blob: e3176651b282eb56799157995c4f18078ff64a8a [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
@available(*, unavailable)
func unavailable_func() {}
@available(*, unavailable, message: "message")
func unavailable_func_with_message() {}
@available(tvOS, unavailable)
@available(watchOS, unavailable)
@available(iOS, unavailable)
@available(OSX, unavailable)
func unavailable_multiple_platforms() {}
@available // expected-error {{expected '(' in 'available' attribute}}
func noArgs() {}
@available(*) // expected-error {{expected ',' in 'available' attribute}}
func noKind() {}
@available(badPlatform, unavailable) // expected-warning {{unknown platform 'badPlatform' for attribute 'available'}}
func unavailable_bad_platform() {}
// Handle unknown platform.
@available(HAL9000, unavailable) // expected-warning {{unknown platform 'HAL9000'}}
func availabilityUnknownPlatform() {}
// <rdar://problem/17669805> Availability can't appear on a typealias
@available(*, unavailable, message: "oh no you don't")
typealias int = Int // expected-note {{'int' has been explicitly marked unavailable here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "Float")
typealias float = Float // expected-note {{'float' has been explicitly marked unavailable here}}
protocol MyNewerProtocol {}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "MyNewerProtocol")
protocol MyOlderProtocol {} // expected-note {{'MyOlderProtocol' has been explicitly marked unavailable here}}
extension Int: MyOlderProtocol {} // expected-error {{'MyOlderProtocol' has been renamed to 'MyNewerProtocol'}}
struct MyCollection<Element> {
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "Element")
typealias T = Element // expected-note 2{{'T' has been explicitly marked unavailable here}}
func foo(x: T) { } // expected-error {{'T' has been renamed to 'Element'}} {{15-16=Element}}
extension MyCollection {
func append(element: T) { } // expected-error {{'T' has been renamed to 'Element'}} {{24-25=Element}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "MyCollection")
typealias YourCollection<Element> = MyCollection<Element> // expected-note {{'YourCollection' has been explicitly marked unavailable here}}
var x : YourCollection<Int> // expected-error {{'YourCollection' has been renamed to 'MyCollection'}}{{9-23=MyCollection}}
var x : int // expected-error {{'int' is unavailable: oh no you don't}}
var y : float // expected-error {{'float' has been renamed to 'Float'}}{{9-14=Float}}
// Encoded message
@available(*, unavailable, message: "This message has a double quote \"")
func unavailableWithDoubleQuoteInMessage() {} // expected-note {{'unavailableWithDoubleQuoteInMessage()' has been explicitly marked unavailable here}}
func useWithEscapedMessage() {
unavailableWithDoubleQuoteInMessage() // expected-error {{'unavailableWithDoubleQuoteInMessage()' is unavailable: This message has a double quote \"}}
// More complicated parsing.
@available(OSX, message: "x", unavailable)
let _: Int
@available(OSX, introduced: 1, deprecated: 2.0, obsoleted: 3.0.0)
let _: Int
@available(OSX, introduced: 1.0.0, deprecated: 2.0, obsoleted: 3, unavailable, renamed: "x")
let _: Int
// Meaningless but accepted.
@available(OSX, message: "x")
let _: Int
// Parse errors.
@available() // expected-error{{expected platform name or '*' for 'available' attribute}}
let _: Int
@available(OSX,) // expected-error{{expected 'available' option such as 'unavailable', 'introduced', 'deprecated', 'obsoleted', 'message', or 'renamed'}}
let _: Int
@available(OSX, message) // expected-error{{expected ':' after 'message' in 'available' attribute}}
let _: Int
@available(OSX, message: ) // expected-error{{expected string literal in 'available' attribute}}
let _: Int
@available(OSX, message: x) // expected-error{{expected string literal in 'available' attribute}}
let _: Int
@available(OSX, unavailable:) // expected-error{{expected ')' in 'available' attribute}} expected-error{{expected declaration}}
let _: Int
@available(OSX, introduced) // expected-error{{expected ':' after 'introduced' in 'available' attribute}}
let _: Int
@available(OSX, introduced: ) // expected-error{{expected version number in 'available' attribute}}
let _: Int
@available(OSX, introduced: x) // expected-error{{expected version number in 'available' attribute}}
let _: Int
@available(OSX, introduced: 1.x) // expected-error{{expected ')' in 'available' attribute}} expected-error {{expected declaration}}
let _: Int
@available(OSX, introduced: 1.0.x) // expected-error{{expected version number in 'available' attribute}}
let _: Int
@available(OSX, introduced: 0x1) // expected-error{{expected version number in 'available' attribute}}
let _: Int
@available(OSX, introduced: 1.0e4) // expected-error{{expected version number in 'available' attribute}}
let _: Int
@available(OSX, introduced: -1) // expected-error{{expected version number in 'available' attribute}} expected-error{{expected declaration}}
let _: Int
@available(OSX, introduced: 1.0.1e4) // expected-error{{expected version number in 'available' attribute}}
let _: Int
@available(OSX, introduced: 1.0.0x4) // expected-error{{expected version number in 'available' attribute}}
let _: Int
@available(*, renamed: "bad name") // expected-error{{'renamed' argument of 'available' attribute must be an operator, identifier, or full function name, optionally prefixed by a type name}}
let _: Int
@available(*, renamed: "_") // expected-error{{'renamed' argument of 'available' attribute must be an operator, identifier, or full function name, optionally prefixed by a type name}}
let _: Int
@available(*, renamed: "a+b") // expected-error{{'renamed' argument of 'available' attribute must be an operator, identifier, or full function name, optionally prefixed by a type name}}
let _: Int
@available(*, renamed: "a(") // expected-error{{'renamed' argument of 'available' attribute must be an operator, identifier, or full function name, optionally prefixed by a type name}}
let _: Int
@available(*, renamed: "a(:)") // expected-error{{'renamed' argument of 'available' attribute must be an operator, identifier, or full function name, optionally prefixed by a type name}}
let _: Int
@available(*, renamed: "a(:b:)") // expected-error{{'renamed' argument of 'available' attribute must be an operator, identifier, or full function name, optionally prefixed by a type name}}
