blob: 84f682479d47888d3322bf88cc53b802fedc0dd4 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import SwiftShims
/// Class used whose sole instance is used as storage for empty
/// arrays. The instance is defined in the runtime and statically
/// initialized. See stdlib/runtime/GlobalObjects.cpp for details.
/// Because it's statically referenced, it requires non-lazy realization
/// by the Objective-C runtime.
/// NOTE: older runtimes called this _EmptyArrayStorage. The two must
/// coexist, so it was renamed. The old name must not be used in the new
/// runtime.
internal final class __EmptyArrayStorage
: __ContiguousArrayStorageBase {
internal init(_doNotCallMe: ()) {
_internalInvariantFailure("creating instance of __EmptyArrayStorage")
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
override internal func _withVerbatimBridgedUnsafeBuffer<R>(
_ body: (UnsafeBufferPointer<AnyObject>) throws -> R
) rethrows -> R? {
return try body(UnsafeBufferPointer(start: nil, count: 0))
override internal func _getNonVerbatimBridgedCount() -> Int {
return 0
override internal func _getNonVerbatimBridgingBuffer() -> _BridgingBuffer {
return _BridgingBuffer(0)
override internal func canStoreElements(ofDynamicType _: Any.Type) -> Bool {
return false
/// A type that every element in the array is.
override internal var staticElementType: Any.Type {
return Void.self
/// The empty array prototype. We use the same object for all empty
/// `[Native]Array<Element>`s.
internal var _emptyArrayStorage : __EmptyArrayStorage {
return Builtin.bridgeFromRawPointer(
// The class that implements the storage for a ContiguousArray<Element>
internal final class _ContiguousArrayStorage<
> : __ContiguousArrayStorageBase {
deinit {
_elementPointer.deinitialize(count: countAndCapacity.count)
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
/// If the `Element` is bridged verbatim, invoke `body` on an
/// `UnsafeBufferPointer` to the elements and return the result.
/// Otherwise, return `nil`.
internal final override func _withVerbatimBridgedUnsafeBuffer<R>(
_ body: (UnsafeBufferPointer<AnyObject>) throws -> R
) rethrows -> R? {
var result: R?
try self._withVerbatimBridgedUnsafeBufferImpl {
result = try body($0)
return result
/// If `Element` is bridged verbatim, invoke `body` on an
/// `UnsafeBufferPointer` to the elements.
internal final func _withVerbatimBridgedUnsafeBufferImpl(
_ body: (UnsafeBufferPointer<AnyObject>) throws -> Void
) rethrows {
if _isBridgedVerbatimToObjectiveC(Element.self) {
let count = countAndCapacity.count
let elements = UnsafeRawPointer(_elementPointer)
.assumingMemoryBound(to: AnyObject.self)
defer { _fixLifetime(self) }
try body(UnsafeBufferPointer(start: elements, count: count))
/// Returns the number of elements in the array.
/// - Precondition: `Element` is bridged non-verbatim.
override internal func _getNonVerbatimBridgedCount() -> Int {
"Verbatim bridging should be handled separately")
return countAndCapacity.count
/// Bridge array elements and return a new buffer that owns them.
/// - Precondition: `Element` is bridged non-verbatim.
override internal func _getNonVerbatimBridgingBuffer() -> _BridgingBuffer {
"Verbatim bridging should be handled separately")
let count = countAndCapacity.count
let result = _BridgingBuffer(count)
let resultPtr = result.baseAddress
let p = _elementPointer
for i in 0..<count {
(resultPtr + i).initialize(to: _bridgeAnythingToObjectiveC(p[i]))
return result
/// Returns `true` if the `proposedElementType` is `Element` or a subclass of
/// `Element`. We can't store anything else without violating type
/// safety; for example, the destructor has static knowledge that
/// all of the elements can be destroyed as `Element`.
internal override func canStoreElements(
ofDynamicType proposedElementType: Any.Type
) -> Bool {
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
return proposedElementType is Element.Type
// FIXME: Dynamic casts don't currently work without objc.
