blob: bd8e3fbecf9b51dc60cc5fff1103c8ed6cec3f51 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %empty-directory(%t)
// RUN: %target-build-swift %s -g -o %t/a.out
// RUN: %target-run %t/a.out
// REQUIRES: executable_test
import StdlibUnittest
var keyPathImpl = TestSuite("key path implementation")
func align<T>(_ offset: Int, to: T.Type) -> Int {
let alignMask = MemoryLayout<T>.alignment - 1
return (offset + alignMask) & ~alignMask
let classHeaderSize = MemoryLayout<Int>.size * 2
class C<T> {
var x: Int
var y: LifetimeTracked?
var z: T
init(x: Int, y: LifetimeTracked?, z: T) {
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.z = z
static var x_offset: Int { return classHeaderSize }
static var y_offset: Int { return x_offset + MemoryLayout<Int>.size }
static var z_offset: Int {
return align(y_offset + MemoryLayout<LifetimeTracked?>.size, to: T.self)
struct Point: Equatable {
var x: Double
var y: Double
var trackLifetime = LifetimeTracked(123)
init(x: Double, y: Double) {
self.x = x
self.y = y
static func ==(a: Point, b: Point) -> Bool {
return a.x == b.x && a.y == b.y
static var x_offset: Int {
return 0
static var y_offset: Int {
return MemoryLayout<Double>.size
struct S<T: Equatable>: Equatable {
var x: Int
var y: LifetimeTracked?
var z: T
var p: Point
var c: C<T>
static func ==(a: S, b: S) -> Bool {
return a.x == b.x
&& a.y === b.y
&& a.z == b.z
&& a.p == b.p
&& a.c === b.c
static var x_offset: Int { return 0 }
static var y_offset: Int { return MemoryLayout<Int>.size }
static var z_offset: Int {
return align(y_offset + MemoryLayout<LifetimeTracked?>.size,
to: T.self)
static var p_offset: Int {
return align(z_offset + MemoryLayout<T>.size, to: Point.self)
static var c_offset: Int {
return p_offset + MemoryLayout<Point>.size
class Oroborous {
var o: Oroborous
init() { fatalError() }
struct CratePair<T, U> {
var left: Crate<T>
var right: Crate<U>
static var left_offset: Int { return 0 }
static var right_offset: Int { return MemoryLayout<Crate<T>>.size }
class Crate<T> {
var value: T
init(value: T) { self.value = value }
static var value_offset: Int { return align(classHeaderSize, to: T.self) }
struct ComputedArgumentWitnesses {
typealias Destroy = @convention(thin)
(_ instanceArguments: UnsafeMutableRawPointer, _ size: Int) -> ()
typealias Copy = @convention(thin)
(_ srcInstanceArguments: UnsafeRawPointer,
_ destInstanceArguments: UnsafeMutableRawPointer,
_ size: Int) -> ()
typealias Equals = @convention(thin)
(_ xInstanceArguments: UnsafeRawPointer,
_ yInstanceArguments: UnsafeRawPointer,
_ size: Int) -> Bool
typealias Hash = @convention(thin)
(_ instanceArguments: UnsafeRawPointer,
_ size: Int) -> Int
let destroy: Destroy?
let copy: Copy
let equals: Equals
let hash: Hash
// Helper to build keypaths with specific layouts
struct TestKeyPathBuilder {
var buffer: UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer
var state: State = .header
var hasReferencePrefix = false
init(buffer: UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer) {
self.buffer = buffer
enum State {
case header, component, type
mutating func advance() {
switch self {
case .header, .type: self = .component
case .component: self = .type
func finish() {
assert(buffer.count == 0,
"Did not fill entire buffer")
assert(state == .type, "should end expecting a type")
assert(!hasReferencePrefix, "unterminated reference prefix")
mutating func push(_ value: UInt32) {
buffer.storeBytes(of: value, as: UInt32.self)
buffer = .init(start: buffer.baseAddress! + 4, count: buffer.count - 4)
mutating func push(_ value: Any.Type) {
mutating func pushWord<T>(_ value: T) {
precondition(_isPOD(T.self) && MemoryLayout<T>.size == MemoryLayout<Int>.size)
var misalign = Int(bitPattern: buffer.baseAddress) % MemoryLayout<Int>.alignment
if misalign != 0 {
misalign = MemoryLayout<Int>.alignment - misalign
buffer = .init(start: buffer.baseAddress! + misalign,
count: buffer.count - misalign)
buffer.storeBytes(of: value, as: T.self)
buffer = .init(start: buffer.baseAddress! + MemoryLayout<Int>.size,
count: buffer.count - MemoryLayout<Int>.size)
