 0 {
if exponentBitPattern == 0 {
return .leastNonzeroMagnitude
return ${Self}(sign: .minus,
exponentBitPattern: exponentBitPattern - 1,
significandBitPattern: ${Self}._significandMask)
return ${Self}(sign: .minus,
exponentBitPattern: exponentBitPattern,
significandBitPattern: significandBitPattern - 1)
if isInfinite { return self }
if significandBitPattern == ${Self}._significandMask {
return ${Self}(sign: .plus,
exponentBitPattern: exponentBitPattern + 1,
significandBitPattern: 0)
#if arch(arm)
// On arm, subnormals are skipped.
if exponentBitPattern == 0 {
return .leastNonzeroMagnitude
return ${Self}(sign: .plus,
exponentBitPattern: exponentBitPattern,
significandBitPattern: significandBitPattern + 1)
public mutating func round(_ rule: FloatingPointRoundingRule) {
switch rule {
case .toNearestOrAwayFromZero:
_value = Builtin.int_round_FPIEEE${bits}(_value)
case .toNearestOrEven:
_value = Builtin.int_rint_FPIEEE${bits}(_value)
case .towardZero:
_value = Builtin.int_trunc_FPIEEE${bits}(_value)
case .awayFromZero:
if sign == .minus {
_value = Builtin.int_floor_FPIEEE${bits}(_value)
else {
_value = Builtin.int_ceil_FPIEEE${bits}(_value)
case .up:
_value = Builtin.int_ceil_FPIEEE${bits}(_value)
case .down:
_value = Builtin.int_floor_FPIEEE${bits}(_value)
public mutating func negate() {
_value = Builtin.fneg_FPIEEE${bits}(self._value)
public static func +=(_ lhs: inout ${Self}, _ rhs: ${Self}) {
lhs._value = Builtin.fadd_FPIEEE${bits}(lhs._value, rhs._value)
public static func -=(_ lhs: inout ${Self}, _ rhs: ${Self}) {
lhs._value = Builtin.fsub_FPIEEE${bits}(lhs._value, rhs._value)
public static func *=(_ lhs: inout ${Self}, _ rhs: ${Self}) {
lhs._value = Builtin.fmul_FPIEEE${bits}(lhs._value, rhs._value)
public static func /=(_ lhs: inout ${Self}, _ rhs: ${Self}) {
lhs._value = Builtin.fdiv_FPIEEE${bits}(lhs._value, rhs._value)
public mutating func formRemainder(dividingBy other: ${Self}) {
%if bits == 80:
var other = other
_swift_stdlib_remainderl(&self, &other)
self = _swift_stdlib_remainder${cFuncSuffix}(self, other)
public mutating func formTruncatingRemainder(dividingBy other: ${Self}) {
_value = Builtin.frem_FPIEEE${bits}(self._value, other._value)
public mutating func formSquareRoot( ) {
%if bits == 80:
self = _swift_stdlib_squareRoot${cFuncSuffix}(self)
public mutating func addProduct(_ lhs: ${Self}, _ rhs: ${Self}) {
_value = Builtin.int_fma_FPIEEE${bits}(lhs._value, rhs._value, _value)
public func isEqual(to other: ${Self}) -> Bool {
return Bool(Builtin.fcmp_oeq_FPIEEE${bits}(self._value, other._value))
public func isLess(than other: ${Self}) -> Bool {
return Bool(Builtin.fcmp_olt_FPIEEE${bits}(self._value, other._value))
public func isLessThanOrEqualTo(_ other: ${Self}) -> Bool {
return Bool(Builtin.fcmp_ole_FPIEEE${bits}(self._value, other._value))
public var isNormal: Bool {
return exponentBitPattern > 0 && isFinite
public var isFinite: Bool {
return exponentBitPattern < ${Self}._infinityExponent
public var isZero: Bool {
return exponentBitPattern == 0 && significandBitPattern == 0
public var isSubnormal: Bool {
return exponentBitPattern == 0 && significandBitPattern != 0
public var isInfinite: Bool {
return !isFinite && significandBitPattern == 0
public var isNaN: Bool {
return !isFinite && significandBitPattern != 0
public var isSignalingNaN: Bool {
return isNaN && (significandBitPattern & ${Self}._quietNaNMask) == 0
public var binade: ${Self} {
if !isFinite { return .nan }
if exponentBitPattern != 0 {
return ${Self}(sign: sign, exponentBitPattern: exponentBitPattern,
significandBitPattern: 0)
if significandBitPattern == 0 { return self }
// For subnormals, we isolate the leading significand bit.
