blob: f91cd3f4c8b4ffd379e09cd34d459aa34a2f94da [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- Serialization.h - Read and write Swift modules ---------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file defines the Serializer interface.
#include "swift/Serialization/ModuleFormat.h"
#include "swift/Serialization/SerializationOptions.h"
#include "swift/Subsystems.h"
#include "swift/AST/Identifier.h"
#include "swift/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/MapVector.h"
#include <array>
#include <queue>
#include <tuple>
namespace swift {
class SILModule;
namespace serialization {
using FilenamesTy = ArrayRef<std::string>;
class Serializer {
SmallVector<char, 0> Buffer;
llvm::BitstreamWriter Out{Buffer};
/// A reusable buffer for emitting records.
SmallVector<uint64_t, 64> ScratchRecord;
/// The module currently being serialized.
const ModuleDecl *M = nullptr;
/// The SourceFile currently being serialized, if any.
/// If this is non-null, only decls actually from this SourceFile will be
/// serialized. Any other decls will be cross-referenced instead.
const SourceFile *SF = nullptr;
/// Stores a declaration or a type to be written to the AST file.
/// Convenience wrapper around a PointerUnion.
class DeclTypeUnion {
using DataTy = llvm::PointerUnion<const Decl *, Type>;
DataTy Data;
explicit DeclTypeUnion(const void *val)
: Data(DataTy::getFromOpaqueValue(const_cast<void *>(val))) {}
/*implicit*/ DeclTypeUnion(const Decl *d)
: Data(d) { }
/*implicit*/ DeclTypeUnion(Type ty)
: Data(ty) { }
bool isDecl() const { return<const Decl *>(); }
bool isType() const { return<Type>(); }
Type getType() const { return Data.get<Type>(); }
const Decl *getDecl() const { return Data.get<const Decl *>(); }
const void *getOpaqueValue() const { return Data.getOpaqueValue(); }
static DeclTypeUnion getFromOpaqueValue(void *opaqueVal) {
return DeclTypeUnion(opaqueVal);
bool operator==(const DeclTypeUnion &other) const {
return Data == other.Data;
// FIXME: This should be a PointerIntPair, but there's a bug in
// PointerIntPair when the number of free bits is greater than 32.
using DeclIDAndForce = std::pair<DeclID, bool>;
/// A map from Types and Decls to their serialized IDs.
llvm::DenseMap<DeclTypeUnion, DeclIDAndForce> DeclAndTypeIDs;
/// A map from Identifiers to their serialized IDs.
llvm::DenseMap<Identifier, IdentifierID> IdentifierIDs;
/// A map from DeclContexts to their serialized IDs.
llvm::DenseMap<const DeclContext*, DeclContextID> DeclContextIDs;
/// A map from local DeclContexts to their serialized IDs.
llvm::DenseMap<const DeclContext*, DeclContextID> LocalDeclContextIDs;
/// A map from generic signatures to their serialized IDs.
llvm::DenseMap<const GenericSignature *, GenericSignatureID>
/// A map from generic environments to their serialized IDs.
llvm::DenseMap<const GenericEnvironment *, GenericEnvironmentID>
// A map from NormalProtocolConformances to their serialized IDs.
llvm::DenseMap<const NormalProtocolConformance *, NormalConformanceID>
// A map from SILLayouts to their serialized IDs.
llvm::DenseMap<SILLayout *, SILLayoutID> SILLayouts;
using DeclTableData = SmallVector<std::pair<uint8_t, DeclID>, 4>;
/// The in-memory representation of what will eventually be an on-disk hash
/// table.
using DeclTable = llvm::MapVector<DeclBaseName, DeclTableData>;
using ObjCMethodTableData =
SmallVector<std::tuple<std::string, bool, DeclID>, 4>;
// In-memory representation of what will eventually be an on-disk
// hash table of all defined Objective-C methods.
using ObjCMethodTable = llvm::MapVector<ObjCSelector, ObjCMethodTableData>;
using NestedTypeDeclsData = SmallVector<std::pair<DeclID, DeclID>, 4>;
// In-memory representation of what will eventually be an on-disk
// hash table of all defined Objective-C methods.
using NestedTypeDeclsTable = llvm::MapVector<Identifier, NestedTypeDeclsData>;
using DeclMembersData = SmallVector<DeclID, 2>;
// In-memory representation of what will eventually be an on-disk
// hash table of all ValueDecl-members of a paticular DeclBaseName.
using DeclMembersTable = llvm::MapVector<uint32_t, DeclMembersData>;
using DeclMemberNamesData = std::pair<serialization::BitOffset,
// In-memory representation of what will eventually be an on-disk
// hash table mapping DeclBaseNames to DeclMembersData tables.
using DeclMemberNamesTable = llvm::MapVector<DeclBaseName, DeclMemberNamesData>;
using ExtensionTableData =
SmallVector<std::pair<const NominalTypeDecl *, DeclID>, 4>;
using ExtensionTable = llvm::MapVector<Identifier, ExtensionTableData>;
/// A map from identifiers to methods and properties with the given name.
