blob: 066556c6fd469c2bfe804c8dec778caf4fc37c78 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -typecheck -parse-as-library %s -verify
struct Sub: Hashable {
static func ==(_: Sub, _: Sub) -> Bool { return true }
var hashValue: Int { return 0 }
struct OptSub: Hashable {
static func ==(_: OptSub, _: OptSub) -> Bool { return true }
var hashValue: Int { return 0 }
struct NonHashableSub {}
struct Prop {
subscript(sub: Sub) -> A { get { return A() } set { } }
subscript(optSub: OptSub) -> A? { get { return A() } set { } }
subscript(nonHashableSub: NonHashableSub) -> A { get { return A() } set { } }
subscript(a: Sub, b: Sub) -> A { get { return A() } set { } }
subscript(a: Sub, b: NonHashableSub) -> A { get { return A() } set { } }
var nonMutatingProperty: B {
get { fatalError() }
nonmutating set { fatalError() }
struct A: Hashable {
init() { fatalError() }
var property: Prop
var optProperty: Prop?
let optLetProperty: Prop?
subscript(sub: Sub) -> A { get { return self } set { } }
static func ==(_: A, _: A) -> Bool { fatalError() }
var hashValue: Int { fatalError() }
struct B {}
struct C<T> {
var value: T
subscript() -> T { get { return value } }
subscript(sub: Sub) -> T { get { return value } set { } }
subscript<U: Hashable>(sub: U) -> U { get { return sub } set { } }
subscript<X>(noHashableConstraint sub: X) -> X { get { return sub } set { } }
extension Array where Element == A {
var property: Prop { fatalError() }
protocol P { var member: String { get } }
extension B : P { var member : String { return "Member Value" } }
struct Exactly<T> {}
func expect<T>(_ x: inout T, toHaveType _: Exactly<T>.Type) {}
func testKeyPath(sub: Sub, optSub: OptSub,
nonHashableSub: NonHashableSub, x: Int) {
var a = \
expect(&a, toHaveType: Exactly<WritableKeyPath<A, Prop>>.self)
var b = \A.[sub]
expect(&b, toHaveType: Exactly<WritableKeyPath<A, A>>.self)
var c = \A.[sub].property
expect(&c, toHaveType: Exactly<WritableKeyPath<A, Prop>>.self)
var d = \A.optProperty?
expect(&d, toHaveType: Exactly<KeyPath<A, Prop?>>.self)
var e = \A.optProperty?[sub]
expect(&e, toHaveType: Exactly<KeyPath<A, A?>>.self)
var f = \A.optProperty!
expect(&f, toHaveType: Exactly<WritableKeyPath<A, Prop>>.self)
var g = \[optSub]?.optProperty![sub]
expect(&g, toHaveType: Exactly<KeyPath<A, A?>>.self)
var h = \[A].property
expect(&h, toHaveType: Exactly<KeyPath<[A], Prop>>.self)
var i = \[A].property.nonMutatingProperty
expect(&i, toHaveType: Exactly<ReferenceWritableKeyPath<[A], B>>.self)
var j = \[A].[x]
expect(&j, toHaveType: Exactly<WritableKeyPath<[A], A>>.self)
var k = \[A: B].[A()]
expect(&k, toHaveType: Exactly<WritableKeyPath<[A: B], B?>>.self)
var l = \C<A>.value
expect(&l, toHaveType: Exactly<WritableKeyPath<C<A>, A>>.self)
// expected-error@+1{{generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred}}
_ = \C.value
// expected-error@+1{{}}
_ = \(() -> ()).noMember
let _: PartialKeyPath<A> = \.property
let _: KeyPath<A, Prop> = \.property
let _: WritableKeyPath<A, Prop> = \.property
// expected-error@+1{{ambiguous}} (need to improve diagnostic)
let _: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<A, Prop> = \.property
// FIXME: shouldn't be ambiguous
// expected-error@+1{{ambiguous}}
let _: PartialKeyPath<A> = \.[sub]
let _: KeyPath<A, A> = \.[sub]
let _: WritableKeyPath<A, A> = \.[sub]
// expected-error@+1{{ambiguous}} (need to improve diagnostic)
let _: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<A, A> = \.[sub]
let _: PartialKeyPath<A> = \.optProperty?
let _: KeyPath<A, Prop?> = \.optProperty?