mutating func addHeader(trivial: Bool, hasReferencePrefix: Bool) {
assert(state == .header, "not expecting a header")
let size = buffer.count - MemoryLayout<Int>.size
assert(buffer.count > 0 && buffer.count <= 0x3FFF_FFFF,
"invalid buffer size")
let header: UInt32 = UInt32(size)
| (trivial ? 0x8000_0000 : 0)
| (hasReferencePrefix ? 0x4000_0000 : 0)
if MemoryLayout<Int>.size == 8 {
self.hasReferencePrefix = hasReferencePrefix
mutating func addOffsetComponent(offset: Int,
kindMask: UInt32,
forceOverflow: Bool,
endsReferencePrefix: Bool) {
assert(state == .component, "not expecting a component")
assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= 0x7FFF_FFFF,
"invalid offset")
let referencePrefixMask: UInt32 = endsReferencePrefix ? 0x8000_0000 : 0
if forceOverflow || offset >= 0x00FF_FFFF {
// Offset is overflowed into another word
push(referencePrefixMask | kindMask | 0x00FF_FFFF)
} else {
// Offset is packed in-line
push(referencePrefixMask | kindMask | UInt32(offset))
if endsReferencePrefix {
assert(hasReferencePrefix, "ending nonexistent reference prefix")
hasReferencePrefix = false
mutating func addStructComponent(offset: Int,
forceOverflow: Bool = false,
endsReferencePrefix: Bool = false) {
addOffsetComponent(offset: offset, kindMask: 0,
forceOverflow: forceOverflow,
endsReferencePrefix: endsReferencePrefix)
mutating func addClassComponent(offset: Int,
forceOverflow: Bool = false,
endsReferencePrefix: Bool = false) {
addOffsetComponent(offset: offset, kindMask: 0x0200_0000,
forceOverflow: forceOverflow,
endsReferencePrefix: endsReferencePrefix)
mutating func addGetterComponent(
id: UnsafeRawPointer,
getter: UnsafeRawPointer,
witnesses: UnsafePointer<ComputedArgumentWitnesses>,
args: UnsafeRawBufferPointer,
endsReferencePrefix: Bool = false
) {
assert(state == .component, "not expecting a component")
push(0x0108_0000 | (endsReferencePrefix ? 0x8000_0000 : 0))
buffer.copyMemory(from: args)
buffer = .init(start: buffer.baseAddress! + args.count,
count: buffer.count - args.count)
if endsReferencePrefix {
assert(hasReferencePrefix, "ending nonexistent reference prefix")
hasReferencePrefix = false
mutating func addType(_ type: Any.Type) {
assert(state == .type, "not expecting a type")
extension AnyKeyPath {
static func build(capacityInBytes: Int,
withBuilder: (inout TestKeyPathBuilder) -> Void) -> Self {
return _create(capacityInBytes: capacityInBytes) {
var builder = TestKeyPathBuilder(buffer: $0)
keyPathImpl.test("struct components") {
let s_x = WritableKeyPath<S<String>, Int>
.build(capacityInBytes: MemoryLayout<Int>.size + 4) {
$0.addHeader(trivial: true, hasReferencePrefix: false)
$0.addStructComponent(offset: S<String>.x_offset)
let s_y = WritableKeyPath<S<String>, LifetimeTracked?>
.build(capacityInBytes: MemoryLayout<Int>.size + 4) {
$0.addHeader(trivial: true, hasReferencePrefix: false)
$0.addStructComponent(offset: S<String>.y_offset)
let s_z = WritableKeyPath<S<String>, String>
.build(capacityInBytes: MemoryLayout<Int>.size + 4) {
$0.addHeader(trivial: true, hasReferencePrefix: false)
$0.addStructComponent(offset: S<String>.z_offset)
let s_p = WritableKeyPath<S<String>, Point>
.build(capacityInBytes: MemoryLayout<Int>.size + 4) {
$0.addHeader(trivial: true, hasReferencePrefix: false)
$0.addStructComponent(offset: S<String>.p_offset)
let twoComponentSize = MemoryLayout<Int>.size * 3 + 4
let s_p_x = WritableKeyPath<S<String>, Double>
.build(capacityInBytes: twoComponentSize) {
$0.addHeader(trivial: true, hasReferencePrefix: false)
$0.addStructComponent(offset: S<String>.p_offset)
$0.addStructComponent(offset: Point.x_offset)
let s_p_y = WritableKeyPath<S<String>, Double>
.build(capacityInBytes: twoComponentSize) {
$0.addHeader(trivial: true, hasReferencePrefix: false)
$0.addStructComponent(offset: S<String>.p_offset)
$0.addStructComponent(offset: Point.y_offset)
// \("") forces the string to be computed at runtime (and therefore allocated)
let c = C(x: 679, y: nil, z: "buffalo\("")")
var value = S(x: 1738, y: nil, z: "bottles of beer\("")",
p: .init(x: 0.5, y: -0.5), c: c)
expectEqual(value[keyPath: s_x], 1738)