let _: Int
@available(*, deprecated, unavailable, message: "message") // expected-error{{'available' attribute cannot be both unconditionally 'unavailable' and 'deprecated'}}
struct BadUnconditionalAvailability { };
@available(*, unavailable, message="oh no you don't") // expected-error {{'=' has been replaced with ':' in attribute arguments}} {{35-36=: }}
typealias EqualFixIt1 = Int
@available(*, unavailable, message = "oh no you don't") // expected-error {{'=' has been replaced with ':' in attribute arguments}} {{36-37=:}}
typealias EqualFixIt2 = Int
// Encoding in messages
@available(*, deprecated, message: "Say \"Hi\"")
func deprecated_func_with_message() {}
// 'PANDA FACE' (U+1F43C)
@available(*, deprecated, message: "Pandas \u{1F43C} are cute")
struct DeprecatedTypeWithMessage { }
func use_deprecated_with_message() {
deprecated_func_with_message() // expected-warning{{'deprecated_func_with_message()' is deprecated: Say \"Hi\"}}
var _: DeprecatedTypeWithMessage // expected-warning{{'DeprecatedTypeWithMessage' is deprecated: Pandas \u{1F43C} are cute}}
@available(*, deprecated, message: "message")
func use_deprecated_func_with_message2() {
deprecated_func_with_message() // no diagnostic
@available(*, deprecated, renamed: "blarg")
func deprecated_func_with_renamed() {}
@available(*, deprecated, message: "blarg is your friend", renamed: "blarg")
func deprecated_func_with_message_renamed() {}
@available(*, deprecated, renamed: "wobble")
struct DeprecatedTypeWithRename { }
func use_deprecated_with_renamed() {
deprecated_func_with_renamed() // expected-warning{{'deprecated_func_with_renamed()' is deprecated: renamed to 'blarg'}}
// expected-note@-1{{use 'blarg'}}{{3-31=blarg}}
deprecated_func_with_message_renamed() //expected-warning{{'deprecated_func_with_message_renamed()' is deprecated: blarg is your friend}}
// expected-note@-1{{use 'blarg'}}{{3-39=blarg}}
var _: DeprecatedTypeWithRename // expected-warning{{'DeprecatedTypeWithRename' is deprecated: renamed to 'wobble'}}
// expected-note@-1{{use 'wobble'}}{{10-34=wobble}}
// Short form of @available()
@available(iOS 8.0, *)
func functionWithShortFormIOSAvailable() {}
@available(iOS 8, *)
func functionWithShortFormIOSVersionNoPointAvailable() {}
@available(iOS 8.0, OSX 10.10.3, *)
func functionWithShortFormIOSOSXAvailable() {}
@available(iOS 8.0 // expected-error {{must handle potential future platforms with '*'}} {{19-19=, *}}
func shortFormMissingParen() { // expected-error {{expected ')' in 'available' attribute}}
@available(iOS 8.0, // expected-error {{expected platform name}}
func shortFormMissingPlatform() {
@available(iOS 8.0, *
func shortFormMissingParenAfterWildcard() { // expected-error {{expected ')' in 'available' attribute}}
@available(*) // expected-error {{expected ',' in 'available' attribute}}
func onlyWildcardInAvailable() {}
@available(iOS 8.0, *, OSX 10.10.3)
func shortFormWithWildcardInMiddle() {}
@available(iOS 8.0, OSX 10.10.3) // expected-error {{must handle potential future platforms with '*'}} {{32-32=, *}}
func shortFormMissingWildcard() {}
@availability(OSX, introduced: 10.10) // expected-error {{@availability has been renamed to @available}} {{2-14=available}}
func someFuncUsingOldAttribute() { }
// <rdar://problem/23853709> Compiler crash on call to unavailable "print"
func TextOutputStreamTest(message: String, to: inout TextOutputStream) {
print(message, &to) // expected-error {{'print' is unavailable: Please use the 'to' label for the target stream: 'print((...), to: &...)'}}
// expected-note@+1{{'T' has been explicitly marked unavailable here}}
struct UnavailableGenericParam<@available(*, unavailable, message: "nope") T> {
func f(t: T) { } // expected-error{{'T' is unavailable: nope}}
struct DummyType {}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "&+")
func +(x: DummyType, y: DummyType) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, deprecated, renamed: "&-")
func -(x: DummyType, y: DummyType) {}
func testOperators(x: DummyType, y: DummyType) {
x + y // expected-error {{'+' has been renamed to '&+'}} {{5-6=&+}}
x - y // expected-warning {{'-' is deprecated: renamed to '&-'}} expected-note {{use '&-' instead}} {{5-6=&-}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "")
func unavailableMember() {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, deprecated, renamed: "")
func deprecatedMember() {}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "")
func unavailableNestedMember() {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "DummyType.Foo")
struct UnavailableType {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, deprecated, renamed: "DummyType.Bar")
typealias DeprecatedType = Int
func testGlobalToMembers() {
unavailableMember() // expected-error {{'unavailableMember()' has been renamed to ''}} {{}}
deprecatedMember() // expected-warning {{'deprecatedMember()' is deprecated: renamed to ''}} expected-note {{use '' instead}} {{}}
unavailableNestedMember() // expected-error {{'unavailableNestedMember()' has been renamed to ''}} {{}}
let x: UnavailableType? = nil // expected-error {{'UnavailableType' has been renamed to 'DummyType.Foo'}} {{10-25=DummyType.Foo}}
_ = x
let y: DeprecatedType? = nil // expected-warning {{'DeprecatedType' is deprecated: renamed to 'DummyType.Bar'}} expected-note {{use 'DummyType.Bar' instead}} {{10-24=DummyType.Bar}}
_ = y
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "shinyLabeledArguments(example:)")
func unavailableArgNames(a: Int) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, deprecated, renamed: "moreShinyLabeledArguments(example:)")
func deprecatedArgNames(b: Int) {}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "DummyType.shinyLabeledArguments(example:)")
func unavailableMemberArgNames(a: Int) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, deprecated, renamed: "DummyType.moreShinyLabeledArguments(example:)")
func deprecatedMemberArgNames(b: Int) {}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "DummyType.shinyLabeledArguments(example:)", message: "ha")
func unavailableMemberArgNamesMsg(a: Int) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, deprecated, renamed: "DummyType.moreShinyLabeledArguments(example:)", message: "ha")
