blob: 198dc6bb9f1a3bdba150a54b10d6f439a9b495f1 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
internal protocol _HashTableDelegate {
func hashValue(at bucket: _HashTable.Bucket) -> Int
func moveEntry(from source: _HashTable.Bucket, to target: _HashTable.Bucket)
internal struct _HashTable {
internal typealias Word = _UnsafeBitset.Word
internal var words: UnsafeMutablePointer<Word>
internal let bucketMask: Int
internal init(words: UnsafeMutablePointer<Word>, bucketCount: Int) {
_internalInvariant(bucketCount > 0 && bucketCount & (bucketCount - 1) == 0,
"bucketCount must be a power of two")
self.words = words
// The bucket count is a power of two, so subtracting 1 will never overflow
// and get us a nice mask.
self.bucketMask = bucketCount &- 1
internal var bucketCount: Int {
@inline(__always) get {
return bucketMask &+ 1
internal var wordCount: Int {
@inline(__always) get {
return _UnsafeBitset.wordCount(forCapacity: bucketCount)
extension _HashTable {
/// The inverse of the maximum hash table load factor.
private static var maxLoadFactor: Double {
@inline(__always) get { return 3 / 4 }
internal static func capacity(forScale scale: Int8) -> Int {
let bucketCount = (1 as Int) &<< scale
return Int(Double(bucketCount) * maxLoadFactor)
internal static func scale(forCapacity capacity: Int) -> Int8 {
let capacity = Swift.max(capacity, 1)
// Calculate the minimum number of entries we need to allocate to satisfy
// the maximum load factor. `capacity + 1` below ensures that we always
// leave at least one hole.
let minimumEntries = Swift.max(
Int((Double(capacity) / maxLoadFactor).rounded(.up)),
capacity + 1)
// The actual number of entries we need to allocate is the lowest power of
// two greater than or equal to the minimum entry count. Calculate its
// exponent.
let exponent = (Swift.max(minimumEntries, 2) - 1)._binaryLogarithm() + 1
_internalInvariant(exponent >= 0 && exponent < Int.bitWidth)
// The scale is the exponent corresponding to the bucket count.
let scale = Int8(truncatingIfNeeded: exponent)
_internalInvariant(self.capacity(forScale: scale) >= capacity)
return scale
// The initial age to use for native copies of a Cocoa NSSet/NSDictionary.
internal static func age(for cocoa: AnyObject) -> Int32 {
let hash = ObjectIdentifier(cocoa).hashValue
return Int32(truncatingIfNeeded: hash)
internal static func hashSeed(
for object: AnyObject,
scale: Int8
) -> Int {
// We generate a new hash seed whenever a new hash table is allocated and
// whenever an existing table is resized, so that we avoid certain copy
// operations becoming quadratic. (For background details, see
// Note that we do reuse the existing seed when making copy-on-write copies
// so that we avoid breaking value semantics.
if Hasher._isDeterministic {
// When we're using deterministic hashing, the scale value as the seed is
// still allowed, and it covers most cases. (Unfortunately some operations
// that merge two similar-sized hash tables will still be quadratic.)
return Int(scale)
// Use the object address as the hash seed. This is cheaper than
// SystemRandomNumberGenerator, while it has the same practical effect.
// Addresses aren't entirely random, but that's not the goal here -- the
// 128-bit execution seed takes care of randomization. We only need to
// guarantee that no two tables with the same seed can coexist at the same
// time (apart from copy-on-write derivatives of the same table).
return unsafeBitCast(object, to: Int.self)
extension _HashTable {
internal struct Bucket {
internal var offset: Int
internal init(offset: Int) {
_internalInvariant(offset >= 0)
self.offset = offset
internal init(word: Int, bit: Int) {
self.offset = _UnsafeBitset.join(word: word, bit: bit)
internal var word: Int {
@inline(__always) get {
return _UnsafeBitset.word(for: offset)
internal var bit: Int {
@inline(__always) get {
return _UnsafeBitset.bit(for: offset)
extension _HashTable.Bucket: Equatable {
static func == (lhs: _HashTable.Bucket, rhs: _HashTable.Bucket) -> Bool {
return lhs.offset == rhs.offset
extension _HashTable.Bucket: Comparable {
static func < (lhs: _HashTable.Bucket, rhs: _HashTable.Bucket) -> Bool {
return lhs.offset < rhs.offset
extension _HashTable {
internal struct Index {
let bucket: Bucket
let age: Int32
internal init(bucket: Bucket, age: Int32) {
self.bucket = bucket
self.age = age
extension _HashTable.Index: Equatable {
internal static func ==(
lhs: _HashTable.Index,
rhs: _HashTable.Index
) -> Bool {
_precondition(lhs.age == rhs.age,
"Can't compare indices belonging to different collections")
return lhs.bucket == rhs.bucket
extension _HashTable.Index: Comparable {
internal static func <(
lhs: _HashTable.Index,
rhs: _HashTable.Index
) -> Bool {
_precondition(lhs.age == rhs.age,
"Can't compare indices belonging to different collections")
return lhs.bucket < rhs.bucket
extension _HashTable: Sequence {
internal struct Iterator: IteratorProtocol {
let hashTable: _HashTable
var wordIndex: Int
var word: Word
init(_ hashTable: _HashTable) {
self.hashTable = hashTable
self.wordIndex = 0
self.word = hashTable.words[0]
if hashTable.bucketCount < Word.capacity {