value[keyPath: s_x] = 679
expectEqual(value[keyPath: s_x], 679)
expectTrue(value[keyPath: s_y] === nil)
let object1 = LifetimeTracked(1739)
value[keyPath: s_y] = object1
expectTrue(value[keyPath: s_y] === object1)
expectTrue(value.y === object1)
let object2 = LifetimeTracked(1740)
value[keyPath: s_y] = object2
expectTrue(value[keyPath: s_y] === object2)
expectTrue(value.y === object2)
expectEqual(value[keyPath: s_z], "bottles of beer")
value[keyPath: s_z] = "cans of lemonade\("")"
expectEqual(value[keyPath: s_z], "cans of lemonade")
expectEqual(value.z, "cans of lemonade")
expectEqual(value[keyPath: s_p], Point(x: 0.5, y: -0.5))
expectEqual(value.p, Point(x: 0.5, y: -0.5))
expectEqual(value[keyPath: s_p_x], 0.5)
expectEqual(value.p.x, 0.5)
expectEqual(value[keyPath: s_p_y], -0.5)
expectEqual(value.p.y, -0.5)
value[keyPath: s_p] = Point(x: -3.0, y: 4.0)
expectEqual(value[keyPath: s_p], Point(x: -3.0, y: 4.0))
expectEqual(value.p, Point(x: -3.0, y: 4.0))
expectEqual(value[keyPath: s_p_x], -3.0)
expectEqual(value.p.x, -3.0)
expectEqual(value[keyPath: s_p_y], 4.0)
expectEqual(value.p.y, 4.0)
value[keyPath: s_p_x] = 5.0
expectEqual(value[keyPath: s_p], Point(x: 5.0, y: 4.0))
expectEqual(value.p, Point(x: 5.0, y: 4.0))
expectEqual(value[keyPath: s_p_x], 5.0)
expectEqual(value.p.x, 5.0)
expectEqual(value[keyPath: s_p_y], 4.0)
expectEqual(value.p.y, 4.0)
value[keyPath: s_p_y] = -11.0
expectEqual(value[keyPath: s_p], Point(x: 5.0, y: -11.0))
expectEqual(value.p, Point(x: 5.0, y: -11.0))
expectEqual(value[keyPath: s_p_x], 5.0)
expectEqual(value.p.x, 5.0)
expectEqual(value[keyPath: s_p_y], -11.0)
expectEqual(value.p.y, -11.0)
value[keyPath: s_p].x = 65.0
expectEqual(value[keyPath: s_p], Point(x: 65.0, y: -11.0))
expectEqual(value.p, Point(x: 65.0, y: -11.0))
expectEqual(value[keyPath: s_p_x], 65.0)
expectEqual(value.p.x, 65.0)
expectEqual(value[keyPath: s_p_y], -11.0)
expectEqual(value.p.y, -11.0)
keyPathImpl.test("class components") {
let c_x = ReferenceWritableKeyPath<C<String>, Int>
.build(capacityInBytes: MemoryLayout<Int>.size + 4) {
$0.addHeader(trivial: true, hasReferencePrefix: false)
$0.addClassComponent(offset: C<String>.x_offset)
let c_y = ReferenceWritableKeyPath<C<String>, LifetimeTracked?>
.build(capacityInBytes: MemoryLayout<Int>.size + 4) {
$0.addHeader(trivial: true, hasReferencePrefix: false)
$0.addClassComponent(offset: C<String>.y_offset)
let c_z = ReferenceWritableKeyPath<C<String>, String>
.build(capacityInBytes: MemoryLayout<Int>.size + 4) {
$0.addHeader(trivial: true, hasReferencePrefix: false)
$0.addClassComponent(offset: C<String>.z_offset)
let c = C(x: 679, y: nil, z: "buffalo\("")")
let value = c
expectEqual(value[keyPath: c_x], 679)
value[keyPath: c_x] = 1738
expectEqual(value[keyPath: c_x], 1738)
expectEqual(value.x, 1738)
expectTrue(value[keyPath: c_y] === nil)
let object1 = LifetimeTracked(680)
value[keyPath: c_y] = object1
expectTrue(value[keyPath: c_y] === object1)
expectTrue(value.y === object1)
let object2 = LifetimeTracked(681)
value[keyPath: c_y] = object2
expectTrue(value[keyPath: c_y] === object2)
expectTrue(value.y === object2)
expectEqual(value[keyPath: c_z], "buffalo")
value[keyPath: c_z] = "water buffalo\("")"
expectEqual(value[keyPath: c_z], "water buffalo")
expectEqual(value.z, "water buffalo")
var mutValue = value
let value_c_x: WritableKeyPath = c_x
let value_c_y: WritableKeyPath = c_y
expectEqual(value[keyPath: value_c_x], 1738)
mutValue[keyPath: value_c_x] = 86
expectTrue(value === mutValue)
expectEqual(value[keyPath: c_x], 86)
expectEqual(value[keyPath: value_c_x], 86)
expectEqual(value.x, 86)
expectTrue(value[keyPath: value_c_y] === object2)
mutValue[keyPath: value_c_y] = object1
expectTrue(value === mutValue)
expectTrue(value[keyPath: c_y] === object1)
expectTrue(value[keyPath: value_c_y] === object1)
expectTrue(value.y === object1)
keyPathImpl.test("reference prefix") {
let s_c_x = ReferenceWritableKeyPath<S<String>, Int>
.build(capacityInBytes: 3 * MemoryLayout<Int>.size + 4) {
$0.addHeader(trivial: true, hasReferencePrefix: true)