func deprecatedMemberArgNamesMsg(b: Int) {}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "shinyLabeledArguments()")
func unavailableNoArgs() {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "shinyLabeledArguments(a:)")
func unavailableSame(a: Int) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "shinyLabeledArguments(example:)")
func unavailableUnnamed(_ a: Int) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "shinyLabeledArguments(_:)")
func unavailableUnnamedSame(_ a: Int) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "shinyLabeledArguments(_:)")
func unavailableNewlyUnnamed(a: Int) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "shinyLabeledArguments(veryLongNameToOverflowASmallStringABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ:)")
func unavailableVeryLongArgNames(a: Int) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "shinyLabeledArguments(a:b:)")
func unavailableMultiSame(a: Int, b: Int) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "shinyLabeledArguments(example:another:)")
func unavailableMultiUnnamed(_ a: Int, _ b: Int) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "shinyLabeledArguments(_:_:)")
func unavailableMultiUnnamedSame(_ a: Int, _ b: Int) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "shinyLabeledArguments(_:_:)")
func unavailableMultiNewlyUnnamed(a: Int, b: Int) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "Int.init(other:)")
func unavailableInit(a: Int) {} // expected-note 2 {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "Foo.Bar.init(other:)")
func unavailableNestedInit(a: Int) {} // expected-note 2 {{here}}
func testArgNames() {
unavailableArgNames(a: 0) // expected-error {{'unavailableArgNames(a:)' has been renamed to 'shinyLabeledArguments(example:)'}} {{3-22=shinyLabeledArguments}} {{23-24=example}}
deprecatedArgNames(b: 1) // expected-warning {{'deprecatedArgNames(b:)' is deprecated: renamed to 'moreShinyLabeledArguments(example:)'}} expected-note {{use 'moreShinyLabeledArguments(example:)' instead}} {{3-21=moreShinyLabeledArguments}} {{22-23=example}}
unavailableMemberArgNames(a: 0) // expected-error {{'unavailableMemberArgNames(a:)' has been replaced by 'DummyType.shinyLabeledArguments(example:)'}} {{3-28=DummyType.shinyLabeledArguments}} {{29-30=example}}
deprecatedMemberArgNames(b: 1) // expected-warning {{'deprecatedMemberArgNames(b:)' is deprecated: replaced by 'DummyType.moreShinyLabeledArguments(example:)'}} expected-note {{use 'DummyType.moreShinyLabeledArguments(example:)' instead}} {{3-27=DummyType.moreShinyLabeledArguments}} {{28-29=example}}
unavailableMemberArgNamesMsg(a: 0) // expected-error {{'unavailableMemberArgNamesMsg(a:)' has been replaced by 'DummyType.shinyLabeledArguments(example:)': ha}} {{3-31=DummyType.shinyLabeledArguments}} {{32-33=example}}
deprecatedMemberArgNamesMsg(b: 1) // expected-warning {{'deprecatedMemberArgNamesMsg(b:)' is deprecated: ha}} expected-note {{use 'DummyType.moreShinyLabeledArguments(example:)' instead}} {{3-30=DummyType.moreShinyLabeledArguments}} {{31-32=example}}
unavailableNoArgs() // expected-error {{'unavailableNoArgs()' has been renamed to 'shinyLabeledArguments()'}} {{3-20=shinyLabeledArguments}}
unavailableSame(a: 0) // expected-error {{'unavailableSame(a:)' has been renamed to 'shinyLabeledArguments(a:)'}} {{3-18=shinyLabeledArguments}}
unavailableUnnamed(0) // expected-error {{'unavailableUnnamed' has been renamed to 'shinyLabeledArguments(example:)'}} {{3-21=shinyLabeledArguments}} {{22-22=example: }}
unavailableUnnamedSame(0) // expected-error {{'unavailableUnnamedSame' has been renamed to 'shinyLabeledArguments(_:)'}} {{3-25=shinyLabeledArguments}}
unavailableNewlyUnnamed(a: 0) // expected-error {{'unavailableNewlyUnnamed(a:)' has been renamed to 'shinyLabeledArguments(_:)'}} {{3-26=shinyLabeledArguments}} {{27-30=}}
unavailableVeryLongArgNames(a: 0) // expected-error {{'unavailableVeryLongArgNames(a:)' has been renamed to 'shinyLabeledArguments(veryLongNameToOverflowASmallStringABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ:)'}} {{3-30=shinyLabeledArguments}} {{31-32=veryLongNameToOverflowASmallStringABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ}}
unavailableMultiSame(a: 0, b: 1) // expected-error {{'unavailableMultiSame(a:b:)' has been renamed to 'shinyLabeledArguments(a:b:)'}} {{3-23=shinyLabeledArguments}}
unavailableMultiUnnamed(0, 1) // expected-error {{'unavailableMultiUnnamed' has been renamed to 'shinyLabeledArguments(example:another:)'}} {{3-26=shinyLabeledArguments}} {{27-27=example: }} {{30-30=another: }}
unavailableMultiUnnamedSame(0, 1) // expected-error {{'unavailableMultiUnnamedSame' has been renamed to 'shinyLabeledArguments(_:_:)'}} {{3-30=shinyLabeledArguments}}
unavailableMultiNewlyUnnamed(a: 0, b: 1) // expected-error {{'unavailableMultiNewlyUnnamed(a:b:)' has been renamed to 'shinyLabeledArguments(_:_:)'}} {{3-31=shinyLabeledArguments}} {{32-35=}} {{38-41=}}
unavailableInit(a: 0) // expected-error {{'unavailableInit(a:)' has been replaced by 'Int.init(other:)'}} {{3-18=Int}} {{19-20=other}}
let fn = unavailableInit // expected-error {{'unavailableInit(a:)' has been replaced by 'Int.init(other:)'}} {{12-27=Int.init}}
unavailableNestedInit(a: 0) // expected-error {{'unavailableNestedInit(a:)' has been replaced by 'Foo.Bar.init(other:)'}} {{3-24=Foo.Bar}} {{25-26=other}}
let fn2 = unavailableNestedInit // expected-error {{'unavailableNestedInit(a:)' has been replaced by 'Foo.Bar.init(other:)'}} {{13-34=Foo.Bar.init}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "shinyLabeledArguments()")
func unavailableTooFew(a: Int) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "shinyLabeledArguments()")
func unavailableTooFewUnnamed(_ a: Int) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "shinyLabeledArguments(a:b:)")
func unavailableTooMany(a: Int) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "shinyLabeledArguments(a:b:)")
func unavailableTooManyUnnamed(_ a: Int) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "shinyLabeledArguments(a:)")
func unavailableNoArgsTooMany() {} // expected-note {{here}}
func testRenameArgMismatch() {
unavailableTooFew(a: 0) // expected-error{{'unavailableTooFew(a:)' has been renamed to 'shinyLabeledArguments()'}} {{3-20=shinyLabeledArguments}}
