blob: c25beaf6a5c8581776756189e0e3378abe8569e9 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- ObjCRuntimeGetImageNameFromClass.cpp - ObjC hook setup -----------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2018 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// Setup for the Objective-C runtime function class_getImageName, making it
// understand Swift classes. This is tricky because before Apple's 2018 OSs,
// this function was not designed to be hooked.
#include "ObjCRuntimeGetImageNameFromClass.h"
#include "swift/Runtime/Config.h"
#include "swift/Runtime/Metadata.h"
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <objc/runtime.h>
// Note: There are more #includes below under "Function patching machinery".
// Those are only relevant to the function patching machinery.
using namespace swift;
// FIXME: This is from a later version of <objc/runtime.h>. Once the declaration
// is available in SDKs, we can remove this typedef.
typedef BOOL (*objc_hook_getImageName)(
Class _Nonnull cls, const char * _Nullable * _Nonnull outImageName);
/// \see customGetImageNameFromClass
static objc_hook_getImageName defaultGetImageNameFromClass = nullptr;
/// A custom implementation of Objective-C's class_getImageName for Swift
/// classes, which knows how to handle dynamically-initialized class metadata.
/// Per the documentation for objc_setHook_getImageName, any non-Swift classes
/// will still go through the normal implementation of class_getImageName,
/// which is stored in defaultGetImageNameFromClass.
static BOOL
getImageNameFromSwiftClass(Class _Nonnull objcClass,
const char * _Nullable * _Nonnull outImageName) {
auto *classAsMetadata = reinterpret_cast<const ClassMetadata *>(objcClass);
// Is this a Swift class?
if (classAsMetadata->isTypeMetadata() &&
!classAsMetadata->isArtificialSubclass()) {
const void *descriptor = classAsMetadata->getDescription();
assert(descriptor &&
"all non-artificial Swift classes should have a descriptor");
Dl_info imageInfo = {};
if (!dladdr(descriptor, &imageInfo))
return NO;
*outImageName = imageInfo.dli_fname;
return imageInfo.dli_fname != nullptr;
// If not, fall back to the default implementation.
return defaultGetImageNameFromClass(objcClass, outImageName);
/* Function patching machinery *********************************************/
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include <mach-o/dyld.h>
#include <mach-o/loader.h>
#include <mach-o/nlist.h>
#include <cstring>
using llvm::ArrayRef;
namespace {
#if __LP64__
typedef struct mach_header_64 macho_header;
typedef struct section_64 macho_section;
typedef struct nlist_64 macho_nlist;
typedef struct segment_command_64 macho_segment_command;
typedef struct mach_header macho_header;
typedef struct section macho_section;
typedef struct nlist macho_nlist;
typedef struct segment_command macho_segment_command;
struct patch_t {
const char *name;
const void *fn;
template<typename T>
patch_t(const char *newName, const T *newFn)
: name(newName), fn((const void*)newFn) {
} // end anonymous namespace
/// Overwrite a cross-image symbol reference by directly editing symbol tables
/// in a Mach-O image.
/// This technique only works for certain versions of Apple's dynamic linker;
/// fortunately we only even attempt to invoke it when running on the OSs where
/// it works. Newer OSs already have the hook we need; older ones don't support
/// Swift at all.
/// Also, if the symbol being patched has references within the image where it
/// was originaly defined, those references will \e not be patched.
static void patchLazyPointers(const mach_header *mh, patch_t patch) {
// Get linkEditBase
const uint32_t cmd_count = mh->ncmds;
const load_command * const cmds =
(const load_command *)((const char *)mh + sizeof(macho_header));
const load_command *cmd;
const uint8_t *linkEditBase = nullptr;
intptr_t slide = 0;
cmd = cmds;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cmd_count; ++i) {
if (cmd->cmd == LC_SEGMENT_COMMAND) {
const macho_segment_command *seg = (const macho_segment_command *)cmd;
if (strcmp(seg->segname, "__TEXT") == 0)
slide = (uintptr_t)mh - seg->vmaddr;
else if (strcmp(seg->segname,"__LINKEDIT") == 0)
linkEditBase = (const uint8_t *)(seg->vmaddr + slide - seg->fileoff);
cmd = (const load_command *)(((const char *)cmd)+cmd->cmdsize);
if (linkEditBase == nullptr)
// Gather symbol table info
const macho_nlist *symbolTable = nullptr;
const char *stringTable = nullptr;
uint32_t stringTableBytes = 0;
const uint32_t *indirectSymbolTable = nullptr;
cmd = cmds;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cmd_count; ++i) {
switch (cmd->cmd) {
case LC_SYMTAB: {
const symtab_command *symtab = (const symtab_command *)cmd;