// expected-error@+1{{cannot convert}}
let _: WritableKeyPath<A, Prop?> = \.optProperty?
// expected-error@+1{{cannot convert}}
let _: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<A, Prop?> = \.optProperty?
let _: PartialKeyPath<A> = \.optProperty?[sub]
let _: KeyPath<A, A?> = \.optProperty?[sub]
// expected-error@+1{{cannot convert}}
let _: WritableKeyPath<A, A?> = \.optProperty?[sub]
// expected-error@+1{{cannot convert}}
let _: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<A, A?> = \.optProperty?[sub]
let _: KeyPath<A, Prop> = \.optProperty!
let _: KeyPath<A, Prop> = \.optLetProperty!
let _: KeyPath<A, Prop?> = \.property[optSub]?.optProperty!
let _: KeyPath<A, A?> = \.property[optSub]?.optProperty![sub]
let _: PartialKeyPath<C<A>> = \.value
let _: KeyPath<C<A>, A> = \.value
let _: WritableKeyPath<C<A>, A> = \.value
// expected-error@+1{{ambiguous}} (need to improve diagnostic)
let _: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<C<A>, A> = \.value
let _: PartialKeyPath<C<A>> = \C.value
let _: KeyPath<C<A>, A> = \C.value
let _: WritableKeyPath<C<A>, A> = \C.value
// expected-error@+1{{cannot convert}}
let _: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<C<A>, A> = \C.value
let _: PartialKeyPath<Prop> = \.nonMutatingProperty
let _: KeyPath<Prop, B> = \.nonMutatingProperty
let _: WritableKeyPath<Prop, B> = \.nonMutatingProperty
let _: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Prop, B> = \.nonMutatingProperty
var m = [\, \A.[sub], \A.optProperty!]
expect(&m, toHaveType: Exactly<[PartialKeyPath<A>]>.self)
// FIXME: shouldn't be ambiguous
// expected-error@+1{{ambiguous}}
var n = [\, \.optProperty, \.[sub], \.optProperty!]
expect(&n, toHaveType: Exactly<[PartialKeyPath<A>]>.self)
// FIXME: shouldn't be ambiguous
// expected-error@+1{{ambiguous}}
let _: [PartialKeyPath<A>] = [\.property, \.optProperty, \.[sub], \.optProperty!]