unavailableTooFewUnnamed(0) // expected-error{{'unavailableTooFewUnnamed' has been renamed to 'shinyLabeledArguments()'}} {{3-27=shinyLabeledArguments}}
unavailableTooMany(a: 0) // expected-error{{'unavailableTooMany(a:)' has been renamed to 'shinyLabeledArguments(a:b:)'}} {{3-21=shinyLabeledArguments}}
unavailableTooManyUnnamed(0) // expected-error{{'unavailableTooManyUnnamed' has been renamed to 'shinyLabeledArguments(a:b:)'}} {{3-28=shinyLabeledArguments}}
unavailableNoArgsTooMany() // expected-error{{'unavailableNoArgsTooMany()' has been renamed to 'shinyLabeledArguments(a:)'}} {{3-27=shinyLabeledArguments}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "")
func unavailableInstance(a: Int) {} // expected-note 2 {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "")
func unavailableInstanceUnlabeled(_ a: Int) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "")
func unavailableInstanceFirst(a: Int, b: Int) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "")
func unavailableInstanceSecond(a: Int, b: Int) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "")
func unavailableInstanceSecondOfThree(a: Int, b: Int, c: Int) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "", message: "blah")
func unavailableInstanceMessage(a: Int) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, deprecated, renamed: "")
func deprecatedInstance(a: Int) {}
@available(*, deprecated, renamed: "", message: "blah")
func deprecatedInstanceMessage(a: Int) {}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "")
func unavailableNestedInstance(a: Int) {} // expected-note {{here}}
func testRenameInstance() {
unavailableInstance(a: 0) // expected-error{{'unavailableInstance(a:)' has been replaced by instance method ''}} {{}} {{23-27=}}
unavailableInstanceUnlabeled(0) // expected-error{{'unavailableInstanceUnlabeled' has been replaced by instance method ''}} {{}} {{32-33=}}
unavailableInstanceFirst(a: 0, b: 1) // expected-error{{'unavailableInstanceFirst(a:b:)' has been replaced by instance method ''}} {{}} {{28-34=}} {{34-35=other}}
unavailableInstanceSecond(a: 0, b: 1) // expected-error{{'unavailableInstanceSecond(a:b:)' has been replaced by instance method ''}} {{}} {{29-30=other}} {{33-39=}}
unavailableInstanceSecondOfThree(a: 0, b: 1, c: 2) // expected-error{{'unavailableInstanceSecondOfThree(a:b:c:)' has been replaced by instance method ''}} {{}} {{36-39=}} {{42-48=}}
unavailableInstance(a: 0 + 0) // expected-error{{'unavailableInstance(a:)' has been replaced by instance method ''}} {{3-22=(0 + 0).foo}} {{23-31=}}
unavailableInstanceMessage(a: 0) // expected-error{{'unavailableInstanceMessage(a:)' has been replaced by instance method '': blah}} {{}} {{30-34=}}
deprecatedInstance(a: 0) // expected-warning{{'deprecatedInstance(a:)' is deprecated: replaced by instance method ''}} expected-note{{use '' instead}} {{}} {{22-26=}}
deprecatedInstanceMessage(a: 0) // expected-warning{{'deprecatedInstanceMessage(a:)' is deprecated: blah}} expected-note{{use '' instead}} {{}} {{29-33=}}
unavailableNestedInstance(a: 0) // expected-error{{'unavailableNestedInstance(a:)' has been replaced by instance method ''}} {{}} {{29-33=}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "Int.shinyLabeledArguments(self:)")
func unavailableInstanceTooFew(a: Int, b: Int) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "Int.shinyLabeledArguments(self:)")
func unavailableInstanceTooFewUnnamed(_ a: Int, _ b: Int) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "Int.shinyLabeledArguments(self:b:)")
func unavailableInstanceTooMany(a: Int) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "Int.shinyLabeledArguments(self:b:)")
func unavailableInstanceTooManyUnnamed(_ a: Int) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "Int.shinyLabeledArguments(self:)")
func unavailableInstanceNoArgsTooMany() {} // expected-note {{here}}
func testRenameInstanceArgMismatch() {
unavailableInstanceTooFew(a: 0, b: 1) // expected-error{{'unavailableInstanceTooFew(a:b:)' has been replaced by instance method 'Int.shinyLabeledArguments()'}} {{none}}
unavailableInstanceTooFewUnnamed(0, 1) // expected-error{{'unavailableInstanceTooFewUnnamed' has been replaced by instance method 'Int.shinyLabeledArguments()'}} {{none}}
unavailableInstanceTooMany(a: 0) // expected-error{{'unavailableInstanceTooMany(a:)' has been replaced by instance method 'Int.shinyLabeledArguments(b:)'}} {{none}}
unavailableInstanceTooManyUnnamed(0) // expected-error{{'unavailableInstanceTooManyUnnamed' has been replaced by instance method 'Int.shinyLabeledArguments(b:)'}} {{none}}
unavailableInstanceNoArgsTooMany() // expected-error{{'unavailableInstanceNoArgsTooMany()' has been replaced by instance method 'Int.shinyLabeledArguments()'}} {{none}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "getter:Int.prop(self:)")
func unavailableInstanceProperty(a: Int) {} // expected-note 2 {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "getter:Int.prop(self:)")
func unavailableInstancePropertyUnlabeled(_ a: Int) {} // expected-note 2 {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "getter:Int.prop()")
func unavailableClassProperty() {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "getter:global()")
func unavailableGlobalProperty() {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "getter:Int.prop(self:)", message: "blah")
func unavailableInstancePropertyMessage(a: Int) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "getter:Int.prop()", message: "blah")
func unavailableClassPropertyMessage() {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "getter:global()", message: "blah")
func unavailableGlobalPropertyMessage() {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, deprecated, renamed: "getter:Int.prop(self:)")
func deprecatedInstanceProperty(a: Int) {}
@available(*, deprecated, renamed: "getter:Int.prop()")
func deprecatedClassProperty() {}
@available(*, deprecated, renamed: "getter:global()")
func deprecatedGlobalProperty() {}
@available(*, deprecated, renamed: "getter:Int.prop(self:)", message: "blah")
func deprecatedInstancePropertyMessage(a: Int) {}
@available(*, deprecated, renamed: "getter:Int.prop()", message: "blah")
func deprecatedClassPropertyMessage() {}