$0.addStructComponent(offset: S<String>.c_offset,
endsReferencePrefix: true)
$0.addClassComponent(offset: C<String>.x_offset)
let s_c_y = ReferenceWritableKeyPath<S<String>, LifetimeTracked?>
.build(capacityInBytes: 3 * MemoryLayout<Int>.size + 4) {
$0.addHeader(trivial: true, hasReferencePrefix: true)
$0.addStructComponent(offset: S<String>.c_offset,
endsReferencePrefix: true)
$0.addClassComponent(offset: C<String>.y_offset)
let s_c_z = ReferenceWritableKeyPath<S<String>, String>
.build(capacityInBytes: 3 * MemoryLayout<Int>.size + 4) {
$0.addHeader(trivial: true, hasReferencePrefix: true)
$0.addStructComponent(offset: S<String>.c_offset,
endsReferencePrefix: true)
$0.addClassComponent(offset: C<String>.z_offset)
let c = C(x: 679, y: nil, z: "buffalo\("")")
let value = S(x: 1738, y: nil, z: "bottles of beer\("")",
p: .init(x: 0.5, y: -0.5), c: c)
expectEqual(value[keyPath: s_c_x], 679)
value[keyPath: s_c_x] = 6
expectEqual(value[keyPath: s_c_x], 6)
expectEqual(value.c.x, 6)
expectTrue(value.c.y === nil)
expectEqual(value.c.z, "buffalo")
let object1 = LifetimeTracked(7)
let object2 = LifetimeTracked(8)
expectTrue(value[keyPath: s_c_y] === nil)
value[keyPath: s_c_y] = object1
expectTrue(value[keyPath: s_c_y] === object1)
expectTrue(value.c.y === object1)
expectEqual(value.c.x, 6)
expectEqual(value.c.z, "buffalo")
value[keyPath: s_c_y] = object2
expectTrue(value[keyPath: s_c_y] === object2)
expectTrue(value.c.y === object2)
expectEqual(value.c.x, 6)
expectEqual(value.c.z, "buffalo")
expectEqual(value[keyPath: s_c_z], "buffalo")
value[keyPath: s_c_z] = "antelope"
expectTrue(value[keyPath: s_c_z] == "antelope")
expectTrue(value.c.z == "antelope")
expectEqual(value.c.x, 6)
expectTrue(value.c.y === object2)
let value_s_c_x: WritableKeyPath = s_c_x
let value_s_c_y: WritableKeyPath = s_c_y
let value_s_c_z: WritableKeyPath = s_c_z
var mutValue = value
mutValue[keyPath: value_s_c_x] = 7
expectEqual(value, mutValue)
expectEqual(value[keyPath: s_c_x], 7)
expectEqual(value.c.x, 7)
expectTrue(value.c.y === object2)
expectEqual(value.c.z, "antelope")
mutValue[keyPath: value_s_c_y] = object1
expectEqual(value, mutValue)
expectTrue(value[keyPath: s_c_y] === object1)
expectTrue(value.c.y === object1)
expectEqual(value.c.x, 7)
expectEqual(value.c.z, "antelope")
mutValue[keyPath: value_s_c_z] = "elk"
expectEqual(value, mutValue)
expectTrue(value[keyPath: s_c_z] == "elk")
expectTrue(value.c.z == "elk")
expectEqual(value.c.x, 7)
expectTrue(value.c.y === object1)
keyPathImpl.test("overflowed offsets") {
let s_p = WritableKeyPath<S<String>, Point>
.build(capacityInBytes: MemoryLayout<Int>.size + 8) {
$0.addHeader(trivial: true, hasReferencePrefix: false)
$0.addStructComponent(offset: S<String>.p_offset,
forceOverflow: true)
let c_z = ReferenceWritableKeyPath<C<String>, String>
.build(capacityInBytes: MemoryLayout<Int>.size + 8) {
$0.addHeader(trivial: true, hasReferencePrefix: false)
$0.addClassComponent(offset: C<String>.z_offset,
forceOverflow: true)
let c = C(x: 679, y: LifetimeTracked(42), z: "buffalo\("")")
var sValue = S(x: 1738, y: LifetimeTracked(43),
z: "bottles of beer\("")",
p: .init(x: 0.5, y: -0.5), c: c)
let cValue = c
expectEqual(sValue[keyPath: s_p], Point(x: 0.5, y: -0.5))
sValue[keyPath: s_p] = Point(x: 1.0, y: -1.0)
expectEqual(sValue.p, Point(x: 1.0, y: -1.0))
expectEqual(sValue[keyPath: s_p], Point(x: 1.0, y: -1.0))
expectEqual(cValue[keyPath: c_z], "buffalo")
cValue[keyPath: c_z] = "dik dik"
expectEqual(cValue.z, "dik dik")
expectEqual(cValue[keyPath: c_z], "dik dik")
keyPathImpl.test("equality") {
let s_c_z_p_x = ReferenceWritableKeyPath<S<S<String>>, Double>
.build(capacityInBytes: 7 * MemoryLayout<Int>.size + 4) {
$0.addHeader(trivial: true, hasReferencePrefix: true)
// S<S<String>>.c
$0.addStructComponent(offset: S<S<String>>.c_offset,
endsReferencePrefix: true)
// C<S<String>>.z
$0.addClassComponent(offset: C<S<String>>.z_offset)
// S<String>.p
$0.addStructComponent(offset: S<String>.p_offset)
// Point.x
$0.addStructComponent(offset: Point.x_offset)
expectEqual(s_c_z_p_x, s_c_z_p_x)
expectEqual(s_c_z_p_x.hashValue, s_c_z_p_x.hashValue)