// rdar://problem/18801510
return false
/// A type that every element in the array is.
internal override var staticElementType: Any.Type {
return Element.self
internal final var _elementPointer : UnsafeMutablePointer<Element> {
return UnsafeMutablePointer(Builtin.projectTailElems(self, Element.self))
internal struct _ContiguousArrayBuffer<Element> : _ArrayBufferProtocol {
/// Make a buffer with uninitialized elements. After using this
/// method, you must either initialize the `count` elements at the
/// result's `.firstElementAddress` or set the result's `.count`
/// to zero.
internal init(
_uninitializedCount uninitializedCount: Int,
minimumCapacity: Int
) {
let realMinimumCapacity = Swift.max(uninitializedCount, minimumCapacity)
if realMinimumCapacity == 0 {
self = _ContiguousArrayBuffer<Element>()
else {
_storage = Builtin.allocWithTailElems_1(
realMinimumCapacity._builtinWordValue, Element.self)
let storageAddr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(Builtin.bridgeToRawPointer(_storage))
let endAddr = storageAddr + _swift_stdlib_malloc_size(storageAddr)
let realCapacity = endAddr.assumingMemoryBound(to: Element.self) - firstElementAddress
count: uninitializedCount, capacity: realCapacity)
/// Initialize using the given uninitialized `storage`.
/// The storage is assumed to be uninitialized. The returned buffer has the
/// body part of the storage initialized, but not the elements.
/// - Warning: The result has uninitialized elements.
/// - Warning: storage may have been stack-allocated, so it's
/// crucial not to call, e.g., `malloc_size` on it.
internal init(count: Int, storage: _ContiguousArrayStorage<Element>) {
_storage = storage
_initStorageHeader(count: count, capacity: count)
internal init(_ storage: __ContiguousArrayStorageBase) {
_storage = storage
/// Initialize the body part of our storage.
/// - Warning: does not initialize elements
internal func _initStorageHeader(count: Int, capacity: Int) {
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
let verbatim = _isBridgedVerbatimToObjectiveC(Element.self)
let verbatim = false
// We can initialize by assignment because _ArrayBody is a trivial type,
// i.e. contains no references.
_storage.countAndCapacity = _ArrayBody(
count: count,
capacity: capacity,
elementTypeIsBridgedVerbatim: verbatim)
/// True, if the array is native and does not need a deferred type check.
internal var arrayPropertyIsNativeTypeChecked: Bool {
return true
/// A pointer to the first element.
internal var firstElementAddress: UnsafeMutablePointer<Element> {
return UnsafeMutablePointer(Builtin.projectTailElems(_storage,
internal var firstElementAddressIfContiguous: UnsafeMutablePointer<Element>? {
return firstElementAddress
/// Call `body(p)`, where `p` is an `UnsafeBufferPointer` over the
/// underlying contiguous storage.
internal func withUnsafeBufferPointer<R>(
_ body: (UnsafeBufferPointer<Element>) throws -> R
) rethrows -> R {
defer { _fixLifetime(self) }
return try body(UnsafeBufferPointer(start: firstElementAddress,
count: count))
/// Call `body(p)`, where `p` is an `UnsafeMutableBufferPointer`
/// over the underlying contiguous storage.
internal mutating func withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer<R>(
_ body: (UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Element>) throws -> R
) rethrows -> R {
defer { _fixLifetime(self) }
return try body(
UnsafeMutableBufferPointer(start: firstElementAddress, count: count))
//===--- _ArrayBufferProtocol conformance -----------------------------------===//
/// Create an empty buffer.
internal init() {
_storage = _emptyArrayStorage
internal init(_buffer buffer: _ContiguousArrayBuffer, shiftedToStartIndex: Int) {
_internalInvariant(shiftedToStartIndex == 0, "shiftedToStartIndex must be 0")
self = buffer
internal mutating func requestUniqueMutableBackingBuffer(
minimumCapacity: Int
) -> _ContiguousArrayBuffer<Element>? {
if _fastPath(isUniquelyReferenced() && capacity >= minimumCapacity) {
return self
return nil
internal mutating func isMutableAndUniquelyReferenced() -> Bool {
return isUniquelyReferenced()
/// If this buffer is backed by a `_ContiguousArrayBuffer`
/// containing the same number of elements as `self`, return it.