@available(*, deprecated, renamed: "getter:global()", message: "blah")
func deprecatedGlobalPropertyMessage() {}
func testRenameGetters() {
unavailableInstanceProperty(a: 1) // expected-error{{'unavailableInstanceProperty(a:)' has been replaced by property 'Int.prop'}} {{3-30=1.prop}} {{30-36=}}
unavailableInstancePropertyUnlabeled(1) // expected-error{{'unavailableInstancePropertyUnlabeled' has been replaced by property 'Int.prop'}} {{3-39=1.prop}} {{39-42=}}
unavailableInstanceProperty(a: 1 + 1) // expected-error{{'unavailableInstanceProperty(a:)' has been replaced by property 'Int.prop'}} {{3-30=(1 + 1).prop}} {{30-40=}}
unavailableInstancePropertyUnlabeled(1 + 1) // expected-error{{'unavailableInstancePropertyUnlabeled' has been replaced by property 'Int.prop'}} {{3-39=(1 + 1).prop}} {{39-46=}}
unavailableClassProperty() // expected-error{{'unavailableClassProperty()' has been replaced by property 'Int.prop'}} {{3-27=Int.prop}} {{27-29=}}
unavailableGlobalProperty() // expected-error{{'unavailableGlobalProperty()' has been replaced by 'global'}} {{3-28=global}} {{28-30=}}
unavailableInstancePropertyMessage(a: 1) // expected-error{{'unavailableInstancePropertyMessage(a:)' has been replaced by property 'Int.prop': blah}} {{3-37=1.prop}} {{37-43=}}
unavailableClassPropertyMessage() // expected-error{{'unavailableClassPropertyMessage()' has been replaced by property 'Int.prop': blah}} {{3-34=Int.prop}} {{34-36=}}
unavailableGlobalPropertyMessage() // expected-error{{'unavailableGlobalPropertyMessage()' has been replaced by 'global': blah}} {{3-35=global}} {{35-37=}}
deprecatedInstanceProperty(a: 1) // expected-warning {{'deprecatedInstanceProperty(a:)' is deprecated: replaced by property 'Int.prop'}} expected-note{{use 'Int.prop' instead}} {{3-29=1.prop}} {{29-35=}}
deprecatedClassProperty() // expected-warning {{'deprecatedClassProperty()' is deprecated: replaced by property 'Int.prop'}} expected-note{{use 'Int.prop' instead}} {{3-26=Int.prop}} {{26-28=}}
deprecatedGlobalProperty() // expected-warning {{'deprecatedGlobalProperty()' is deprecated: replaced by 'global'}} expected-note{{use 'global' instead}} {{3-27=global}} {{27-29=}}
deprecatedInstancePropertyMessage(a: 1) // expected-warning {{'deprecatedInstancePropertyMessage(a:)' is deprecated: blah}} expected-note{{use 'Int.prop' instead}} {{3-36=1.prop}} {{36-42=}}
deprecatedClassPropertyMessage() // expected-warning {{'deprecatedClassPropertyMessage()' is deprecated: blah}} expected-note{{use 'Int.prop' instead}} {{3-33=Int.prop}} {{33-35=}}
deprecatedGlobalPropertyMessage() // expected-warning {{'deprecatedGlobalPropertyMessage()' is deprecated: blah}} expected-note{{use 'global' instead}} {{3-34=global}} {{34-36=}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "setter:Int.prop(self:_:)")
func unavailableSetInstanceProperty(a: Int, b: Int) {} // expected-note 2 {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "setter:Int.prop(_:self:)")
func unavailableSetInstancePropertyReverse(a: Int, b: Int) {} // expected-note 2 {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "setter:Int.prop(self:newValue:)")
func unavailableSetInstancePropertyUnlabeled(_ a: Int, _ b: Int) {} // expected-note 2 {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "setter:Int.prop(newValue:self:)")
func unavailableSetInstancePropertyUnlabeledReverse(_ a: Int, _ b: Int) {} // expected-note 2 {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "setter:Int.prop(x:)")
func unavailableSetClassProperty(a: Int) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "setter:global(_:)")
func unavailableSetGlobalProperty(_ a: Int) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "setter:Int.prop(self:_:)")
func unavailableSetInstancePropertyInout(a: inout Int, b: Int) {} // expected-note {{here}}
func testRenameSetters() {
unavailableSetInstanceProperty(a: 1, b: 2) // expected-error{{'unavailableSetInstanceProperty(a:b:)' has been replaced by property 'Int.prop'}} {{3-33=1.prop}} {{33-43= = }} {{44-45=}}
unavailableSetInstancePropertyUnlabeled(1, 2) // expected-error{{'unavailableSetInstancePropertyUnlabeled' has been replaced by property 'Int.prop'}} {{3-42=1.prop}} {{42-46= = }} {{47-48=}}
unavailableSetInstancePropertyReverse(a: 1, b: 2) // expected-error{{'unavailableSetInstancePropertyReverse(a:b:)' has been replaced by property 'Int.prop'}} {{3-40=2.prop}} {{40-44= = }} {{45-52=}}
unavailableSetInstancePropertyUnlabeledReverse(1, 2) // expected-error{{'unavailableSetInstancePropertyUnlabeledReverse' has been replaced by property 'Int.prop'}} {{3-49=2.prop}} {{49-50= = }} {{51-55=}}
unavailableSetInstanceProperty(a: 1 + 1, b: 2 + 2) // expected-error{{'unavailableSetInstanceProperty(a:b:)' has been replaced by property 'Int.prop'}} {{3-33=(1 + 1).prop}} {{33-47= = }} {{52-53=}}
unavailableSetInstancePropertyUnlabeled(1 + 1, 2 + 2) // expected-error{{'unavailableSetInstancePropertyUnlabeled' has been replaced by property 'Int.prop'}} {{3-42=(1 + 1).prop}} {{42-50= = }} {{55-56=}}
unavailableSetInstancePropertyReverse(a: 1 + 1, b: 2 + 2) // expected-error{{'unavailableSetInstancePropertyReverse(a:b:)' has been replaced by property 'Int.prop'}} {{3-40=(2 + 2).prop}} {{40-44= = }} {{49-60=}}
unavailableSetInstancePropertyUnlabeledReverse(1 + 1, 2 + 2) // expected-error{{'unavailableSetInstancePropertyUnlabeledReverse' has been replaced by property 'Int.prop'}} {{3-49=(2 + 2).prop}} {{49-50= = }} {{55-63=}}
unavailableSetClassProperty(a: 1) // expected-error{{'unavailableSetClassProperty(a:)' has been replaced by property 'Int.prop'}} {{3-30=Int.prop}} {{30-34= = }} {{35-36=}}
unavailableSetGlobalProperty(1) // expected-error{{'unavailableSetGlobalProperty' has been replaced by 'global'}} {{3-31=global}} {{31-32= = }} {{33-34=}}
var x = 0
unavailableSetInstancePropertyInout(a: &x, b: 2) // expected-error{{'unavailableSetInstancePropertyInout(a:b:)' has been replaced by property 'Int.prop'}} {{3-38=x.prop}} {{38-49= = }} {{50-51=}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "")
func trailingClosure(_ value: Int, fn: () -> Void) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "")
func trailingClosureArg(_ value: Int, _ other: Int, fn: () -> Void) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "")