/// This is used for id-style lookup.
DeclTable ClassMembersForDynamicLookup;
/// A map from DeclBaseNames of members to Decl->members sub-tables.
/// This is for Named Lazy Member Loading.
DeclMemberNamesTable DeclMemberNames;
/// The queue of types and decls that need to be serialized.
/// This is a queue and not simply a vector because serializing one
/// decl-or-type might trigger the serialization of another one.
std::queue<DeclTypeUnion> DeclsAndTypesToWrite;
/// DeclContexts that need to be serialized.
std::queue<const DeclContext*> DeclContextsToWrite;
/// Local DeclContexts that need to be serialized.
std::queue<const DeclContext*> LocalDeclContextsToWrite;
/// Generic signatures that need to be serialized.
std::queue<const GenericSignature *> GenericSignaturesToWrite;
/// Generic environments that need to be serialized.
std::queue<const GenericEnvironment*> GenericEnvironmentsToWrite;
/// NormalProtocolConformances that need to be serialized.
std::queue<const NormalProtocolConformance *> NormalConformancesToWrite;
/// SILLayouts that need to be serialized.
std::queue<SILLayout *> SILLayoutsToWrite;
/// All identifiers that need to be serialized.
std::vector<Identifier> IdentifiersToWrite;
/// The abbreviation code for each record in the "decls-and-types" block.
/// These are registered up front when entering the block, so they can be
/// reused.
std::array<unsigned, 256> DeclTypeAbbrCodes;
/// The offset of each Decl in the bitstream, indexed by DeclID.
std::vector<BitOffset> DeclOffsets;
/// The offset of each Type in the bitstream, indexed by TypeID.
std::vector<BitOffset> TypeOffsets;
/// The offset of each DeclContext in the bitstream, indexed by DeclContextID
std::vector<BitOffset> DeclContextOffsets;
/// The offset of each localDeclContext in the bitstream,
/// indexed by DeclContextID
std::vector<BitOffset> LocalDeclContextOffsets;
/// The offset of each Identifier in the identifier data block, indexed by
/// IdentifierID.
std::vector<CharOffset> IdentifierOffsets;
/// The offset of each GenericSignature in the bitstream, indexed by
/// GenericSignatureID.
std::vector<BitOffset> GenericSignatureOffsets;
/// The offset of each GenericEnvironment in the bitstream, indexed by
/// GenericEnvironmentID.
std::vector<BitOffset> GenericEnvironmentOffsets;
/// The offset of each NormalProtocolConformance in the bitstream, indexed by
/// NormalConformanceID.
std::vector<BitOffset> NormalConformanceOffsets;
/// The offset of each SILLayout in the bitstream, indexed by
/// SILLayoutID.
std::vector<BitOffset> SILLayoutOffsets;
/// The decls that adopt compiler-known protocols.
SmallVector<DeclID, 2> KnownProtocolAdopters[NumKnownProtocols];
/// The last assigned DeclID for decls from this module.
uint32_t /*DeclID*/ LastDeclID = 0;
/// The last assigned DeclContextID for decl contexts from this module.
uint32_t /*DeclContextID*/ LastDeclContextID = 0;
/// The last assigned DeclContextID for local decl contexts from this module.
uint32_t /*DeclContextID*/ LastLocalDeclContextID = 0;
/// The last assigned NormalConformanceID for decl contexts from this module.
uint32_t /*NormalConformanceID*/ LastNormalConformanceID = 0;
/// The last assigned SILLayoutID for SIL layouts from this module.
uint32_t /*SILLayoutID*/ LastSILLayoutID = 0;
/// The last assigned DeclID for types from this module.
uint32_t /*TypeID*/ LastTypeID = 0;
/// The last assigned IdentifierID for types from this module.
/// Note that special module IDs and IDs of special names must not be valid
/// IdentifierIDs, except that 0 will always represent the empty identifier.
uint32_t /*IdentifierID*/ LastIdentifierID =
serialization::NUM_SPECIAL_IDS - 1;
/// The last assigned GenericSignatureID for generic signature from this
/// module.
uint32_t /*GenericSignatureID*/ LastGenericSignatureID = 0;
/// The last assigned GenericEnvironmentID for generic environments from this
/// module.
uint32_t /*GenericEnvironmentID*/ LastGenericEnvironmentID = 0;
/// Returns the record code for serializing the given vector of offsets.
