blob: ddfc0858de4616ad8168b1c4472b10c5d6e9f0e4 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -import-objc-header %S/Inputs/extension-generic-objc-protocol.h -typecheck -verify %s
// REQUIRES: objc_interop
import Foundation
@objc protocol P {}
@objc protocol Q {}
@objc protocol R {}
public class C1<T> {}
extension C1: P {}
// expected-error@-1 {{conformance of generic class 'C1<T>' to @objc protocol 'P' cannot be in an extension}}
public class C2<T> {}
public class C3 : C2<Int> {}
extension C3: P {}
// expected-error@-1 {{conformance of subclass of a generic class 'C3' to @objc protocol 'P' cannot be in an extension}}
class Outer<T> {
class Inner {}
class Inner2 {}
extension Outer.Inner: P {}
// expected-error@-1 {{conformance of class from generic context 'Outer<T>.Inner' to @objc protocol 'P' cannot be in an extension}}
class SubInner: Outer<Int>.Inner2 {}
extension SubInner: P {}
// expected-error@-1 {{conformance of subclass of a class from generic context 'SubInner' to @objc protocol 'P' cannot be in an extension}}
// Lightweight generic ObjC classes can still be extended to conform.
extension OBJCGeneric: OBJCProtocol1 {}
extension OBJCGeneric: P {}
extension OBJCGenericSubclass: OBJCProtocol2 {}
extension OBJCGenericSubclass: Q {}
extension OBJCNongenericSubclass: OBJCProtocol3 {}
extension OBJCNongenericSubclass: R {}
public class SwiftSubclassOfObjCGeneric: OBJCGeneric<AnyObject> {}
extension SwiftSubclassOfObjCGeneric: OBJCProtocol2 {}
extension SwiftSubclassOfObjCGeneric: Q {}
public class SwiftGenericSubclassOfObjCGeneric<T: AnyObject>
: OBJCGeneric<AnyObject>
extension SwiftGenericSubclassOfObjCGeneric: OBJCProtocol2 {} // expected-error {{cannot be in an extension}}
extension SwiftGenericSubclassOfObjCGeneric: Q {} // expected-error {{cannot be in an extension}}
public class SwiftNongenericSubclassOfGenericSubclassOfObjCGeneric
: SwiftGenericSubclassOfObjCGeneric<AnyObject>
extension SwiftNongenericSubclassOfGenericSubclassOfObjCGeneric: OBJCProtocol3 {} // expected-error {{cannot be in an extension}}
extension SwiftNongenericSubclassOfGenericSubclassOfObjCGeneric: R {} // expected-error {{cannot be in an extension}}