func trailingClosureArg2(_ value: Int, _ other: Int, fn: () -> Void) {} // expected-note {{here}}
func testInstanceTrailingClosure() {
// FIXME: regression in fixit due to noescape-by-default
trailingClosure(0) {} // expected-error {{'trailingClosure(_:fn:)' has been replaced by instance method ''}} // FIXME: {{}} {{19-20=}}
trailingClosureArg(0, 1) {} // expected-error {{'trailingClosureArg(_:_:fn:)' has been replaced by instance method ''}} // FIXME: {{}} {{22-25=}} {{25-25=bar: }}
trailingClosureArg2(0, 1) {} // expected-error {{'trailingClosureArg2(_:_:fn:)' has been replaced by instance method ''}} // FIXME: {{}} {{23-23=bar: }} {{24-27=}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "+")
func add(_ value: Int, _ other: Int) {} // expected-note {{here}}
infix operator ***
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "add")
func ***(value: (), other: ()) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "")
func ***(value: Int, other: Int) {} // expected-note {{here}}
prefix operator ***
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "add")
prefix func ***(value: Int?) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "")
prefix func ***(value: Int) {} // expected-note {{here}}
postfix operator ***
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "add")
postfix func ***(value: Int?) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "")
postfix func ***(value: Int) {} // expected-note {{here}}
func testOperators() {
add(0, 1) // expected-error {{'add' has been renamed to '+'}} {{none}}
() *** () // expected-error {{'***' has been renamed to 'add'}} {{none}}
0 *** 1 // expected-error {{'***' has been replaced by instance method ''}} {{none}}
***nil // expected-error {{'***' has been renamed to 'add'}} {{none}}
***0 // expected-error {{'***' has been replaced by instance method ''}} {{none}}
nil*** // expected-error {{'***' has been renamed to 'add'}} {{none}}
0*** // expected-error {{'***' has been replaced by instance method ''}} {{none}}
extension Int {
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "init(other:)")
static func factory(other: Int) -> Int { return other } // expected-note 2 {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "Int.init(other:)")
static func factory2(other: Int) -> Int { return other } // expected-note 2 {{here}}
static func testFactoryMethods() {
factory(other: 1) // expected-error {{'factory(other:)' has been replaced by 'init(other:)'}} {{none}}
factory2(other: 1) // expected-error {{'factory2(other:)' has been replaced by 'Int.init(other:)'}} {{5-13=Int}}
func testFactoryMethods() {
Int.factory(other: 1) // expected-error {{'factory(other:)' has been replaced by 'init(other:)'}} {{6-14=}}
Int.factory2(other: 1) // expected-error {{'factory2(other:)' has been replaced by 'Int.init(other:)'}} {{3-15=Int}}
class Base {
@available(*, unavailable)
func bad() {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, message: "it was smelly")
func smelly() {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "new")
func old() {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "new", message: "it was smelly")
func oldAndSmelly() {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable)
var badProp: Int { return 0 } // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, message: "it was smelly")
var smellyProp: Int { return 0 } // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "new")
var oldProp: Int { return 0 } // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "new", message: "it was smelly")
var oldAndSmellyProp: Int { return 0 } // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "init")
func nowAnInitializer() {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "init()")
func nowAnInitializer2() {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "foo")
init(nowAFunction: Int) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "foo(_:)")
init(nowAFunction2: Int) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "shinyLabeledArguments(example:)")
func unavailableArgNames(a: Int) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "shinyLabeledArguments(example:)")
func unavailableArgRenamed(a: Int) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "shinyLabeledArguments()")
func unavailableNoArgs() {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "shinyLabeledArguments(a:)")
func unavailableSame(a: Int) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "shinyLabeledArguments(example:)")
func unavailableUnnamed(_ a: Int) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "shinyLabeledArguments(_:)")
func unavailableUnnamedSame(_ a: Int) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "shinyLabeledArguments(_:)")
func unavailableNewlyUnnamed(a: Int) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "shinyLabeledArguments(a:b:)")
func unavailableMultiSame(a: Int, b: Int) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "shinyLabeledArguments(example:another:)")
func unavailableMultiUnnamed(_ a: Int, _ b: Int) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "shinyLabeledArguments(_:_:)")
func unavailableMultiUnnamedSame(_ a: Int, _ b: Int) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "shinyLabeledArguments(_:_:)")
func unavailableMultiNewlyUnnamed(a: Int, b: Int) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "init(shinyNewName:)")
init(unavailableArgNames: Int) {} // expected-note{{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "init(a:)")
init(_ unavailableUnnamed: Int) {} // expected-note{{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "init(_:)")
init(unavailableNewlyUnnamed: Int) {} // expected-note{{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "init(a:b:)")
init(_ unavailableMultiUnnamed: Int, _ b: Int) {} // expected-note{{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "init(_:_:)")
init(unavailableMultiNewlyUnnamed a: Int, b: Int) {} // expected-note{{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "shinyLabeledArguments(x:)")
func unavailableTooFew(a: Int, b: Int) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "shinyLabeledArguments(x:b:)")
func unavailableTooMany(a: Int) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "shinyLabeledArguments(x:)")