/// This allows the offset-serialization code to be generic over all kinds
/// of offsets.
unsigned getOffsetRecordCode(const std::vector<BitOffset> &values) {
if (&values == &DeclOffsets)
return index_block::DECL_OFFSETS;
if (&values == &TypeOffsets)
return index_block::TYPE_OFFSETS;
if (&values == &IdentifierOffsets)
return index_block::IDENTIFIER_OFFSETS;
if (&values == &DeclContextOffsets)
return index_block::DECL_CONTEXT_OFFSETS;
if (&values == &LocalDeclContextOffsets)
return index_block::LOCAL_DECL_CONTEXT_OFFSETS;
if (&values == &GenericSignatureOffsets)
return index_block::GENERIC_SIGNATURE_OFFSETS;
if (&values == &GenericEnvironmentOffsets)
if (&values == &NormalConformanceOffsets)
if (&values == &SILLayoutOffsets)
return index_block::SIL_LAYOUT_OFFSETS;
llvm_unreachable("unknown offset kind");
/// Writes the BLOCKINFO block for the serialized module file.
void writeBlockInfoBlock();
/// Writes the BLOCKINFO block for the module documentation file.
void writeDocBlockInfoBlock();
/// Writes the Swift module file header and name, plus metadata determining
/// if the module can be loaded.
void writeHeader(const SerializationOptions &options = {});
/// Writes the Swift doc module file header and name.
void writeDocHeader();
/// Writes the dependencies used to build this module: its imported
/// modules and its source files.
void writeInputBlock(const SerializationOptions &options);
void writeParameterList(const ParameterList *PL);
/// Writes the given pattern, recursively.
void writePattern(const Pattern *pattern, DeclContext *owningDC);
/// Writes a generic parameter list.
bool writeGenericParams(const GenericParamList *genericParams);
/// Writes a list of protocol conformances.
void writeConformances(ArrayRef<ProtocolConformanceRef> conformances,
const std::array<unsigned, 256> &abbrCodes);
/// Writes a list of protocol conformances.
void writeConformances(ArrayRef<ProtocolConformance*> conformances,
const std::array<unsigned, 256> &abbrCodes);
/// Writes an array of members for a decl context.
/// \param parentID The DeclID of the context.
/// \param members The decls within the context.
/// \param isClass True if the context could be a class context (class,
/// class extension, or protocol).
void writeMembers(DeclID parentID, DeclRange members, bool isClass);
/// Write a default witness table for a protocol.
/// \param proto The protocol.
void writeDefaultWitnessTable(const ProtocolDecl *proto,
const std::array<unsigned, 256> &abbrCodes);
/// Check if a decl is cross-referenced.
bool isDeclXRef(const Decl *D) const;
/// Writes a reference to a decl in another module.
void writeCrossReference(const DeclContext *DC, uint32_t pathLen = 1);
/// Writes a reference to a decl in another module.
void writeCrossReference(const Decl *D);
/// Writes out a declaration attribute.
void writeDeclAttribute(const DeclAttribute *DA);
/// Writes out a foreign error convention.
void writeForeignErrorConvention(const ForeignErrorConvention &fec);
/// Writes the given decl.
void writeDecl(const Decl *D);
/// Writes the given decl context.
void writeDeclContext(const DeclContext *DC);
/// Write a DeclContext as a local DeclContext at the current offset.
void writeLocalDeclContext(const DeclContext *DC);
/// Write the components of a PatternBindingInitializer as a local context.
void writePatternBindingInitializer(PatternBindingDecl *binding,
unsigned bindingIndex);
/// Write the components of a DefaultArgumentInitializer as a local context.
void writeDefaultArgumentInitializer(const DeclContext *parentContext, unsigned index);
/// Write the components of an AbstractClosureExpr as a local context.
void writeAbstractClosureExpr(const DeclContext *parentContext, Type Ty, bool isImplicit, unsigned discriminator);
/// Writes the given type.
void writeType(Type ty);
/// Writes a generic signature.
void writeGenericSignature(const GenericSignature *sig);
/// Writes a generic environment.
void writeGenericEnvironment(const GenericEnvironment *env);
/// Registers the abbreviation for the given decl or type layout.
template <typename Layout>
void registerDeclTypeAbbr() {
using AbbrArrayTy = decltype(DeclTypeAbbrCodes);
static_assert(Layout::Code <= std::tuple_size<AbbrArrayTy>::value,
"layout has invalid record code");
DeclTypeAbbrCodes[Layout::Code] = Layout::emitAbbrev(Out);
/// Writes all decls and types in the DeclsToWrite queue.