stringTable = (const char *)&linkEditBase[symtab->stroff];
stringTableBytes = symtab->strsize;
symbolTable = (const macho_nlist *)(&linkEditBase[symtab->symoff]);
const dysymtab_command *dsymtab = (const dysymtab_command *)cmd;
indirectSymbolTable =
(const uint32_t *)(&linkEditBase[dsymtab->indirectsymoff]);
cmd = (const load_command *)(((const char *)cmd)+cmd->cmdsize);
if (symbolTable == nullptr || stringTable == nullptr ||
indirectSymbolTable == nullptr) {
// Find lazy pointer section
cmd = cmds;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cmd_count; ++i) {
if (cmd->cmd == LC_SEGMENT_COMMAND) {
const macho_segment_command *seg = (const macho_segment_command *)cmd;
const macho_section * const sectionsStart =
(const macho_section *)(seg + 1);
ArrayRef<macho_section> sections(sectionsStart, seg->nsects);
for (const macho_section &sect : sections) {
const uint8_t type = sect.flags & SECTION_TYPE;
const size_t pointerCount = sect.size / sizeof(uintptr_t);
uintptr_t * const symbolPointers = (uintptr_t *)(sect.addr + slide);
const uint32_t indirectTableOffset = sect.reserved1;
for (uint32_t lazyIndex = 0; lazyIndex < pointerCount; ++lazyIndex) {
uint32_t symbolIndex =
indirectSymbolTable[indirectTableOffset + lazyIndex];
if (symbolIndex >= stringTableBytes) {
// Presumably INDIRECT_SYMBOL_LOCAL or some other special value.
// Found symbol for this lazy pointer, now lookup address.
const char *lazyTargetName =
if (strcmp(, lazyTargetName) == 0) {
// Can't use the value currently stored here because it may
// be a dyld stub binder that will undo our patch if called.
symbolPointers[lazyIndex] = (uintptr_t)patch.fn;
cmd = (const load_command *)(((const char *)cmd)+cmd->cmdsize);
/// \see callUnpatchedGetImageNameFromClass
static decltype(&class_getImageName) unpatchedGetImageNameFromClass = nullptr;
/// A fallback implementation of class_getImageName that just calls
/// unpatchedGetImageNameFromClass, with the signature of
/// objc_hook_getImageName.
/// This is used on older OSs where objc_setHook_getImageName isn't supported.
/// In this case, we invoke the Swift implementation above
/// (customGetImageNameFromClass), but set it up to fall back to this one.
/// Then this one can call the system's original version, which should be stored
/// in unpatchedGetImageNameFromClass.
static BOOL callUnpatchedGetImageNameFromClass(
Class _Nonnull objcClass, const char * _Nullable * _Nonnull outImageName) {
*outImageName = unpatchedGetImageNameFromClass(objcClass);
return outImageName != nullptr;
/// A patched version of class_getImageName that always uses the Swift
/// implementation.
/// The Swift implementation is always set up to chain to another
/// implementation, so on older OSs we just have to make sure that that chained
/// implementation is the original system version. See
/// callUnpatchedGetImageNameFromClass.
static const char *patchedGetImageNameFromClassForOldOSs(Class _Nullable cls) {
if (!cls)
return nullptr;
const char *result;
if (getImageNameFromSwiftClass(cls, &result))
return result;
return nullptr;
/// A hook for _dyld_register_func_for_add_image that overwrites any references
/// to class_getImageName with our custom implementation.
static void patchGetImageNameInImage(const struct mach_header *mh,
intptr_t vmaddr_slide) {
patchLazyPointers(mh, patch_t("_class_getImageName",
/* Installing the hook *****************************************************/
void swift::setUpObjCRuntimeGetImageNameFromClass() {
assert(defaultGetImageNameFromClass == nullptr && "already set up");
// FIXME: This is from a later version of <objc/runtime.h>. Once the
// declaration is available in SDKs, we can access this directly instead of
// using dlsym.
if (void *setHookPtr = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "objc_setHook_getImageName")) {
auto setHook = reinterpret_cast<
void(*)(objc_hook_getImageName _Nonnull,
objc_hook_getImageName _Nullable * _Nonnull)>(setHookPtr);
setHook(getImageNameFromSwiftClass, &defaultGetImageNameFromClass);
} else {
// On older OSs, manually patch in our new implementation of
// class_getImageName, and set it up to chain to the original system
// version.
// This assignment happens through a volatile pointer to make sure it occurs
// before the later call to _dyld_register_func_for_add_image. (More
// specifically, we need the original implementation of
// 'class_getImageName', not the replaced one.)
assert(unpatchedGetImageNameFromClass == nullptr);
volatile auto *originalImplementationPtr = &unpatchedGetImageNameFromClass;
*originalImplementationPtr = &class_getImageName;
defaultGetImageNameFromClass = callUnpatchedGetImageNameFromClass;