self.word = self.word.intersecting(elementsBelow: hashTable.bucketCount)
internal mutating func next() -> Bucket? {
if let bit = {
return Bucket(word: wordIndex, bit: bit)
while wordIndex + 1 < hashTable.wordCount {
wordIndex += 1
word = hashTable.words[wordIndex]
if let bit = {
return Bucket(word: wordIndex, bit: bit)
return nil
internal func makeIterator() -> Iterator {
return Iterator(self)
extension _HashTable {
internal func isValid(_ bucket: Bucket) -> Bool {
return bucket.offset >= 0 && bucket.offset < bucketCount
internal func _isOccupied(_ bucket: Bucket) -> Bool {
return words[bucket.word].uncheckedContains(bucket.bit)
internal func isOccupied(_ bucket: Bucket) -> Bool {
return isValid(bucket) && _isOccupied(bucket)
internal func checkOccupied(_ bucket: Bucket) {
"Attempting to access Collection elements using an invalid Index")
internal func _firstOccupiedBucket(fromWord word: Int) -> Bucket {
_internalInvariant(word >= 0 && word <= wordCount)
var word = word
while word < wordCount {
if let bit = words[word].minimum {
return Bucket(word: word, bit: bit)
word += 1
return endBucket
internal func occupiedBucket(after bucket: Bucket) -> Bucket {
let word = bucket.word
if let bit = words[word].intersecting(elementsAbove: bucket.bit).minimum {
return Bucket(word: word, bit: bit)
return _firstOccupiedBucket(fromWord: word + 1)
internal var startBucket: Bucket {
return _firstOccupiedBucket(fromWord: 0)
internal var endBucket: Bucket {
get {
return Bucket(offset: bucketCount)
extension _HashTable {
internal func idealBucket(forHashValue hashValue: Int) -> Bucket {
return Bucket(offset: hashValue & bucketMask)
/// The next bucket after `bucket`, with wraparound at the end of the table.
internal func bucket(wrappedAfter bucket: Bucket) -> Bucket {
// The bucket is less than bucketCount, which is power of two less than
// Int.max. Therefore adding 1 does not overflow.
return Bucket(offset: (bucket.offset &+ 1) & bucketMask)
extension _HashTable {
internal func previousHole(before bucket: Bucket) -> Bucket {
// Note that if we have only a single partial word, its out-of-bounds bits
// are guaranteed to be all set, so the formula below gives correct results.
var word = bucket.word
if let bit =
.intersecting(elementsBelow: bucket.bit)
.maximum {
return Bucket(word: word, bit: bit)
var wrap = false
while true {
word -= 1
if word < 0 {
_precondition(!wrap, "Hash table has no holes")
wrap = true
word = wordCount - 1
if let bit = words[word].complement.maximum {
return Bucket(word: word, bit: bit)
internal func nextHole(atOrAfter bucket: Bucket) -> Bucket {
// Note that if we have only a single partial word, its out-of-bounds bits
// are guaranteed to be all set, so the formula below gives correct results.
var word = bucket.word
if let bit =
.subtracting(elementsBelow: bucket.bit)
.minimum {
return Bucket(word: word, bit: bit)
var wrap = false
while true {
word &+= 1
if word == wordCount {
_precondition(!wrap, "Hash table has no holes")
wrap = true
word = 0
if let bit = words[word].complement.minimum {
return Bucket(word: word, bit: bit)
extension _HashTable {
internal func copyContents(of other: _HashTable) {
_internalInvariant(bucketCount == other.bucketCount)
self.words.assign(from: other.words, count: wordCount)
/// Insert a new entry with the specified hash value into the table.
/// The entry must not already exist in the table -- duplicates are ignored.
internal func insertNew(hashValue: Int) -> Bucket {
let hole = nextHole(atOrAfter: idealBucket(forHashValue: hashValue))
return hole
/// Insert a new entry for an element at `index`.
internal func insert(_ bucket: Bucket) {
internal func clear() {
if bucketCount < Word.capacity {
// We have only a single partial word. Set all out of bounds bits, so that
// `occupiedBucket(after:)` and `nextHole(atOrAfter:)` works correctly
// without a special case.
words[0] = Word.allBits.subtracting(elementsBelow: bucketCount)
} else {
words.assign(repeating: .empty, count: wordCount)
internal func delete<D: _HashTableDelegate>(
at bucket: Bucket,
with delegate: D
) {
// If we've put a hole in a chain of contiguous elements, some element after
// the hole may belong where the new hole is.
var hole = bucket
var candidate = self.bucket(wrappedAfter: hole)
guard _isOccupied(candidate) else {
// Fast path: Don't get the first bucket when there's nothing to do.
// Find the first bucket in the contiguous chain that contains the entry
// we've just deleted.
let start = self.bucket(wrappedAfter: previousHole(before: bucket))
// Relocate out-of-place elements in the chain, repeating until we get to
// the end of the chain.
while _isOccupied(candidate) {
let candidateHash = delegate.hashValue(at: candidate)
let ideal = idealBucket(forHashValue: candidateHash)
// Does this element belong between start and hole? We need two
// separate tests depending on whether [start, hole] wraps around the
// end of the storage.
let c0 = ideal >= start
let c1 = ideal <= hole
if start <= hole ? (c0 && c1) : (c0 || c1) {
delegate.moveEntry(from: candidate, to: hole)
hole = candidate
candidate = self.bucket(wrappedAfter: candidate)