func unavailableNoArgsTooMany() {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "Base.shinyLabeledArguments()")
func unavailableHasType() {} // expected-note {{here}}
class Sub : Base {
override func bad() {} // expected-error {{cannot override 'bad' which has been marked unavailable}} {{none}}
override func smelly() {} // expected-error {{cannot override 'smelly' which has been marked unavailable: it was smelly}} {{none}}
override func old() {} // expected-error {{'old()' has been renamed to 'new'}} {{17-20=new}}
override func oldAndSmelly() {} // expected-error {{'oldAndSmelly()' has been renamed to 'new': it was smelly}} {{17-29=new}}
override var badProp: Int { return 0 } // expected-error {{cannot override 'badProp' which has been marked unavailable}} {{none}}
override var smellyProp: Int { return 0 } // expected-error {{cannot override 'smellyProp' which has been marked unavailable: it was smelly}} {{none}}
override var oldProp: Int { return 0 } // expected-error {{'oldProp' has been renamed to 'new'}} {{16-23=new}}
override var oldAndSmellyProp: Int { return 0 } // expected-error {{'oldAndSmellyProp' has been renamed to 'new': it was smelly}} {{16-32=new}}
override func nowAnInitializer() {} // expected-error {{'nowAnInitializer()' has been replaced by 'init'}} {{none}}
override func nowAnInitializer2() {} // expected-error {{'nowAnInitializer2()' has been replaced by 'init()'}} {{none}}
override init(nowAFunction: Int) {} // expected-error {{'init(nowAFunction:)' has been renamed to 'foo'}} {{none}}
override init(nowAFunction2: Int) {} // expected-error {{'init(nowAFunction2:)' has been renamed to 'foo(_:)'}} {{none}}
override func unavailableArgNames(a: Int) {} // expected-error {{'unavailableArgNames(a:)' has been renamed to 'shinyLabeledArguments(example:)'}} {{17-36=shinyLabeledArguments}} {{37-37=example }}
override func unavailableArgRenamed(a param: Int) {} // expected-error {{'unavailableArgRenamed(a:)' has been renamed to 'shinyLabeledArguments(example:)'}} {{17-38=shinyLabeledArguments}} {{39-40=example}}
override func unavailableNoArgs() {} // expected-error {{'unavailableNoArgs()' has been renamed to 'shinyLabeledArguments()'}} {{17-34=shinyLabeledArguments}}
override func unavailableSame(a: Int) {} // expected-error {{'unavailableSame(a:)' has been renamed to 'shinyLabeledArguments(a:)'}} {{17-32=shinyLabeledArguments}}
override func unavailableUnnamed(_ a: Int) {} // expected-error {{'unavailableUnnamed' has been renamed to 'shinyLabeledArguments(example:)'}} {{17-35=shinyLabeledArguments}} {{36-37=example}}
override func unavailableUnnamedSame(_ a: Int) {} // expected-error {{'unavailableUnnamedSame' has been renamed to 'shinyLabeledArguments(_:)'}} {{17-39=shinyLabeledArguments}}
override func unavailableNewlyUnnamed(a: Int) {} // expected-error {{'unavailableNewlyUnnamed(a:)' has been renamed to 'shinyLabeledArguments(_:)'}} {{17-40=shinyLabeledArguments}} {{41-41=_ }}
override func unavailableMultiSame(a: Int, b: Int) {} // expected-error {{'unavailableMultiSame(a:b:)' has been renamed to 'shinyLabeledArguments(a:b:)'}} {{17-37=shinyLabeledArguments}}
override func unavailableMultiUnnamed(_ a: Int, _ b: Int) {} // expected-error {{'unavailableMultiUnnamed' has been renamed to 'shinyLabeledArguments(example:another:)'}} {{17-40=shinyLabeledArguments}} {{41-42=example}} {{51-52=another}}
override func unavailableMultiUnnamedSame(_ a: Int, _ b: Int) {} // expected-error {{'unavailableMultiUnnamedSame' has been renamed to 'shinyLabeledArguments(_:_:)'}} {{17-44=shinyLabeledArguments}}
override func unavailableMultiNewlyUnnamed(a: Int, b: Int) {} // expected-error {{'unavailableMultiNewlyUnnamed(a:b:)' has been renamed to 'shinyLabeledArguments(_:_:)'}} {{17-45=shinyLabeledArguments}} {{46-46=_ }} {{54-54=_ }}
override init(unavailableArgNames: Int) {} // expected-error {{'init(unavailableArgNames:)' has been renamed to 'init(shinyNewName:)'}} {{17-17=shinyNewName }}
override init(_ unavailableUnnamed: Int) {} // expected-error {{'init' has been renamed to 'init(a:)'}} {{17-18=a}}
override init(unavailableNewlyUnnamed: Int) {} // expected-error {{'init(unavailableNewlyUnnamed:)' has been renamed to 'init(_:)'}} {{17-17=_ }}
override init(_ unavailableMultiUnnamed: Int, _ b: Int) {} // expected-error {{'init' has been renamed to 'init(a:b:)'}} {{17-18=a}} {{49-51=}}
override init(unavailableMultiNewlyUnnamed a: Int, b: Int) {} // expected-error {{'init(unavailableMultiNewlyUnnamed:b:)' has been renamed to 'init(_:_:)'}} {{17-45=_}} {{54-54=_ }}
override func unavailableTooFew(a: Int, b: Int) {} // expected-error {{'unavailableTooFew(a:b:)' has been renamed to 'shinyLabeledArguments(x:)'}} {{none}}
override func unavailableTooMany(a: Int) {} // expected-error {{'unavailableTooMany(a:)' has been renamed to 'shinyLabeledArguments(x:b:)'}} {{none}}
override func unavailableNoArgsTooMany() {} // expected-error {{'unavailableNoArgsTooMany()' has been renamed to 'shinyLabeledArguments(x:)'}} {{none}}
override func unavailableHasType() {} // expected-error {{'unavailableHasType()' has been replaced by 'Base.shinyLabeledArguments()'}} {{none}}
// U: Unnamed, L: Labeled
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "after(fn:)")
func closure_U_L(_ x: () -> Int) {} // expected-note 3 {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "after(fn:)")
func closure_L_L(x: () -> Int) {} // expected-note 3 {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "after(_:)")
func closure_L_U(x: () -> Int) {} // expected-note 3 {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "after(arg:fn:)")
func closure_UU_LL(_ x: Int, _ y: () -> Int) {} // expected-note 2 {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "after(arg:fn:)")
func closure_LU_LL(x: Int, _ y: () -> Int) {} // expected-note 2 {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "after(arg:fn:)")
func closure_LL_LL(x: Int, y: () -> Int) {} // expected-note 2 {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "after(arg:fn:)")
func closure_UU_LL_ne(_ x: Int, _ y: () -> Int) {} // expected-note 2 {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "after(arg:_:)")
func closure_UU_LU(_ x: Int, _ closure: () -> Int) {} // expected-note 2 {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "after(arg:_:)")