let index = significandBitPattern.signBitIndex
return ${Self}(sign: sign, exponentBitPattern: 0,
significandBitPattern: 1 &<< RawSignificand(index))
public var significandWidth: Int {
let trailingZeroBits = significandBitPattern.trailingZeroBitCount
if isNormal {
guard significandBitPattern != 0 else { return 0 }
return ${Self}.significandBitCount - trailingZeroBits
if isSubnormal {
return significandBitPattern.signBitIndex - trailingZeroBits
return -1
/// Creates a new value from the given floating-point literal.
/// Do not call this initializer directly. It is used by the compiler when
/// you create a new `${Self}` instance by using a floating-point literal.
/// Instead, create a new value by using a literal.
/// In this example, the assignment to the `x` constant calls this
/// initializer behind the scenes.
/// let x: ${Self} = 21.25
/// // x == 21.25
/// - Parameter value: The new floating-point value.
public init(floatLiteral value: ${Self}) {
self = value
extension ${Self} : _ExpressibleByBuiltinIntegerLiteral, ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral {
init(_builtinIntegerLiteral value: Builtin.Int${builtinIntLiteralBits}){
self = ${Self}(_bits: Builtin.itofp_with_overflow_Int${builtinIntLiteralBits}_FPIEEE${bits}(value))
/// Creates a new value from the given integer literal.
/// Do not call this initializer directly. It is used by the compiler when
/// you create a new `${Self}` instance by using an integer literal.
/// Instead, create a new value by using a literal.
/// In this example, the assignment to the `x` constant calls this
/// initializer behind the scenes.
/// let x: ${Self} = 100
/// // x == 100.0
/// - Parameter value: The new value.
public init(integerLiteral value: Int64) {
self = ${Self}(_bits: Builtin.sitofp_Int64_FPIEEE${bits}(value._value))
#if (!os(Windows) || CYGWIN) && (arch(i386) || arch(x86_64))
% builtinFloatLiteralBits = 80
extension ${Self} : _ExpressibleByBuiltinFloatLiteral {
init(_builtinFloatLiteral value: Builtin.FPIEEE${builtinFloatLiteralBits}) {
% if bits == builtinFloatLiteralBits:
self = ${Self}(_bits: value)
% elif bits < builtinFloatLiteralBits:
self = ${Self}(_bits: Builtin.fptrunc_FPIEEE${builtinFloatLiteralBits}_FPIEEE${bits}(value))
% else:
// FIXME: This is actually losing precision <rdar://problem/14073102>.
self = ${Self}(Builtin.fpext_FPIEEE${builtinFloatLiteralBits}_FPIEEE${bits}(value))
% end
% builtinFloatLiteralBits = 64
extension ${Self} : _ExpressibleByBuiltinFloatLiteral {
init(_builtinFloatLiteral value: Builtin.FPIEEE${builtinFloatLiteralBits}) {
% if bits == builtinFloatLiteralBits:
self = ${Self}(_bits: value)
% elif bits < builtinFloatLiteralBits:
self = ${Self}(_bits: Builtin.fptrunc_FPIEEE${builtinFloatLiteralBits}_FPIEEE${bits}(value))
% else:
// FIXME: This is actually losing precision <rdar://problem/14073102>.
self = ${Self}(Builtin.fpext_FPIEEE${builtinFloatLiteralBits}_FPIEEE${bits}(value))
% end
extension ${Self} : Hashable {
/// The number's hash value.