var o = [\, \C<A>.value]
expect(&o, toHaveType: Exactly<[AnyKeyPath]>.self)
let _: AnyKeyPath = \
let _: AnyKeyPath = \C<A>.value
let _: AnyKeyPath = \.property // expected-error{{ambiguous}}
let _: AnyKeyPath = \C.value // expected-error{{cannot convert}} (need to improve diagnostic)
let _: AnyKeyPath = \.value // expected-error{{ambiguous}}
let _ = \Prop.[nonHashableSub] // expected-error{{subscript index of type 'NonHashableSub' in a key path must be Hashable}}
let _ = \Prop.[sub, sub]
let _ = \Prop.[sub, nonHashableSub] // expected-error{{subscript index of type 'NonHashableSub' in a key path must be Hashable}}
let _ = \C<Int>.[]
let _ = \C<Int>.[sub]
let _ = \C<Int>.[noHashableConstraint: sub]
let _ = \C<Int>.[noHashableConstraint: nonHashableSub] // expected-error{{subscript index of type 'NonHashableSub' in a key path must be Hashable}}
func testKeyPathInGenericContext<H: Hashable, X>(hashable: H, anything: X) {
let _ = \C<Int>.[hashable]
let _ = \C<Int>.[noHashableConstraint: hashable]
let _ = \C<Int>.[noHashableConstraint: anything] // expected-error{{subscript index of type 'X' in a key path must be Hashable}}
func testDisembodiedStringInterpolation(x: Int) {
\(x) // expected-error{{string interpolation}} expected-error{{}}
\(x, radix: 16) // expected-error{{string interpolation}} expected-error{{}}
_ = \(Int, Int).0 // expected-error{{cannot reference tuple elements}}
func testNoComponents() {
let _: KeyPath<A, A> = \A // expected-error{{must have at least one component}}
let _: KeyPath<C, A> = \C // expected-error{{must have at least one component}} expected-error{{}}
struct TupleStruct {
var unlabeled: (Int, String)
var labeled: (foo: Int, bar: String)
func tupleComponent() {
// TODO: Customized diagnostic
let _ = \(Int, String).0 // expected-error{{}}
let _ = \(Int, String).1 // expected-error{{}}
let _ = \TupleStruct.unlabeled.0 // expected-error{{}}
let _ = \TupleStruct.unlabeled.1 // expected-error{{}}
let _ = \(foo: Int, bar: String).0 // expected-error{{}}
let _ = \(foo: Int, bar: String).1 // expected-error{{}}
let _ = \(foo: Int, bar: String).foo // expected-error{{}}
let _ = \(foo: Int, bar: String).bar // expected-error{{}}
let _ = \TupleStruct.labeled.0 // expected-error{{}}
let _ = \TupleStruct.labeled.1 // expected-error{{}}
let _ = \ // expected-error{{}}
let _ = \ // expected-error{{}}
struct Z { }
func testKeyPathSubscript(readonly: Z, writable: inout Z,
kp: KeyPath<Z, Int>,
wkp: WritableKeyPath<Z, Int>,
rkp: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Z, Int>) {
var sink: Int
sink = readonly[keyPath: kp]
sink = writable[keyPath: kp]
sink = readonly[keyPath: wkp]
sink = writable[keyPath: wkp]
sink = readonly[keyPath: rkp]
sink = writable[keyPath: rkp]
readonly[keyPath: kp] = sink // expected-error{{cannot assign to immutable}}
writable[keyPath: kp] = sink // expected-error{{cannot assign to immutable}}
readonly[keyPath: wkp] = sink // expected-error{{cannot assign to immutable}}
writable[keyPath: wkp] = sink
readonly[keyPath: rkp] = sink
writable[keyPath: rkp] = sink
let pkp: PartialKeyPath = rkp
var anySink1 = readonly[keyPath: pkp]
expect(&anySink1, toHaveType: Exactly<Any>.self)
var anySink2 = writable[keyPath: pkp]
expect(&anySink2, toHaveType: Exactly<Any>.self)
readonly[keyPath: pkp] = anySink1 // expected-error{{cannot assign to immutable}}
writable[keyPath: pkp] = anySink2 // expected-error{{cannot assign to immutable}}