// Structurally equivalent to s_c_z_p_x
let s_c_z_p_x_2 = ReferenceWritableKeyPath<S<S<String>>, Double>
.build(capacityInBytes: 7 * MemoryLayout<Int>.size + 4) {
$0.addHeader(trivial: true, hasReferencePrefix: true)
// S<S<String>>.c
$0.addStructComponent(offset: S<S<String>>.c_offset,
endsReferencePrefix: true)
// C<S<String>>.z
$0.addClassComponent(offset: C<S<String>>.z_offset)
// S<String>.p
$0.addStructComponent(offset: S<String>.p_offset)
// Point.x
$0.addStructComponent(offset: Point.x_offset)
expectEqual(s_c_z_p_x, s_c_z_p_x_2)
expectEqual(s_c_z_p_x.hashValue, s_c_z_p_x_2.hashValue)
expectEqual(s_c_z_p_x_2, s_c_z_p_x)
expectEqual(s_c_z_p_x_2.hashValue, s_c_z_p_x.hashValue)
// Structurally equivalent, force-overflowed offset components
let s_c_z_p_x_3 = ReferenceWritableKeyPath<S<S<String>>, Double>
.build(capacityInBytes: 4 * MemoryLayout<Int>.size + 4 * 8) {
$0.addHeader(trivial: true, hasReferencePrefix: true)
// S<S<String>>.c
$0.addStructComponent(offset: S<S<String>>.c_offset,
forceOverflow: true,
endsReferencePrefix: true)
// C<S<String>>.z
$0.addClassComponent(offset: C<S<String>>.z_offset,
forceOverflow: true)
// S<String>.p
$0.addStructComponent(offset: S<String>.p_offset,
forceOverflow: true)
// Point.x
$0.addStructComponent(offset: Point.x_offset,
forceOverflow: true)
expectEqual(s_c_z_p_x, s_c_z_p_x_3)
expectEqual(s_c_z_p_x.hashValue, s_c_z_p_x_3.hashValue)
expectEqual(s_c_z_p_x_3, s_c_z_p_x)
expectEqual(s_c_z_p_x_3.hashValue, s_c_z_p_x.hashValue)
// Same path type, different suffixes
let s_c_z_p_y = ReferenceWritableKeyPath<S<S<String>>, Double>
.build(capacityInBytes: 7 * MemoryLayout<Int>.size + 4) {
$0.addHeader(trivial: true, hasReferencePrefix: true)
// S<S<String>>.c
$0.addStructComponent(offset: S<S<String>>.c_offset,
endsReferencePrefix: true)
// C<S<String>>.z
$0.addClassComponent(offset: C<S<String>>.z_offset)
// S<String>.p
$0.addStructComponent(offset: S<String>.p_offset)
// Point.y
$0.addStructComponent(offset: Point.y_offset)
expectNotEqual(s_c_z_p_x, s_c_z_p_y)
expectNotEqual(s_c_z_p_x.hashValue, s_c_z_p_y.hashValue)
expectNotEqual(s_c_z_p_y, s_c_z_p_x)
expectNotEqual(s_c_z_p_y.hashValue, s_c_z_p_x.hashValue)
// Different path type
let s_c_z_p = ReferenceWritableKeyPath<S<S<String>>, Point>
.build(capacityInBytes: 5 * MemoryLayout<Int>.size + 4) {
$0.addHeader(trivial: true, hasReferencePrefix: true)
// S<S<String>>.c
$0.addStructComponent(offset: S<S<String>>.c_offset,
endsReferencePrefix: true)
// C<S<String>>.z
$0.addClassComponent(offset: C<S<String>>.z_offset)
// S<String>.p
$0.addStructComponent(offset: S<String>.p_offset)
expectNotEqual(s_c_z_p_x, s_c_z_p)
expectNotEqual(s_c_z_p, s_c_z_p_x)
let s_x = WritableKeyPath<S<String>, Int>
.build(capacityInBytes: MemoryLayout<Int>.size + 4) {
$0.addHeader(trivial: true, hasReferencePrefix: false)
$0.addStructComponent(offset: S<String>.x_offset)
let si_x = WritableKeyPath<S<Int>, Int>
.build(capacityInBytes: MemoryLayout<Int>.size + 4) {
$0.addHeader(trivial: true, hasReferencePrefix: false)
$0.addStructComponent(offset: S<Int>.x_offset)
expectNotEqual(s_x, si_x)
expectNotEqual(s_x.hashValue, si_x.hashValue)
expectNotEqual(si_x, s_x)
expectNotEqual(si_x.hashValue, s_x.hashValue)
// Same path, no reference prefix
let s_c_z_p_x_readonly = KeyPath<S<S<String>>, Double>
.build(capacityInBytes: 7 * MemoryLayout<Int>.size + 4) {
$0.addHeader(trivial: true, hasReferencePrefix: false)
// S<S<String>>.c
$0.addStructComponent(offset: S<S<String>>.c_offset)
// C<S<String>>.z
$0.addClassComponent(offset: C<S<String>>.z_offset)
// S<String>.p
$0.addStructComponent(offset: S<String>.p_offset)
// Point.x
$0.addStructComponent(offset: Point.x_offset)
expectNotEqual(s_c_z_p_x, s_c_z_p_x_readonly)
expectNotEqual(s_c_z_p_x_readonly, s_c_z_p_x)
// Same path type, different paths
let s_p_y_readonly = KeyPath<S<S<String>>, Double>
.build(capacityInBytes: 3 * MemoryLayout<Int>.size + 4) {
$0.addHeader(trivial: true, hasReferencePrefix: false)
// S<S<String>>.p
$0.addStructComponent(offset: S<S<String>>.p_offset)
// Point.y