/// Hash values are not guaranteed to be equal across different executions of
/// your program. Do not save hash values to use during a future execution.
public var hashValue: Int {
if isZero {
// To satisfy the axiom that equality implies hash equality, we need to
// finesse the hash value of -0.0 to match +0.0.
return 0
} else {
%if bits <= word_bits:
return Int(bitPattern: UInt(bitPattern))
%elif bits == 64: # Double -> 32-bit Int
return Int(extendingOrTruncating: bitPattern &>> 32) ^
Int(extendingOrTruncating: bitPattern)
%elif word_bits == 32: # Float80 -> 32-bit Int
return Int(extendingOrTruncating: significandBitPattern &>> 32) ^
Int(extendingOrTruncating: significandBitPattern) ^
%else: # Float80 -> 64-bit Int
return Int(bitPattern: UInt(significandBitPattern)) ^
extension ${Self} {
/// The magnitude of this value.
/// For any value `x`, `x.magnitude.sign` is `.plus`. If `x` is not NaN,
/// `x.magnitude` is the absolute value of `x`.
/// The global `abs(_:)` function provides more familiar syntax when you need
/// to find an absolute value. In addition, because `abs(_:)` always returns
/// a value of the same type, even in a generic context, using the function
/// instead of the `magnitude` property is encouraged.
/// let targetDistance: ${Self} = 5.25
/// let throwDistance: ${Self} = 5.5
/// let margin = targetDistance - throwDistance
/// // margin == -0.25
/// // margin.magnitude == 0.25
/// // Use 'abs(_:)' instead of 'magnitude'
/// print("Missed the target by \(abs(margin)) meters.")
/// // Prints "Missed the target by 0.25 meters."
public var magnitude: ${Self} {
return ${Self}(_bits: Builtin.int_fabs_FPIEEE${bits}(_value))
// FIXME(integers): implement properly
public init?<T : BinaryInteger>(exactly source: T) {
extension ${Self} {
public static prefix func - (x: ${Self}) -> ${Self} {
return ${Self}(_bits: Builtin.fneg_FPIEEE${bits}(x._value))
// Explicit conversions between types.
// Construction from integers.
extension ${Self} {
% for self_ty in all_integer_types(word_bits):
% That = self_ty.stdlib_name
% ThatBuiltinName = self_ty.builtin_name
% srcBits = self_ty.bits
% sign = 's' if self_ty.is_signed else 'u'
public init(_ v: ${That}) {
_value = Builtin.${sign}itofp_${ThatBuiltinName}_FPIEEE${bits}(v._value)
% if srcBits < SignificandBitCount:
@available(*, message: "Converting ${That} to ${Self} will always succeed.")
% end
public init?(exactly value: ${That}) {
_value = Builtin.${sign}itofp_${ThatBuiltinName}_FPIEEE${bits}(value._value)
% if srcBits < SignificandBitCount:
if ${That}(self) != value {
return nil
% end
% end # all_integer_types
// Construction from other floating point numbers.
extension ${Self} {
% for src_type in all_floating_point_types():
% srcBits = src_type.bits
% That = src_type.stdlib_name
% if srcBits == 80:
#if (!os(Windows) || CYGWIN) && (arch(i386) || arch(x86_64))
% end
% if srcBits == bits:
/// Creates a new instance initialized to the given value.
/// The value of `other` is represented exactly by the new instance. A NaN
/// passed as `other` results in another NaN, with a signaling NaN value
/// converted to quiet NaN.
% else:
/// Creates a new instance that approximates the given value.
/// The value of `other` is rounded to a representable value, if necessary.
/// A NaN passed as `other` results in another NaN, with a signaling NaN
/// value converted to quiet NaN.
% end
/// let x: ${That} = 21.25
/// let y = ${Self}(x)
/// // y == 21.25
/// let z = ${Self}(${That}.nan)
/// // z.isNaN == true
/// - Parameter other: The value to use for the new instance.
public init(_ other: ${That}) {
% if srcBits > bits:
_value = Builtin.fptrunc_FPIEEE${srcBits}_FPIEEE${bits}(other._value)
% elif srcBits < bits:
_value = Builtin.fpext_FPIEEE${srcBits}_FPIEEE${bits}(other._value)
% else:
_value = other._value
% end
/// Creates a new instance initialized to the given value, if it can be
/// represented without rounding.