/// Otherwise, return `nil`.
internal func requestNativeBuffer() -> _ContiguousArrayBuffer<Element>? {
return self
internal func getElement(_ i: Int) -> Element {
_internalInvariant(i >= 0 && i < count, "Array index out of range")
return firstElementAddress[i]
/// Get or set the value of the ith element.
internal subscript(i: Int) -> Element {
get {
return getElement(i)
nonmutating set {
_internalInvariant(i >= 0 && i < count, "Array index out of range")
// FIXME: Manually swap because it makes the ARC optimizer happy. See
// <rdar://problem/16831852> check retain/release order
// firstElementAddress[i] = newValue
var nv = newValue
let tmp = nv
nv = firstElementAddress[i]
firstElementAddress[i] = tmp
/// The number of elements the buffer stores.
internal var count: Int {
get {
return _storage.countAndCapacity.count
nonmutating set {
_internalInvariant(newValue >= 0)
newValue <= capacity,
"Can't grow an array buffer past its capacity")
_storage.countAndCapacity.count = newValue
/// Traps unless the given `index` is valid for subscripting, i.e.
/// `0 ≤ index < count`.
internal func _checkValidSubscript(_ index : Int) {
(index >= 0) && (index < count),
"Index out of range"
/// The number of elements the buffer can store without reallocation.
internal var capacity: Int {
return _storage.countAndCapacity.capacity
/// Copy the elements in `bounds` from this buffer into uninitialized
/// memory starting at `target`. Return a pointer "past the end" of the
/// just-initialized memory.
internal __consuming func _copyContents(
subRange bounds: Range<Int>,
initializing target: UnsafeMutablePointer<Element>
) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Element> {
_internalInvariant(bounds.lowerBound >= 0)
_internalInvariant(bounds.upperBound >= bounds.lowerBound)
_internalInvariant(bounds.upperBound <= count)
let initializedCount = bounds.upperBound - bounds.lowerBound
from: firstElementAddress + bounds.lowerBound, count: initializedCount)
return target + initializedCount
/// Returns a `_SliceBuffer` containing the given `bounds` of values
/// from this buffer.
internal subscript(bounds: Range<Int>) -> _SliceBuffer<Element> {
get {
return _SliceBuffer(
owner: _storage,
subscriptBaseAddress: subscriptBaseAddress,
indices: bounds,
hasNativeBuffer: true)
set {
fatalError("not implemented")
/// Returns `true` iff this buffer's storage is uniquely-referenced.
/// - Note: This does not mean the buffer is mutable. Other factors
/// may need to be considered, such as whether the buffer could be
/// some immutable Cocoa container.
internal mutating func isUniquelyReferenced() -> Bool {
return _isUnique(&_storage)
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
/// Convert to an NSArray.
/// - Precondition: `Element` is bridged to Objective-C.
/// - Complexity: O(1).
internal __consuming func _asCocoaArray() -> AnyObject {
if count == 0 {
return _emptyArrayStorage
if _isBridgedVerbatimToObjectiveC(Element.self) {
return _storage
return __SwiftDeferredNSArray(_nativeStorage: _storage)
/// An object that keeps the elements stored in this buffer alive.
internal var owner: AnyObject {
return _storage
/// An object that keeps the elements stored in this buffer alive.
internal var nativeOwner: AnyObject {
return _storage
/// A value that identifies the storage used by the buffer.