/// This will continue until the queue is empty, even if the items currently
/// in the queue trigger the serialization of additional decls and/or types.
void writeAllDeclsAndTypes();
/// Writes all identifiers in the IdentifiersToWrite queue.
/// This must be called after writeAllDeclsAndTypes(), since that may add
/// additional identifiers to the pool.
void writeAllIdentifiers();
/// Writes the offsets for decls or types.
void writeOffsets(const index_block::OffsetsLayout &Offsets,
const std::vector<BitOffset> &values);
/// Serializes all transparent SIL functions in the SILModule.
void writeSIL(const SILModule *M, bool serializeAllSIL);
/// Top-level entry point for serializing a module.
void writeAST(ModuleOrSourceFile DC,
bool enableNestedTypeLookupTable);
void writeToStream(raw_ostream &os);
template <size_t N>
Serializer(const unsigned char (&signature)[N], ModuleOrSourceFile DC);
/// Serialize a module to the given stream.
static void writeToStream(raw_ostream &os, ModuleOrSourceFile DC,
const SILModule *M,
const SerializationOptions &options);
/// Serialize module documentation to the given stream.
static void writeDocToStream(raw_ostream &os, ModuleOrSourceFile DC,
StringRef GroupInfoPath, ASTContext &Ctx);
/// Records the use of the given Type.
/// The Type will be scheduled for serialization if necessary.
/// \returns The ID for the given Type in this module.
TypeID addTypeRef(Type ty);
/// Records the use of the given DeclBaseName.
/// The Identifier will be scheduled for serialization if necessary.
/// \returns The ID for the given DeclBaseName in this module.
IdentifierID addDeclBaseNameRef(DeclBaseName ident);
/// Records the use of the given Decl.
/// The Decl will be scheduled for serialization if necessary.
/// \returns The ID for the given Decl in this module.
DeclID addDeclRef(const Decl *D, bool forceSerialization = false,
bool allowTypeAliasXRef = false);
/// Records the use of the given DeclContext.
/// The DeclContext will be scheduled for serialization if necessary.
DeclContextID addDeclContextRef(const DeclContext *DC);
/// Records the use of the given local DeclContext.
/// The DeclContext will be scheduled for serialization if necessary.
DeclContextID addLocalDeclContextRef(const DeclContext *DC);
/// Records the use of the given generic signature.
/// The GenericSignature will be scheduled for serialization if necessary.
GenericSignatureID addGenericSignatureRef(const GenericSignature *sig);
/// Records the use of the given generic environment.
/// The GenericEnvironment will be scheduled for serialization if necessary.
GenericEnvironmentID addGenericEnvironmentRef(const GenericEnvironment *env);
/// Records the use of the given normal protocol conformance.
/// The normal protocol conformance will be scheduled for
/// serialization if necessary.
/// \returns The ID for the given conformance in this module.
NormalConformanceID addConformanceRef(
const NormalProtocolConformance *conformance);
/// Records the use of the given SILLayout.
SILLayoutID addSILLayoutRef(SILLayout *layout);
/// Records the use of the given module.
/// The module's name will be scheduled for serialization if necessary.
/// \returns The ID for the identifier for the module's name, or one of the
/// special module codes defined above.
IdentifierID addModuleRef(const ModuleDecl *M);
/// Writes a list of generic substitutions. abbrCode is needed to support
/// usage out of decl block.
/// \param genericEnv When provided, the generic environment that describes
/// the archetypes within the substitutions. The replacement types within
/// the substitution will be mapped out of the generic environment before
/// being written.
void writeSubstitutions(SubstitutionList substitutions,
const std::array<unsigned, 256> &abbrCodes,
GenericEnvironment *genericEnv = nullptr,
bool ignoreReplacementErrors = false);
/// Write a normal protocol conformance.
void writeNormalConformance(const NormalProtocolConformance *conformance);
/// Write a SILLayout.
void writeSILLayout(SILLayout *conformance);
/// Writes a protocol conformance.
/// \param genericEnv When provided, the generic environment that describes
/// the archetypes within the substitutions. The replacement types within
/// the substitution will be mapped out of the generic environment before
/// being written.
void writeConformance(ProtocolConformanceRef conformance,
const std::array<unsigned, 256> &abbrCodes,
GenericEnvironment *genericEnv = nullptr);
/// Writes a protocol conformance.
void writeConformance(ProtocolConformance *conformance,
const std::array<unsigned, 256> &abbrCodes,
GenericEnvironment *genericEnv = nullptr);
/// Writes a set of generic requirements.
void writeGenericRequirements(ArrayRef<Requirement> requirements,
const std::array<unsigned, 256> &abbrCodes);
} // end namespace serialization
} // end namespace swift