let akp: AnyKeyPath = pkp
var anyqSink1 = readonly[keyPath: akp]
expect(&anyqSink1, toHaveType: Exactly<Any?>.self)
var anyqSink2 = writable[keyPath: akp]
expect(&anyqSink2, toHaveType: Exactly<Any?>.self)
readonly[keyPath: akp] = anyqSink1 // expected-error{{cannot assign to immutable}}
writable[keyPath: akp] = anyqSink2 // expected-error{{cannot assign to immutable}}
struct ZwithSubscript {
subscript(keyPath kp: KeyPath<ZwithSubscript, Int>) -> Int { return 0 }
subscript(keyPath kp: WritableKeyPath<ZwithSubscript, Int>) -> Int { return 0 }
subscript(keyPath kp: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<ZwithSubscript, Int>) -> Int { return 0 }
subscript(keyPath kp: PartialKeyPath<ZwithSubscript>) -> Any { return 0 }
func testKeyPathSubscript(readonly: ZwithSubscript, writable: inout ZwithSubscript,
kp: KeyPath<ZwithSubscript, Int>,
wkp: WritableKeyPath<ZwithSubscript, Int>,
rkp: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<ZwithSubscript, Int>) {
var sink: Int
sink = readonly[keyPath: kp]
sink = writable[keyPath: kp]
sink = readonly[keyPath: wkp]
sink = writable[keyPath: wkp]
sink = readonly[keyPath: rkp]
sink = writable[keyPath: rkp]
readonly[keyPath: kp] = sink // expected-error{{cannot assign through subscript: subscript is get-only}}
writable[keyPath: kp] = sink // expected-error{{cannot assign through subscript: subscript is get-only}}
readonly[keyPath: wkp] = sink // expected-error{{cannot assign through subscript: subscript is get-only}}
// FIXME: silently falls back to keypath application, which seems inconsistent
writable[keyPath: wkp] = sink
// FIXME: silently falls back to keypath application, which seems inconsistent
readonly[keyPath: rkp] = sink
// FIXME: silently falls back to keypath application, which seems inconsistent
writable[keyPath: rkp] = sink
let pkp: PartialKeyPath = rkp
var anySink1 = readonly[keyPath: pkp]
expect(&anySink1, toHaveType: Exactly<Any>.self)
var anySink2 = writable[keyPath: pkp]
expect(&anySink2, toHaveType: Exactly<Any>.self)
readonly[keyPath: pkp] = anySink1 // expected-error{{cannot assign through subscript: subscript is get-only}}
writable[keyPath: pkp] = anySink2 // expected-error{{cannot assign through subscript: subscript is get-only}}
let akp: AnyKeyPath = pkp
var anyqSink1 = readonly[keyPath: akp]
expect(&anyqSink1, toHaveType: Exactly<Any?>.self)
var anyqSink2 = writable[keyPath: akp]
expect(&anyqSink2, toHaveType: Exactly<Any?>.self)
// FIXME: silently falls back to keypath application, which seems inconsistent
readonly[keyPath: akp] = anyqSink1 // expected-error{{cannot assign to immutable}}
// FIXME: silently falls back to keypath application, which seems inconsistent
writable[keyPath: akp] = anyqSink2 // expected-error{{cannot assign to immutable}}
func testKeyPathSubscriptMetatype(readonly: Z.Type, writable: inout Z.Type,
kp: KeyPath<Z.Type, Int>,
wkp: WritableKeyPath<Z.Type, Int>,
rkp: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Z.Type, Int>) {
var sink: Int
sink = readonly[keyPath: kp]
sink = writable[keyPath: kp]
sink = readonly[keyPath: wkp]
sink = writable[keyPath: wkp]
sink = readonly[keyPath: rkp]
sink = writable[keyPath: rkp]
readonly[keyPath: kp] = sink // expected-error{{cannot assign to immutable}}
writable[keyPath: kp] = sink // expected-error{{cannot assign to immutable}}