/// If `other` can't be represented as an instance of `${Self}` without
/// rounding, the result of this initializer is `nil`. In particular,
/// passing NaN as `other` always results in `nil`.
/// let x: ${That} = 21.25
/// let y = ${Self}(exactly: x)
/// // y == Optional.some(21.25)
/// let z = ${Self}(exactly: ${That}.nan)
/// // z == nil
/// - Parameter other: The value to use for the new instance.
public init?(exactly other: ${That}) {
// Converting the infinity value is considered value preserving.
// In other cases, check that we can round-trip and get the same value.
// NaN always fails.
if ${That}(self) != other {
return nil
% if srcBits == 80:
% end
% end
// Standard Operator Table
// TODO: These should not be necessary, since they're already provided by
// <T: FloatingPoint>, but in practice they are currently needed to
// disambiguate overloads. We should find a way to remove them, either by
// tweaking the overload resolution rules, or by removing the other
// definitions in the standard lib, or both.
extension ${Self} {
public static func + (lhs: ${Self}, rhs: ${Self}) -> ${Self} {
var lhs = lhs
lhs += rhs
return lhs
public static func - (lhs: ${Self}, rhs: ${Self}) -> ${Self} {
var lhs = lhs
lhs -= rhs
return lhs
public static func * (lhs: ${Self}, rhs: ${Self}) -> ${Self} {
var lhs = lhs
lhs *= rhs
return lhs
public static func / (lhs: ${Self}, rhs: ${Self}) -> ${Self} {
var lhs = lhs
lhs /= rhs
return lhs
// Strideable Conformance
extension ${Self} : Strideable {
/// Returns the distance from this value to the specified value.
/// For two values `x` and `y`, the result of `x.distance(to: y)` is equal to
/// `y - x`---a distance `d` such that `x.advanced(by: d)` approximates `y`.
/// For example:
/// let x = 21.5
/// let d = x.distance(to: 15.0)
/// // d == -6.5
/// print(x.advanced(by: d))
/// // Prints "15.0"
/// - Parameter other: A value to calculate the distance to.
/// - Returns: The distance between this value and `other`.
public func distance(to other: ${Self}) -> ${Self} {
return other - self
/// Returns a new value advanced by the given distance.
/// For two values `x` and `d`, the result of a `x.advanced(by: d)` is equal
/// to `x + d`---a new value `y` such that `x.distance(to: y)` approximates
/// `d`. For example:
/// let x = 21.5
/// let y = x.advanced(by: -6.5)
/// // y == 15.0
/// print(x.distance(to: y))
/// // Prints "-6.5"
/// - Parameter amount: The distance to advance this value.
/// - Returns: A new value that is `amount` added to this value.
public func advanced(by amount: ${Self}) -> ${Self} {
return self + amount
// Deprecated operators
@available(*, unavailable, message: "use += 1")
public prefix func ++ (rhs: inout ${Self}) -> ${Self} {
fatalError("++ is not available")
@available(*, unavailable, message: "use -= 1")
public prefix func -- (rhs: inout ${Self}) -> ${Self} {
fatalError("-- is not available")
@available(*, unavailable, message: "use += 1")
public postfix func ++ (lhs: inout ${Self}) -> ${Self} {
fatalError("++ is not available")
@available(*, unavailable, message: "use -= 1")
public postfix func -- (lhs: inout ${Self}) -> ${Self} {
fatalError("-- is not available")
extension ${Self} {
@available(swift, deprecated: 3.1, obsoleted: 4.0, message: "Please use the `abs(_:)` free function")
public static func abs(_ x: ${Self}) -> ${Self} {
return x.magnitude
% if bits == 80:
% end
% end # for bits in all_floating_point_types
@available(*, unavailable, message: "Use truncatingRemainder instead")
public func % <T : BinaryFloatingPoint>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> T {
fatalError("% is not available.")
@available(*, unavailable, message: "Use formTruncatingRemainder instead")
public func %= <T : BinaryFloatingPoint> (lhs: inout T, rhs: T) {
fatalError("%= is not available.")