blob: 0f28437ce3d2b1eeef2b95ffe488e95c770878be [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -typecheck -parse-as-library %s -verify
// Default initialization of variables.
class X { }
struct CanDefaultInit {
var opt1: Int?
var (opt2, (opt3, opt4)): (Int?, (Float?, Double?))
weak var opt5: X?
func testCanDefaultInit() {
_ = CanDefaultInit()
// Cases where we cannot perform default initialization.
class NotInitializable1 { // expected-error{{class 'NotInitializable1' has no initializers}}
var (opt1, int1) : (Int?, Int) // expected-note{{stored properties 'opt1' and 'int1' without initial values prevent synthesized initializers}} {{33-33= = (nil, 0)}}
let opt2: Int? // expected-note{{stored property 'opt2' without initial value prevents synthesized initializers}}
var opt3: Int?
func localDefaultInit() -> Int? {
let i: Int?
return i
// <rdar://problem/16906000> Implicitly unwrapped optional let is not considered initialized, but var is
class DefaultInitOfLetProperty {
let property: DefaultInitOfLetProperty!
init(x: DefaultInitOfLetProperty) { = DefaultInitOfLetProperty(x: self)
var global: Int?