$0.addStructComponent(offset: Point.y_offset)
expectNotEqual(s_p_y_readonly, s_c_z_p_x_readonly)
expectNotEqual(s_c_z_p_x_readonly, s_p_y_readonly)
let o_o_o_o = ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Oroborous, Oroborous>
.build(capacityInBytes: 5 * MemoryLayout<Int>.size + 4) {
$0.addHeader(trivial: true, hasReferencePrefix: false)
// O.o
$0.addClassComponent(offset: classHeaderSize)
// O.o
$0.addClassComponent(offset: classHeaderSize)
// O.o
$0.addClassComponent(offset: classHeaderSize)
// Different reference prefix length
let o_o_o_o_rp1 = ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Oroborous, Oroborous>
.build(capacityInBytes: 5 * MemoryLayout<Int>.size + 4) {
$0.addHeader(trivial: true, hasReferencePrefix: true)
// O.o
$0.addClassComponent(offset: classHeaderSize,
endsReferencePrefix: true)
// O.o
$0.addClassComponent(offset: classHeaderSize)
// O.o
$0.addClassComponent(offset: classHeaderSize)
let o_o_o_o_rp2 = ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Oroborous, Oroborous>
.build(capacityInBytes: 5 * MemoryLayout<Int>.size + 4) {
$0.addHeader(trivial: true, hasReferencePrefix: true)
// O.o
$0.addClassComponent(offset: classHeaderSize)
// O.o
$0.addClassComponent(offset: classHeaderSize,
endsReferencePrefix: true)
// O.o
$0.addClassComponent(offset: classHeaderSize)
let o_o_o_o_rp2_2 = ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Oroborous, Oroborous>
.build(capacityInBytes: 5 * MemoryLayout<Int>.size + 4) {
$0.addHeader(trivial: true, hasReferencePrefix: true)
// O.o
$0.addClassComponent(offset: classHeaderSize)
// O.o
$0.addClassComponent(offset: classHeaderSize,
endsReferencePrefix: true)
// O.o
$0.addClassComponent(offset: classHeaderSize)
expectNotEqual(o_o_o_o, o_o_o_o_rp1)
expectNotEqual(o_o_o_o_rp1, o_o_o_o)
expectNotEqual(o_o_o_o_rp1, o_o_o_o_rp2)
expectNotEqual(o_o_o_o_rp2, o_o_o_o_rp1)
expectNotEqual(o_o_o_o, o_o_o_o_rp2)
expectNotEqual(o_o_o_o_rp2, o_o_o_o)
expectEqual(o_o_o_o_rp2, o_o_o_o_rp2_2)
expectEqual(o_o_o_o_rp2_2, o_o_o_o_rp2)
expectEqual(o_o_o_o_rp2.hashValue, o_o_o_o_rp2_2.hashValue)
// Same type, different length of components with same prefix
let o_o_o = ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Oroborous, Oroborous>
.build(capacityInBytes: 3 * MemoryLayout<Int>.size + 4) {
$0.addHeader(trivial: true, hasReferencePrefix: false)
// O.o
$0.addClassComponent(offset: classHeaderSize)
// O.o
$0.addClassComponent(offset: classHeaderSize)
expectNotEqual(o_o_o, o_o_o_o)
expectNotEqual(o_o_o_o, o_o_o)
keyPathImpl.test("appending") {
let s_p = WritableKeyPath<S<String>, Point>
.build(capacityInBytes: MemoryLayout<Int>.size + 4) {
$0.addHeader(trivial: true, hasReferencePrefix: false)
$0.addStructComponent(offset: S<String>.p_offset)
let p_y = WritableKeyPath<Point, Double>
.build(capacityInBytes: MemoryLayout<Int>.size + 4) {
$0.addHeader(trivial: true, hasReferencePrefix: false)
$0.addStructComponent(offset: Point.y_offset)
let s_p_y = s_p.appending(path: p_y)
let c = C(x: 679, y: nil, z: "buffalo\("")")
var value = S(x: 1738, y: nil, z: "bottles of beer\("")",
p: .init(x: 0.5, y: -0.5), c: c)
expectEqual(value[keyPath: s_p_y], -0.5)
value[keyPath: s_p_y] = 4.0
expectEqual(value[keyPath: s_p_y], 4.0)
expectEqual(value.p.x, 0.5)
expectEqual(value.p.y, 4.0)
let s_p_y2 = s_p.appending(path: p_y)
expectEqual(s_p_y, s_p_y2)
expectEqual(s_p_y2, s_p_y)
expectEqual(s_p_y.hashValue, s_p_y2.hashValue)
let s_p_y_manual = WritableKeyPath<S<String>, Double>
.build(capacityInBytes: 3 * MemoryLayout<Int>.size + 4) {
$0.addHeader(trivial: true, hasReferencePrefix: false)
$0.addStructComponent(offset: S<String>.p_offset)
$0.addStructComponent(offset: Point.y_offset)
expectEqual(s_p_y, s_p_y_manual)
expectEqual(s_p_y_manual, s_p_y)
expectEqual(s_p_y.hashValue, s_p_y_manual.hashValue)
let c_z = ReferenceWritableKeyPath<C<S<String>>, S<String>>
.build(capacityInBytes: MemoryLayout<Int>.size + 4) {
$0.addHeader(trivial: true, hasReferencePrefix: false)
$0.addClassComponent(offset: C<S<String>>.z_offset)
let value2 = C(x: 17, y: LifetimeTracked(38), z: value)