readonly[keyPath: wkp] = sink // expected-error{{cannot assign to immutable}}
writable[keyPath: wkp] = sink
readonly[keyPath: rkp] = sink
writable[keyPath: rkp] = sink
func testKeyPathSubscriptTuple(readonly: (Z,Z), writable: inout (Z,Z),
kp: KeyPath<(Z,Z), Int>,
wkp: WritableKeyPath<(Z,Z), Int>,
rkp: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<(Z,Z), Int>) {
var sink: Int
sink = readonly[keyPath: kp]
sink = writable[keyPath: kp]
sink = readonly[keyPath: wkp]
sink = writable[keyPath: wkp]
sink = readonly[keyPath: rkp]
sink = writable[keyPath: rkp]
readonly[keyPath: kp] = sink // expected-error{{cannot assign to immutable}}
writable[keyPath: kp] = sink // expected-error{{cannot assign to immutable}}
readonly[keyPath: wkp] = sink // expected-error{{cannot assign to immutable}}
writable[keyPath: wkp] = sink
readonly[keyPath: rkp] = sink
writable[keyPath: rkp] = sink
func testKeyPathSubscriptLValue(base: Z, kp: inout KeyPath<Z, Z>) {
_ = base[keyPath: kp]
func testKeyPathSubscriptExistentialBase(base: B, kp: KeyPath<P, String>) {
_ = base[keyPath: kp]
struct AA {
subscript(x: Int) -> Int { return x }
subscript(labeled x: Int) -> Int { return x }
var c: CC? = CC()
class CC {
var i = 0
func testKeyPathOptional() {
_ = \AA.c?.i
_ = \AA.c!.i
// SR-6198
let path: KeyPath<CC,Int>! = \CC.i
let cc = CC()
_ = cc[keyPath: path]
func testLiteralInAnyContext() {
let _: AnyKeyPath = \
let _: AnyObject = \
let _: Any = \
let _: Any? = \
func testMoreGeneralContext<T, U>(_: KeyPath<T, U>, with: T.Type) {}
func testLiteralInMoreGeneralContext() {
testMoreGeneralContext(\.property, with: A.self)
func testLabeledSubscript() {
let _: KeyPath<AA, Int> = \AA.[labeled: 0]
let _: KeyPath<AA, Int> = \.[labeled: 0]
let k = \AA.[labeled: 0]
// TODO: These ought to work without errors.
let _ = \AA.[keyPath: k] // expected-error{{}}
let _ = \AA.[keyPath: \AA.[labeled: 0]] // expected-error{{}}
func testInvalidKeyPathComponents() {
let _ = \.{return 0} // expected-error* {{}}
class X {
class var a: Int { return 1 }
static var b = 2
func testStaticKeyPathComponent() {
_ = \X.a // expected-error{{}}
_ = \X.Type.a // expected-error{{cannot refer to static member}}
_ = \X.b // expected-error{{}}
_ = \X.Type.b // expected-error{{cannot refer to static member}}
class Bass: Hashable {
static func ==(_: Bass, _: Bass) -> Bool { return false }
var hashValue: Int { return 0 }
class Treble: Bass { }
struct BassSubscript {
subscript(_: Bass) -> Int { fatalError() }
subscript(_: @autoclosure () -> String) -> Int { fatalError() }
func testImplicitConversionInSubscriptIndex() {
_ = \BassSubscript.[Treble()]
_ = \BassSubscript.["hello"] // expected-error{{must be Hashable}}
// SR-6106
func sr6106() {
class B {}
class A {
var b: B? = nil
class C {
var a: A?
func myFunc() {
let _ = \C.a?.b
func testSyntaxErrors() { // expected-note{{}}
_ = \. ; // expected-error{{expected member name following '.'}}
_ = \.a ;
_ = \[a ;
_ = \[a];
_ = \? ;
_ = \! ;
_ = \. ; // expected-error{{expected member name following '.'}}
_ = \.a ;
_ = \[a ;
_ = \[a,;
_ = \[a:;
_ = \[a];
_ = \.a?;
_ = \.a!;
_ = \A ;
_ = \A, ;
_ = \A< ;
_ = \A. ; // expected-error{{expected member name following '.'}}
_ = \A.a ;
_ = \A[a ;
_ = \A[a];
_ = \A? ;
_ = \A! ;
_ = \A. ; // expected-error{{expected member name following '.'}}
_ = \A.a ;
_ = \A[a ;
_ = \A[a,;
_ = \A[a:;
_ = \A[a];
_ = \A.a?;
_ = \A.a!;
} // expected-error@+1{{}}