func closure_LU_LU(x: Int, _ closure: () -> Int) {} // expected-note 2 {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "after(arg:_:)")
func closure_LL_LU(x: Int, y: () -> Int) {} // expected-note 2 {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "after(arg:_:)")
func closure_UU_LU_ne(_ x: Int, _ y: () -> Int) {} // expected-note 2 {{here}}
func testTrailingClosure() {
closure_U_L { 0 } // expected-error {{'closure_U_L' has been renamed to 'after(fn:)'}} {{3-14=after}} {{none}}
closure_U_L() { 0 } // expected-error {{'closure_U_L' has been renamed to 'after(fn:)'}} {{3-14=after}} {{none}}
closure_U_L({ 0 }) // expected-error {{'closure_U_L' has been renamed to 'after(fn:)'}} {{3-14=after}} {{15-15=fn: }} {{none}}
closure_L_L { 0 } // expected-error {{'closure_L_L(x:)' has been renamed to 'after(fn:)'}} {{3-14=after}} {{none}}
closure_L_L() { 0 } // expected-error {{'closure_L_L(x:)' has been renamed to 'after(fn:)'}} {{3-14=after}} {{none}}
closure_L_L(x: { 0 }) // expected-error {{'closure_L_L(x:)' has been renamed to 'after(fn:)'}} {{3-14=after}} {{15-16=fn}} {{none}}
closure_L_U { 0 } // expected-error {{'closure_L_U(x:)' has been renamed to 'after(_:)'}} {{3-14=after}} {{none}}
closure_L_U() { 0 } // expected-error {{'closure_L_U(x:)' has been renamed to 'after(_:)'}} {{3-14=after}} {{none}}
closure_L_U(x: { 0 }) // expected-error {{'closure_L_U(x:)' has been renamed to 'after(_:)'}} {{3-14=after}} {{15-18=}} {{none}}
closure_UU_LL(0) { 0 } // expected-error {{'closure_UU_LL' has been renamed to 'after(arg:fn:)'}} {{3-16=after}} {{17-17=arg: }} {{none}}
closure_UU_LL(0, { 0 }) // expected-error {{'closure_UU_LL' has been renamed to 'after(arg:fn:)'}} {{3-16=after}} {{17-17=arg: }} {{20-20=fn: }} {{none}}
closure_LU_LL(x: 0) { 0 } // expected-error {{'closure_LU_LL(x:_:)' has been renamed to 'after(arg:fn:)'}} {{3-16=after}} {{17-18=arg}} {{none}}
closure_LU_LL(x: 0, { 0 }) // expected-error {{'closure_LU_LL(x:_:)' has been renamed to 'after(arg:fn:)'}} {{3-16=after}} {{17-18=arg}} {{23-23=fn: }} {{none}}
closure_LL_LL(x: 1) { 1 } // expected-error {{'closure_LL_LL(x:y:)' has been renamed to 'after(arg:fn:)'}} {{3-16=after}} {{17-18=arg}} {{none}}
closure_LL_LL(x: 1, y: { 0 }) // expected-error {{'closure_LL_LL(x:y:)' has been renamed to 'after(arg:fn:)'}} {{3-16=after}} {{17-18=arg}} {{23-24=fn}} {{none}}
closure_UU_LL_ne(1) { 1 } // expected-error {{'closure_UU_LL_ne' has been renamed to 'after(arg:fn:)'}} {{3-19=after}} {{20-20=arg: }} {{none}}
closure_UU_LL_ne(1, { 0 }) // expected-error {{'closure_UU_LL_ne' has been renamed to 'after(arg:fn:)'}} {{3-19=after}} {{20-20=arg: }} {{23-23=fn: }} {{none}}
closure_UU_LU(0) { 0 } // expected-error {{'closure_UU_LU' has been renamed to 'after(arg:_:)'}} {{3-16=after}} {{17-17=arg: }} {{none}}
closure_UU_LU(0, { 0 }) // expected-error {{'closure_UU_LU' has been renamed to 'after(arg:_:)'}} {{3-16=after}} {{17-17=arg: }} {{none}}
closure_LU_LU(x: 0) { 0 } // expected-error {{'closure_LU_LU(x:_:)' has been renamed to 'after(arg:_:)'}} {{3-16=after}} {{17-18=arg}} {{none}}
closure_LU_LU(x: 0, { 0 }) // expected-error {{'closure_LU_LU(x:_:)' has been renamed to 'after(arg:_:)'}} {{3-16=after}} {{17-18=arg}} {{none}}
closure_LL_LU(x: 1) { 1 } // expected-error {{'closure_LL_LU(x:y:)' has been renamed to 'after(arg:_:)'}} {{3-16=after}} {{17-18=arg}} {{none}}
closure_LL_LU(x: 1, y: { 0 }) // expected-error {{'closure_LL_LU(x:y:)' has been renamed to 'after(arg:_:)'}} {{3-16=after}} {{17-18=arg}} {{23-26=}} {{none}}
closure_UU_LU_ne(1) { 1 } // expected-error {{'closure_UU_LU_ne' has been renamed to 'after(arg:_:)'}} {{3-19=after}} {{20-20=arg: }} {{none}}
closure_UU_LU_ne(1, { 0 }) // expected-error {{'closure_UU_LU_ne' has been renamed to 'after(arg:_:)'}} {{3-19=after}} {{20-20=arg: }} {{none}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "after(x:)")
func defaultUnnamed(_ a: Int = 1) {} // expected-note 2 {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "after(x:y:)")
func defaultBeforeRequired(a: Int = 1, b: Int) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "after(x:y:z:)")
func defaultPlusTrailingClosure(a: Int = 1, b: Int = 2, c: () -> Void) {} // expected-note 3 {{here}}
func testDefaults() {
defaultUnnamed() // expected-error {{'defaultUnnamed' has been renamed to 'after(x:)'}} {{3-17=after}} {{none}}
defaultUnnamed(1) // expected-error {{'defaultUnnamed' has been renamed to 'after(x:)'}} {{3-17=after}} {{18-18=x: }} {{none}}
defaultBeforeRequired(b: 5) // expected-error {{'defaultBeforeRequired(a:b:)' has been renamed to 'after(x:y:)'}} {{3-24=after}} {{25-26=y}} {{none}}
defaultPlusTrailingClosure {} // expected-error {{'defaultPlusTrailingClosure(a:b:c:)' has been renamed to 'after(x:y:z:)'}} {{3-29=after}} {{none}}
defaultPlusTrailingClosure(c: {}) // expected-error {{'defaultPlusTrailingClosure(a:b:c:)' has been renamed to 'after(x:y:z:)'}} {{3-29=after}} {{30-31=z}} {{none}}
defaultPlusTrailingClosure(a: 1) {} // expected-error {{'defaultPlusTrailingClosure(a:b:c:)' has been renamed to 'after(x:y:z:)'}} {{3-29=after}} {{30-31=x}} {{none}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "after(x:y:)")
func variadic1(a: Int ..., b: Int = 0) {} // expected-note 2 {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "after(x:y:)")
func variadic2(a: Int, _ b: Int ...) {} // expected-note {{here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "after(x:_:y:z:)")
func variadic3(_ a: Int, b: Int ..., c: String = "", d: String) {} // expected-note 2 {{here}}
func testVariadic() {
variadic1(a: 1, 2) // expected-error {{'variadic1(a:b:)' has been renamed to 'after(x:y:)'}} {{3-12=after}} {{13-14=x}} {{none}}
variadic1(a: 1, 2, b: 3) // expected-error {{'variadic1(a:b:)' has been renamed to 'after(x:y:)'}} {{3-12=after}} {{13-14=x}} {{22-23=y}} {{none}}
variadic2(a: 1, 2, 3) // expected-error {{'variadic2(a:_:)' has been renamed to 'after(x:y:)'}} {{3-12=after}} {{13-14=x}} {{19-19=y: }} {{none}}
variadic3(1, b: 2, 3, d: "test") // expected-error {{'variadic3(_:b:c:d:)' has been renamed to 'after(x:_:y:z:)'}} {{3-12=after}} {{13-13=x: }} {{16-19=}} {{25-26=z}} {{none}}
variadic3(1, d:"test") // expected-error {{'variadic3(_:b:c:d:)' has been renamed to 'after(x:_:y:z:)'}} {{3-12=after}} {{13-13=x: }} {{16-17=z}} {{none}}