let c_z_p_y = c_z.appending(path: s_p_y)
expectEqual(value2[keyPath: c_z_p_y], 4.0)
value2[keyPath: c_z_p_y] = 5.0
expectEqual(value2[keyPath: c_z_p_y], 5.0)
expectEqual(value2.z.p.y, 5.0)
expectEqual(value2.z.p.x, 0.5)
let c_z_p_y_manual = ReferenceWritableKeyPath<C<S<String>>, Double>
.build(capacityInBytes: 5 * MemoryLayout<Int>.size + 4) {
$0.addHeader(trivial: true, hasReferencePrefix: false)
$0.addClassComponent(offset: C<S<String>>.z_offset)
$0.addStructComponent(offset: S<String>.p_offset)
$0.addStructComponent(offset: Point.y_offset)
expectEqual(c_z_p_y, c_z_p_y_manual)
expectEqual(c_z_p_y_manual, c_z_p_y)
expectEqual(c_z_p_y.hashValue, c_z_p_y_manual.hashValue)
let s_c = WritableKeyPath<S<S<String>>, C<S<String>>>
.build(capacityInBytes: MemoryLayout<Int>.size + 4) {
$0.addHeader(trivial: true, hasReferencePrefix: false)
$0.addStructComponent(offset: S<S<String>>.c_offset)
let s_c_z_p_y = s_c.appending(path: c_z_p_y)
let value3 = S(x: 679, y: nil, z: value,
p: value.p, c: value2)
expectEqual(value3[keyPath: s_c_z_p_y], 5.0)
value3[keyPath: s_c_z_p_y] = 11.0
expectEqual(value3[keyPath: s_c_z_p_y], 11.0)
expectEqual(value2[keyPath: c_z_p_y], 11.0)
let s_c_z_p_y_manual = ReferenceWritableKeyPath<S<S<String>>, Double>
.build(capacityInBytes: 7 * MemoryLayout<Int>.size + 4) {
$0.addHeader(trivial: true, hasReferencePrefix: true)
$0.addStructComponent(offset: S<S<String>>.c_offset,
endsReferencePrefix: true)
$0.addClassComponent(offset: C<S<String>>.z_offset)
$0.addStructComponent(offset: S<String>.p_offset)
$0.addStructComponent(offset: Point.y_offset)
expectEqual(s_c_z_p_y, s_c_z_p_y_manual)
expectEqual(s_c_z_p_y_manual, s_c_z_p_y)
expectEqual(s_c_z_p_y_manual.hashValue, s_c_z_p_y.hashValue)
typealias CP = CratePair<S<S<String>>, Int>
let cratePair_left_value = ReferenceWritableKeyPath<CP, S<S<String>>>
.build(capacityInBytes: 3 * MemoryLayout<Int>.size + 4) {
$0.addHeader(trivial: true, hasReferencePrefix: true)
$0.addStructComponent(offset: CratePair<S<S<String>>, Int>.left_offset,
endsReferencePrefix: true)
$0.addClassComponent(offset: Crate<S<S<String>>>.value_offset)
let cratePair_left_value_c_z_p_y
= cratePair_left_value.appending(path: s_c_z_p_y)
let crate1 = Crate(value: value3)
let crate2 = Crate(value: 9)
let cratePair = CratePair(left: crate1, right: crate2)
expectEqual(cratePair[keyPath: cratePair_left_value_c_z_p_y], 11.0)
cratePair[keyPath: cratePair_left_value_c_z_p_y] = 13.0
expectEqual(cratePair[keyPath: cratePair_left_value_c_z_p_y], 13.0)
expectEqual(value3[keyPath: s_c_z_p_y], 13.0)
expectEqual(value2[keyPath: c_z_p_y], 13.0)
let cratePair_left_value_c_z_p_y_manual
= ReferenceWritableKeyPath<CP, Double>
.build(capacityInBytes: 11 * MemoryLayout<Int>.size + 4) {
$0.addHeader(trivial: true, hasReferencePrefix: true)
$0.addStructComponent(offset: CP.left_offset)
$0.addClassComponent(offset: Crate<S<S<String>>>.value_offset)
$0.addStructComponent(offset: S<S<String>>.c_offset,
endsReferencePrefix: true)
$0.addClassComponent(offset: C<S<String>>.z_offset)
$0.addStructComponent(offset: S<String>.p_offset)
$0.addStructComponent(offset: Point.y_offset)
var numberOfDestroyOperations = 0
func testDestroy(_ data: UnsafeMutableRawPointer, _ count: Int) {
numberOfDestroyOperations += 1
var numberOfCopyOperations = 0
func testCopy(from: UnsafeRawPointer,
to: UnsafeMutableRawPointer,
count: Int) {
numberOfCopyOperations += 1
to.copyMemory(from: from, byteCount: count)
var numberOfEqualsOperations = 0
func testEquals(_ a: UnsafeRawPointer,
_ b: UnsafeRawPointer,
_ count: Int) -> Bool {
numberOfEqualsOperations += 1
return UnsafeRawBufferPointer(start: a, count: count)
.elementsEqual(UnsafeRawBufferPointer(start: b, count: count))
var numberOfHashOperations = 0
func testHash(_ a: UnsafeRawPointer, _ count: Int) -> Int {
numberOfHashOperations += 1
// Don't use this hash function at home
return count
var testWitnesses = ComputedArgumentWitnesses(
destroy: testDestroy,
copy: testCopy,
equals: testEquals,
hash: testHash)
protocol IntP { var int: Int { get } }
extension Int: IntP { var int: Int { return self } }