/// Two buffers address the same elements when they have the same
/// identity and count.
internal var identity: UnsafeRawPointer {
return UnsafeRawPointer(firstElementAddress)
/// Returns `true` iff we have storage for elements of the given
/// `proposedElementType`. If not, we'll be treated as immutable.
func canStoreElements(ofDynamicType proposedElementType: Any.Type) -> Bool {
return _storage.canStoreElements(ofDynamicType: proposedElementType)
/// Returns `true` if the buffer stores only elements of type `U`.
/// - Precondition: `U` is a class or `@objc` existential.
/// - Complexity: O(*n*)
internal func storesOnlyElementsOfType<U>(
_: U.Type
) -> Bool {
if _fastPath(_storage.staticElementType is U.Type) {
// Done in O(1)
return true
// Check the elements
for x in self {
if !(x is U) {
return false
return true
internal var _storage: __ContiguousArrayStorageBase
/// Append the elements of `rhs` to `lhs`.
internal func += <Element, C : Collection>(
lhs: inout _ContiguousArrayBuffer<Element>, rhs: __owned C
) where C.Element == Element {
let oldCount = lhs.count
let newCount = oldCount + numericCast(rhs.count)
let buf: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Element>
if _fastPath(newCount <= lhs.capacity) {
buf = UnsafeMutableBufferPointer(start: lhs.firstElementAddress + oldCount, count: numericCast(rhs.count))
lhs.count = newCount
else {
var newLHS = _ContiguousArrayBuffer<Element>(
_uninitializedCount: newCount,
minimumCapacity: _growArrayCapacity(lhs.capacity))
from: lhs.firstElementAddress, count: oldCount)
lhs.count = 0
(lhs, newLHS) = (newLHS, lhs)
buf = UnsafeMutableBufferPointer(start: lhs.firstElementAddress + oldCount, count: numericCast(rhs.count))
var (remainders,writtenUpTo) = buf.initialize(from: rhs)
// ensure that exactly rhs.count elements were written
_precondition( == nil, "rhs underreported its count")
_precondition(writtenUpTo == buf.endIndex, "rhs overreported its count")
extension _ContiguousArrayBuffer : RandomAccessCollection {
/// The position of the first element in a non-empty collection.
/// In an empty collection, `startIndex == endIndex`.
internal var startIndex: Int {
return 0
/// The collection's "past the end" position.
/// `endIndex` is not a valid argument to `subscript`, and is always
/// reachable from `startIndex` by zero or more applications of
/// `index(after:)`.
internal var endIndex: Int {
return count
internal typealias Indices = Range<Int>
extension Sequence {
public __consuming func _copyToContiguousArray() -> ContiguousArray<Element> {
return _copySequenceToContiguousArray(self)
internal func _copySequenceToContiguousArray<
S : Sequence
>(_ source: S) -> ContiguousArray<S.Element> {
let initialCapacity = source.underestimatedCount
var builder =
initialCapacity: initialCapacity)
var iterator = source.makeIterator()
// FIXME(performance): use _copyContents(initializing:).
// Add elements up to the initial capacity without checking for regrowth.
for _ in 0..<initialCapacity {
// Add remaining elements, if any.
while let element = {
return builder.finish()
extension Collection {
public __consuming func _copyToContiguousArray() -> ContiguousArray<Element> {
return _copyCollectionToContiguousArray(self)
extension _ContiguousArrayBuffer {
internal __consuming func _copyToContiguousArray() -> ContiguousArray<Element> {
return ContiguousArray(_buffer: self)
/// This is a fast implementation of _copyToContiguousArray() for collections.