struct TestGetter {
// Hack: force address-only-ness so that the type is passed and returned
// indirectly, compatible with key path runtime
var value: IntP
func testGet(_ x: TestGetter, _ args: UnsafeRawPointer) -> TestGetter {
return TestGetter(value:
+ args.load(as: Int.self)
+ args.load(fromByteOffset: MemoryLayout<Int>.size, as: Int.self))
keyPathImpl.test("computed property arguments") {
let testGetPtr: @convention(thin) (TestGetter, UnsafeRawPointer) -> TestGetter
= testGet
numberOfDestroyOperations = 0
do {
let getter1a = KeyPath<TestGetter, TestGetter>
.build(capacityInBytes: MemoryLayout<Int>.size * 8) { b in
b.addHeader(trivial: false, hasReferencePrefix: false)
[0x1111_1111, 0x1111_1111].withUnsafeBytes { argData in
b.addGetterComponent(id: UnsafeRawPointer(bitPattern: 0x1)!,
getter: unsafeBitCast(testGetPtr, to: UnsafeRawPointer.self),
witnesses: &testWitnesses,
args: argData)
let getter1b = KeyPath<TestGetter, TestGetter>
.build(capacityInBytes: MemoryLayout<Int>.size * 8) { b in
b.addHeader(trivial: false, hasReferencePrefix: false)
[0x1111_1111, 0x1111_1111].withUnsafeBytes { argData in
b.addGetterComponent(id: UnsafeRawPointer(bitPattern: 0x1)!,
getter: unsafeBitCast(testGetPtr, to: UnsafeRawPointer.self),
witnesses: &testWitnesses,
args: argData)
let getter2 = KeyPath<TestGetter, TestGetter>
.build(capacityInBytes: MemoryLayout<Int>.size * 8) { b in
b.addHeader(trivial: false, hasReferencePrefix: false)
[0x2222_2222, 0x2222_2222].withUnsafeBytes { argData in
b.addGetterComponent(id: UnsafeRawPointer(bitPattern: 0x1)!,
getter: unsafeBitCast(testGetPtr, to: UnsafeRawPointer.self),
witnesses: &testWitnesses,
args: argData)
// Should be equal, same getter ID and arguments compare equal
numberOfEqualsOperations = 0
expectEqual(getter1a, getter1b)
expectEqual(numberOfEqualsOperations, 1)
numberOfHashOperations = 0
expectEqual(getter1a.hashValue, getter1b.hashValue)
expectEqual(numberOfHashOperations, 2)
// Should be unequal, same getter ID but arguments don't compare equal
expectNotEqual(getter1a, getter2)
expectEqual(numberOfEqualsOperations, 2)
numberOfCopyOperations = 0
let getter1a1a = getter1a.appending(path: getter1a)
expectEqual(numberOfCopyOperations, 2)
let getter1a1b = getter1a.appending(path: getter1b)
expectEqual(numberOfCopyOperations, 4)
let getter1b1a = getter1b.appending(path: getter1a)
expectEqual(numberOfCopyOperations, 6)
let getter1b1b = getter1b.appending(path: getter1b)
expectEqual(numberOfCopyOperations, 8)
expectEqual(getter1a1a, getter1a1b)
expectEqual(getter1a1a.hashValue, getter1a1b.hashValue)
expectEqual(getter1a1b, getter1b1a)
expectEqual(getter1a1b.hashValue, getter1b1a.hashValue)
expectEqual(getter1b1a, getter1b1b)
expectEqual(getter1b1a.hashValue, getter1b1b.hashValue)
expectNotEqual(getter1a, getter1a1a)
expectNotEqual(getter1b, getter1a1a)
let getter1a2 = getter1a.appending(path: getter2)
expectNotEqual(getter1a1a, getter1a2)
let getter21a = getter2.appending(path: getter1a)
expectNotEqual(getter1a1a, getter21a)
let value = TestGetter(value: 0x1111_1111)
// Getter adds first two words from the argument area
expectEqual(value[keyPath: getter1a],
0x1111_1111 + 0x1111_1111 + 0x1111_1111)
expectEqual(value[keyPath: getter2],
0x1111_1111 + 0x2222_2222 + 0x2222_2222)
expectEqual(value[keyPath: getter1a2],
0x1111_1111 + 0x1111_1111 + 0x1111_1111
+ 0x2222_2222 + 0x2222_2222)
// Should have destroyed three original components and all copies
expectEqual(numberOfDestroyOperations, 3 + numberOfCopyOperations)
numberOfDestroyOperations = 0
do {
let getter1a_trivial = KeyPath<TestGetter, TestGetter>
.build(capacityInBytes: MemoryLayout<Int>.size * 8) { b in
b.addHeader(trivial: true, hasReferencePrefix: false)
[0x1111_1111, 0x1111_1111].withUnsafeBytes { argData in
b.addGetterComponent(id: UnsafeRawPointer(bitPattern: 0x1)!,
getter: unsafeBitCast(testGetPtr, to: UnsafeRawPointer.self),
witnesses: &testWitnesses,
args: argData)
// Should not have run the destructor this time, since key path was tagged
// trivial
expectEqual(numberOfDestroyOperations, 0)