/// It avoids the extra retain, release overhead from storing the
/// ContiguousArrayBuffer into
/// _UnsafePartiallyInitializedContiguousArrayBuffer. Since we do not support
/// ARC loops, the extra retain, release overhead cannot be eliminated which
/// makes assigning ranges very slow. Once this has been implemented, this code
/// should be changed to use _UnsafePartiallyInitializedContiguousArrayBuffer.
internal func _copyCollectionToContiguousArray<
C : Collection
>(_ source: C) -> ContiguousArray<C.Element>
let count: Int = numericCast(source.count)
if count == 0 {
return ContiguousArray()
let result = _ContiguousArrayBuffer<C.Element>(
_uninitializedCount: count,
minimumCapacity: 0)
let p = UnsafeMutableBufferPointer(start: result.firstElementAddress, count: count)
var (itr, end) = source._copyContents(initializing: p)
_debugPrecondition( == nil,
"invalid Collection: more than 'count' elements in collection")
// We also have to check the evil shrink case in release builds, because
// it can result in uninitialized array elements and therefore undefined
// behavior.
_precondition(end == p.endIndex,
"invalid Collection: less than 'count' elements in collection")
return ContiguousArray(_buffer: result)
/// A "builder" interface for initializing array buffers.
/// This presents a "builder" interface for initializing an array buffer
/// element-by-element. The type is unsafe because it cannot be deinitialized
/// until the buffer has been finalized by a call to `finish`.
internal struct _UnsafePartiallyInitializedContiguousArrayBuffer<Element> {
internal var result: _ContiguousArrayBuffer<Element>
internal var p: UnsafeMutablePointer<Element>
internal var remainingCapacity: Int
/// Initialize the buffer with an initial size of `initialCapacity`
/// elements.
@inline(__always) // For performance reasons.
internal init(initialCapacity: Int) {
if initialCapacity == 0 {
result = _ContiguousArrayBuffer()
} else {
result = _ContiguousArrayBuffer(
_uninitializedCount: initialCapacity,
minimumCapacity: 0)
p = result.firstElementAddress
remainingCapacity = result.capacity
/// Add an element to the buffer, reallocating if necessary.
@inline(__always) // For performance reasons.
internal mutating func add(_ element: Element) {
if remainingCapacity == 0 {
// Reallocate.
let newCapacity = max(_growArrayCapacity(result.capacity), 1)
var newResult = _ContiguousArrayBuffer<Element>(
_uninitializedCount: newCapacity, minimumCapacity: 0)
p = newResult.firstElementAddress + result.capacity
remainingCapacity = newResult.capacity - result.capacity
if !result.isEmpty {
// This check prevents a data race writting to _swiftEmptyArrayStorage
// Since count is always 0 there, this code does nothing anyway
from: result.firstElementAddress, count: result.capacity)
result.count = 0
(result, newResult) = (newResult, result)
/// Add an element to the buffer, which must have remaining capacity.
@inline(__always) // For performance reasons.
internal mutating func addWithExistingCapacity(_ element: Element) {
_internalInvariant(remainingCapacity > 0,
"_UnsafePartiallyInitializedContiguousArrayBuffer has no more capacity")
remainingCapacity -= 1
p.initialize(to: element)
p += 1
/// Finish initializing the buffer, adjusting its count to the final
/// number of elements.
/// Returns the fully-initialized buffer. `self` is reset to contain an
/// empty buffer and cannot be used afterward.
@inline(__always) // For performance reasons.
internal mutating func finish() -> ContiguousArray<Element> {
// Adjust the initialized count of the buffer.
result.count = result.capacity - remainingCapacity
return finishWithOriginalCount()
/// Finish initializing the buffer, assuming that the number of elements
/// exactly matches the `initialCount` for which the initialization was
/// started.
/// Returns the fully-initialized buffer. `self` is reset to contain an
/// empty buffer and cannot be used afterward.
@inline(__always) // For performance reasons.
internal mutating func finishWithOriginalCount() -> ContiguousArray<Element> {
_internalInvariant(remainingCapacity == result.capacity - result.count,
"_UnsafePartiallyInitializedContiguousArrayBuffer has incorrect count")
var finalResult = _ContiguousArrayBuffer<Element>()
(finalResult, result) = (result, finalResult)
remainingCapacity = 0
return ContiguousArray(_buffer: finalResult)